[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / architecture / regfile.mdwn
1 # Register Files
3 Discussion:
5 * <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-June/008368.html>
7 A minimum of 4 register files are required for POWER:
9 * Floating-point
10 * Integer
11 * Control and Condition Code Registers (CR0-7)
12 * SPRs (Special Purpose Registers)
13 * Fast Registers (PC, MSR, CTR, LR, SRR0, SRR1 etc.)
15 Source code:
17 * <https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/regfile/regfiles.py;hb=HEAD>
19 For a GPU, the FP and Integer registers need to be a massive 128 x 64-bit.
21 # Regfile groups, Port Allocations and bit-widths
23 * INT regfile: 32x 64-bit with 4R1W
24 * SPR regfile: 1024x 64-bit (!) needs a "map" on that 1R1W
25 * CR regfile: 8x 4-bit with full 8R8W (for full 32-bit read/write)
26 - CR0-7: 4-bit
27 * XER regfile: 2x 2-bit, 1x 1-bit with full 3R3W
28 - CA(32) - 2-bit
29 - OV(32) - 2-bit
30 - SO - 1 bit
31 * FAST regfile: 7x 64-bit, full 3R2W (possibly greater)
32 - MSR: 64-bit
33 - PC: 64-bit
34 - LR: 64-bit
35 - CTR: 64-bit
36 - TAR: 64-bit
37 - SRR1: 64-bit
38 - SRR2: 64-bit
40 # Connectivity between regfiles and Function Units
42 The target for the first ASICs is a minimum of 4 32-bit FMACs per clock cycle.
43 If it is acceptable that this be achieved on sequentially-adjacent-numbered
44 registers, a significant reduction in the amount of regfile porting may be
45 achieved (down from 12R4W)
47 It does however require that the register file be broken into four
48 completely separate and independent quadrants, each with their own
49 separate and independent 3R1W (or 4R1W ports).
51 This then requires some Bus Architecture to connect and keep the pipelines
52 busy. Below is the connectivity diagram:
54 * A single Dynamic PartitionedSignal capable 64-bit-wide pipeline is at the
55 top left and top right.
56 * Multiple **pairs** of 32-bit Function Units (making up a 64-bit data
57 path) connect, as "Concurrent Units", to each pipeline.
58 * The number of **pairs** of Function Units **must** match (or preferably
59 exceed) the number of pipeline stages.
60 * Connected to each of the Operand and Result Ports on each Function Unit
61 is a cyclic buffer.
62 * Read-operands may "cycle" to reach their destination
63 * Write-operands may be "cycled" so as to pick an appropriate destination.
64 * **Independent** Common Data Buses, one for each Quadrant of the Regfile,
65 connect between the Function Unit's cyclic buffers and the **global**
66 cyclic buffers dedicated to that Quadrant.
67 * Within each Quadrant's global cyclic buffers, inter-buffer transfer ports
68 allow for copies of regfile data to be transferred from write-side to
69 read-side. This constitutes the entirety of what is known as an
70 **Operand Forwarding Bus**.
71 * **Between** each Quadrant's global cyclic buffers, there exists a 4x4
72 Crossbar that allows data to move (slowly, and if necessary) across
73 Quadrants.
75 Notes:
77 * There is only **one** 4x4 crossbar (or, one for reads, one for writes?)
78 and thus only **one** inter-Quadrant 32-bit-wide data path (total
79 bandwidth 4x32 bits). These to be shared by **five** groups of
80 operand ports at each of the Quadrant Global Cyclic Buffers.
81 * The **only** way for register results and operands to cross over between
82 quadrants of the regfile is that 4x4 crossbar. Data transfer bandwidth
83 being limited, the placement of an operation adversely affects its
84 completion time. Thus, given that read operands exceed the number
85 of write operands, allocation of operations to Function Units should
86 prioritise placing the operation where the "reads" may go straight
87 through.
