[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / architecture / 6600scoreboard.mdwn
1 # 6600-style Scoreboards
3 Images reproduced with kind permission from Mitch Alsup
5 # Modifications needed to Computation Unit and Group Picker
7 The scoreboard uses two big NOR gates respectively to determine when there
8 are no read/write hazards. These two NOR gates are permanently active
9 (per Function Unit) even if the Function Unit is idle.
11 In the case of the Write path, these "permanently-on" signals are gated
12 by a Write-Release-Request signal that would otherwise leave the Priority
13 Picker permanently selecting one of the Function Units (the highest priority).
14 However the same thing has to be done for the read path, as well.
16 Below are the modifications required to add a read-release path that
17 will prevent a Function Unit from requesting a GoRead signal when it
18 has no need to read registers. Note that once both the Busy and GoRead
19 signals combined are dropped, the ReadRelease is dropped.
21 Note that this is a loop: GoRead (ANDed with Busy) goes through
22 to the priority picker, which generates GoRead, so it is critical
23 (in a modern design) to use a clock-sync'd latch in this path.
25 [[!img comp_unit_req_rel.jpg]]
26 [[!img group_pick_rd_rel.jpg]]
28 [[!img priority_picker_16_yosys.png size="400x"]]
30 Source:
32 * [Priority Pickers](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=nmutil.git;a=blob;f=src/nmutil/picker.py;hb=HEAD)
33 * [ALU Comp Units](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/experiment/compalu.py;h=f7b5e411a739e770777ceb71d7bd09fe4e70e8c0;hb=b08dee1c3e8cf0d635820693fe50cd0518caeed2)
35 # Multi-in cascading Priority Picker
37 Using the Group Picker as a fundamental unit, a cascading chain is created,
38 with each output "masking" an output from being selected in all down-chain
39 Pickers. Whilst the input is a single unary array of bits, the output is
40 *multiple* unary arrays where only one bit in each is set.
42 This can be used for "port selection", for example when there are multiple
43 Register File ports or multiple LOAD/STORE cache "ways", and there are many
44 more devices seeking access to those "ports" than there are actual ports.
45 (If the number of devices seeking access to ports were equal to the number
46 of ports, each device could be allocated its own dedicated port).
48 Click on image to see full-sized version:
50 [[!img multi_priority_picker.png size="800x"]]
52 Links:
54 * [Priority Pickers](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=nmutil.git;a=blob;f=src/nmutil/picker.py;hb=HEAD)
55 * <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005204.html>
57 # Modifications to Dependency Cell
59 Note: this version still requires CLK to operate on a HI-LO cycle.
60 Further modifications are needed to create an ISSUE-GORD-PAUSE ISSUE-GORD-PAUSE
61 sequence. For now however it is easier to stick with the original
62 diagrams produced by Mitch Alsup.
64 The dependency cell is responsible for recording that a Function Unit
65 requires the use of a dest or src register, which is given in UNARY.
66 It is also responsible for "defending" that unary register bit for
67 read and write hazards, and for also, on request (GoRead/GoWrite)
68 generating a "Register File Select" signal.
70 The sequence of operations for determining hazards is as follows:
72 * Issue goes HI when CLK is HI. If any of Dest / Oper1 / Oper2 are also HI,
73 the relevant SRLatch will go HI to indicate that this Function Unit requires
74 the use of this dest/src register
75 * Bear in mind that this cell works in conjunction with the FU-FU cells
76 * Issue is LOW when CLK is HI. This is where the "defending" comes into
77 play. There will be *another* Function Unit somewhere that has had
78 its Issue line raised. This cell needs to know if there is a conflict
79 (Read Hazard or Write Hazard).
80 * Therefore, *this* cell must, if either of the Oper1/Oper2 signals are
81 HI, output a "Read after Write" (RaW) hazard if its Dest Latch (Dest-Q) is HI.
82 This is the *Read_Pending* signal.
83 * Likewise, if either of the two SRC Latches (Oper1-Q or Oper2-Q) are HI,
84 this cell must output a "Write after Read" (WaR) hazard if the (other)
85 instruction has raised the unary Dest line.
