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[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu.mdwn
3 See [[libre_3d_gpu]]
5 at FOSDEM 2018 when Yunsup and the team announced the U540 there was
6 some discussion about this: it was one of the questions asked. one of
7 the possibilities raised there was that maddog was heading something:
8 i've looked for that effort, and have not been able to find it [jon is
9 getting quite old, now, bless him. he had to have an operation last
10 year. he's recovered well].
12 also at the Barcelona Conference i mentioned in the
13 very-very-very-rapid talk on the Libre RISC-V chip that i have been
14 tasked with, that if there is absolutely absolutely no other option,
15 it will use Vivante GC800 (and, obviously, use etnaviv). what *that*
16 means is that there's a definite budget of USD $250,000 available
17 which the (anonymous) sponsor is definitely willing to spend... so if
18 anyone can come up with an alternative that is entirely libre and
19 open, i can put that initiative to the sponsor for evaluation.
21 basically i've been looking at this for several months, so have been
22 talking to various people (jeff bush from nyuzi [1] and chiselgpu [2],
23 frank from gplgpu [3], VRG for MIAOW [4]) to get a feel for what would
24 be involved.
26 * miaow is just an OpenCL engine that is compatible with a subset of
27 AMD/ATI's OpenCL assembly code. it is NOT a GPU. they have
28 preliminary plans to *make* one... however the development process is
29 not open. we'll hear about it if and when it succeeds, probably as
30 part of a published research paper.
32 * nyuzi is a *modern* "software shader / renderer" and is a
33 replication of the intel larrabee architecture. it explored the
34 concept of doing recursive software-driven rasterisation (as did
35 larrabee) where hardware rasterisation uses brute force and often
36 wastes time and power. jeff went to a lot of trouble to find out
37 *why* intel's researchers were um "not permitted" to actually put
38 performance numbers into their published papers. he found out why :)
39 one of the main facts that jeff's research reveals (and there are a
40 lot of them) is that most of the energy of a GPU is spent getting data
41 each way past the L2/L1 cache barrier, and secondly much of the time
42 (if doing software-only rendering) you have several instruction cycles
43 where in a hardware design you issue one and a separate pipeline takes
44 over (see videocore-iv below)
46 * chiselgpu was an additional effort by jeff to create the absolute
47 minimum required tile-based "triangle renderer" in hardware, for
48 comparative purposes in the nyuzi raster engine research. synthesis
49 of such a block he pointed out to me would actually be *enormous*,
50 despite appearances from how little code there is in the chiselgpu
51 repository. in his paper he mentions that the majority of the time
52 when such hardware-renderers are deployed, the rest of the GPU is
53 really struggling to keep up feeding the hardware-rasteriser, so you
54 have to put in multiple threads, and that brings its own problems.
55 it's all in the paper, it's fascinating stuff.
57 * gplgpu was done by one of the original developers of the "Number
58 Nine" GPU, and is based around a "fixed function" design and as such
59 is no longer considered suitable for use in the modern 3D developer
60 community (they hate having to code for it), and its performance would
61 be *really* hard to optimise and extend. however in speaking to jeff,
62 who analysed it quite comprehensively, he said that there were a large
63 number of features (4-tuple floating-point colour to 16/32-bit ARGB
64 fixed functions) that have retained a presence in modern designs, so
65 it's still useful for inspiration and analysis purposes. you can see
66 jeff's analysis here [7]
68 * an extremely useful resource has been the videocore-iv project [8]
69 which has collected documentation and part-implemented compiler tools.
70 the architecture is quite interesting, it's a hybrid of a
71 Software-driven Vector architecture similar to Nyuzi plus
72 fixed-functions on separate pipelines such as that "take 4-tuple FP,
73 turn it into fixed-point ARGB and overlay it into the tile"
74 instruction. that's done as a *single* instruction to cover i think 4
75 pixels, where Nyuzi requires an average of 4 cycles per pixel. the
76 other thing about videocore-iv is that there is a separate internal
77 "scratch" memory area of size 4x4 (x32-bit) which is the "tile" area,
78 and focussing on filling just that is one of the things that saves
79 power. jeff did a walkthrough, you can read it here [10] [11]
81 so on this basis i have been investigating a couple of proposals for
82 RISC-V extensions: one is Simple-V [9] and the other is a *small*
83 general-purpose memory-scratch area extension, which would be
84 accessible only on the *other* side of the L1/L2 cache area and *ONLY*
85 accessible by an individual core [or its hyperthreads]. small would
86 be essential because if a context-switch occurs it would be necessary
87 to swap the scratch-area out to main memory (and back).
