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[libreriscv.git] / SEP-210803722-Libre-SOC-8-core.mdwn
2 # SEP-210803722 Libre-SOC 8 core
4 List of participants
7 |Part# |Contact |Participant Name |Country |Short Name |
8 |----- |------------- |--------------------- |--------- |------------- |
9 | 1 |David Calderwood |RED Semiconductor Ltd |UK |1/RED |
10 | 2 |Luke Leighton |The Libre-SOC Project |Netherlands |2/Libre-SOC |
11 | 3 |Marie-Minervé Louerat |Sorbonne Université (LIP6 Lab) |France |3/SU |
12 | 4 |Marie-Minervé Louerat |Sorbonne Université (CNRS Lab) |France |4/CNRS |
13 | 5 |Michiel Lenaars |NLnet |Netherlands |5/NLnet |
14 | 6 |James Lewis |Helix Technology Ltd |UK |6/Helix |
17 Please note: CNRS is an "Affiliated Entity" of Sorbonne Université
20 # 1 Excellence
23 ## 1.1 Objectives and ambition
26 Throughout this Grant Proposal, you will note that we are making
27 significant use of ideas from the early days of Computing. Due to
28 the limitations of physical technology at that time, these ideas were
29 categorised into "technology that was beyond delivery". Industry-standard
30 computing from then to today missed many of those opportunities and
31 has consequently ploughed narrow "technological ruts" in an incremental
32 fashion that has detrimentally impacted and constrained all world-wide
33 Computing end-users as a result. Modern hardware technology performance
34 is now allowing us to revisit the best of the "Sea of ideas" from the
35 history of the past 60 years of computing. Our Grant Application is
36 therefore based on firm, practical proven foundations, backed up by a
37 real-world customer requirement: Advanced high-accuracy GPS Sensor-Fusion,
38 to prove the core's capabilities and energy efficiency.
41 We have chosen to evolve core technology to develop a Next-Generation
42 Supercomputer-scale Microprocessor family based on an existing
43 2-decades-proven base (the Power ISA), with Advanced Cray-style Vectors,
44 providing energy-efficient advanced computational power by a unique
45 methodology not currently being achieved by any current general-purpose
46 computing device. We have been working on this strategy for over three
47 years and our grant application is now evolutionary but was revolutionary.
50 Libre-SOC has, for over three years, been backed by EU Funding through
51 NLnet and now NGI POINTER, and at the core of our work we have been
52 developing a novel Draft Vector ISA Extension to the OpenPOWER ISA,
53 called SVP64. https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/svp64/ and an enhanced
54 processor core architecture on which it will run.
57 As an aside we must acknowledge the research work of IBM labs who designed
58 and then Open-Licensed their Power ISA: the foundation on which we have
59 been building. Standing on the shoulders of greatness is never a bad
60 place to start.
63 SVP64 contains features and capabilities never seen in any Instruction
64 Set Architecture (ISA) of the past sixty years. With NLnet's help we have
65 TRL (3) implementations and simulations demonstrating a 75% reduction in
66 the program size of core algorithms for Video and Audio DSP Processing
67 (FFT, DCT, Matrix Multiply), and these still have room for optimisation,
68 which if
69 successfully expanded to general-purpose algorithms would result in huge
70 power savings if deployed in mass-volume end-user products.
73 Why we are leveraging the Power ISA as the fundamental basis instead of
74 "completely novel non-standard computing architecture" requires some
75 explanation, best illustrated by reference to other historic high
76 capability designs. Aspex Microelectronics ASP was a 4096-wide SIMD
77 Array of 2-bit processors. It could be programmed at a rate of one
78 instruction per 5-10 days. Elixent also had a similar 2D Grid Array of
79 4-bit processors. Both were ultra-power-efficient (2 orders of magnitude
80 for certain specialist tasks) but were impossible to program even for the
81 best programming minds and required critical assistance from a severely
82 limited pool of specialists for best exploitation. The Industry-standard
83 rate for general-purpose High-Level programming (C, C++) is around 150
84 lines of code per day, not 5-10 days per line of assembler. We seek to
85 deliver a much more accessible "general-purpose" Microprocessor that
86 contains Supercomputing elements and consequently stands a much more
87 realistic chance of general world-wide adoption (including Europe).
90 An additional insight: OpenRISC 1200 took 12 years to reach maturity.
91 The team developed the entire processor architecture, low-level software
92 and compiler technology, entirely from scratch. We considered this
93 approach and, due to the long timescales, rejected it, choosing
94 instead to leverage and be compatible with a pre-existing Open ISA:
95 OpenPOWER. We also considered RISC-V however it turns out to be too
96 simplistic (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24459041) and it is
97 far too late to retrospectively add Supercomputer-grade power-efficient
98 functionality to its design or instruction set. With the IBM-inspired
99 Power ISA already being a Supercomputer-grade ISA, it is a natural fit for
100 an energy-efficient Cray-style Vector upgrade, and comes with 25 years
101 of pre-existing software, libraries, compilers and customers. By being
102 backwards-compatible with the existing Power ISA 3.0 (which is now an
103 Open ISA managed by the OpenPOWER Foundation), European businesses will
104 benefit from that pre-existing decades-established stability and pedigree.
107 As hinted at, above: Great hardware is nothing without the corresponding
108 compiler technology and support libraries. Consequently we need to engage
109 with Compiler Service Companies (Embecosm Gmbh, Vrull.eu) to evaluate the
110 feasibility of adding Vectorisation support to gcc, llvm and low-level
111 standard libraries. Whilst Libre-SOC has already demonstrated TRL (3)
112 successful assembly-level SVP64 algorithms (MP3 CODEC in particular),
113 assembler is far too low-level for general-purpose compute. C, C++
114 and other programming language support is required to be evaluated
115 and developed. Also given that the Libre-SOC Core is being long-term
116 designed for energy-efficient 3D GPU and Video Processing workloads,
117 two 3D Vulkan Drivers (Kazan and MESA3D) need to be taken beyond
118 proof-of-concept (TRL 2/3).
121 We consider it strategically critical to develop processors in an entirely
122 transparent fashion. The current Silicon Industry chooses secrecy to mask
123 technology shortcuts and restrictive cross licencing, which inevitably and
124 systematically fails to provide trustable hardware: Intel's Management
125 Engine; Qualcomm making 40% of the world's smartphones vulnerable to
126 hacking; Apple drive-by Zero-day Wireless exploits; Super-Micro being
127 delisted from NASDAQ for failing to be able to prove the provenance of
128 all hardware and software components. We consider Libre / Open Hardware
129 ASICs and the full Libre/Open VLSI toolchain itself to be fundamental
130 to end-user trust and security as well as Digital Sovereignty.
133 In addition to this, Libre-SOC has already been developing Mathematical
134 Formal Correctness Proofs for the HDL of its early prototype designs,
135 which, in combination with unrestricted access to the HDL Source Code,
136 allow third parties including customers to perform their own verification
137 of the ASIC's purpose (as opposed to the customer having to trust a
138 manufacture that inherently has a direct conflict-of-interest in the form
139 of its Shareholders and profits). Furthermore, we aim to experiment with
140 built-in "tamper-checking" circuits that, on running a test programme on
141 our evaluation test bed, will provide an Electro-Magnetic "signature".
142 By publishing this "signature" and the test programs, customers can
143 verify that their purchased ASICs have the same EMF "signature" and can
144 detect immediately if the ASIC has been tampered with. In addition we
145 will continue existing (TRL 2) research into Hardware-level Speculative
146 Execution mitigation techniques. We feel that the full combination of
147 these objectives meets the Hardware Security requirements of this Call.
150 This strategy does not end with just the HDL: thanks (again) to NLnet
151 we have been collaborating already with Chips4Makers, LIP6 and CNRS
152 (all funded by EU Grants), to advance the state-of-the-art for European
153 VLSI Tool Technology, which is important to European Silicon Sovereignty.
156 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/651992/EPRS_BRI(2020)651992_EN.pdf
159 We are however significantly concerned that the LIP6 Department, as
160 an Academic body, is inevitably underfunded, particularly when it is the
161 sole provider of Libre/Open VLSI Silicon-proven software in the whole
162 of Europe. This is why we have included an Engineering Supplement for
163 LIP6 and CNRS in the Libre-SOC budget, to contract engineering support
164 for them and to avoid employment complications due to the French Civil
165 Service Regulations, which lack the flexibility needed. These engineers,
166 who are in high demand, will work for Libre-SOC/RED Semiconductor Ltd
167 but be fully available to assist in the development work covered by the
168 grant being done by LIP6 and CNRS.
171 The consequential effect of this tool development will be to help
172 create VLSI tools that can be directly substituted for the existing
173 commercial (and geopolitically constrained) tools from companies such as
174 Cadence and Mentor, giving a Euro-centric independence from “technology
175 constraining” acts.
178 We are currently awaiting the return of our first 180 nm architecture
179 test ASIC (TRL 4) from TSMC, through IMEC. It is the first major
180 silicon in Europe of its size (5.1 x 5.9 mm^2 and 130,000 cells)
181 to be entirely developed using a Libre-Licensed VLSI ASIC toolchain,
182 and the world's first Power ISA 3.0 outside of IBM to reach Silicon in
183 over 12 years. We have already started to push (drive) the evolution of
184 Europe's only silicon-proven Libre/Open VLSI toolchain, something this
185 Grant application will support and will allow LIP6 and CNRS to enhance
186 it to lower geometries and larger ASIC sizes which will be critical to
187 European businesses' Digital and Silicon Sovereignty.
189 For the avoidance of confusion the use of the word "Cell" refers to a
190 bounded piece of electronic design that when used together, like bricks,
191 form larger more complicated electrical functions.
193 To help advance Digital Sovereignty, LIP6 and CNRS need to once
194 again push the boundaries of the Libre/Open VLSI toolchain, coriolis2
195 Place-and-Route, https://coriolis2.lip6.fr and HITAS/YAGLE Static Timing
196 Analyser https://www-soc.lip6.fr/equipe-cian/logiciels/tasyagle/ both
197 of which are, at the lower 360 and 180 nm geometries, at TRL 9, but are
198 at TRL 2 for lower geometries 90, 65, 45 nm and below.
201 Chips4Makers (also NLnet funded) created FlexLib Libre/Open Cell
202 Libraries which allows porting of Standard Cell Libraries to any geometry.
203 An NDA'd TSMC 180nm version of FlexLib was created for the Libre-SOC
204 180nm test ASIC. To achieve our objectives, RED Semiconductor,
205 Libre-SOC, LIP6 and CNRS will need to
206 create smaller geometry ports of FlexLib. These Cell Libraries need to
207 be tested in actual Silicon, and consequently we will be working with
208 IMEC as a sub-contractor and partner to deliver MPW Shuttle Runs for
209 these critical Libraries, using Libre-SOC Cores as a "proving-ground".