87 The sequence for determining register select is as follows:
89 * After the Issue+CLK-HI has resulted in the relevant (unary) latches for
90 dest and src (unary) latches being set, at some point a GoRead (or GoWrite)
91 signal needs to be asserted
92 * The GoRead (or GoWrite) is asserted when *CLK is LOW*. The AND gate
93 on Reset ensures that the SRLatch *remains ENABLED*.
94 * This gives an opportunity for the Latch Q to be ANDed with the GoRead
95 (or GoWrite), raising an indicator flag that the register is being
96 "selected" by this Function Unit.
97 * The "select" outputs from the entire column (all Function Units for this
98 unary Register) are ORed together. Given that only one GoRead (or GoWrite)
99 is guaranteed to be ASSERTed (because that is the Priority Picker's job),
100 the ORing is acceptable.
101 * Whilst the GoRead (or GoWrite) signal is still asserted HI, the *CLK*
102 line goes *LOW*. With the Reset-AND-gate now being HI, this *clears* the
103 latch. This is the desired outcome because in the previous cycle (which
104 happened to be when CLK was LOW), the register file was read (or written)
106 The release of the latch happens to have a by-product of releasing the
107 "reservation", such that future instructions, if they ever test for
108 Read/Write hazards, will find that this Cell no longer responds: the
109 hazard has already passed as this Cell already indicated that it was
110 safe to read (or write) the register file, freeing up future instructions
111 from hazards in the process.
113 [[!img dependence_cell_pending.jpg]]
115 # Shadowing
117 Shadowing is important as it is the fundamental basis of:
119 * Precise exceptions
120 * Write-after-write hazard avoidance
121 * Correct multi-issue instruction sequencing
122 * Branch speculation
124 Modifications to the shadow circuit below allow the shadow flip-flops
125 to be automatically reset after a Function Unit "dies". Without these
126 modifications, the shadow unit may spuriously fire on subsequent re-use
127 due to some of the latches being left in a previous state.
129 Note that only "success" will cause the latch to reset. Note also
130 that the introduction of the NOT gate causes the latch to be more like
131 a DFF (register).
133 [[!img shadow.jpg]]
135 # LD/ST Computation Unit
137 The Load/Store Computation Unit is a little more complex, involving
138 three functions: LOAD, STORE, and INT Addition. The SR Latches create
139 a cyclic chain (just as with the ALU Computation Unit) however here
140 there are three possible chains.
142 * INT Addition mode will activate Issue, GoRead, GoWrite
143 * LD Mode will activate Issue, GoRead, GoAddr then finally GoWrite
144 * ST Mode will activate Issue, GoRead, GoAddr then GoStore.
146 These signals will be allowed to activate when the correct "Req" lines
147 are active. Cyclically respecting these request-response signals results in
148 the SR Latches never going into "unstable / unknown" states.
150 * Issue will close the opcode latch and OPEN the operand latch AND
151 trigger "Request-Read" (and set "Busy")
152 * Go-Read will close the operand latch and OPEN the address latch AND
153 trigger "Request Address".
154 * Go-Address will close the address latch and OPEN the result latch
155 AND trigger "Request Write"
156 * Go-Write will close the result latch and OPEN the opcode latch, and
157 reset BUSY back to OFF, ready for a new cycle.
159 Note: there is an error in the diagram, compared to the source code.
160 It was necessary to capture src2 (op2) separate from src1 (op1), so that
161 for the ST, op2 goes into the STORE as the data, not op1.
163 Source:
165 * [LD/ST Comp Units](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/experiment/compldst.py;h=206f44876b00b6c1d94716e624a03e81208120d4;hb=a0e1af6c5dab5c324a8bf3a7ce6eb665d26a65c1)
167 [[!img ld_st_comp_unit.png]]
169 # Memory-Memory Dependency Matrix
171 Due to the possibility of more than on LD/ST being in flight, it is necessary
172 to determine which memory operations are conflicting, and to preserve a
173 semblance of order. It turns out that as long as there is no *possibility*
174 of overlaps (note this wording carefully), and that LOADs are done separately
175 from STOREs, this is sufficient.
