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[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / 6600scoreboard.mdwn
1 # 6600-style Scoreboards
3 Images reproduced with kind permission from Mitch Alsup
5 # Modifications needed to Computation Unit and Group Picker
7 The scoreboard uses two big NOR gates respectively to determine when there
8 are no read/write hazards. These two NOR gates are permanently active
9 (per Function Unit) even if the Function Unit is idle.
11 In the case of the Write path, these "permanently-on" signals are gated
12 by a Write-Release-Request signal that would otherwise leave the Priority
13 Picker permanently selecting one of the Function Units (the highest priority).
14 However the same thing has to be done for the read path, as well.
16 Below are the modifications required to add a read-release path that
17 will prevent a Function Unit from requesting a GoRead signal when it
18 has no need to read registers. Note that once both the Busy and GoRead
19 signals combined are dropped, the ReadRelease is dropped.
21 Note that this is a loop: GoRead (ANDed with Busy) goes through
22 to the priority picker, which generates GoRead, so it is critical
23 (in a modern design) to use a clock-sync'd latch in this path.
25 [[!img comp_unit_req_rel.jpg]]
26 [[!img group_pick_rd_rel.jpg]]
28 # Modifications to Dependency Cell
30 Note: this version still requires CLK to operate on a HI-LO cycle.
31 Further modifications are needed to create an ISSUE-GORD-PAUSE ISSUE-GORD-PAUSE
32 sequence. For now however it is easier to stick with the original
33 diagrams produced by Mitch Alsup.
35 The dependency cell is responsible for recording that a Function Unit
36 requires the use of a dest or src register, which is given in UNARY.
37 It is also responsible for "defending" that unary register bit for
38 read and write hazards, and for also, on request (GoRead/GoWrite)
39 generating a "Register File Select" signal.
41 The sequence of operations for determining hazards is as follows:
43 * Issue goes HI when CLK is HI. If any of Dest / Oper1 / Oper2 are also HI,
44 the relevant SRLatch will go HI to indicate that this Function Unit requires
45 the use of this dest/src register
46 * Bear in mind that this cell works in conjunction with the FU-FU cells
47 * Issue is LOW when CLK is HI. This is where the "defending" comes into
48 play. There will be *another* Function Unit somewhere that has had
49 its Issue line raised. This cell needs to know if there is a conflict
50 (Read Hazard or Write Hazard).
51 * Therefore, *this* cell must, if either of the Oper1/Oper2 signals are
52 HI, output a "Read after Write" (RaW) hazard if its Dest Latch (Dest-Q) is HI.
53 This is the *Read_Pending* signal.
54 * Likewise, if either of the two SRC Latches (Oper1-Q or Oper2-Q) are HI,
55 this cell must output a "Write after Read" (WaR) hazard if the (other)
56 instruction has raised the unary Dest line.
58 The sequence for determining register select is as follows:
60 * After the Issue+CLK-HI has resulted in the relevant (unary) latches for
61 dest and src (unary) latches being set, at some point a GoRead (or GoWrite)
62 signal needs to be asserted
63 * The GoRead (or GoWrite) is asserted when *CLK is LOW*. The AND gate
64 on Reset ensures that the SRLatch *remains ENABLED*.
65 * This gives an opportunity for the Latch Q to be ANDed with the GoRead
66 (or GoWrite), raising an indicator flag that the register is being
67 "selected" by this Function Unit.
68 * The "select" outputs from the entire column (all Function Units for this
69 unary Register) are ORed together. Given that only one GoRead (or GoWrite)
70 is guaranteed to be ASSERTed (because that is the Priority Picker's job),
71 the ORing is acceptable.
72 * Whilst the GoRead (or GoWrite) signal is still asserted HI, the *CLK*
73 line goes *LOW*. With the Reset-AND-gate now being HI, this *clears* the
74 latch. This is the desired outcome because in the previous cycle (which
75 happened to be when CLK was LOW), the register file was read (or written)
77 The release of the latch happens to have a by-product of releasing the
78 "reservation", such that future instructions, if they ever test for
79 Read/Write hazards, will find that this Cell no longer responds: the
80 hazard has already passed as this Cell already indicated that it was
81 safe to read (or write) the register file, freeing up future instructions
82 from hazards in the process.
84 [[!img dependence_cell_pending.jpg]]
86 # Shadowing
88 Shadowing is important as it is the fundamental basis of:
90 * Precise exceptions
91 * Write-after-write hazard avoidance
92 * Correct multi-issue instruction sequencing
93 * Branch speculation
95 Modifications to the shadow circuit below allow the shadow flip-flops
96 to be automatically reset after a Function Unit "dies". Without these
97 modifications, the shadow unit may spuriously fire on subsequent re-use
98 due to some of the latches being left in a previous state.
100 Note that only "success" will cause the latch to reset. Note also
101 that the introduction of the NOT gate causes the latch to be more like
102 a DFF (register).
104 [[!img shadow.jpg]]
106 # Store Computation Unit
108 * Issue will close the opcode latch and OPEN the operand latch AND
109 trigger "Request-Read" (and set "Busy")
110 * Go-Read will close the operand latch and OPEN the address latch AND
111 trigger "Request Address".
112 * Go-Address will close the address latch and OPEN the result latch
113 AND trigger "Request Write"
114 * Go-Write will close the result latch and OPEN the opcode latch, and
115 reset BUSY back to OFF, ready for a new cycle.
117 [[!img st_comp_unit.jpg]]