bug 1244: update pospopcnt.s assembler comments
[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / gaddie.mdwn
1 # "Gaddie Pitch" (1) for LibreSOC
3 | What we do | Benefits | Feelings |
4 | ------------------------ | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
5 | design high-performance | No spying backdoors, | Much less frustrated |
6 | efficient and simpler | greatly reduced time | when developing products|
7 | processors with built-in | and cost to market | using e.g. China-based |
8 | 3D and Video capability | Simpler debugging | products. End-customer |
9 | in a fully-transparent | Full transparency | stops complaining, |
10 | fashion. | for their customers | Risk and worry gone. |
12 ## You know how...
14 You know how for computers, you really have no idea how they work? And
15 how you keep having to replace them with upgrades? Turns out that
16 it's very difficult for medium-sized businesses to design lower-cost products
17 because the only cheap processors (almost always from China) do not respect
18 Copyright law, provide almost zero documentation, and even Intel processors
19 are known to have spying backdoor co-processors in them?
21 ## Well what we do is...
23 Well, what we do is: design 3D-capable efficient processors based on
24 full transparency. All source code, right to the bedrock, hardware
25 and software. We don't tell customers "trust us", we say "go have a
26 specialist audit the full source, independently". If there's ever
27 some documentation missing, the customer can check for themselves when
28 designing *their* product around ours.
30 ## In fact...
32 In fact, one customer that we're talking to is so fed up with a Chinese-based
33 $35 component that they are using in a $3000 product, where they are having
34 to spend considerable resources to *reverse-engineer* the China component,
35 they're willing to bet on our product even before we've
36 completed it, they believe in the approach and that our design can help
37 them out that much.
39 # "Gaddie Pitch" (1.5) for LibreSOC + EOMA68
41 ## What we do
43 Design modular computing appliances based around "Computer Card" standards
44 where the "Computer Card" may be upgraded, swapped, shared, re-programmed,
45 re-purposed, and re-used.
47 ## Benefits
49 Almost too numerous to describe. Not just the right to repair: the right
50 to redesign and many more. "Computer Card" has the data *and* the apps on
51 it, so goodbye file incompatibility: just move **the whole computer** from a
52 TV slot to a Laptop slot to a Tablet slot to a Desktop slot. Also the cost
53 savings and environmental savings are enormous. Keep the same $300 Laptop
54 "Housing" for 15 years, upgrade its parts over time, and not only buy a
55 new Computer Card for $30 every 2 years, keep the old one as a "spare",
56 give it to the kids, re-program it for watching Videos, the list is endless.
58 ## Feelings
60 Every person we've spoken to, once they get around the confusion of the
61 idea of a "Computer" being inside a "Card" rather than "part of A Laptop",
62 has loved both the environmental as well as the cost savings.
64 # "Gaddie Pitch" (2) for LibreSOC
66 Cole TODO