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[libreriscv.git] / HDL_workflow / devscripts.mdwn
1 # Dev setup scripts
3 Setting up the dependencies and repositories for Libre-SOC is big enough
4 that it is just much easier to do in an automated fashion. Follow these
5 steps after making sure that you review the scripts line by line because
6 they run as root and it is your responsibility to check them, not ours.
8 Note the reason for entering the chroot as a user (not root) and
9 then running sudo bash again is due to this procedure setting the
10 SUDO_USER environment, on which the scripts critically rely. Also:
11 the dev-env-setup repository is cloned twice, once to get the chroot
12 script and a second time to use scripts *inside* the chroot. Feel free
13 to simply copy the repository into the chroot to save bandwidth.
15 **no you do not need to blow away your system and install debian 10 native**
16 you can e.g. use debian/11 at the "host" level and some people have managed
17 to use archlinux but you are **on your own if you do so, and should only
18 consider the option of using your own preferred host OS if you are an
19 advanced expert**. We do **NOT** provide "personal end-user support"
20 for Host OS problems.
22 Note: these scripts assume that you are using debian/10 and that you
23 understand and accept why we have standardised on that as an OS
24 (reproduceability and minimising "support"). If you use anything
25 different it risks creating non-reproducible HDL. It's not about
26 "what's the favurite OS", it's about making sure that two developers
27 can produce the **exact** same GDS-II files, which is kinda important
28 if you are going to drop USD 16 million on 7nm Mask Charges.
30 $ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/dev-env-setup.git
31 $ cd dev-env-setup
32 $ sudo bash
33 (optional: # export CHROOT_DEBIAN_MIRROR=http://ftp.<mirror>.debian.org/debian)
34 # ./mk-deb-chroot libresoc
35 # ./cp-scripts-to-chroot libresoc # copies dev-env-setup to chroot
36 # exit
37 $ schroot -c libresoc
38 (libresoc)$ sudo bash
39 (libresoc)# ./install-hdl-apt-reqs
40 (libresoc)# ./hdl-tools-yosys
41 (libresoc)# ./hdl-dev-repos
42 (libresoc)# ./ppc64-gdb-gcc # needed for compiling unit tests
43 (libresoc)# ./binutils-gdb-install # needed for binutils-svp64
44 (libresoc)# exit
45 (libresoc)$
47 <https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=dev-env-setup.git;a=blob;f=hdl-dev-repos;hb=HEAD>
49 Additional scripts in the dev-env-setup repository will install yosys,
50 verilator, coriolis2, ghdl, gdb and so on: from the above it is pretty
51 straightforward and obvious to work out what to do (just run them).
52 There is an accompanying walkthrough video which goes through the above
53 <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-4eJKTNrEk> and includes running some
54 unit tests, explaining some of the background, and also files some bugs.
56 **You are now done, you need only read the rest below if interested
57 to see how we made the above scripts**
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65 # Notes about Script "mk-deb-chroot"
67 This section is developer-notes **only** it documents the
68 process by which mk-deb-chroot was established and explains
69 its decisions and effect.
71 The script sets up an schroot debootstrap jail with debian 10.
72 This chroot can then be used for nmigen, coriolis, or any other development.
73 These instructions are based on information taken from here:
74 <https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/amd64/apds03.html.en>
76 The chroot name for this section is assumed to be "libresoc"
78 In advance, on the host system, edit /etc/fstab and add mount points:
80 (edit: personally I prefer using mount --bind points. however if doing
81 that then after a reboot the chroot will lose the bind mountpoints
82 and the commands need to be re-run, without which the chroot is
83 unusable)
85 /dev /home/chroot/libresoc/dev none bind 0 0
86 /dev/pts /home/chroot/libresoc/dev/pts none bind 0 0
87 /proc /home/chroot/libresoc/proc none bind 0 0
88 /sys /home/chroot/libresoc/sys none bind 0 0
89 /tmp /home/chroot/libresoc/tmp none bind 0 0
91 Then run these commands:
93 sudo bash
94 apt-get install debootstrap schroot
95 mkdir /opt/chroot/libresoc
96 /usr/sbin/debootstrap buster !$ http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian
97 mount /home/chroot/libresoc/dev
98 mount /home/chroot/libresoc/dev/pts
99 mount /home/chroot/libresoc/proc
100 mount /home/chroot/libresoc/sys
101 mount /home/chroot/libresoc/tmp
102 echo "libresoc" > /home/chroot/libresoc/etc/debian_chroot
104 To do some preparation (users):
106 chroot -c libresoc /bin/bash
107 adduser {yourpreferredusername}
109 It is best to make the username the same as the first user that
110 was added during the *main* (non-chroot) debian install, so that
111 uid 1000 matches between both main and chroot. You can check
112 this by looking at /etc/passwd as root, or by typing "id".
114 lkcl@fizzy:~$ id
115 uid=1000(lkcl) gid=1000(lkcl) groups=1000(lkcl),5(tty),....
117 Alternatively, /etc/passwd and /etc/group may
118 be mount-bound as well as /home however if you later forget you did
119 this and decide to delete the chroot, you will delete the entire /home
120 of your main system, as well as /etc/passwd.
122 You may wish to follow some of the other things such as configuring apt,
123 locales and keyboard, from the above-linked debian-admin HOWTO.
125 bootloader, kernel, ssh access, are unnecessary. Do run "apt clean"
126 to clear out /var/cache/apt/archives in the chroot.
131 Create an schroot file section for the libresoc chroot by
132 editing /etc/schroot/schroot.conf:
134 [libresoc]
135 description=Debian Buster for Coriolis
136 directory=/home/chroot/libresoc
137 groups=sbuild-security,lkcl,users
139 Now as an *ordinary* user - not as root - you may type:
141 lkcl@fizzy:~$ schroot -c libresoc
143 and, due to the contents of /etc/debian\_chroot, and that you were in
144 fact logged in as uid 1000 and did in fact add a user to the chroot
145 as uid 1000, the prompt should become:
147 (libresoc)lkcl@fizzy:~$
149 If however you need to run as root, then from outside the chroot,
150 as *root*, you run this:
152 lkcl@fizzy:~# schroot -c libresoc
154 and you will see this as a result:
156 (libresoc)lkcl@fizzy:~#