(no commit message)
[libreriscv.git] / HDL_workflow / ls2.mdwn
1 # TODO
3 * use chroot
4 * run all nmigen and yosys dev-scripts hdl-dev-repos hdl-tools-yosys
5 install-hdl-apt-reqs
6 * run nextpnr-xilinx dev-script and nextpnr-ecp5-install
7 * run hdl-dev-ls2 dev-script
8 * git clone microwatt as well
9 * make hello_world.bin in microwatt and copy it to ls2
10 * "make microwatt_external_core" in soc and copy external_core_top.v to ls2
11 * python3 src/ls2.py arty_a7 hello_world.bin
12 * OR python3 src/ls2.py versa_ecp5 hello_world.bin