Add links to relevant milestones, add Test API
[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / devnotes.mdwn
1 # Notes for dev
3 * nmigen is python, therefore use pep8. Install autopep8 and use
4 -v -a -a -a --experimental. goes in Makefile
5 * recommended to use "python3 develop", it makes life a lot easier.
6 * epydoc (old but still relevant) to be used to extract docstrings. again
7 goes in Makefile
8 * some people may use pypy3, others python3.6, others python3.7. do NOT
9 hard-code the python executable name into Makefiles / scripts, use
10 $(PYTHON3) as an optional env-var (PYTHON3 ?= "python3")
11 * unit tests (python test) always to be developed extensively
12 (synergistically) at time of code writing, NOT as an afterthought.
13 * do not use import * !
14 * modules to be kept very small, such that "yosys show" on reading
15 verilog produces a small, legible diagram
16 * module header to actually explain what the module does. link to
17 requirements spec, and any other useful stuff.
18 * ascii art recommended in module header to illustrate where bits go.
19 * class header likewise required and explain purpose of the class.
20 * code comments to be useful but not excessive to the point of drowning
21 the code
22 * functions not to exceed 60-70 (or so) lines, if possible. if too big,
23 split into multiple functions (remember, nmigen constructs can be returned
24 from a function)
26 # Git commits
28 * commits to be SMALL (5 - 15 lines max) and MUST not disrupt existing unit
29 tests. unit tests always to be run prior to commit.
30 * commits MUST be SINGLE PURPOSE. clue (red flag) is if the commit message
31 includes the word "and".
32 * commit message to explain purpose (ie not be "changed this" or "added that").
33 if rollback is ever needed (possibly even months later), the commit log
34 is only useful to find that one commit if the commit message is useful.
35 * large commits ok as long as they are additions rather than modifications.
36 examples: a completely new class that is not in use anywhere, or a new unit
37 test.
38 * whitespace to be separate, commit msg "autopep8 cleanup" or
39 "whitespace cleanup" is sufficient.
40 * when using bugtracker, include link to bugreport in commit message. Cross
41 ref commit id to bugreport.
42 * large refactoring (e.g. renaming functions) needs to be atomic and
43 single-purpose as best as possible. unit tests still need to pass,
44 post-refactor.
46 # Which files should be added to the repository
48 **Only source files must be added to the repository.**
50 Output that is created from another command must not, with
51 very very few exceptions, be added to the repository. The reason is
52 simple: each time a source file is modified, the auto-generated
53 (compiled) output **also** changes. If those changes are added
54 to the repository, they become confused with the source code (a git
55 diff will show *both* the source *and* changes to the auto-generated
56 output). If they are **not** added to the repository, the source and
57 its auto-generated output become out-of-sync.
59 **Either way is bad**.
61 Instead, the following is advised:
63 * add the source code *only*
64 * create a script or use a command that builds the source code,
65 generating the output
66 * do *NOT* add the *output* to the repository
67 * add the script or command to the Makefile
68 * list the command as a "build dependency" in the documentation
70 As a convenience and a courtesy, consider creating "release tarballs"
71 (also adding the means to create them to the Makefile) so that people who
72 for one reason or another cannot get or install the build dependencies
73 may at least get the end-result of the work. However this should be
74 done as a low priority, or if there are financial offers of sponsorship
75 or other incentives received or to be gained by doing so.