88 general-purpose so that it's useful and useable in other contexts and
89 situations.
91 whilst there are many additional reasons - justifications that make
92 it attractive for *general-purpose* usage (such as accidentally
93 providing LD.MULTI and ST.MULTI for context-switching and efficient
94 function call parameter stack storing, and an accidental
95 single-instruction "memcpy" and "memzero") - the primary driver behind
96 Simple-V has been as the basis for turning RISC-V into an
97 embedded-style (low-power) GPU (and also a VPU).
99 one of the things that's lacking from
100 [RVV](
101 is parallelisation of
102 Bit-Manipulation. RVV has been primarily designed based on input from
103 the Supercomputer community, and as such it's *incredible*.
104 absolutely amazing... but only desirable to implementt if you need to
105 build a Supercomputer.
107 Simple-V i therefore designed to parallelise *everything*. custom
108 extensions, future extensions, current extensions, current
109 instructions, *everything*. RVV, once it's been implemented in gcc
110 for example, would require heavy-customisation to support e.g.
111 Bit-Manipulation, would require special Bit-Manipulation Vector
112 instructions to be added *to RVV*... all of which would need to AGAIN
113 go through the Extension Proposal process... you can imagine how that
114 would go, and the subsequent cost of maintenance of gcc, binutils and
115 so on as a long-term preliminary (or if the extension to RVV is not
116 accepted, after all the hard work) even a permanent hard-fork.
118 in other words once you've been through the "Extension Proposal
119 Process" with Simple-V, it need never be done again, not for one
120 single parallel / vector / SIMD instruction, ever again.
122 that would include for example creating a fixed-function 3D "FP to
123 ARGB" custom instruction. a custom extension with special 3D
124 pipelines would, with Simple-V, not need to also have to worry about
125 how those operations would be parallelised.
127 this is not a new concept: it's borrowed directly from videocore-iv
128 (which in turn probably borrowed it from somewhere else).
129 videocore-iv call it "virtual parallelism". the Vector Unit
130 *actually* has a 4-wide FPU for certain heavily-used operations such
131 as ADD, and a ***ONE*** wide FPU for less-used operations such as
134 however at the *instruction* level each of those operations,
135 regardless of whether they're heavily-used or less-used they *appear*
136 to be 16 parallel operations all at once, as far as the compiler and
137 assembly writers are concerned. Simple-V just borrows this exact same
138 concept and lets implementors decide where to deploy it, to best
139 advantage.
142 > 2. If it’s a good idea to implement, are there any projects currently
143 > working on it?
145 i haven't been able to find any: if you do please do let me know, i
146 would like to speak to them and find out how much time and money they
147 would need to complete the work.
149 > If the answer is yes, would you mind mention the project’s name and
150 > website?
151 >
152 > If the answer is no, are there any special reasons that nobody not
153 > implement it yet?
155 it's damn hard, it requires a *lot* of resources, and if the idea is
156 to make it entirely libre-licensed and royalty-free there is an extra
157 step required which a proprietary GPU company would not normally do,
158 and that is to follow the example of the BBC when they created their
159 own Video CODEC called Dirac [5].
161 what the BBC did there was create the algorithm *exclusively* from
162 prior art and expired patents... they applied for their own patents...
163 and then *DELIBERATELY* let them lapse. the way that the patent
164 system works, the patents will *still be published*, there will be an
165 official priority filing date in the patent records with the full text
166 and details of the patents.
168 this strategy, where you MUST actually pay for the first filing
169 otherwise the records are REMOVED and never published, acts as a way
170 of preventing and prohibiting unscrupulous people from grabbing the
171 whitepapers and source code, and trying to patent details of the
172 algorithm themselves just like Google did very recently [6]
174 * [0]
175 * [1]
176 * [2]
177 * [3]
178 * [4]
179 * [5]
180 * [6]
181 * [7]
182 * [8]
183 * [9]
184 * [10]
185 * [11]
186 * OpenPiton