[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu / microarchitecture.mdwn
1 # High-level architectural Requirements
3 * SMP Cache coherency (TileLink?)
4 * Minumum 800mhz
5 * Minimum 2-core SMP, more likely 4-core uniform design,
6 each core with full 4-wide SIMD-style predicated ALUs
7 * 6GFLOPS single-precision FP
8 * 128 64-bit FP and 128 64-bit INT register files
9 * RV64GC compliance for running full GNU/Linux-based OS
10 * SimpleV compliance
11 * xBitManip (required for VPU and ideal for predication)
12 * On-chip tile buffer (memory-mapped SRAM), likely shared
13 between all cores, for the collaborative creation of pixel "tiles".
14 * 4-lane 2Rx1W SRAMs for registers numbered 32 and above;
15 Multi-R x Multi-W for registers 1-31.
16 TODO: consider 2R for registers to be used as predication targets
17 if >= 32.
18 * Idea: generic implementation of ports on register file so as to be able
19 to experiment with different arrangements.
20 * Potentially: Lane-swapping / crossing / data-multiplexing
21 bus on register data (particularly because of SHAPE-REMAP (1D/2D/3D)
22 * Potentially: Registers subdivided into 16-bit, to match
23 elwidth down to 16-bit (for FP16). 8-bit elwidth only
24 goes down as far as twin-SIMD (with predication). This
25 requires registers to have extra hidden bits: register
26 x30 is now "x30:0+x30.1+x30.2+x30.3". have to discuss.
28 See [[requirements_specification]]
30 # Conversation Notes
32 ----
34 'm thinking about using tilelink (or something similar) internally as
35 having a cache-coherent protocol is required for implementing Vulkan
36 (unless you want to turn off the cache for the GPU memory, which I
37 don't think is a good idea), axi is not a cache-coherent protocol,
38 and tilelink already has atomic rmw operations built into the protocol.
39 We can use an axi to tilelink bridge to interface with the memory.
41 I'm thinking we will want to have a dual-core GPU since a single
42 core with 4xSIMD is too slow to achieve 6GFLOPS with a reasonable
43 clock speed. Additionally, that allows us to use an 800MHz core clock
44 instead of the 1.6GHz we would otherwise need, allowing us to lower the
45 core voltage and save power, since the power used is proportional to
46 F\*V^2. (just guessing on clock speeds.)
48 ----
50 I don't know about power, however I have done some research and a 4Kbyte
51 (or 16, icr) SRAM (what I was thinking of for a tile buffer) takes in the
52 ballpark of 1000 um^2 in 28nm.
53 Using a 4xFMA with a banked register file where the bank is selected by the
54 lower order register number means we could probably get away with 1Rx1W
55 SRAM as the backing memory for the register file, similarly to Hwacha. I
56 would suggest 8 banks allowing us to do more in parallel since we could run
57 other units in parallel with a 4xFMA. 8 banks would also allow us to clock
58 gate the SRAM banks that are not in use for the current clock cycle
59 allowing us to save more power. Note that the 4xFMA could be 4 separately
60 allocated FMA units, it doesn't have to be SIMD style. If we have enough hw
61 parallelism, we can under-volt and under-clock the GPU cores allowing for a
62 more efficient GPU. If we are using the GPU cores as CPU cores as well, I
63 think it would be important to be able to use a faster clock speed when not
64 using the extended registers (similar to how Intel processors use a lower
65 clock rate when AVX512 is in use) so that scalar code is not slowed down
66 too much.
68 > > Using a 4xFMA with a banked register file where the bank is selected by
69 > the
70 > > lower order register number means we could probably get away with 1Rx1W
71 > > SRAM as the backing memory for the register file, similarly to Hwacha.
72 >
73 > okaaay.... sooo... we make an assumption that the top higher "banks"
74 > are pretty much always going to be "vectorised", such that, actually,
75 > they genuinely don't need to be 6R-4W (or whatever).
76 >
77 Yeah pretty much, though I had meant the bank number comes from the
78 least-significant bits of the 7-bit register number.
80 ----
82 Assuming 64-bit operands:
83 If you could organize 2 SRAM macros and use the pair of them to
84 read/write 4 registers at a time (256-bits). The pipeline will allow you to
85 dedicate 3 cycles for reading and 1 cycle for writing (4 registers each).