177 The first step then is to ensure that only a mutually-exclusive batch of LDs
178 *or* STs (not both) is detected, with the order between such batches being
179 preserved. This is what the memory-memory dependency matrix does.
181 "WAR" stands for "Write After Read" and is an SR Latch. "RAW" stands for
182 "Read After Write" and likewise is an SR Latch. Any LD which comes in
183 when a ST is pending will result in the relevant RAW SR Latch going active.
184 Likewise, any ST which comes in when a LD is pending results in the
185 relevant WAR SR Latch going active.
187 LDs can thus be prevented when it has any dependent RAW hazards active,
188 and likewise STs can be prevented when any dependent WAR hazards are active.
189 The matrix also ensures that ordering is preserved.
191 Note however that this is the equivalent of an ALU "FU-FU" Matrix. A
192 separate Register-Mem Dependency Matrix is *still needed* in order to
193 preserve the **register** read/write dependencies that occur between
194 instructions, where the Mem-Mem Matrix simply protects against memory
195 hazards.
197 Note also that it does not detect address clashes: that is the responsibility
198 of the Address Match Matrix.
200 Source:
202 * [Memory-Dependency Row](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/scoreboard/mem_dependence_cell.py;h=2958d864cec75480b97a0725d9b3c44f53d2e7a0;hb=a0e1af6c5dab5c324a8bf3a7ce6eb665d26a65c1)
203 * [Memory-Dependency Matrix](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/scoreboard/mem_fu_matrix.py;h=6b9ce140312290a26babe2e3e3d821ae3036e3ab;hb=a0e1af6c5dab5c324a8bf3a7ce6eb665d26a65c1)
205 [[!img ld_st_dep_matrix.png size="600x"]]
207 # Address Match Matrix
209 This is an important adjunct to the Memory Dependency Matrices: it ensures
210 that no LDs or STs overlap, because if they did it could result in memory
211 corruption. Example: a 64-bit ST at address 0x0001 comes in at the
212 same time as a 64-bit ST to address 0x0002: the second write will overwrite
213 all writes to bytes in memory 0x0002 thru 0x0008 of the first write,
214 and consequently the order of these two writes absolutely has to be
215 preserved.
217 The suggestion from Mitch Alsup was to use a match system based on bits
218 4 thru 10/11 of the address. The idea being: we don't care if the matching
219 is "too inclusive", i.e. we don't care if it includes addresses that don't
220 actually overlap, because this just means "oh dear some LD/STs do not
221 happen concurrently, they happen a few cycles later" (translation: Big Deal)
223 What we care about is if it were to **miss** some addresses that **do**
224 actually overlap. Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to use only a few
225 bits of the address. This is fortunate because the matching has to be
226 done in a huge NxN Pascal's Triangle, and if we were to compare against
227 the entirety of the address it would consume vast amounts of power and gates.
229 An enhancement of this idea is to turn the length of the operation
230 (LD/ST 1 byte, 2 bytes, 4 or 8 bytes) into a byte-map "mask", using the
231 bottom 4 bits of the address to offset this mask and "line up" with
232 the Memory byte read/write enable wires on the underlying Memory used
233 in the L1 Cache.
235 Then, the bottom 4 bits and the LD/ST length, now turned into a 16-bit unary
236 mask, can be "matched" using simple AND gate logic (instead of XOR for
237 binary address matching), with the advantage that it is both trivial to
238 use these masks as L1 Cache byte read/write enable lines, and furthermore
239 it is straightforward to detect misaligned LD/STs crossing cache line
240 boundaries.
242 Crossing over cache line boundaries is trivial in that the creation of
243 the byte-map mask is permitted to be 24 bits in length (actually, only
244 23 needed). When the bottom 4 bits of the address are 0b1111 and the
245 LD/ST is an 8-byte operation, 0b1111 1111 (representing the 64-bit LD/ST)
246 will be shifted up by 15 bits. This can then be chopped into two
247 segments:
249 * First segment is 0b1000 0000 0000 0000 and indicates that the
250 first byte of the LD/ST is to go into byte 15 of the cache line
251 * Second segment is 0b0111 1111 and indicates that bytes 2 through
252 8 of the LD/ST must go into bytes 0 thru 7 of the **second**
253 cache line at an address offset by 16 bytes from the first.