211 https://europractice-ic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Pricelist-EUROPRACTICE-General-MPW_8.pdf
214 In addition, NLnet, a Stichting / Foundation, has been so successful
215 in supporting "Works for the Public Good" that we feel that their approach
216 and service fulfilment are extremely relevant to this Call. During the
217 36 month duration of the proposal, NLnet is in a position to engage
218 with Libre/Open Hardware and Software developers which, for our team,
219 will mitigate the risk of unanticipated issues requiring specialist but
220 small-scope funding, that yet still meets the well-defined objectives
221 of this Call.
223 To put all of this to practical use, Helix Technologies, by defining
224 an advanced GPS Correlator, will set a Computational capability objective
225 for the core technology and be a Reference test-bed. Helix will then
226 be able to carry out the comparative studies which show that the core
227 technology meets significant performance/watt improvements. The ultimate
228 destination for some of these devices will be Satellites (Space).
230 Summary of why our work is pertinent to Call HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01:
233 * High-performance energy-efficient computing: SVP64 is a Cray-style Vector ISA. Cray-style Vector ISAs are known to produce smaller and more compact programs. Smaller programs means less L1 Cache misses, and overall, smaller L1 Caches are needed. This results inherently in greatly-reduced power consumption, whilst also remaining practical and general-purpose programmable.
234 * Targeted applications: We are developing a general-purpose Hybrid Architecture suitable for 3D, Video, Digital Signal Processing, Cryptographic applications, AI and many more. As it is general-purpose it covers all these areas. However in certain areas "specialist" instructions are needed (particularly 3D) and we seek additional funding to complete them. This includes Helix's high-accuracy GPS application which qualifies as a step-improvement in "Sensor fusion".
235 * Hardware-software co-design and Libre/Open Hardware-Software: as all participants are trained as Software Engineers, we inherently and automatically bring Software Engineering practices and techniques to Hardware design, and consequently achieve a far greater effectiveness and flexibility. Additionally, all participants are long-term contributors to Libre/Open Software and Hardware Projects. This shall continue throughout this Grant proposal. The involvement of RED Semiconductor Ltd brings further semiconductor hardware experience, bringing balance to the overall team.
236 * Moore's Law and changing Economics: as a general-purpose Cray-style Vector Supercomputer ISA, what we are designing may deploy either "Fast and Narrow" back-end (internal) micro-architecture, or "Slow and Wide": huge numbers of SIMD ALUs running at a much slower clock rate. The beauty and elegance of a Vector ISA is that, unlike SIMD ISAs such as AVX-512, NEON and to a partial extend SVE2, is that the programmer doesn't need to know about the internal micro-architecture, but their programs achieve the same throughput, even on larger geometries.
237 * Hardware-based security: We consider it deeply unwise to follow the false practice of "adding more complexity to achieve more security". Security is achieved through simplicity and transparency. Simplicity: we studied historic Supercomputer designs dating back to 1965 (CDC 6600) where pure pragmatism required simpler and more elegant designs. Transparency: Fully Libre/Open designs that customers can themselves verify by running Formal Correctness Proofs (where those tools are also Libre/Open Source). Fully Libre/Open VLSI toolchains and Cell Libraries (no possibility of insertion of spying at the Silicon level). "Tripwires" embedded into the silicon to gauge area-local EMF "Signatures". Additionally, we already have work underway into Out-of-Order Execution and seek to explore Speculative Execution Mitigation techniques at the hardware level, to increase security. These are practical achievable demonstrable ways to achieve Hardware-based trust.
238 * Security and Safety-critical Guidelines: Due to our overall approach, although potentially inherently achievable by others utilising our work as the basis for ongoing Research, the main participants consider it out of scope due to practical time constraints. Security Certification typically takes 5 to 7 years: The scope of this project is only 3. NLnet however may fund work that does indeed take into account these criteria.
239 * ASIC (Chip) prototyping: We are developing RTL including High-Level (core designs) as well as Low-Level (Cell Libraries). Nobody in any European Company will use a Cell Library if it has not been demonstrated as Silicon-Proven. As we already did with the 180nm ASIC, the best way to prove that a Cell Library (and an innovative approach - using Libre/Open VLSI toolchains) works is to do an actual ASIC.
242 Additional notes:
245 1. With regard to "Improve by two orders of magnitude the performance/watt for targeted Edge Applications", subject to Moore's Law and other limitations, such as geometry of devices we are moving in this direction, and whether we can achieve it will be subject to the available manufacturing processes we can afford during the scope of this Grant. We have already achieved one magnitude of improvement in simulation (TRL 3) of FFT, DCT and other DSP calculations. As already indicated above, the output of our design can be run on many different geometries of significantly-different performances.
246 2. You will note that a significant number of our technology collaborators and the technology and services that we rely on are already funded by EU Grants. Through RED Semiconductor Ltd, we are going to be the conduit to commercial realisation of value for this investment, with subsequent commercial benefits of employment and tax revenues across the EU. We know not to lose sight of the fact all EU funding is fundamentally focused on future commercial success.
248 Grant numbers:
250 * Fed4Fire.eu Grant Agreement No: 732638
251 * NLnet Grant Agreements No: 825310 and 825322
252 * NGI-POINTER. Grant agreement No: 871528
253 * StandICT.eu Grant agreement No: 951972.
254 * Sorbonne Université: 163 FP7 projects and 195 H2020 projects
257 ## 1.2 Methodology
260 * Everything that Libre-SOC does is published as Libre/Open Information at https://libre-soc.org/ - source code (https://git.libre-soc.org) is open and available under the LGPLv3+ License and other appropriate Libre/Open Licenses.
261 * LIP6 likewise discloses all source code at https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda
262 * LIP6's toolkit containing existing large-geometry Cell Libraries and test benches at https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda/alliance-check-toolkit.
263 * CNRS's HITAS/YAGLE is also Open Source https://www-soc.lip6.fr/equipe-cian/logiciels/tasyagle/.
264 * Symbiyosys and its subcomponents for Formal Correctness Proofs are Libre/Open https://symbiyosys.readthedocs.io/.
265 * GPS GNSS-SDR is also Open Source https://gnss-sdr.org/ and can be adapted for Helix's requirement
266 * Chips4Makers FlexLib is also Open Source https://gitlab.com/Chips4Makers but the NDA'd "ports" are not.
267 * To solve the above problem, all Libre/Open Developers will work with an Academic "Ghost" version, called C4M-FreePDK45 https://gitlab.com/Chips4Makers/c4m-pdk-freepdk45. This "ghost" version will allow full (parallel-track) collaboration between Libre/Open Developers and those Participants creating "real" GDS-II Files, without violating Foundry NDAs.
270 This methodology is based on an established process that has already
271 allowed us to deliver demonstrable software and hardware results,
272 the manifestation of which is our 180nm architecture test chip now
273 in manufacture. This has involved a significant amount of cooperative
274 development among the applicants, and others beyond, and the development
275 of core supporting technology that this grant application can now
276 efficiently build upon.
279 We refer to other supporting technology sources further in this
280 application and whilst they are not the core team they will critically
281 contribute to the overall success. In particular, these groups can be
282 supported by NLnet, whose "Works for the Public Good" remit is 100%
283 compatible with the full transparency objectives (that the project's
284 participants are already committed to) which will help by providing
285 additional non-core-team development on an on-demand basis, on the back
286 of NLnet's already-trusted commitment to fulfil European Union objectives
287 under Grant Agreements No 825310 and 825322.
290 Additionally, Libre-SOC is working closely with the OpenPOWER Foundation
291 ISA Working Group Chair, having attended regular bi-weekly meetings for
292 over 18 months. As mentioned above, the entirety of our work of greater
293 than 3 years on this Vector Extension, SVP64, is entirely transparent
294 and open: https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/svp64/. Both NLnet
295 (and StandICT.eu through a proposal under consideration at the time of
296 writing) are supporting our efforts to submit the Draft SVP64 and its
297 subcomponents through the RFC (Request for Change) process being developed
298 by the OpenPOWER Foundation. For long-term stability and impact it is a
299 necessary prerequisite that Draft SVP64 become an official part of the
300 Power ISA: this decision is however down to the OpenPOWER Foundation
301 and requires considerable preparation and planning, which this Grant
302 will help support.
305 One huge benefit of Libre-SOC's core being Power ISA 3.0 Compliant is that
306 IBM contributed a huge patent pool through the OpenPOWER EULA. Compliant
307 Designs enjoy the protection of this patent pool. By contributing SVP64
308 to the Power ISA it falls under this same umbrella. Libre-SOC shall be
309 entering into an agreement with the OpenPOWER Foundation, here, as part
310 of the ISA RFC process. European businesses clearly benefit from the
311 long-term stability of this arrangement.
314 Whilst we clearly need, ultimately, to prove our design's power-efficiency
315 in silicon, we would however consider it unwise and extremely costly to
316 tape-out to Silicon without having gone through a proper early-evaluation
317 process, weeding out ineffective strategies and designs. To that end, we
318 learned from Jeff Bush's work on the Nyuzi 3D core to perform estimates
319 on power consumption and clock cycles. This is a highly-effective
320 feedback process that allows identification and targeting of the most
321 urgent (inefficient) areas, and we have taken it on-board and adopted
322 it throughout the project.
325 Part of that involves Peter Hsu's cavatools (another NLnet Grant) which
326 is (at present) a cycle-accurate Simulator for RISC-V. A (new) NLnet
327 Grant (not yet approved at the time of writing) is targeted at porting
328 cavatools to the Power ISA. This proposal would allow NLnet-funded work to
329 be extended into 3D, Video, DSP and other areas, to simulate (test) out
330 the feasibility, power-efficiency and effectiveness of different Custom
331 SVP64 Extensions to the Power ISA, long before they reach actual Silicon.
334 # 2 Impact
337 ## 2.1 Project’s pathways towards impact
340 The core of modern computing is the capability of the computational
341 element of the systems and the microprocessors they are based around.
342 Every twenty years there has been a significant evolutionary step in the
343 technical concepts employed by these microprocessor devices. For example
344 the last big step was the concept of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set)
345 processors. These developments have been driven by many forces from
346 cost of devices to limitations of the available technology of the time.
349 The Libre-SOC core is capable of becoming the next significant step
350 change in microprocessor speed, technology, and reduction in equivalent
351 computational power (Watts).
354 To illustrate this, we need to go back in history to early computing.
355 The first microprocessors were reliant on expensive core then bipolar
356 memory and even with the advent of DRAMS (Dynamic Random-Access Memories)
357 the primary focus of microprocessor processor core designs was to
358 optimise the minimal use of memory and focus on the power of the core.
359 Over time, memory became cheaper and reliance on memory to improve
360 processing increased with techniques like RAMdisk stores were developed.