87 <pre>
88 RS1 = Read of operand S1
89 WRd = Write of result Dst
90 FMx = Floating Point Multiplier, x = stage.
92 |RS1|RS2|RS3|FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
93 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
94 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
95 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|WRd|
96 |RS1|RS2|RS3|FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
97 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
98 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
99 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|WRd|
100 |RS1|RS2|RS3|FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
101 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
102 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|
103 |FWD|FM1|FM2|FM3|FM4|WRd|
104 </pre>
106 The only trick is getting the read and write dedicated on different clocks.
107 When the RS3 operand is not needed (60% of the time) you can use
108 the time slot for reading or writing on behalf of memory refs; STs read,
109 LDs write.
111 You will find doing VRFs a lot more compact this way. In GPU land we
112 called the flip-flops orchestrating the timing "collectors".
114 ----
116 Justification for Branch Prediction
118 <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2018-December/000212.html>
120 We can combine several branch predictors to make a decent predictor:
121 call/return predictor -- important as it can predict calls and returns
122 with around 99.8% accuracy loop predictor -- basically counts loop
123 iterations some kind of global predictor -- handles everything else
125 We will also want a btb, a smaller one will work, it reduces average
126 branch cycle count from 2-3 to 1 since it predicts which instructions
127 are taken branches while the instructions are still being fetched,
128 allowing the fetch to go to the target address on the next clock rather
129 than having to wait for the fetched instructions to be decoded.
131 ----
133 > https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316727584_A_case_for_standard-cell_based_RAMs_in_highly-ported_superscalar_processor_structures
135 well, there is this concept:
136 https://www.princeton.edu/~rblee/ELE572Papers/MultiBankRegFile_ISCA2000.pdf
138 it is a 2-level hierarchy for register cacheing. honestly, though, the
139 reservation stations of the tomasulo algorithm are similar to a cache,
140 although only of the intermediate results, not of the initial operands.
142 i have a feeling we should investigate putting a 2-level register cache
143 in front of a multiplexed SRAM.
145 ----
147 For GPU workloads FP64 is not common so I think having 1 FP64 alu would
148 be sufficient. Since indexed loads and stores are not supported, it will
149 be important to support 4x64 integer operations to generate addresses
150 for loads/stores.
152 I was thinking we would use scoreboarding to keep track of operations
153 and dependencies since it doesn't need a cam per alu. We should be able
154 to design it to forward past the register file to allow for 0-latency
155 forwarding. If we combined that with register renaming it should prevent
156 most war and waw data hazards.
158 I think branch prediction will be essential if only to fetch and decode
159 operations since it will reduce the branch penalty substantially.
161 Note that even if we have a zero-overhead loop extension, branch
162 prediction will still be useful as we will want to be able to run code
163 like compilers and standard RV code with decent performance. Additionally,
164 quite a few shaders have branching in their internal loops so
165 zero-overhead loops won't be able to fix all the branching problems.
167 ----
169 > you would need a 4-wide cdb anyway, since that's the performance we're
170 > trying for.
172 if the 32-bit ops can be grouped as 2x SIMD to a 64-bit-wide ALU,
173 then only 2 such ALUs would be needed to give 4x 32-bit FP per cycle
174 per core, which means only a 2-wide CDB, a heck of a lot better than
175 4.
177 oh: i thought of another way to cut the power-impact of the Reorder
178 Buffer CAMs: a simple bit-field (a single-bit 2RWW memory, of address
179 length equal to the number of registers, 2 is because of 2-issue).
181 the CAM of a ROB is on the instruction destination register. key:
182 ROBnum, value: instr-dest-reg. if you have a bitfleid that says "this
183 destreg has no ROB tag", it's dead-easy to check that bitfield, first.
185 ----
187 Avoiding Memory Hazards
189 * WAR and WAR hazards through memory are eliminated with speculation
190 because actual updating of memory occurs in order, when a store is at
191 the head of the ROB, and hence, no earlier loads or stores can still
192 be pending
193 * RAW hazards are maintained by two restrictions:
194 1. not allowing a load to initiate the second step of its execution if
195 any active ROB entry occupied by a store has a destination
196 field that matches the value of the A field of the load and
197 2. maintaining the program order for the computation of an effective
198 address of a load with respect to all earlier stores
199 * These restrictions ensure that any load that access a memory location
200 written to by an earlier store cannot perform the memory access until
201 the store has written the data.