255 Thus we have actually split the LD/ST operation into two. The AddrSplit
256 class takes care of synchronising the two, by issuing two *separate*
257 sets of LD/ST requests, waiting for both of them to complete (or indicate
258 an error), and (in the case of a LD) merging the two.
260 The big advantage of this approach is that at no time does the L1 Cache
261 need to know anything about the offsets from which the LD/ST came. All
262 it needs to know is: which bytes to read/write into which positions
263 in the cache line(s).
265 Source:
267 * [Address Matcher](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/scoreboard/addr_match.py;h=a47f635f4e9c56a7a13329810855576358110339;hb=a0e1af6c5dab5c324a8bf3a7ce6eb665d26a65c1)
268 * [Address Splitter](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/scoreboard/addr_split.py;h=bf89e0970e9a8b44c76018660114172f5a3061f4;hb=a0e1af6c5dab5c324a8bf3a7ce6eb665d26a65c1)
270 [[!img ld_st_splitter.png size="600x"]]
272 # L0 Cache/Buffer
274 See bugreports:
276 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=216>
277 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=257>
279 The L0 cache/buffer needs to be kept extremely small due to it having
280 significant extra CAM functionality than a normal L1 cache. However,
281 crucially, the Memory Dependency Matrices and address-matching
282 [take care of certain things](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=216#c20)
283 that greatly simplify its role.
285 The problem is that a standard "queue" in a multi-issue environment would
286 need to be massively-ported: 8-way read and 8-way write. However that's not
287 the only problem: the major problem is caused by the fact that we are
288 overloading "vectorisation" on top of multi-issue execution, where a
289 "normal" vector system would have a Vector LD/ST operation where sequences
290 of consecutive LDs/STs are part of the same operation, and thus a "full
291 cache line" worth of reads/writes is near-trivial to perform and detect.
293 Thus with the "element" LD/STs being farmed out to *individual* LD/ST
294 Computation Units, a batch of consecutive LD/ST operations arrive at the
295 LD/ST Buffer which could - hypothetically - be merged into a single
296 cache line, prior to passing them on to the L1 cache.
298 This is the primary task of the L0 Cache/Buffer: to resolve multiple
299 (potentially misaligned) 1/2/4/8 LD/ST operations (per cycle) into one
300 **single** L1 16-byte LD/ST operation.
302 The amount of wiring involved however is so enormous (3,000+ wires if
303 "only" 4-in 4-out multiplexing is done from the LD/ST Function Units) that
304 considerable care has to be taken to not massively overload the ASIC
305 layout.
307 To help with this, a recommendation from
308 [comp.arch](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.arch/cbGAlcCjiZE)
309 came to do a split odd-even double-L1-cache system: have *two* L1 caches,
310 one dealing with even-numbered 16-byte cache lines (addressed by bit 4 == 0)
311 and one dealing with odd-numbered 16-byte cache lines (addr[4] == 1).
312 This trick doubles the sequential throughput whilst halving the bandwidth
313 of a drastically-overloaded multiplexer bus.
314 Thus, we can also have two L0 LD/ST Cache/Buffers (one each looking after
315 its corresponding L1 cache).
317 The next phase - task - of the L0 Cache/Buffer - is to identify and merge
318 any requests with the same top 5 bits. This becomes a trivial task (under
319 certain conditions, already satisfied by other components), by simply
320 picking the first request, and using that row's address as a search
321 pattern to match against all upper bits (5 onwards). When such a match
322 is located, then due to the job(s) carried out by prior components, the
323 byte-mask for all requests with the same upper address bits may simply be
324 ORed together.
326 This requires a little back-tracking to explain. The prerequisite
327 conditions are as follows:
329 * Mask, in each row of the L0 Cache/Buffer, encodes the bottom 4 LSBs
330 of the address **and** the length of the LD/ST operation (1/2/4/8 bytes),
331 in a "bitmap" form.