88 * Outlined in this comment <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296#10>
89 the infrastructure above can, by way of the cyclic buffers, cope with
90 and automatically adapt between a *serial* delivery of operands, and
91 a *parallel* delivery of operands. And, that, actually, performance is
92 not adversely affected by the serial delivery, although the latency
93 of an FMAC is extended by 3 cycles: this being the fact that only one
94 CDB is available to deliver operands.
96 Click on the image to expand it full-screen:
98 [[!img regfile_hilo_32_odd_even.png size="500px"]]
100 # Regspecs
102 * Source: <https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/regspec.py;hb=HEAD>
104 "Regspecs" is a term used for describing the relationship between register files,
105 register file ports, register widths, and the Computation Units that they connect
106 to.
108 Regspecs are defined, in python, as follows:
110 | Regfile name | CompUnit Record name | bit range register mapping |
111 | ---- | ---------- | ------------ |
112 | INT | ra | 0:3,5 |
114 Description of each heading:
116 * Regfile name: INT corresponds to the INTEGER file, CR to Condition Register etc.
117 * CompUnit Record name: in the Input or Output Record there will be a signal by
118 name. This field refers to that record signal, thus providing a sequential
119 ordering for the fields.
120 * Bit range: this is specified as an *inclusive* range of the form "start:end"
121 or just a single bit, "N". Multiple ranges may be specified, and are
122 comma-separated.
124 Here is how they are used:
125 ```
126 class CRInputData(IntegerData):
127 regspec = [('INT', 'a', '0:63'), # 64 bit range
128 ('INT', 'b', '0:63'), # 6B bit range
129 ('CR', 'full_cr', '0:31'), # 32 bit range
130 ('CR', 'cr_a', '0:3'), # 4 bit range
131 ('CR', 'cr_b', '0:3'), # 4 bit range
132 ('CR', 'cr_c', '0:3')] # 4 bit range
133 ```
135 This tells us, when used by MultiCompUnit, that:
137 * CompUnit src reg 0 is from the INT regfile, is linked to CRInputData.a, 64-bit
138 * CompUnit src reg 1 is from the INT regfile, is linked to CRInputData.b, 64-bit
139 * CompUnit src reg 2 is from the CR regfile, is CRInputData.full\_cr, and 32-bit
140 * CompUnit src reg 3 is from the CR regfile, is CRInputData.cr\_a, and 4-bit
141 * CompUnit src reg 4 is from the CR regfile, is CRInputData.cr\_b, and 4-bit
142 * CompUnit src reg 5 is from the CR regfile, is CRInputData.cr\_c, and 4-bit
144 Likewise there is a corresponding regspec for CROutputData. The two are combined
145 and associated with the Pipeline:
147 ```
148 class CRPipeSpec(CommonPipeSpec):
149 regspec = (CRInputData.regspec, CROutputData.regspec)
150 opsubsetkls = CompCROpSubset
151 ```
153 In this way the pipeline can be connected up to a generic, general-purpose class
154 (MultiCompUnit), which would otherwise know nothing about the details of the ALU
155 (Pipeline) that it is being connected to.
157 In addition, on the other side of the MultiCompUnit, the regspecs contain enough
158 information to be able to wire up batches of MultiCompUnits (now known, because
159 of their association with an ALU, as FunctionUnits), associating the MultiCompUnits
160 correctly with their corresponding Register File.
162 Note: there are two exceptions to the "generic-ness and abstraction"
163 where MultiCompUnit "knows nothing":
165 1. When the Operand Subset has a member "zero_a". this tells MultiCompUnit
166 to create a multiplexer that, if operand.zero_a is set, will put **ZERO**
167 into its first src operand (src_i[0]) and it will **NOT** put out a
168 read request (**NOT** raise rd.req[0]) for that first register.
169 2. When the Operand Subset has a member "imm_data". this tells
170 MultiCompUnit to create a multiplexer that, if operand.imm_data.ok is
171 set, will copy operand.imm_data into its *second* src operand (src_i[1]).
172 Further: that it will **NOT** put out a read request (**NOT** raise
173 rd.req[1]) for that second register.
175 These should only be activated for INTEGER and Logical pipelines, and
176 the regspecs for them must note and respect the requirements: input
177 regspec[0] may *only* be associated with operand.zero_a, and input
178 regspec[1] may *only* be associated with operand.imm_data. the POWER9
179 Decoder and the actual INTEGER and Logical pipelines have these
180 expectations **specifically** hard-coded into them.