203 Advantages of Speculation, Load and Store hazards:
205 * A store updates memory only when it reached the head of the ROB
206 * WAW and WAR type of hazards are eliminated with speculation
207 (actual updating of memory occurs in order)
208 * RAW hazards through memory are maintained by not allowing a load
209 to initiate the second step of its execution
210 * Check if any store has a destination field that matched the
211 value of the load:
212 - SD F1 100(R2)
213 - LD F2 100(R2)
215 Exceptions
217 * Exceptions are handled by not recognising the exception until
218 instruction that caused it is ready to commit in ROB (reaches head
219 of ROB)
221 Reorder Buffer
223 * Results of an instruction become visible externally when it leaves
224 the ROB
225 - Registers updated
226 - Memory updated
228 Reorder Buffer Entry
230 * Instruction type
231 - branch (no destination resutl)
232 - store (has a memory address destination)
233 - register operation (ALU operation or load, which has reg dests)
234 * Destination
235 - register number (for loads and ALU ops) or
236 - memory address (for stores) where the result should be written
237 * Value
238 - value of instruction result, pending a commit
239 * Ready
240 - indicates that the instruction has completed execution: value is ready
242 ----
244 Register Renaming resources
246 * <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4SdrUhZrBM>
247 * <https://www.d.umn.edu/~gshute/arch/register-renaming.xhtml>
248 * ROBs + Rename <http://euler.mat.uson.mx/~havillam/ca/CS323/0708.cs-323010.html>
250 Video @ 3:24, "RAT" table - Register Aliasing Table:
252 <img src="/3d_gpu/rat_table.png" />
254 This scheme looks very much like a Reservation Station.
256 ----
258 There is another way to get precise ordering of the writes in a scoreboard.
259 First, one has to implement forwarding in the scoreboard.
260 Second, the function units need an output queue <of say 4 registers>
261 Now, one can launch an instruction and pick up its operand either
262 from the RF or from the function unit output while the result sits
263 in the function unit waiting for its GO_Write signal.
265 Thus the launching of instructions is not delayed due to hazards
266 but the results are delivered to the RF in program order.
268 This looks surprisingly like a 'belt' at the end of the function unit.
270 ----
272 > https://salsa.debian.org/Kazan-team/kazan/blob/e4b516e29469e26146e717e0ef4b552efdac694b/docs/ALU%20lanes.svg
274 so, coming back to this diagram, i think if we stratify the
275 Functional Units into lanes as well, we may get a multi-issue
276 architecture.
278 the 6600 scoreboard rules - which are awesomely simple and actually
279 involve D-Latches (3 gates) *not* flip-flops (10 gates) can be executed
280 in parallel because there will be no overlap between stratified registers.
282 if using that odd-even / msw-lsw division (instead of modulo 4 on the
283 register number) it will be more like a 2-issue for standard RV
284 instructions and a 4-issue for when SV 32-bit ops are loop-generated.
286 by subdividing the registers into odd-even banks we will need a
287 _pair_ of (completely independent) register-renaming tables:
288 https://libre-riscv.org/3d_gpu/rat_table.png
290 for SIMD'd operations, if we have the same type of reservation
291 station queue as with Tomasulo, it can be augmented with the byte-mask:
292 if the byte-masks in the queue of both the src and dest registers do
293 not overlap, the operations may be done in parallel.
295 i still have not yet thought through how the Reorder Buffer would
296 work: here, again, i am tempted to recommend that, again, we "stratify"
297 the ROB into odd-even (modulo 2) or perhaps modulo 4, with 32 entries,
298 however the CAM is only 4-bit or 3-bit wide.
300 if an instruction's destination register does not meet the modulo
301 requirements, that ROB entry is *left empty*. this does mean that,
302 for a 32-entry Reorder Buffer, if the stratification is 4-wide (modulo
303 4), and there are 4 sequential instructions that happen e.g. to have
304 a destination of r4 for insn1, r24 for insn2, r16 for insn3.... etc.