332 * These "Masks" have already been analysed for overlaps by the Address
333 Match Matrix: we **know** therefore that there are no overlaps (hence why
334 addresses with the same MSBs from bits 5 and above may have their
335 masks ORed together)
337 [[!img mem_l0_to_l1_bridge.png size="600x"]]
339 ## Twin L0 cache/buffer design
341 See <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.arch/cbGAlcCjiZE/OPNAvWSHAQAJ>.
342 [Flaws](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=216#c24)
343 in the above were detected, and needed correction.
345 Notes:
347 * The flaw detected above is that for each pair of LD/ST operations
348 coming from the Function Unit (to cover mis-aligned requests),
349 the Addr[4] bit is **mutually-exclusive**. i.e. it is **guaranteed**
350 that Addr[4] for the first FU port's LD/ST request will **never**
351 equal that of the second.
352 * Therefore, if the two requests are split into left/right separate L0
353 Cache/Buffers, the advantages and optimisations for XOR-comparison
354 of bits 12-48 of the address **may not take place**.
355 * Solution: merge both L0-left and L0-right into one L0 Cache/Buffer,
356 with twin left/right banks in the same L0 Cache/Buffer
357 * This then means that the number of rows may be reduced to 8
358 * It also means that Addr[12-48] may be stored (and compared) only once
359 * It does however mean that the reservation on the row has to wait for
360 *both* ports (left and right) to clear out their LD/ST operation(s).
361 * Addr[4] still selects whether the request is to go into left or right bank
362 * When the misaligned address bits 4-11 are all 0b11111111, this is not
363 a case that can be handled, because it implies that Addr[12:48] will
364 be **different** in the row. This case throws a misaligned exception.
366 Other than that, the design remains the same, as does the algorithm to
367 merge the bytemasks. This remains as follows:
369 * PriorityPicker selects one row
370 * For all rows greater than the selected row, if Addr[5:48] matches
371 then the bytemask is "merged" into the output-bytemask-selector
372 * The output-bytemask-selector is used as a "byte-enable" line on
373 a single 128-bit byte-level read-or-write (never both).
375 Twin 128-bit requests (read-or-write) are then passed directly through
376 to a pair of L1 Caches.
378 [[!img twin_l0_cache_buffer.jpg size="600x"]]
380 # Multi-input/output Dependency Cell and Computation Unit
382 * <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohHbWRLDCfs>
383 * <https://youtu.be/H0Le4ZF0cd0>
385 apologies that this is best done using images rather than text.
386 i'm doing a redesign of the (augmented) 6600 engine because there
387 are a couple of design criteria/assumptions that do not fit our
388 requirements:
390 1. operations are only 2-in, 1-out
391 2. simultaneous register port read (and write) availability is guaranteed.
393 we require:
395 1. operations with up to *four* in and up to *three* out
396 2. sporadic availability of far less than 4 Reg-Read ports and 3 Reg-Write
398 here are the two associated diagrams which describe the *original*
399 6600 computational unit and FU-to-Regs Dependency Cell:
401 1. comp unit https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/comp_unit_req_rel.jpg
402 2. dep cell https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/dependence_cell_pending.jpg
404 as described here https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/architecture/6600scoreboard/
405 we found a signal missing from Mitch's book chapters, and tracked it down
406 from the original Thornton "Design of a Computer": Read_Release. this
407 is a synchronisation / acknowledgement signal for Go_Read which is directly
408 analogous to Req_Rel for Go_Write.
410 also in the dependency cell, we found that it is necessary to OR the
411 two "Read" Oper1 and Oper2 signals together and to AND that with the
412 Write_Pending Latch (top latch in diagram 2.) as shown in the wonderfully
413 hand-drawn orange OR gate.
415 thus, Read-After-Write hazard occurs if there is a Write_Pending *AND*
416 any Read (oper1 *OR* oper2) is requested.
419 now onto the additional modifications.