361 This cheap memory also resulted in the evolution of RISC and similar
362 computing technology concepts. Today the problem is epitomized by speed,
363 where microprocessors have evolved to be much faster than the fastest
364 memories, and to increase performance, the state of the art computing
365 requires coming full-circle: once again minimising the use of memory,
366 which is now a log jam, and looking again at the core optimisation
367 solutions devised in the 1960’s by luminaries such as Seymour Cray.
368 The Libre-SOC core is an optimal adoption of this category of core
369 processor performance enhancement.
372 Libre-SOC has the benefit that its development relies on fundamental
373 research that has been known and proven for nearly 60 years. SVP64 has
374 input from and takes on-board lessons learned from NEC SX-Aurora, Cray-I,
375 Mitch Alsup's MyISA 66000, RISC-V RVV Vectors, MRISC32, AVX-512, ARM
376 SVE2, Qualcomm Hexagon and TI's DSP range, as well as other more esoteric
377 Micro-architectures such as Aspex's Array-String Processor and Elixent's
378 2D Grid design.
381 As a Hybrid (merged) CPU-VPU-GPU Micro-architecture (similar to
382 ICubeCorp's IC3128) there is a huge reduction in the complexity
383 of 3D Graphics and Video Driver and overall hardware. NVidia, ARM
384 (MALI), AMD, PowerVR, Vivante: these are all dual (ISA-incompatible)
385 architectures with staggering levels of hardware-software complexity.
386 Like ICubeCorp's design, Libre-SOC 3D and Video binaries are executed
387 directly on the actual main (one) core.
390 The end-result here is, if deployed in mass-volume products world-wide
391 including for European end-users of ubiquitous Computing devices, a
392 significant energy saving results on a massive scale, particularly in
393 battery-operated (mobile, tablet, laptop) appliances. Demonstrating this
394 however requires, ultimately, that we actually create real silicon,
395 and measure its performance and power consumption.
398 ## 2.2 Measures to maximise impact - Dissemination,
399 exploitation and communication
402 As the Libre-SOC core is the result of a Libre/Open Source project
403 by default all of our development work has been published for the last
404 four years. This was also a requirement of our EU funding through NLnet.
405 In addition we have undertaken a full program of conference presentations,
406 technology awareness activities and cooperation with key bodies such as
407 the OpenPOWER Foundation and OpenPOWER Members (Libre-SOC is participating
408 in a world-wide Open University Course about the OpenPOWER ISA, an
409 activity led by IBM). Examples:
412 * https://openpowerfoundation.org/events/openpower-summit-2020-north-america/
413 * https://openpowerfoundation.org/libre-soc-180nm-power-isa-asic-submitted-to-imec-for-fabrication/
416 Marie-Minerve Louerat (CNRS) and Jean-Paul Chaput's and Professor
417 Galayko's (Sorbonne Université LIP6 Lab) Academic Publications will
418 continue https://www.lip6.fr/actualite/personnes-fiche.php?ident=P109
419 https://www.lip6.fr/actualite/personnes-fiche.php?ident=P98
420 https://www.lip6.fr/actualite/personnes-fiche.php?ident=P230 as will
421 their continued Conference participation (example: FOSDEM 2021 coriolis2
422 https://av.tib.eu/media/52401?hl=coriolis2)
425 Luke Leighton also releases videos of his Libre-SOC talks on
426 youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/lkcl and a full list of all
427 conferences (past and present) are maintained on the Libre-SOC website
428 https://libre-soc.org/conferences/
431 The Libre-SOC bugtracker (where we track our TODO actions) is
432 public access (https://bugs.libre-soc.org), and the Mailing
433 lists are also public access (https://lists.libre-soc.org).
434 LIP6's alliance/coriolis2 mailing lists are also public access
435 (https://www-soc.lip6.fr/wws/info/alliance-users)
438 These are ongoing activities that actively encourage world-wide Open
439 Participation, and shall remain so indefinitely. We will continue to
440 grow these activities along with a commercial thread of publicity by RED
441 Semiconductor Ltd to publicise and determine product family opportunities
442 where RED Semiconductor Ltd will focus on potential product and market
443 development built upon the Libre-SOC core technology.
446 ## 2.3 Summary
449 ### Specific needs
452 Modern computing technology is designed in secrecy and released to
453 the market without the ability of the user base to vet or validate.
454 When problems arise it is usually due to “discovery” and usually
455 driven by technical curiosity or malice. What is clear is that to those
456 on the inside these problems were visible from the outset, however
457 time resource and unwillingness to explore (and unethical Commercial
458 pragmatism) has left these vulnerabilities open to be exploited. As a
459 general principle we have taken the view that any new design should be
460 open to review and able to be corrected (every design has some bugs)
461 before mass adoption and the inevitable loss and crisis.
464 In practical terms: as indicated in sections above there have
465 been a number of security incidents involving ubiquitous computing
466 devices, impacting millions to hundreds of millions of end-users,
467 world-wide. Qualcomm failed last year to provide adequate secure firmware,
468 leaving 40% of the entire world's Android smartphones vulnerable to
469 attack. With the majority of smartphones being "fire-and-forget" products
470 with non-upgradeable firmware, the end-user's only solution is to throw
471 away a perfectly good electronics product and purchase a new one.
472 For Intel products - all Intel products - the exact same thing has
473 occurred (Master Firmware Key, Spectre, Meltdown), but at an unfixable
474 hardware level, and there are no replacement Intel products that can be
475 purchased in the market to "fix" their fundamental design flaws.
478 Not only that, but all of the ubiquitous Computing products (Apple, Intel,
479 IBM, NVidia, AMD being the most well-known) are 100% non-EU-based. As far
480 as EU Digital Sovereignty is concerned, this is an extremely serious
481 and alarming situation, compounded by critical Foundries and know-how
482 to run those Foundries also not being part of a Sovereign European remit.
485 If that was not enough, Foundries and the Semiconductor Industry requires
486 NDAs that at the minimum prohibit full publication of Academic results,
487 stifling innovation and research, in turn driving up the cost for EU
488 businesses of the cost of ASIC products by creating artificial cost,
489 overhead and knowledge barriers.
492 The entire Computing and Semiconductor Industry needs a new approach.
495 Taking the initiative, the end goal of the Libre-SOC/RED Semiconductor
496 Ltd project is therefore to deliver high performance, security auditable,
497 supercomputer class computing devices to the market. As this is not
498 currently available it will prompt a step change in low power (Watts)
499 high performance computing. This will be achieved through:
502 * Energy/Power consumption measurement: we need to verify that performance/watt is lowered
503 * Draft SVP64 inclusion in Power ISA: this is needed to indicate "Official long-term Status"
504 * Auditability and Transparency: needed for end-users and EU businesses to trust the hardware.
505 * Power ISA 3.0 Interoperability: to leverage over 2 decades of existing business software tools.
506 * FPGA and Simulator demonstrators: to demonstrate feasibility of the HDL and the ISA
507 * VLSI toolchain and Cell Library: MPW Shuttle runs are needed to reach "Silicon-proven" status
508 * NLnet mini-grants: Effectively this is a "Reserve" budget for the Project, managed by NLnet
511 ### Dissemination, exploitation and Communication
513 Energy/Power consumption measurement:
516 Just as Jeff Bush showed by publishing Nyuzi Research at Conferences we
517 shall follow the same proven incremental performance/watt measures and
518 procedures, and publish the results.
520 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7095803/
523 Draft SVP64 inclusion in Power ISA:
526 We are already working with the OpenPOWER ISA Working Group, and have
527 already begun publishing the Draft SVP64 Specification as it is being
528 developed. This will become official RFCs (Request for Changes) leading
529 to adoption. This includes development of Compliance Test Suites,
530 low-level libraries, compilers etc. which shall be announced through
531 Conferences, Press Releases (by RED Semiconductor Ltd, NLnet and the
532 OpenPOWER Foundation) and standard Libre/Open development practices
533 (Mailing list Announcements).
536 Auditability and Transparency:
539 Using symbiyosys we have already established a number of Formal
540 Correctness Proofs for the TRL 3 HDL used in the 180nm ASIC: This
541 needs to be extended right the way throughout all future work and be
542 published for other OpenPOWER Foundation Members and European businesses
543 to be able to independently verify the correct functionality of not just
544 Libre-SOC ASIC designs but other Power ISA 3.0 compliant designs as well.
545 Libre-SOC HDL and the associated Formal Correctness Proofs are published
546 as-they-are-developed in real-time and consequently dissemination is
547 implicit and automatic.
550 For the Silicon-level "EMF signature" measurement system Libre-SOC
551 will define and publish Reference Standards, test applications and
552 methodology documentation. RED Semiconductor Ltd will establish
553 and make available a "expected results" database for its commercial
554 products, as part of its Product Application Documentation, so that
555 European Businesses may independently verify that their commercial
556 off-the-shelf RED Semiconductor Ltd products have not been tampered with
557 at the Silicon level. (It is beyond the scope of this Grant however RED
558 Semiconductor Ltd will publish its overall Quality Standards Strategy).
559 In concept, the "EMF Signature" strategy is very similar to Hewlett
560 Packard's "Signature Analysis Strategy" that has been around since
561 1949. https://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/pdfs/IssuePDFs/1977-05.pdf
564 Power ISA 3.0 Interoperability:
567 Standing on the shoulders of Giants (IBM and other OPF Members in
568 this case) is always a good starting point. The familiarity and
569 decades-long-term stability of the existing Power ISA 3.0 gives us a vast
570 existing-established user audience to whom we can provide training and
571 experience upgrades from an existing high-level of knowledge. In this
572 we already have the cooperation of IBM (through the OpenPOWER University
573 Education Course that Libre-SOC has helped to create - to be first run
574 from 18th-29th October 2021).
577 We will take the Interoperability further at a practical level
578 by developing a Libre/Open Power ISA 3.0 "Compliance Test
579 Suite" that meets the OpenPOWER Foundation documented standards
580 (https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-isa-compliance-definition/)
581 and make it entirely public and available to all without limit, and invite
582 other OpenPOWER Foundation Members to participate in its development
583 and use. This will then be, again, announced through Press Releases
584 and Mailing List as well as Conference Presentations.
587 FPGA and Simulator demonstrators:
590 Again: all new software tools created, and existing ones used and modified
591 to both develop and use resultant devices will be published as an inherent
592 part of the OpenSource real time publishing strategy.
595 VLSI Toolchain and Cell Library verification:
598 Again: the results of the development are, to date and in the future,
599 part of Libre/Open Source projects, and are therefore fully-visible, even
600 though they are Hardware-related we treat them as Open Source Software.