305 etc.... the ROB will only hold 8 such instructions
307 and that i think is perfectly fine, because, statistically, it'll balance
308 out, and SV generates sequentially-incrementing instruction registers,
309 so *that* is fine, too.
311 i'll keep working on diagrams, and also reading mitch alsup's chapters
312 on the 6600. they're frickin awesome. the 6600 could do multi-issue
313 LD and ST by way of having dedicated registers to LD and ST. X1-X5 were
314 for ST, X6 and X7 for LD.
316 ----
318 i took a shot at explaining this also on comp.arch today, and that
319 allowed me to identify a problem with the proposed modulo-4 "lanes"
320 stratification.
322 when a result is created in one lane, it may need to be passed to the next
323 lane. that means that each of the other lanes needs to keep a watchful
324 eye on when another lane updates the other regfiles (all 3 of them).
326 when an incoming update occurs, there may be up to 3 register writes
327 (that need to be queued?) that need to be broadcast (written) into
328 reservation stations.
330 what i'm not sure of is: can data consistency be preserved, even if
331 there's a delay? my big concern is that during the time where the data is
332 broadcast from one lane, the head of the ROB arrives at that instruction
333 (which is the "commit" condition), it gets committed, then, unfortunately,
334 the same ROB# gets *reused*.
336 now that i think about it, as long as the length of the queue is below
337 the size of the Reorder Buffer (preferably well below), and as long as
338 it's guaranteed to be emptied by the time the ROB cycles through the
339 whole buffer, it *should* be okay.
341 ----
343 > Don't forget that in these days of Spectre and Meltdown, merely
344 > preventing dead instruction results from being written to registers or
345 > memory is NOT ENOUGH. You also need to prevent load instructions from
346 > altering cache and branch instructions from altering branch prediction
347 > state.
349 Which, oddly enough, provides a necessity for being able to consume
350 multiple containers from the cache Miss buffers, which oddly enough,
351 are what makes a crucial mechanism in the Virtual Vector Method work.
353 In the past, one would forward the demand container to the waiting
354 memref and then write the whole the line into the cache. S&M means you
355 have to forward multiple times from the miss buffers and avoid damaging
356 the cache until the instruction retires. VVM uses this to avoid having
357 a vector strip mine the data cache.
359 ----
361 > I meant the renaming done as part of the SV extension, not the
362 > microarchitectural renaming.
364 ah ok, yes. right. ok, so i don't know what to name that, and i'd
365 been thinking of it in terms of "post-renaming", as in my mind, it's
366 not really renaming, at all, it's... remapping. or, vector
367 "elements".
369 as in: architecturally we already have a name (vector "elements").
370 physically we already have a name: register file.
372 i was initially thinking that the issue stage would take care of it,
373 by producing:
375 * post-remapped elements which are basically post-remapped register indices
376 * a byte-mask indicating which *bytes* of the register are to be
377 modified and which left alone
378 * an element-width that is effectively an augmentation of (part of) the opcode
380 the element width goes into the ALU as an augmentation of the opcode
381 because the 64-bit "register" now contains e.g. 16-bit "elements"
382 indexed 0-3, or 8-bit "elements" indexed 0-7, and we now want a
383 SIMD-style (predicated) operation to take place.
385 now that i think about it, i think we may need to have the three
386 phases be part of a pipeline, in a single dependency matrix.
388 ----
390 I had a state machine in one chip that could come up out of power on in a
391 state it could not get out of. Since this experience, I have a rule with
392 state machines, A state machine must be able to go from any state to idle
393 when the reset line is asserted.
395 You have to prove that the logic can never create a circular dependency,
396 not a proof with test vectors, a logical proof like what we do with FP
397 arithmetic these days.
399 ----
402 > however... we don't mind that, as the vectorisation engine will
403 > be, for the most part, generating sequentially-increasing index
404 > dest *and* src registers, so we kinda get away with it.