421 3. comp unit https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/compunit_multi_rw.jpg
422 4. dep cell https://libre-soc.org/3d_gpu/dependence_cell_multi_pending.jpg
424 firstly, the computation unit modifications:
426 * multiple Go_Read signals are present, GoRD1-3
427 * multiple incoming operands are present, Op1-3
428 * multiple Go_Write signals are present, GoWR1-3
429 * multiple outgoing results are present, Out1-2
431 note that these are *NOT* necessarily 64-bit registers: they are in fact
432 Carry Flags because we are implementing POWER9. however (as mentioned
433 yesterday in the huge 250+ discussion, as far as the Dep Matrices are
434 concerned you still have to treat Carry-In and Carry-out as Read/Write
435 Hazard-protected *actual* Registers)
437 in the original 6600 comp unit diagram (1), because the "Go_Read" assumes
438 that *both* registers will be read (and supplied) simultaneously from
439 the Register File, the sequence - the Finite State Machine - is real
440 simple:
442 * ISSUE -> BUSY (latched)
443 * RD-REQ -> GO_RD
444 * WR-REQ -> GO_WR
445 * repeat
447 [aside: there is a protective "revolving door" loop where the SR latch for
448 each state in the FSM is guaranteed stable (never reaches "unknown") ]
450 in *this* diagram (3), we instead need:
452 * ISSUE -> BUSY (latched)
453 * RD-REQ1 -> GO_RD1 (may occur independent of RD2/3)
454 * RD-REQ2 -> GO_RD2 (may occur independent of RD1/3)
455 * RD-REQ3 -> GO_RD3 (may occur independent of RD1/2)
456 * when all 3 of GO_RD1-3 have been asserted,
457 ONLY THEN raise WR-REQ1-2
458 * WR-REQ1 -> GO_WR1 (may occur independent of WR2)
459 * WR-REQ2 -> GO_WR2 (may occur independent of WR1)
460 * when all (2) of GO_WR1-2 have been asserted,
461 ONLY THEN reset back to the beginning.
463 note the crucial difference is that read request and acknowledge (GO_RD)
464 are *all independent* and may occur:
466 * in any order
467 * in any combination
468 * all at the same time
470 likewise for write-request/go-write.
472 thus, if there is only one spare READ Register File port available
473 (because this particular Computation Unit is a low priority, but
474 the other operations need only two Regfile Ports and the Regfile
475 happens to be 3R1W), at least one of OP1-3 may get its operation.
477 thus, if we have three 2-operand operations and a 3R1W regfile:
479 * clock cycle 1: the first may grab 2 ports and the second grabs 1 (Oper1)
480 * clock cycle 2: the second grabs one more (Oper2) and the third grabs 2
482 compare this to the *original* 6600: if there are three 2-operand
483 operations outstanding, they MUST go:
485 * clock cycle 1: the first may grab 2 ports, NEITHER the 2nd nor 3rd proceed
486 * clock cycle 2: the second may grab 2 ports, 3rd may NOT proceed
487 * clock cycle 3: the 3rd grabs 2 ports
489 this because the Comp Unit - and associated Dependency Matrices - *FORCE*
490 the Comp Unit to only proceed when *ALL* necessary Register Read Ports
491 are available (because there is only the one Go_Read signal).
494 so my questions are:
496 * does the above look reasonable? both in terms of the DM changes
497 and CompUnit changes.
499 * the use of the three SR latches looks a little weird to me
500 (bottom right corner of (3) which is a rewrite of the middle
501 of the page.
503 it looks a little weird to have an SR Latch looped back
504 "onto itself". namely that when the inversion of both
505 WR_REQ1 and WR_REQ2 going low triggers that AND gate
506 (the one with the input from Q of an SR Latch), it *resets*
507 that very same SR-Latch, which will cause a mini "blip"
508 on Reset, doesn't it?
510 argh. that doesn't feel right. what should it be replaced with?
512 [[!img compunit_multi_rw.jpg size="600x"]]
514 [[!img dependence_cell_multi_pending.jpg size="600x"]]
516 # Corresponding Function-Unit Dependency Cell Modifications
518 * Video <https://youtu.be/_5fmPpInJ7U>
520 Original 6600 FU-FU Cell diagram:
522 [[!img fu_dep_cell_6600.jpg size="600x"]]
524 Augmented multi-GORD/GOWR 6600 FU-FU Cell diagram:
526 [[!img fu_dep_cell_multi_6600.jpg size="600x"]]