601 Conference presentations shall therefore be given, announcements on
602 Mailing Lists, as part of the overall communications strategy.
605 In this particular case however, the communication has to involve the
606 results of the MPW Shuttle runs, testing the actual ASICs, because it
607 is critical to demonstrate and communicate that the Cell Libraries are
608 Silicon-Proven and that the VLSI tools were capable of successfully
609 creating that Silicon-Proven layout. However the caveat here: anything
610 involving NDA'd material as required by the Foundry has to remain
611 confidential (note that this is not something that can be addressed
612 within the funding scope of this Call)
615 NLnet mini-grants:
618 NLnet's website has already been established with communication facilities
619 for around 19 years. NLnet are experienced in the effective evaluation
620 and management of small-scale Grants. They are also extremely familiar
621 with the work that we are doing, and with the detail of EU Grant
622 Procedures. Following those procedures they will add a new section to
623 the website for Grant Proposals that inherently meet the objectives of
624 this Call, and will use their existing communications infrastructure to
625 maximum benefit.
628 ### Expected results
631 Energy/Power consumption measurement:
634 We anticipate in the actual ASIC a significant measurable reduction in
635 performance/watt. Early predictions shall be based on Instruction-level
636 Simulations, but these need to be validated against the "real thing".
637 Due to the iterative process (outlined by Jeff Bush) we simply cannot
638 state exactly in advance the full magnitude of improvement that will
639 occur. The process itself, and how it was successfully applied, however,
640 will be considered to be part of the results themselves as part of
641 publications online and at Conferences.
644 Draft SVP64 inclusion in Power ISA:
647 The ultimate outcome here is that SVP64 becomes an officially-adopted
648 part of the OpenPOWER ISA, including a full compliance test suite,
649 documentation in a future revision of the official Power ISA Technical
650 Reference Manual. This process is, however, by necessity and being an
651 extremely important responsibility of the OpenPOWER Foundation (not of
652 any of the Participants), very slow and outside of our control, and may
653 take longer than the 36 month duration of the Grant to complete.
656 Therefore, the critical Milestone shall be our submission to the
657 OpenPOWER Foundation's ISA Working Group, as well as the development of
658 the required Compliance Test Suites. Both of these shall be published
659 under appropriate Libre/Open Licenses.
662 Auditability and Transparency:
665 We will have completed the Formal Correctness Proofs and published them
666 and the results of running them against the Libre-SOC HDL. We will also
667 have received the ASICs back from MPW Shuttle runs, which will contain
668 "EMF detection" wires routed strategically throughout it, and run the
669 pre-arranged unit tests that will create "Signatures" that shall be
670 recorded and published. This task is another critical reason why we
671 need actual Silicon, because only with an ASIC can we demonstrate the
672 viability of Signature Analysis (and similar) Strategies for ASICs.
675 Power ISA 3.0 Interoperability:
678 We will have completed an implementation of the Compliance Test
679 Suite as a Libre-Licensed application that can test multiple different
680 implementations: FPGA, Simulators (including our own as well as qemu), and
681 actual Silicon implementations including IBM POWER9, POWER10, Microwatt.
682 In addition we will have extended our own interoperability "Test API"
683 that allows comparisons of any arbitrary user-generated application
684 against any other arbitrary Power ISA compliant devices (whether FPGA,
685 Simulator, or Silicon): the OpenPOWER Compliance Test Suite implementation
686 shall simply be one of those applications.
689 We expect the Libre-SOC core to pass the full OpenPOWER ISA 3.0 Test
690 Suite, and the results to be published. We will also communicate with
691 OpenPOWER Foundation Members and make them aware of the existence of
692 the Test Suite and document how it may be used to test their own Power
693 ISA 3.0 implementations for Compliance.
696 FPGA and Simulator demonstrators:
699 Successful software simulation (emulation) of the augmented Power 3.0 ISA
700 with the Draft SVP64 Extensions, and successful demonstration of the HDL
701 of a multi-core SMP processor implementing the same, running in a large
702 FPGA (the size of the commercially-available FPGAs constraining what
703 is possible, here). Each shall help verify the other's correctness.
704 This will be a rapid iterative cycle of development and shall always
705 produce early results, feeding back to continued improvement.
708 VLSI Toolchain and Cell Library verification:
711 Multiple demonstrator 2-core ASICs and a proven path to an 8-core ASIC
712 (as we anticipate that the 8-core is likely to be beyond the scope of the
713 Grant due to Silicon costs). Where the 2-core ASIC MPW is multi-purpose
714 (proving the HDL, proving the VLSI toolchain, proving the Cell Library)
715 and shall use the FPGA and Simulations to check its correctness before
716 proceeding, the 8-core shall remain in FPGA only, due to cost, but a
717 VLSI Layout for the 8-core will still be attempted, in order to "test
718 the limits" of the VLSI tools. If funding was available we could take
719 the 8-core to full MPW rather than just to FPGA and GDS-II. As the 8
720 core Layout develops, if it (and the coriolis2 toolchain) progresses
721 to viability in the 36 months one option might be for RED Semiconductor
722 to apply for a EUR 500,000 NLnet mini-grant, payment terms to meet
723 requirements set by IMEC, from their budget allocated under this proposal.
726 NLnet mini-grants:
729 NLnet will receive and review potentially hundreds of small Grant
730 Proposals to ensure that they meet both the Call's Objectives and meet
731 NLnet's responsibilities as a Stichting / Foundation to fund "Works
732 for the Public Good". They shall request that the successful Grant
733 Applicant create Milestones and that Grant Applicant communicate those
734 results, thus requiring that it is the Grant Applicant that fulfils the
735 requirement herein. This process is already established and already in
736 effect under Grant Agreements No 825310 and 825322.
739 In the case of the Participants, if we need "reserve" budgets for
740 unforseen activities, we commit to following that exact same procedure
741 and thus also shall meet the Objectives of this Call (examples include
742 the MPW 8-core, above). We are aware that new technology beneficial to
743 the project may not be currently apparent but will be available within
744 the 36 months duration, and the methodology of funding it through NLnet
745 may prove optimal and a cost-effective use of EU funds, as NLnet would
746 (as they do now) only draw the budget down as needed.
749 ### Target groups
752 Due to our Open real time publishing of the Libre-SOC project, our work
753 can be forked by anyone at any time as a starting point or as a building
754 block for new projects, potentially taking the ideas and concepts in any
755 direction. These can be individuals or teams and they can be academics
756 or industrialists, the point being that if we trigger a step change in
757 the technology everyone should be able to benefit.
760 This is in addition to our own commercialisation plans.
763 Open Source methodology leads to Open standards which leads to Open
764 understanding and rapid adoption of new ideas in academia and industry.
765 The Eurocentric nature and benefit of the work should not be overlooked
766 either.
769 ### Outcomes
772 As the development chain includes elements of commercialisation, beyond
773 the immediate benefit to similar projects by the enhancement of the
774 Libre/Open Source tool chain and the educational uplift provided directly
775 and by example to other groups and European businesses and Educational
776 Establishments planning Software-to-Silicon projects, the most direct
777 outcome will be the availability, as devices in the market through RED
778 Semiconductor Ltd, of a new concept in supercomputing power that is also
779 completely security auditable and transparent.
782 We are already aware of a commercial venture formed recently, who are
783 aware and already benefiting from our work over the last three years to
784 improve the Software-to-Silicon toolchain, that is now focusing on the
785 finessing of the toolchain and its human interface to widen access to the
786 methodology and IMEC are using our architectural test chip, currently in
787 production, to validate and test their new cloud based chip design suite.
788 The outcomes are already happening and are bound to magnify.
791 ### Impacts
794 We believe the market demand for our step change in core architecture
795 thinking is so great it will force the world's leading microprocessor
796 companies to follow. The result will be a greater step change in the
797 performance and security of computer hardware across the world.
800 Additionally the confirmation of Silicon-proven Cell Libraries and
801 a European-led functional Libre-Licensed VLSI toolchain in lower
802 geometries will significantly reduce the cost of ASIC development for
803 European businesses and reduce to zero the risk of critical dependence
804 on non-Sovereign (geo-politically constrained) Commercial VLSI tools
805 and Cell Libraries.
808 # 3 Quality and efficiency of the implementation
811 https://online.visual-paradigm.com/diagrams/tutorials/pert-chart-tutorial/
814 Work Packages:
817 1. NLnet
818 2. SVP64 Standards
819 3. Power ISA Simulator and Compliance Test Suite
820 4. Compilers and Libraries
821 5. Enhancement of Libre-SOC HDL
822 6. EMF Signature Hardware security
823 7. Cell Libraries
824 8. Improve Coriolis2 for smaller geometries
825 9. VLSI Layout, Tape-outs and ASIC testing
826 10. Project Management
827 11. Helix GPS Application
830 # 3.1 Work plan and resources
832 [[!img 2021-10-19_09-50.png size="550px" ]]
834 Tables for section 3.1
837 Table 3.1a: List of work packages
840 |Wp# |Wp Name |Lead # |Lead Part# Name |Pe Months|Start |End |
841 |----- |------------- |------------ |--------- |--- |----- |--------- |
842 |1 |NLnet |5 |NLnet |18 |1 |36 |
843 |2 |SVP64 |2 |Libre-SOC |21 |1 |36 |
844 |3 |Sim/Test |2 |Libre-SOC |64 |1 |18 |
845 |4 |Compilers |1 |RED |32 |1 |36 |
846 |5 |HDL |2 |Libre-SOC |193 |1 |36 |
847 |6 |EMF Sig |4 |4/CNRS |84 |1 |18 |
848 |7 |Cells |2 |Libre-SOC |109 |1 |24 |
849 |8 |Coriolis2 |3 |3/SU |338 |1 |36 |
850 |9 |Layout |3 |3/SU |220 |8 |36 |
851 |10 |Mgmt, Fin, Legal |1 |RED |185 |1 |36 |
852 |11 |Helix GPS Cor. |6 |Helix |248 |1 |36 |
853 | | | |Total months |1512 | | |
855 ## 1. NLnet
857 Table 3.1b(1)
859 |Work Package Number |1 |
860 | ---- | -------- |
861 |Lead beneficiary |NLnet |
862 |Title |NLnet mini-grants |
863 |Participant Number |5 |
864 |Short name of participant |NLnet |
865 |Person months per participant |18 |
866 |Start month |1 |
867 |End month |36 |
870 Objectives:
873 To manage the people who put in supplementary (by timescale) proposals
874 intended to support the core objectives of our proposal, ensuring that
875 those proposals also honour and meet the objectives outlined in the
876 original call:
878 https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/horizon-cl4-2021-digital-emerging-01-01
881 This will allow us to address and deploy new ideas and concepts not
882 immediately available to us at the time of this submission, and have
883 them properly vetted by an Organisation both familiar with our work,
884 and already trusted by the EU to fulfil the same role for other EU Grants.