406 In this case:: you could simply design a 1R or 1W file (A.K.A. SRAM)
407 and read 4 registers at a time or write 4 registers at a time. Timing
408 looks like:
410 <pre>
411 |RdS1|RdS2|RdS3|WtRd|RdS1|RdS2|RdS3|WtRd|RdS1|RdS2|RdS3|WtRd|
412 |F123|F123|F123|F123|
413 |Esk1|EsK2|EsK3|EsK4|
414 |EfK1|EfK2|EfK3|EfK4|
415 </pre>
417 4 cycle FU shown. Read as much as you need in 4 cycles for one operand,
418 Read as much as you need in 4 cycles for another operand, read as much
419 as you need in 4 cycles for the last operand, then write as much as you
420 can for the result. This simply requires flip-flops to capture the width
421 and then deliver operands in parallel (serial to parallel converter) and
422 similarly for writing.
424 ----
426 * <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.arch/gedwgWzCK4A/32aNXIzeDQAJ>
428 discussion of how to do dest-latches rather than src-latches.
430 also includes need for forwarding to achieve it (synonymous with
431 Tomasulo CDB).
433 also, assigning a result number at issue time allows multiple results
434 to be stored-and-forwarded, meaning that multiplying up the FUs is
435 not needed.
437 also, discussion of how to have multiple instructions issued even with
438 the same dest reg: drop the reg-store and effectively rename them
439 to "R.FU#". exceptions under discussion.
441 # Register File having same-cycle "forwarding"
443 discussion about CDC 6600 Register File: it was capable of forwarding
444 operands being written out to "reads", *in the same cycle*. this
445 effectively turns the Reg File *into* a "Forwarding Bus".
447 we aim to only have (4 banks of) 2R1W ported register files,
448 with *additional* Forwarding Multiplexers (which look exactly
449 like multi-port regfile gate logic).
451 suggestion by Mitch is to have a "demon" on the front of the regfile,
452 <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.arch/gedwgWzCK4A/qY2SYjd2DgAJ>,
453 which:
455 basically, you are going to end up with a "demon" at the RF and when
456 all read reservations have been satisfied the demon determines if the
457 result needs to be written to the RF or discarded. The demon sees
458 the instruction issue process, the branch resolutions, and the FU
459 exceptions, and keeps track of whether the result needs to be written.
460 It then forwards the result from the FU and clears the slot, then writes
461 the result to the RF if needed.
463 # Design Layout
465 ok,so continuing some thoughts-in-order notes:
467 ## Scoreboards
469 scoreboards are not just scoreboards, they are dependency matrices,
470 and there are several of them:
472 * one for LOAD/STORE-to-LOAD/STORE
473 - most recent LOADs prevent later STOREs
474 - most recent STOREs prevent later LOADs.
475 - a separate process analyses LOAD-STORE addresses for
476 conflicts, based on sufficient bits to assess uniqueness
477 as opposed to precise and exact matches
478 * one for Function-Unit to Function-Unit.
479 - it expresses both RAW and WAW hazards through "Go_Write"
480 and "Go_Read" signals, which are stopped from proceeding by
481 dependent 1-bit CAM latches
482 - exceptions may ALSO be made "precise" by holding a "Write prevention"
483     signal.  only when the Function Unit knows that an exception is
484 not going to occur (memory has been fetched, for example), does
485 it release the signal
486 - speculative branch execution likewise may hold a "Write prevention",
487 however it also needs a "Go die" signal, to clear out the
488 incorrectly-taken branch.
489 - LOADs/STOREs *also* must be considered as "Functional Units" and thus
490     must also have corresponding entries (plural) in the FU-to-FU Matrix
491 - it is permitted for ALUs to *BEGIN* execution (read operands are
492 valid) without being permitted to *COMMIT*.  thus, each FU must
493 store (buffer) results, until such time as a "commit" signal is
494 received
495 - we may need to express an inter-dependence on the instruction order
496     (raising the WAW hazard line to do so) as a way to preserve execution
497     order.  only the oldest instructions will have this flag dropped,
498 permitting execution that has *begun* to also reach "commit" phase.
499 * one for Function-Unit to Registers.
500 - it expresses the read and write requirements: the source
501 and destination registers on which the operation depends.  source
502 registers are marked "need read", dest registers marked
503 "need write".
