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[libreriscv.git] / SFFS / gentoo_bootstrap.mdwn
1 # Tutorial for bootstrapping Gentoo with sffs compliance from source.
3 Useful Links:
5 * bugreport: <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1131>
6 * (External) [Read the Gentoo handbook thoroughly, it's all you need](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64)
7 * please note this tarball contains executable binaries and it
8 is 100% your responsibility to check them or take appropriate
9 measures. we take no responsibility and accept no liability
10 <https://ftp.libre-soc.org/sffs/stage3-ppc64le-openrc-20230720T024654Z.tar.xz>
11 * TODO investigate: a mirror of stage3 snapshots is available at archive.org
12 <https://web.archive.org/web/20221218010734/https://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/ppc/autobuilds/20221217T033210Z/>
13 more recent snapshot: all stage3-ppc64le-openrc-20230823T030134Z.tar.xz
14 files:
15 <https://web.archive.org/web/20230823160828/https://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/ppc/autobuilds/20230823T030134Z/>
17 ## Video Tutorial
19 [todo](todo)
21 ## Reasoning:
23 Libre-SOC builds upon the OpenPOWER ISA v3.0 but does not include many
24 parts of the architecture typically found on production silicon, like
25 AltiVec, VSX, and 128-bit hardware floating point. Because of this,
26 we need (at this time, might change in the future when glibc supports
27 detecting VSX vs SVP64 etc) to rebuild the stage 3 system to not include
28 any of those instructions, making it compliant with
29 [sffs (slides 5 & 6)](https://ics2020.bsc.es/sites/default/files/uploaded/brian_thompto_ICS2020_SLIDES.pdf).
31 To do this, you need to rebuild Gentoo from a known working stage3
32 archive, which we will guide you through.
34 Do note that given the rolling release nature of Gentoo, it is almost
35 impossible to get the same system with the specific package versions we
36 have without using the same stage3 version we used.
38 ## System requirements
40 - A POWER system that can run Debian Bookworm (meaning POWER8 and newer)
41 - At least 80GB of hard disk space
43 Cross compiling will make this process much more complicated and is
44 generally not recommended.
46 It is expected for you to use Debian for the host OS (anything else is
47 unsupported: many contributors have repeatedly gotten into trouble by
48 not following this advice)
50 ## Setting up Gentoo from stage3 and rebuilding (recommended method)
52 You will need to run these commands:
54 $ curl -O https://ftp.libre-soc.org/sffs/stage3-ppc64le-openrc-20230720T024654Z.tar.xz
55 $ sha256sum stage3-ppc64le-openrc-20230720T024654Z.tar.xz
57 The SHA256 checksum should be
59 `2c97446d09f2790ee6cc3e4cbff0d204f6f0914083fc36998d0b08fcb28f8e90`
61 # sudo bash
62 # mkdir gentoo-sffs && cd gentoo-sffs
63 # tar xpvf ../stage3-ppc64le-openrc-20230720T024654Z.tar.xz \
64 --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner
65 # cd ..
67 Follow these steps from the Gentoo handbook:
69 * [Copy DNS info](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64/Installation/Base#Copy_DNS_info)
71 * [Mount necessary filesystems](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64/Installation/Base#Mounting_the_necessary_filesystems)
73 * [Enter the chroot environment](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64/Installation/Base#Entering_the_new_environment)
75 After which you need to add our build flags replacing the default ones in
76 `/etc/portage/make.conf`
78 `COMMON_FLAGS="-O2 -pipe -mcpu=power9 -mno-altivec -mno-vsx -mno-crypto -mno-htm -mlong-double-64"`
82 Finally, rebuild everything on the system:
84 # emerge -e --ask --keep-going @world
86 # (Optional) Building an updated Gentoo SFFS
88 This is highly not recommended unless you specifically want to explore
89 how newer versions of software will behave when built with the SFFS flags.
91 One way of doing this is to just set up Gentoo SFFS from the provided
92 stage3, add out `make.conf` options and then upgrade everything, that
93 is much simpler and easier to roll-back if need be.