887 Description of work:
890 These descriptions effectively mirror the light-weight grant mechanism
891 NLnet manages for the NGI research and development calls (EU Grants
892 825310 and 825322) and does not deviate from those pre-established
893 procedures except to define the context of the work to be carried out
894 by the Grant Recipient to fall within the criteria defined by this call
895 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) not those of the previous Grants
898 * To include on the NLnet website a dedicated Call for mini-grant (EUR 50,000) Proposals, meeting the criteria of this existing Call (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) where the wording shall be written by NLnet and approved by the EU.
899 * To analyse and vet the Proposals to ensure that they match the criteria, through a multi-stage process including validating appropriateness to the Libre-SOC Project and running each application through an Independent Review by the EU.
900 * To notify successful Applicants, to ensure that they sign a Memorandum of Understanding with attached pre-agreed Milestones, and to fulfil Requests for Payment on 100% successful completion of those same pre-agreed Milestones.
901 * To produce Audit and Transparency Reports and to engage the services of Auditors to ensure compliance.
904 Deliverables:
907 Again these deliverables are no different from NLnet's existing
908 deliverables to the EU under Grant Agreements 825310 and 825322
911 * 1.1. A functioning Call-for-Proposals on the NLnet website.
912 * 1.2. Inclusion of the new CfP within the existing NLnet infrastructure
913 * 1.3. Progress Reports and Independent Audit Reports to the EU
916 ## 2. SVP64 Standards, RFC submission to OPF ISA WG
919 Table 3.1b(2)
922 |Work Package Number |2 |
923 | ---- | -------- |
924 |Lead beneficiary |Libre-SOC |
925 |Title |SVP64 Standards, RFC submission to OPF ISA WG |
926 |Participant Number |2 |
927 |Short name of participant |Libre-SOC |
928 |Person months per participant |21 |
929 |Start month |1 |
930 |End month |36 |
933 Objectives:
936 To advance Draft SVP64 Standards, to work with the OpenPOWER Foundation
937 ISA Working Group to comply with deliverable requirements as defined
938 by the OPF ISA WG within their Request For Change (RFC) Process, and to
939 deliver them.
942 Description of work:
945 * Extend Draft SVP64 into other areas necessary for fulfilment of this Call (including Zero-Overhead Loop Control)
946 * Prepare SVP64 Standards Documentation for RFC Submission, including identifying appropriate subdivisions of work.
947 * Create presentations and explanatory material for OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG Members to help with their Review Process
948 * Complete OPF ISA WG RFC submission requirements and submit the RFCs (Note: Compliance Test Suites are also required but are part of Work Package 3)
949 * Publish the results of the decision by the ISA WG (whether accepted or not) and adapt to feedback if necessary
950 * Repeat for all portions of all SVP64 Standards.
953 Deliverables:
956 Note: some of these deliverables may not yet be determined due to
957 the OpenPOWER Foundation having not yet finalised and published its
958 procedures, having not yet completed their Legal Review. In addition,
959 although we can advise and consult with them, it will be the OPF ISA
960 WG who decides what final subdivisions of SVP64 are appropriate (not
961 the Participants). This directly impacts and determines what the actual
962 Deliverables will be: They will however fit the following template:
965 * 2.1. Publish report on appropriate subdivisions of SVP64 subdivisions into multiple distinct OPF RFCs
966 * 2.2. Publish presentations and explanatory materials to aid in the understanding of SVP64 and its value
967 * 2.3. Attend Conferences to promote SVP64 and its benefits
968 * 2.4. Complete the documentation and all tasks required for each SVP64 RFC and submit them to the OPF
969 * 2.5. For each RFC, publish a report on the decision and all other permitted information that does not fall within the Commercial Confidentiality Requirements set by the OpenPOWER Foundation (these conditions are outside of our control).
972 ## 3. Power ISA Simulator and Compliance Test Suite
975 Table 3.1b(3)
978 |Work Package Number |3 |
979 | ---- | -------- |
980 |Lead beneficiary |Libre-SOC |
981 |Title |Power ISA Simulator and Compliance Test Suite |
982 |Participant Number |2 |1 |
983 |Short name of participant |Libre-SOC |RED |
984 |Person months per participant |32 |32 |
985 |Start month |1 |
986 |End month |18 |
989 Objectives:
992 To advance the state-of-the-art in high-speed (near-real-time)
993 hardware-cycle-accurate ISA Simulators to include the Power ISA and the
994 SVP64 Draft Vector Extensions, and to create Test Suites and Compliance
995 Test Suites with a view to aiding and assisting OpenPOWER Foundation
996 Members including other European businesses and Academic Institutions
997 to be able to check the interoperability and compliance of their Power
998 ISA designs, and to have a stable base from which to accurately and
999 cost-effectively test out experimental energy-efficient and performance
1000 advancements in computing, in close to real-time, before committing to
1001 actual Silicon.
1004 Description of work:
1007 1. Supplement the work under NLnet "Assure" Grant No 2021-08-071 (part of EU Grant no 957073) to further advance a cavatools port to the Power ISA 3 with newer Draft SVP64 features not already covered by NLnet 2021-08-071 (Note: this particular NLnet Grant has not yet been approved at the time of writing)
1008 2. Advancement of the Hardware-Cycle-Accuracy for Out-of-Order Execution simulation in cavatools, and the addition of other appropriate Hardware models.
1009 3. Addition of other relevant Libre-SOC Draft Power ISA Extensions in cavatools for 3D, Video, Cryptography and other relevant Extensions.
1010 4. Advancement of the Libre-SOC (TRL 3/4) "Test API" to other Simulators, HDL Simulators and existing ASICs (IBM POWER 9/10) and designs (Microwatt)
1011 5. Implement Compliance Test Suite suitable for Libre-SOC according to OpenPOWER Foundation requirements (for Work Package 2: SVP64 Standards)
1012 6. Develop an SVP64 Compliance Test Suite suitable for submission to the relevant OpenPOWER Workgroup, to a level that meets their requirements.
1015 Deliverables:
1018 * 3.1. Delivery of an updated version of cavatools with new Draft SVP64 features
1019 * 3.2. Delivery of a version of cavatools with hardware-accurate models including Out-of-Order Execution
1020 * 3.3. Delivery of additional co-simulation and co-execution options to the Libre-SOC "Test API" including at least IBM POWER 9 (and POWER 10 if access can be obtained), and Microwatt.
1021 * 3.4. Delivery of an implementation of a Compliance Test Suite that meets the OpenPOWER Foundation's criteria
1022 * 3.5. Delivery of the documentation and an implementation of a Compliance Test Suite for Draft SVP64 Extensions for submission to the relevant OpenPOWER Foundation Workgroup.
1023 * 3.6. Public reports on all of the above at Conferences and on the Libre-SOC website.
1026 ## 4. Compilers and Software Libraries
1029 Table 3.1b(4)
1031 |Work Package Number |4 |
1032 | ---- | -------- |
1033 |Lead beneficiary |RED Semiconductor Ltd |
1034 |Title |Compilers and Software Libraries |
1035 |Participant Number |1 |2 |
1036 |Short name of participant |RED |Libre-SOC |
1037 |Person months per participant |20 |12 |
1038 |Start month |1 |
1039 |End month |36 |
1042 Objectives:
1045 To create usable prototype compilers including the advanced Draft SVP64
1046 Vector features suitable for programmers using C, C++ and other High-level
1047 Languages, and to provide the base for the 3D Vulkan Drivers (IR -
1048 Intermediate Representation). To advance the 3D Vulkan Drivers with Draft
1049 SVP64 support. To add support for SVP64 Vectors into low-level software
1050 such as libc6, u-boot, the Linux Kernel and other critical infrastructure
1051 necessary for general-purpose computing software development.
1054 Description of work:
1057 * Feasibility Study of each of the Compilers and Libraries
1058 * Draft SVP64 Vector support in the gcc compiler
1059 * Draft SVP64 Vector support in the llvm compiler
1060 * Advancement of the Kazan 3D Vulkan Driver including using Draft SVP64
1061 * Advancement of the MESA3D Vulkan Driver including using Draft SVP64
1062 * Draft SVP64 Vector and Libre-SOC core support in low-level software including: libc6, u-boot, Linux Kernel.
1065 Deliverables:
1068 * 4.1. Feasibility report on the viability and scope of achievable work within the available respective budgets for each deliverable
1069 * 4.2. Prototype compilers for each of gcc, llvm, Kazan and MESA3D meeting the scope of achievable work defined in the Feasibility study, delivered in source code form under appropriate Libre-Licenses and including unit test bench source code demonstrating successfully meeting the objectives
1070 * 4.3. Prototype ports of libc6, u-boot, Linux Kernel and other software demonstrated to meet the scope of achievable work, delivered in source code form under appropriate Libre-Licenses with unit tests.
1071 * 4.4. Public reports on the above and presentations at suitable Conferences
1074 ## 5. Enhancement of Libre-SOC HDL
1077 Table 3.1b(5)
1080 |Work Package Number |5 |
1081 | ---- | -------- |
1082 |Lead beneficiary |Libre-SOC |
1083 |Title |Enhancement of Libre-SOC HDL |
1084 |Participant Number |2 |1 |3 |
1085 |Short name of participant |Libre-SOC |RED |3/SU |
1086 |Person months per participant |94 |83 |27 |
1087 |Start month |1 |
1088 |End month |36 |
1091 Objectives:
1094 To create progressively larger processor designs, implementing the
1095 Power ISA 3, augmented by Draft SVP64 Cray-style Vectors, in order to
1096 act as real-world test cases for coriolis2 VLSI.
1099 Description of work:
1102 1. Review and potentially revise the existing Libre-SOC SIMD ALU HDL library, for optimisation and gate-level efficiency.
1103 2. Review and revise the existing Libre-SOC IEEE754 Floating-Point HDL Library, for the same, to scale up to meet commercial performance/watt in targeted 3D GPU workloads.
1104 3. Implement Out-of-order Multi-issue Execution Engine using Mitch Alsup's advanced Scoreboard design
1105 4. Implement Speculative Execution Models and Checkers to ensure resistance from Spectre, Meltdown and other hardware security attacks
1106 5. Implement advanced 3D and Video Execution Engines and Pipelines (Texture caches, Z-Buffers etc.)
1107 6. Integrate advanced "Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control" (TRL9) features deployed successfully by STMicroelectronics into the Libre-SOC Core
1108 7. Implement fully-automated "Pinmux" and Peripheral / IRQ Fabric Generator suitable for System-on-a-Chip semi-automated HDL.
1109 8. Implement large-scale Memory Management Unit (MMU), IOMMU, SMP-aware L1 Caches and L2 Cache suitable for multi-core high-performance Vector throughput
1110 9. Formal Correctness Proofs and Modular Unit Tests for all HDL.