504 - by having *more than one* Functional Unit matrix row per ALU
505 it becomes possible to effectively achieve "Reservation Stations"
506 orthogonality with the Tomasulo Algorithm.  the FU row must, like
507 RS's, take and store a copy of the src register values.
509 ## Register Renaming
511 There are several potential well-known schemes for register-renaming:
512 *none of them will be used here*. The scheme below is a new form of
513 renaming that is a topologically and functionally **direct** equivalent
514 of the Tomasulo Algorithm with a Reorder Buffer, that came from the
515 "Register Alias Table" concept that is better suited to Scoreboards.
516 It works by flattening out Reservation Stations to one per FU (requiring
517 more FUs as a result). On top of this the function normally carried
518 out by "tags" of the RAT table may be merged-morphed into the role
519 carried out by the ROB Destination Register CAM which may be merged-morphed
520 into a single vector (per register) of 1-bit mutually-exclusive "CAMs"
521 that are added, very simply, to the FU-Register Dependency Matrix.
523 In this way, exactly as in the Tomasulo Algorithm, there is absolutely no
524 need whatsoever for a separate PRF-ARF scheme. The PRF *is* the ARF.
526 Register-renaming will be done with a single extra mutually-exclusive bit
527 in the FUxReg Dependency Matrix, which may be set on only one FU (per register).
528 This bit indicates which of the FUs has the **most recent** destination
529 register value pending. It is **directly** functionally equivalent to
530 the Reorder Buffer Dest Reg# CAM value, except that now it is a
531 string of 1-bit "CAMs".
533 When an FU needs a src reg and finds that it needs to create a
534 dependency waiting for a result to be created, it must use this
535 bit to determine which FU it creates a dependency on.
537 If there is a destination register that already has a bit set
538 (anywhere in the column), it is **cleared** and **replaced**
539 with a bit in the FU's row and the destination register's column.
541 See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.arch/w5fUBkrcw-s/c80jRn4PCQAJ
543 MUL r1, r2, r3
545 FU name Reg name
546 12345678
547 add-0 ........
548 add-1 ........
549 mul-0 X.......
550 mul-1 ........
552 ADD r4, r1, r3
554 FU name Reg name
555 12345678
556 add-0 ...X....
557 add-1 ........
558 mul-0 X.......
559 mul-1 ........
561 ADD r1, r5, r6
563 FU name Reg name
564 12345678
565 add-0 ...X....
566 add-1 X.......
567 mul-0 ........
568 mul-1 ........
570 note how on the 3rd instruction, the (mul-0,R1) entry is **cleared**
571 and **replaced** with an (add-1,R1) entry. future instructions now
572 know that if their src operands require R1, they are to place a
573 RaW dependency on **add-1**, not mul-0
575 ## Multi-issue
577 we may potentially have 2-issue (or 4-issue) and a simpler issue and
578 detection by "striping" the register file according to modulo 2 (or 4)
579 on the destination   register number
581 * the Function Unit rows are multiplied up by 2 (or 4) however they are
582   actually connected to the same ALUs (pipelined and with both src and
583   dest register buffers/latches).
584 * the Register Read and Write signals are then "striped" such that
585 read/write requests for every 2nd (or 4th) register are "grouped" and
586 will have to fight for access to a multiplexer in order to access
587 registers that do not have the same modulo 2 (or 4) match.
588 * we MAY potentially be able to drop the destination (write) multiplexer(s)
589   by only permitting FU rows with the same modulo to write to that
590 destination bank.  FUs with indices 0,4,8,12 may only write to registers
591 similarly numbered.
592 * there will therefore be FOUR separate register-data buses, with (at least)
593   the Read buses multiplexed so that all FU banks may read all src registers
594   (even if there is contention for the multiplexers)
596 ## FU-to-Register address de-muxed already
598 an oddity / artefact of the FU-to-Registers Dependency Matrix is that the
599 write/read enable signals already exist as single-bits.  "normal" processors
600 store the src/dest registers as an index (5 bits == 0-31), where in this
601 design, that has been expanded out to 32 individual Read/Write wires,
602 already.
604 * the register file verilog implementation therefore must take in an
605 array of 128-bit write-enable and 128-bit read-enable signals.