95 After having a working chroot using the stage3 as outlined earlier,
96 run these commands in the chroot:
98 # emerge-webrsync
99 # emerge --ask --verbose --update --deep --newuse @world
101 The other way is to create a new Gentoo chroot or virtual machine under
102 POWER using the [handbook](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64),
103 and once you reach the [stage3
104 tarball](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:PPC64/Installation/Stage#Unpacking_the_stage_tarball)
105 step, download our [make.conf](link) and copy it to
106 `/etc/portage/make.conf`, replacing the provided one, and run:
108 # emerge -e --ask --keep-going @world
109 # emerge-webrsync
110 # emerge --ask --verbose --update --deep --newuse @world
112 To first rebuild Gentoo for SFFS, and then update the repositories,
113 and finally to upgrade the software you have.
115 # Testing for VSX in object files
117 To verify that our buildflags were applied by the build tools and
118 respected by the build scripts of packages, we need to check for the
119 inclusion of VSX as well as any other instructions not available in SFFS.
121 This is not a perfect solution and the proper way would be either to:
123 - Simulate an SFFS compliant chip running this code such as
124 [Microwatt](https://libre-soc.org/HDL_workflow/microwatt/)
125 (very time consuming)
126 - Use a softcore FPGA core or ASIC of Microwatt / LibreSOC
127 to run this code (doable, FPGA softcore in progress
128 [in progress](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1037))
129 - Use the finalized Libre-SOC chip (doable once it is ready)
131 Also note that this only tests for a subset of VSX instructions at the
132 moment, more will be added in the future, this is simply a quick test to
133 run before attempting to run on simulation and/or a softcore as both can
134 be somewhat time consuming. In other words, if this test gives any VSX
135 instructions, don't attempt to run the code in simulation or a softcore
136 to avoid wasting precious time.
138 To attempt this test, you will need the scripts from our `dev-env-setup`
139 repository
141 $ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/dev-env-setup.git
143 Do *look through* the
144 [code](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=dev-env-setup.git;a=tree) before running
145 any of those scripts.
146 This is your own legal responsibility (to not run arbitrary code off
147 of the internet) and we take no responsibility or accept any liability
148 whatsoever for your use or misuse of them.
150 It is expected for you to use Debian for the host OS (anything else is
151 unsupported: many contributors have repeatedly gotten into trouble by
152 not following this advice), while all the chroots - which are developed
153 very specifically for "reproducible builds" - run Debian 10 (Buster).
155 Edit the `test-vsx` script to point the `CHROOT` variable to your
156 respective chroot of Gentoo, read through the script thoroughly, and run
158 $ ./test-vsx
160 If you see any number of instructions in certain binary files, those
161 files do contain VSX and work needs to be done (patching the build
162 scripts and/or source code) for these packages. If not, great! Try to
163 run this in a proper SFFS environment to fully test the code you have.
165 You can also test specific binaries at any time by running this part of
166 the script
168 $ objdump -d $OBJ_FILE | fgrep -of VSX_INSNS.txt | sort | uniq -c \
169 | awk '{print $2 " " $1}'
171 Where `$OBJ_FILE` is the binary you need to check.
173 ## Notes and issues
175 * Gentoo's base system packages will not complain when building for SFFS
176 (as of July 2023, can change depending on updates)
177 * The Linux kernel cannot boot without AltiVec and VSX, even though they
178 are build-time options. The solution for now is to use [microwatt's 5.7
179 kernel](https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAPweEDw710zFK8KLZY5gsQxEkQKrDiFkNRgABY9HJZ1rxpeVCg@mail.gmail.com/T/)
180 and to incorporate the needed patches upstream in the future.
181 * Previous note also means this is purely a chroot environment, this page
182 will be updated once it becomes possible to boot a full VM of this build.
183 * glibc *may* have some issues on sffs, the only way to test this is to
184 run on microwatt which will be done soon.