1111 10. Implement Verification, Validation and Simulations for HDL
1114 Deliverables:
1117 * 5.1. Advanced HDL SIMD Library with appropriate documentation, unit tests and Formal Correctness Proofs, suitable for general-purpose wide adoption outside of Libre-SOC's use-case, under appropriate Libre Licenses
1118 * 5.2. Advanced HDL IEEE754 Library with appropriate documentation, unit tests and Formal Correctness Proofs, , suitable for general-purpose wide adoption outside of Libre-SOC's use-case, under appropriate Libre Licenses
1119 * 5.3. Advanced Libre-SOC SMP-capable Core, capable of multi-issue Out-of-Order Execution and implementing the Power ISA and Draft SVP64 Custom Extensions, with full unit tests and appropriate Formal Correctness Proofs.
1120 * 5.4. "Peripheral" HDL including PHYs+Controllers including Pinmux / Fabric Inter-connect Autogenerator
1121 * 5.5. Verification, Validation and Simulation of HDL
1122 * 5.6. Appropriate publications and reports on all of the above at Conferences and on the Libre-SOC website.
1125 ## 6. EMF Signature Hardware security
1128 Table 3.1b(6)
1131 |Work Package Number |6 |
1132 | ---- | -------- |
1133 |Lead beneficiary |CNRS |
1134 |Title |EMF Signature Hardware security |
1135 |Participant Number |3 |4 |2 |1 |
1136 |Short name of participant |3/SU |4/CNRS |Libre-SOC |RED |
1137 |Person months per participant |35 |11 |13 |25 |
1138 |Start month |1 |
1139 |End month |18 |
1142 Objectives:
1145 To create a Electro-Magnetic "Signature" system that threads all the
1146 way through an ASIC VLSI layout that is sensitive to localised signal
1147 conditions, without adversely impacting the ASIC's behavioural integrity.
1148 For the "Signature" system to be sufficiently sensitive to change its
1149 output depending what program the ASIC is running at the time, in real
1150 time. To integrate the "threading" into the coriolis2 VLSI toolchain
1151 such that the "Signature" system's deployment is fully automatic.
1152 To demonstrate its successful functionality through a small (low-cost,
1153 large geometry) MPW test runs prior to deployment in the larger ASIC at
1154 lower geometries.
1157 Description of work:
1160 * Feasibility study of different types of EMF "Signature" systems (including Hewlett Packard's 1949 technique) and the design of the test methodology.
1161 * Design the Mixed Analog / Digital Cells required
1162 * Design and implement an automated integration and layout module in coriolis2 to deploy the Signature System on any ASIC.
1163 * Create a suitable VLSI layout with an existing small example alliance-check-toolkit HDL design, with the Signature System threaded through it, and test the resultant MPW ASIC
1164 * Work with the Libre-SOC and VLSI Layout team to deploy the "Signature" system in the smaller geometry layout, ensuring for security reasons that only authorised access to the System is allowed, and help test the resultant MPW ASIC.
1165 * Publish the results in an Academic Paper as well as present at Conferences
1168 Deliverables:
1171 * 6.1. Feasibility and test methodology Report
1172 * 6.2. Mixed Analog / Digital Cells for the Signature System
1173 * 6.3. SPICE Simulation report on the expected behaviour of the "Signature" system
1174 * 6.4. coriolis2 module for automated deployment of Signature System within any ASIC
1175 * 6.5. small ASIC in large geometry and test report on the results
1176 * 6.6. large Libre-SOC ASIC in small geometry with Signature System and test report on its behaviour
1177 * 6.7. Academic Paper on the whole system.
1180 ## 7. Cell Libraries
1183 Table 3.1b(7)
1186 |Work Package Number |7 |
1187 | ---- | -------- |
1188 |Lead beneficiary |Libre-SOC |
1189 |Title |Cell Libraries for smaller geometries |
1190 |Participant Number |3 |2 |1 |
1191 |Short name of participant |3/SU |Libre-SOC |Red |
1192 |Person months per participant |33 |13 |63 |
1193 |Start month |1 |
1194 |End month |24 |
1197 Objectives:
1200 To create, simulate, and test in actual silicon the low-level Cell
1201 Libraries in multiple geometries needed for advancing Libre/Open VLSI,
1202 using this proposals' other Work Packages as a test and proving platform,
1203 with a view to significantly reducing the cost for European Businesses in
1204 the creation of ASICs, for European Businesses and Academic Institutions
1205 to be able to publish the results of Security Research in full without
1206 impediment of Foundry NDAs, and to aid and assist in meeting the Digital
1207 Sovereignty Objectives outlined in EPRS PE 651,992 of July 2020.
1210 Description of work:
1213 Please Note: Work Packages 7, 8 and 9 are highly interdependent and
1214 will cross fertilise their results in an iterative manner as the design
1215 complexity increases, starting from smaller rapid-prototype test ASIC
1216 layouts and progressing to full designs.
1219 * Analog PLL, ADC and DAC Cells
1220 * Differential-pair Transmit / Receiver Cell
1221 * LVDS (current-driven) Transmit / Receiver Cell
1222 * Advanced GPIO IO Pad Cell (w/ Schottky etc.)
1223 * Clock Gating Cell
1224 * SR NAND Latch Cell
1225 * Standard Cells (MUX, DFF, XOR, etc)
1226 * SERDES Transmit / Receiver Cell (Gigabit / Multi-Gigabit)
1227 * Other Cells to be developed as required for other Work Packages
1230 Deliverables:
1233 * 7.1. Design of all Cells needed
1234 * 7.2. SPICE Model Simulations of all Cells
1235 * 7.3. Creation of Test ASIC Layouts and submission for MPW Shuttles in various geometries
1236 * 7.4. Generate and publish reports (Academic and others) and disseminate results
1239 ## 8. Improve Coriolis2 for smaller geometries
1242 Table 3.1b(8)
1245 |Work Package Number |8 |
1246 | ---- | -------- |
1247 |Lead beneficiary |Sorbonne Université (LIP6 Lab) |
1248 |Title |Improve Coriolis2 for smaller geometries |
1249 |Participant Number |3 |2 |1 |
1250 |Short name of participant |3/SU |Libre-SOC |RED |
1251 |Person months per participant |112 |128 |98 |
1252 |Start month |1 |
1253 |End month |36 |
1256 Objectives:
1259 To improve coriolis2 for lower geometries (to be decided on evaluation)
1260 such that it performs 100% DRC-clean (Design Rule Check) GDS-II files
1261 at the chosen geometry for the chosen Foundry, for each ASIC.
1264 Note: Commercial "DRC" will confirm that the GDS-II layout meets timing,
1265 electrical characteristics, ESD, spacing between tracks, sizes of vias
1266 etc. and confirms that the layout will not damage the Foundry's equipment
1267 during Manufacture.
1270 Description of work:
1273 Please Note: Work Packages 7, 8 and 9 are highly interdependent and
1274 will cross fertilise their results in an iterative manner as the design
1275 complexity increases, starting from smaller rapid-prototype test ASIC
1276 layouts and progressing to full designs.
1279 * The main focus (absolute priority) should be put on timing closure
1280 that becomes critical in the lower nodes. And if we can only achieve
1281 this alone, it will be a great success. That entails:
1282 - Improve the clock tree (change from H-Tree to a dynamically
1283 balanced one).
1284 - Improve High Fanout Net Synthesis.
1285 - Prevent hold violations.
1286 - Resizing of the gates (adjust power).
1287 - Logical resynthesis along the critical path, if needed.
1288 - Add a whole timing graph infrastructure.
1289 * To be able to implement those features has deep consequences on P&R:
1290 - We must have an "estimator" of the timing in the wires
1291 (first guess: Elmore).
1292 - The placer algorithm SimPL needs to be upgraded/rewritten
1293 to take on more additional constraints (adding and resizing
1294 gates on the fly).
1295 * Better power supply. Control of IR-drop.
1296 * Protection against cross-coupling.
1297 * During all that process, we must work on a stable database.
1298 So correct speed bottleneck only in algorithms built upon it,
1299 not the DB itself. For this kind of design, it is acceptable
1300 to run a full day on a high end computer.
1301 * Start a parallel project about to redesign the database (providing a backward
1302 compatibility API to Hurricane). But we must not make depend the timing closure
1303 on the database Rewrite.
1306 Deliverables:
1309 The key deliverables are measured by the successful passing of DRC
1310 (Design Rule Checks) against Commercial VLSI tools (Mentor, Synopsis), and
1311 is so critically inter-dependent on all components working 100% together
1312 that there can only be one deliverable, here, per ASIC Layout. Completion
1313 of sub- and sub-sub-tasks shall however be recorded in an easily-auditable
1314 Standard Libre/Open Task Tracking Database (gitlab, bugzilla) and
1315 appropriate structured progress reports created. As is the case with
1316 all Libre/Open Projects, "continuous" delivery is inherent through the
1317 ongoing publication of all source code in real-time. Full delivery is
1318 expected around 30 months.
1321 * 8.1. Coriolis2 VLSI improvements
1322 * 8.2. multiple small test ASIC layouts, to be added to LIP6 alliance-check-toolkit, potentially to be taped out and act as a preliminary test of prototype Cell Libraries
1323 * 8.3. large 2-core ASIC layout to be specifically taped-out in an MPW Shuttle Run
1324 * 8.4. Very large 8-core ASIC layout, not necessarily to be taped-out (MPW) due to size and cost, designed to push the limits.
1325 * 8.5. Academic and other reports
1328 ## 9. VLSI Layout, Tape-outs and ASIC testing
1331 Table 3.1b(9)
1334 |Work Package Number |9 |
1335 | ---- | -------- |
1336 |Lead beneficiary |Sorbonne Université (LIP6 Lab) |
1337 |Title |VLSI Layout, Tape-outs and ASIC testing |
1338 |Participant Number |3 |2 |1 |
1339 |Short name of participant |3/SU |Libre-SOC |RED |
1340 |Person months per participant |64 |94 |62 |
1341 |Start month |8 |
1342 |End month |36 |
1345 Objectives:
1348 To create 100% DRC-clean VLSI Layouts, to perform the necessary
1349 Validation of HDL as to its correctness at the transistor level, to
1350 submit them for MPW Shuttle Runs at the appropriate geometry through IMEC,
1351 and to test the resultant ASICs. This to confirm that the advancements
1352 to the entire coriolis2 VLSI Toolchain is in fact capable of correctly
1353 producing ASICs at both smaller geometries than it can already do,
1354 and at much larger sizes than it can already handle. To publish reports
1355 that serve to inform European Businesses and Academic Institutions of
1356 the results such that, if successful, those Businesses will potentially
1357 save hugely on the cost of development of ASICs, and the dependence
1358 on geo-political commercial tools is mitigated and the EU's Digital
1359 Sovereignty Objectives met.
1362 Description of work:
1365 Please Note: Work Packages 7, 8 and 9 are highly interdependent and
1366 will cross fertilise their results in an iterative manner as the design
1367 complexity increases, starting from smaller rapid-prototype test ASIC
1368 layouts and progressing to full designs.