606 * however the data buses will be multiplexed modulo 2 (or 4) according
607 to the lower bits of the register number, in order to cross "lanes".
609 ## FU "Grouping"
611 with so many Function Units in RISC-V (dozens of instructions, times 2
612 to provide Reservation Stations, times 2 OR 4 for dual (or quad) issue),
613 we almost certainly are going to have to deploy a "grouping" scheme:
615 * rather than dedicate 2x4 FUs to ADD, 2x4 FUs to SUB, 2x4 FUs
616 to MUL etc., instead we group the FUs by how many src and dest
617 registers are required, and *pass the opcode down to them*
618 * only FUs with the exact same number (and type) of register profile
619 will receive like-minded opcodes.
620 * when src and dest are free for a particular op (and an ALU pipeline is
621 not stalled) the FU is at liberty to push the operands into the
622 appropriate free ALU.
623 * FUs therefore only really express the register, memory, and execution
624 dependencies: they don't actually do the execution.
626 ## Recommendations
628 * Include a merged address-generator in the INT ALU
629 * Have simple ALU units duplicated and allow more than one FU to
630 receive (and process) the src operands.
632 ## Register file workloads
634 Note: Vectorisation also includes predication, which is one extra integer read
636 Integer workloads:
638 * 43% Integer
639 * 21% Load
640 * 12% store
641 * 24% branch
643 * 100% of the instruction stream can be integer instructions
644 * 75% utilize two source operand registers.
645 * 50% of the instruction stream can be Load instructions
646 * 25% can be store instructions,
647 * 25% can be branch instructions
649 FP workloads:
651 * 30% Integer
652 * 25% Load
653 * 10% Store
654 * 13% Multiplication
655 * 17% Addition
656 * 5% branch
658 ----
660 > in particular i found it fascinating that analysis of INT
661 > instructions found a 50% LD, 25% ST and 25% branch, and that
662 > 70% were 2-src ops. therefore you made sure that the number
663 > of read and write ports matched these, to ensure no bottlenecks,
664 > bearing in mind that ST requires reading an address *and*
665 > a data register.
667 I never had a problem in "reading the write slot" in any of my pipelines.
668 That is, take a pipeline where LD (cache hit) has a latency of 3 cycles
669 (AGEN, Cache, Align). Align would be in the cycle where the data was being
670 forwarded, and the subsequent cycle, data could be written into the RF.
672 |dec|AGN|$$$|ALN|LDW|
674 For stores I would read the LDs write slot Align the store data and merge
675 into the cache as::
677 |dec|AGEN|tag|---|STR|ALN|$$$|
679 You know 4 cycles in advance that a store is coming, 2 cycles after hit
680 so there is easy logic to decide to read the write slot (or not), and it
681 costs 2 address comparators to disambiguate this short shadow in the pipeline.
683 This is a lower expense than building another read port into the RF, in
684 both area and power, and uses the pipeline efficiently.
686 # References
688 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomasulo_algorithm>
689 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservation_station>
690 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Register_renaming> points out that
691 reservation stations take a *lot* of power.
692 * <http://home.deib.polimi.it/silvano/FilePDF/AAC/Lesson_4_ILP_PartII_Scoreboard.pdf> scoreboarding
693 * MESI cache protocol, python <https://github.com/sunkarapk/mesi-cache.git>
694 <https://github.com/afwolfe/mesi-simulator>
695 * <https://kshitizdange.github.io/418CacheSim/final-report> report on
696 types of caches
697 * <https://github.com/ssc3?tab=repositories> interesting stuff
698 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_RISC_pipeline#Solution_A._Bypassing>
699 pipeline bypassing
700 * <http://ece-research.unm.edu/jimp/611/slides/chap4_7.html> Tomasulo / Reorder
701 * Register File Bank Cacheing <https://www.princeton.edu/~rblee/ELE572Papers/MultiBankRegFile_ISCA2000.pdf>
702 * Discussion <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2018-November/000157.html>
703 * <https://github.com/UCSBarchlab/PyRTL/blob/master/examples/example5-instrospection.py>
704 * <https://github.com/ataradov/riscv/blob/master/rtl/riscv_core.v#L210>
705 * <https://www.eda.ncsu.edu/wiki/FreePDK>