1371 * To create VLSI Layouts using Libre-SOC HDL
1372 * To prepare and submit GDS-II Files to IMEC under appropriate MPW Shuttle Runs
1373 * To develop a Test jig, including custom test socket and supporting test software for each ASIC and to produce an appropriate report
1374 * To publish Academic Papers and other materials, on websites and at Conferences, on the results of each Tape-out.
1377 Deliverables:
1380 Note that due to the strong inter-dependence, these are the same Deliverables as Work Package 8.
1383 * 9.1. Multiple small test ASIC layouts, to be added to LIP6 alliance-check-toolkit, potentially to be taped out and act as a preliminary test of prototype Cell Libraries
1384 * 9.2. Large 2-core ASIC layout to be specifically taped-out in an MPW Shuttle Run
1385 * 9.3. Very large 8-core ASIC layout, not to be taped-out due to size and cost, designed to push the limits.
1386 * 9.4. Academic and other reports
1389 ## 10. Management
1392 Table 3.1b(10)
1395 |Work Package Number |10 |
1396 | ---- | -------- |
1397 |Lead beneficiary |RED |
1398 |Title |VLSI Layout, Tape-outs and ASIC testing |
1399 |Participant Number |1 |3 |2 |5 |
1400 |Short name of participant |RED |3/SU |Libre-SOC |NLnet |
1401 |Person months per participant |116 |12 |15 |42 |
1402 |Start month |1 |
1403 |End month |36 |
1406 Objectives:
1409 * Achieve competent management and control of the project
1410 * Account for activities and spending, and generate reports
1411 * Oversee legal relationships within the group and with external organisations
1414 Description of work:
1417 With a multi discipline project across five organisations it is
1418 essential that there is management and direction, as well as adequate
1419 training of new individuals introduced within each team. Each individual
1420 organisation will be responsible for their own activities with a central
1421 focus being maintained by RED Semiconductor Ltd and Libre-SOC jointly.
1424 Deliverables:
1427 * 10.1. Management, Administration and Training team
1428 * 10.2. Reporting
1431 ## 11. Helix GPS Correlator
1434 Table 3.1b(11)
1437 |Work Package Number |11 |
1438 | ---- | -------- |
1439 |Lead beneficiary |Helix |
1440 |Title | |
1441 |Participant Number |1 |6 | |
1442 |Short name of participant |RED |Helix | |
1443 |Person months per participant |136 |112 | |
1444 |Start month |1 |
1445 |End month |36 |
1448 Objectives:
1451 To focus the Libre-SOC 2-core ASIC onto a real-word customer
1452 requirement: GPS. To integrate both an FPGA as an early prototype and
1453 the final ASIC into a Demonstrator connecting to Helix's high-accuracy
1454 GPS Antenna Arrays. To confirm functionality, and confirm energy savings
1455 (performance/watt) compared to other solutions.
1457 This programme will enable Helix to research, specify and ultimately
1458 realise, test and deploy a PNT processor single-chip that enables
1459 encrypted millimetre precision GNSS position and <nanosecond time data
1460 to be delivered from today’s GNSS constellations, and to be ready for
1461 next generation LEO (low earth orbit) PNT constellations being planned.
1463 Helix’s comprehensive anti-jamming/spoofing and self-correcting
1464 capabilities will be designed into the same chip, enabling single-die
1465 total solution to accurate/resilient PNT, allowing Helix to integrate
1466 the electronics functionality into its antennas to create an ultra-
1467 compact ultra-low-power PNT solution that can be utilised globally
1468 in the next wave of applications like autonomous vehicles, urban air
1469 mobility, micro-transportation, and critical communications network
1470 synchronisation where market size runs into the tens or hundreds of
1471 million units per year.
1473 Description of work:
1476 1. Scoping Report by Helix to research a Technical Architecture and the full Mathematical Requirements
1477 2. Creating from Scoping an agreed definition of the GPS ASIC requirement, by Helix, to be given to Libre-SOC and RED.
1478 3. Software, Hardware, Documentation, FPGA Prototypes, Test and QA for the Libre-SOC 2-core to be focussed on GPS as a real-word customer Application.
1479 4. Software Development and Hardware compatibility design through the GPS Antenna Arrays, and testing to confirm functionality in both FPGA and ASIC. To confirm reduction in performance/watt of the ASIC.
1480 5. Reporting
1483 Deliverables:
1486 * 11.1 Scoping Report
1487 * 11.2 NRE: Adapt 2-core to working demonstrator GPS Application
1488 * 11.3 Helix Management of NRE
1489 * 11.4 Helix Internal Engineering for GPS Antenna connectivity and testing.
1490 * 11.5 Reports
1493 ## Table 3.1c List of Deliverables
1495 Essential deliverables for effective project monitoring.
1497 |Deliv. #|Deliverable name |Wp # | Lead name |Type |Diss. |Del Mon |
1498 |------ |----------- |------ | ------- |------ |----------- | ---- |
1499 |1.3 |Reports |1 |5/NLnet |R |PU |12/24/36 |
1500 |2.4 |SVP64 RFCs |2 |2/Libre-SOC |R |PU |multiple |
1501 |3.4 |Compliance |3 |1/RED |R |PU |24 |
1502 |3.6 |Reports |3 |1/RED |R |PU |24/36 |
1503 |4.1 |Feasibility |4 |1/RED |R |PU |3 |
1504 |4.4 |Reports |4 |1/RED |R |PU |12/24/36 |
1505 |5.3 |Libre-SOC Core |5 |2/Libre-SOC |OTHER|PU |18 |
1506 |5.5 |HDL Validation |5 |2/Libre-SOC |R |PU |18 |
1507 |5.6 |Reports |5 |2/Libre-SOC |R |PU |12/24/36 |
1508 |6.1 |Feasibility |6 |4/CNRS |R |PU |3 |
1509 |6.7 |Academic Paper |6 |4/CNRS |R |PU |36 |
1510 |7.2 |SPICE Models |7 |4/CNRS |DATA |PU |12 |
1511 |7.4 |Academic Papers |7 |4/CNRS |R |PU |36 |
1512 |8.3 |2-core readiness |8 |3/SU |R |PU |15 |
1513 |8.5 |Academic Papers |8 |3/SU |R |PU |36 |
1514 |9.2 |2-core GDS-II |9 |3/SU |OTHER|PU |26 |
1515 |9.4 |Academic Papers |9 |3/SU |R |PU |36 |
1516 |10.2 |Reporting |10 |1/RED |R |PU |12/24/36 |
1517 |11.2 |Requirements |11 |6/Helix |R |PU |12 |
1518 |11.5 |Reporting |11 |6/Helix |R |PU |12/24/36 |
1520 ## Table 3.1d: List of milestones
1522 List of Milestones:
1524 |M/stone #|Milestone name |WP# |Due date |Means of verification |
1525 |------ | ------ | ----- | ------ | ------ |
1526 |2.4 |SVP64 RFCs |2 |multiple |OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG |
1527 |3.1 |cavatools/SVP64 |3 |12 |Deliverable 3.5 (Compliance tests) |
1528 |4.2 |compilers |4 |24 |Deliverable 4.3 (software tests) |
1529 |5.3 |Libre-SOC Core |5 |18 |Deliverable 5.5 (HDL Validation) |
1530 |6.2 |Signature Cells |6 |12 |Deliverables 6.3 / 6.5(SPICE, ASIC) |
1531 |7.1 |Cell designs |7 |12 |Deliverables 7.2 / 7.3 (SPICE, ASIC) |
1532 |8.1 |coriolis2 |8 |18 |Deliverables 8.2-8.4 |
1533 |9.1 |coriolis2 ongoing|9 |12 |Deliverables 9.2-9.3 (ASICs) |
1534 |6.7 |Academic report |6 |36 |self-verifying (peer review) |
1535 |7.4 |Academic report |7 |36 |self-verifying (peer review) |
1536 |8.5 |Academic report |8 |36 |self-verifying (peer review) |
1539 ## Table 3.1e: Critical risks for implementation
1542 Risk level: (i) likelihood L/M/H, (ii) severity: Low/Medium/High
1545 |Description of risk |Wp# |Proposed risk-mitigation measures |
1546 |----------------- | ----- | ------ |
1547 |loss of personnel |1-11 |L/H key-man insurance |
1548 |4/CNRS availability |7 |H/H Additional personnel from 1/RED, at market rates |
1549 |Unforeseen Technical |2-11 |L/H 5/NLnet "reserve" mini-grant budget (Wp#1) |
1550 |Geopolitical adversity |4,6-9,11 |M/H Use lower geometries, or switch Foundry (via IMEC) |
1551 |Access to Foundries |4,6-9,11 |M/M Use IMEC as a Sub-contractor |
1552 |Pandemic |1-11 |L/H current mitigation continued (isolation of teams) |
1553 | | | |
1558 ## Table 3.1f: Summary of staff effort
1561 |Part#/name |Wp1 |Wp2 |Wp3 |Wp4 |Wp5 |Wp6 |Wp7 |Wp8 |Wp9 |Wp10 |Wp11 |Total |
1562 |------------- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |
1563 |1/RED | | |32 |20 |94 |25 |63 |98 |62 |116 |136 |646 |
1564 |2/Libre-SOC | |21 |32 |12 |72 |13 |13 |128 |94 |15 | |400 |
1565 |3/SU | | | | |27 |35 |33 |112 |64 |12 | |283 |
1566 |4/CNRS | | | | | |11 | | | | | |11 |
1567 |5/NLnet |18 | | | | | | | | |42 | |60 |
1568 |6/Helix | | | | | | | | | | |112 |112 |
1569 |Totals |18 |21 |64 |32 |193 |84 |109 |338 |220 |185 |248 |1512 |
1572 ## 3.1g Subcontracting
1574 These are the subcontracting costs for the participants
1576 ### Table 3.1g: 1/RED ‘Subcontracting costs’ items
1578 |Cost EUR |description and justification |
1579 | ----- | ------ |
1580 |60000 |feasibility and scope studies for compilers |
1581 |1500000 |gcc compiler (1) |
1582 |1500000 |llvm compiler (1) |
1583 |500000 |Kazan Vulkan 3D compiler (1) |
1584 |500000 |MESA 3D Vulkan compiler (1) |
1585 |400000 |libc6, u-boot, linux kernel software (1) |
1586 |50000 |smaller (180/130 nm) ASIC MPWs (IMEC) (2) |
1587 |280000 |larger (low geometry) ASIC MPWs (IMEC) (2) |
1588 |4790000 | total |
1590 (1) These software and compiler costs are to develop extremely specialist
1591 software, where it is Industry-standard normal to spend EUR 25 million
1592 to achieve TRL (9). Contracting of an extremely small pool of specialist
1593 Companies (Embecosm Gmbh, Vrull.EU) is therefore Industry-standard normal
1594 practice. All of the Compiler / Software Contracting shall be with
1595 Companies that are part of the European Union.
1597 (2) IMEC is one of Europe's leading Sub-contractors for ASIC MPW Shuttle
1598 runs, and they handle the NDA relationships with Foundries that are almost
1599 impossible to otherwise establish.
1601 https://europractice-ic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Pricelist-EUROPRACTICE-General-MPW_8.pdf
1603 ### Table 3.1g: 5/NLnet ‘Subcontracting / Sub-Grant costs’ items
1606 |Cost EUR |description and justification |
1607 | ----- | ------ |
1608 |5000000 |NLnet "mini-grants" |
1611 ## Purchase costs
1613 These are the purchasing costs for the participants
1615 ### Table 3.1h: 1/RED Purchase Costs
1618 | |Cost EUR |Justification |
1619 | ------ | ----- | ------ |
1620 |travel / subst |48000 |3yr World-wide travel to conferences/meetings/interviews |
1621 |equipment |140000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, High-end FPGAs for testing |
1622 |Other/Good/work/Svc. |90000 |Legal/Accountancy/Insurance +prof. business services |
1623 |remaining purch. cst. | | |
1624 |Total |278000 | |
1627 ### Table 3.1h: 2/Libre-SOC Purchase costs
1630 | |Cost EUR |Justification |
1631 | ------ | ----- | ------ |
1632 |travel / subst |48000 | |
1633 |equipment |90000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, FPGA Boards for testing |
1634 |Other/Good/work/Svc. |12000 |I.T. Management of Libre-SOC Server |
1635 |remaining purch. cst. | | |
1636 |Total |150000 | |
1639 ### Table 3.1h: 3/SU Purchase costs
1642 | |Cost EUR |Justification |
1643 | ------ | ----- | ------ |
1644 |travel / subst | | |
1645 |equipment |100000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, Simulations |
1646 |Other/Good/work/Svc. |10500 |Office Administration |
1647 |remaining purch. cst. | | |
1648 |Total |110500 | |
1651 ### Table 3.1h: 5/NLnet
1654 | |Cost EUR |Justification |
1655 | ------ | ----- | ------ |
1656 |travel / subst |48000 |3yr EU-wide travel to conferences and meetings |
1657 |equipment | | |
1658 |Other/Good/work/Svc. | | |
1659 |remaining purch. cst. | | |
1660 |Total |48000 | |
1663 # 3.2 Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole
1666 The majority of the consortium have been working together for over
1667 three years on the precursor technical development of the Libre-SOC core
1668 project, the evolution of which is the lynch-pin and "proving-ground"
1669 of this grant application. The public record of their achievements
1670 and team involvement can be found in their public Open Source record
1671 https://libre-soc.org/.
1673 The Libre-SOC team are internationally experienced software professionals
1674 who have strong familiarity with state of the art software to silicon
1675 technologies. They have been supported by two of the co-applicants labs
1676 CNRS and LIP6 (The applicants being Sorbonne Université and Affiliated
1677 Entity, CNRS), and many other European based technology development
1678 groups, which each provide key elements of the project from specialist
1679 programs such as coriolis2, alliance, HITAS, YAGLE and more, and the
1680 manufacturing expertise of Imec. Their versatility and experience with
1681 Libre/Open Source Software also means that they can adapt to unforeseen
1682 circumstances and can navigate the ever-changing and constantly-evolving
1683 FOSS landscape with confidence.
1685 The above is critically important in light of the requirement to
1686 demonstrate access to critical infrastructure, resources and the
1687 ability to fulfil: with the sole exception of NDA'd Foundry PDKs
1688 (Physical Design Kits), the entirety of this project is Libre/Open
1689 Source, both in the tools it utilises, components that it uses, and
1690 the results that are generated. With there being no restriction on
1691 the availability of Libre/Open Source software needed to complete the
1692 project, the Participants correspondingly have no impediment. We also
1693 have a proven strategy to deal with the NDA's: a "parallel track" where
1694 at least one Participant (Sorbonne Université, LIP6 Lab) has signed
1695 TSMC Foundry NDAs, and consequently there is no impediment there, either.
1697 Sorbonne Université (SU) is a multidisciplinary, research-intensive
1698 and world class academic institution. It was created on January 1st
1699 2018 as the merger of two first-class research intensive universities,
1700 UPMC (University Pierre and Marie Curie) and Paris-Sorbonne. Sorbonne
1701 Université is now organized with three faculties: humanities, medicine
1702 and science each with the wide-ranging autonomy necessary to conduct
1703 its ambitious programs in both research and education. SU counts 53,500
1704 students, 3,400 professor-researchers and 3,600 administrative and
1705 technical staff members. SU is intensively engaged in European research
1706 projects (163 FP7 projects and 195 H2020 projects). Its computer
1707 science laboratory, LIP6, is internationally recognized as a leading
1708 research institute.
1710 LIP6 is a Joint Research Unit of both SU (Sorbonne Université)
1711 and CNRS. Both entities invest resources within LIP6 so CNRS is then
1712 an Affiliated Entity linked to SU. According to SU-CNRS agreement
1713 regarding LIP6, SU, as a full partner, manages the grant for its
1714 Affiliated Entity, CNRS.
1716 RED Semiconductor Ltd has been established as a commercialisation vehicle,
1717 sharing the Libre principles of the core Libre-SOC team and bringing
1718 Semiconductor industry commercial management and technology experience.
1719 This includes the founders of two successful semiconductor companies
1720 and a public company chairman. There is also a cross directorship of
1721 Luke Leighton (of Libre-SOC) giving the company an extensive technology
1722 market and leadership experience.
1724 NLnet is a Netherlands based public benefit organisation that brings
1725 to the table over 35 years of European internet history and well over
1726 two decades of unique real-world experience in funding and supporting
1727 bottom up internet infrastructure projects around the world - engaging
1728 some of the best independent researchers and developers. NLnet has
1729 funded essential work on important infrastructure parts of the internet,
1730 from the technologies with which the answers from the DNS root of the
1731 internet can now be trusted, all the way up to key standards for email
1732 security, transport layer security, email authenticity, and a lot more
1733 - on virtually every layer of the internet, from securing core routing
1734 protocols to browser security plugins, from firmware security to open
1735 source LTE networks.
1737 Most recently NLnet is hosting the NGI0 Discovery, NGI0 PET and NGI
1738 Assure open calls as part of the Next Generation Internet research and
1739 development initiative, of which NLnet supports 300+ open source software,
1740 open hardware and open standards projects to build a more resilient,
1741 sustainable and trustworthy internet.
1743 NLnet, a Stichting / Foundation, has been Libre-SOC’s funding source
1744 from the beginning and fundamentally understands our technology and
1745 direction of travel. As well as providing augmentation under existing
1746 EU Grants funding for technology opportunities that we will benefit from
1747 but are yet to be identified, they are a fundamental sounding board that
1748 will be invaluable to the project moving forward.
1750 Helix develops antennas and electronic systems for PNT (Position,
1751 Navigation, Timing) applications. Markets include defence/security,
1752 asset tracking, autonomous systems/vehicles/drones/robotics, critical
1753 infrastructure (network sync – 5G, V2X, etc), fintech (blockchain
1754 timestamping) and many other industrial applications.
1756 Helix solutions defend against the vulnerabilities and threats to
1757 global dependency on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), where
1758 disruption to services would cost the world’s major economies £10s
1759 of Billions every single day. Our patented technology enables filtering
1760 antennas to mitigate multi-path, RF and electrical interference and
1761 reduce the impact of jamming and spoofing, meaning that the receiver
1762 electronics becomes a streamlined high performance, low-power/low-cost
1763 correlator/processor to deliver highly accurate and resilience x,y,z
1764 and time data as its output. We are developing sophisticated anti-
1765 jamming/spoofing hardware that uses targeted nulling to ignore jamming,
1766 and enable system-level resilience. This capability can be co-designed
1767 with the receiver chipset for ultimate resilience.
1769 Regarding the extreme high-end computing resources necessary to complete
1770 the exceptionally-demanding task of VLSI development and Layout, we
1771 find that high-end modern laptops and desktop computers (with 64 to
1772 256 GB of RAM) are perfectly adequate. However in the event that our
1773 immediately-accessible computing resources are not adequate, both Sorbonne
1774 Université (LIP6 and CNRS) and Libre-SOC qualify for access to Fed4Fire
1775 (https://www.fed4fire.eu/- grant agreement No 732638) which gives us
1776 direct access to large clusters (100+) high-end servers. Additionally,
1777 we are specifying some of these high-end computers in our budget, and
1778 the software to run on them is entirely Libre-Licensed and within our
1779 combined experience to deploy.
1781 We have established that Embecosm Gmbh and Vrull.eu are some of the
1782 world's leading experts in Compiler Technology. We will put out to
1783 tender a Contract with an initial evaluation phase, followed by a TRL
1784 4/5 Research phase for the prerequisite compilers (gcc, llvm, Kazan,
1785 MESA3D) necessary to support the core design work.
1787 The OpenPOWER Foundation is a part of the Linux Foundation,
1788 and is directly responsible for the long-term protection
1789 and evolution of the Power ISA. Members include IBM, Google,
1790 NVidia, Raptor Engineering, University of Oregon and many more.
1791 https://openpowerfoundation.org/membership/current-members/.
1793 The Chair of the newly-formed ISA Working Group is Paul Mackerras, and
1794 the Technical Chair is Toshaan Bharvani. Both of these people have
1795 been kindly attending bi-weekly meetings with the Libre-SOC Team for
1796 over 18 months, and we have kept them apprised of ongoing developments,
1797 particularly with the Draft SVP64 ISA Extension. They are both going
1798 out of their way to regularly advise us on how to go about a successful
1799 RFC Process for SVP64, and we deeply appreciate their support.
1801 Helix Technology's involvement, as a potential customer and potential
1802 user of the Libre-SOC technology, will give focus to the deliverable of
1803 the project. They have world-leading expertise in Antenna Technology,
1804 and in the mathematics behind the Signal Processing required for
1805 GNSS/GPS. We have deliberately selected them to ensure the ambition of
1806 our overall project.
1808 We therefore have a cohesive cooperative team of experience from concept
1809 to customer product and a supporting cast of specialist technical support
1810 that are an established practiced team.
1812 As a last point: the creation of the teams for this project is critical
1813 for RED Semiconductors Limited and Libre-SOC. We have the benefit of
1814 having the core of an International Technology Headhunter Research
1815 Team amongst the directors of RED Semiconductor Limited, giving us
1816 the capability to ensure the project is fully manned in the required
1817 timescales without the need to externally resource recruitment services,
1818 and this is included in RED’s management manpower.