[c4m-jtag.git] / c4m / nmigen / jtag / tap.py
1 #!/bin/env python3
2 import os
4 from nmigen import *
5 from nmigen.build import *
6 from nmigen.lib.io import *
7 from nmigen.hdl.rec import Direction
8 from nmigen.tracer import get_var_name
10 from nmigen_soc.wishbone import Interface as WishboneInterface
12 from .bus import Interface
14 __all__ = [
15 "TAP", "ShiftReg",
16 ]
19 class ShiftReg(Record):
20 """Object with interface for extra shift registers on a TAP.
22 Parameters
23 ----------
24 sr_length : int
25 cmds : int, default=1
26 The number of corresponding JTAG instructions
28 This object is normally only allocated and returned from ``TAP.add_shiftreg``
29 It is a Record subclass.
31 Attributes
32 ----------
33 i: length=sr_length, FANIN
34 The input data sampled during capture state of the TAP
35 ie: length=cmds, FANOUT
36 Indicates that data is to be sampled by the JTAG TAP and
37 should be held stable. The bit indicates the corresponding
38 instruction for which data is asked.
39 This signal is kept high for a whole JTAG TAP clock cycle
40 and may thus be kept higher for more than one clock cycle
41 on the domain where ShiftReg is used.
42 The JTAG protocol does not allow insertion of wait states
43 so data need to be provided before ie goes down. The speed
44 of the response will determine the max. frequency for the
45 JTAG interface.
46 o: length=sr_length, FANOUT
47 The value of the shift register.
48 oe: length=cmds, FANOUT
49 Indicates that output needs to be sampled downstream because
50 JTAG TAP in in the Update state. The bit indicated the corresponding
51 instruction. The bit is only kept high for one clock cycle.
52 """
53 def __init__(self, *, sr_length, cmds=1, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
54 layout = [
55 ("i", sr_length, Direction.FANIN),
56 ("ie", cmds, Direction.FANOUT),
57 ("o", sr_length, Direction.FANOUT),
58 ("oe", cmds, Direction.FANOUT),
59 ]
60 super().__init__(layout, name=name, src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
63 class TAP(Elaboratable):
64 #TODO: Document TAP
65 @staticmethod
66 def _add_files(platform, prefix):
67 d = os.path.realpath("{dir}{sep}{par}{sep}{par}{sep}vhdl{sep}jtag".format(
68 dir=os.path.dirname(__file__), sep=os.path.sep, par=os.path.pardir
69 )) + os.path.sep
70 for fname in [
71 "c4m_jtag_pkg.vhdl",
72 "c4m_jtag_idblock.vhdl",
73 "c4m_jtag_iocell.vhdl",
74 "c4m_jtag_ioblock.vhdl",
75 "c4m_jtag_irblock.vhdl",
76 "c4m_jtag_tap_fsm.vhdl",
77 "c4m_jtag_tap_controller.vhdl",
78 ]:
79 f = open(d + fname, "r")
80 platform.add_file(prefix + fname, f)
81 f.close()
84 def __init__(
85 self, io_count, *, with_reset=False, ir_width=None,
86 manufacturer_id=Const(0b10001111111, 11), part_number=Const(1, 16),
87 version=Const(0, 4),
88 name=None, src_loc_at=0
89 ):
90 assert(isinstance(io_count, int) and io_count > 0)
91 assert((ir_width is None) or (isinstance(ir_width, int) and ir_width >= 2))
92 assert(len(version) == 4)
94 self.name = name if name is not None else get_var_name(depth=src_loc_at+2, default="TAP")
95 self.bus = Interface(with_reset=with_reset, name=self.name+"_bus",
96 src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
98 # TODO: Handle IOs with different directions
99 self.core = Array(Pin(1, "io") for _ in range(io_count)) # Signals to use for core
100 self.pad = Array(Pin(1, "io") for _ in range(io_count)) # Signals going to IO pads
102 ##
104 self._io_count = io_count
105 self._ir_width = ir_width
106 self._manufacturer_id = manufacturer_id
107 self._part_number = part_number
108 self._version = version
110 self._ircodes = [0, 1, 2] # Already taken codes, all ones added at the end
111 self._srs = []
113 self._wbs = []
116 def elaborate(self, platform):
117 TAP._add_files(platform, "jtag" + os.path.sep)
119 m = Module()
121 # Determine ir_width if not fixed.
122 ir_max = max(self._ircodes) + 1 # One extra code needed with all ones
123 ir_width = len("{:b}".format(ir_max))
124 if self._ir_width is not None:
125 assert self._ir_width >= ir_width, "Specified JTAG IR width not big enough for allocated shiift registers"
126 ir_width = self._ir_width
128 sigs = Record([
129 ("capture", 1),
130 ("shift", 1),
131 ("update", 1),
132 ("ir", ir_width),
133 ("tdo_jtag", 1),
134 ])
136 reset = Signal()
138 trst_n = Signal()
139 m.d.comb += trst_n.eq(~self.bus.trst if hasattr(self.bus, "trst") else Const(1))
141 core_i = Cat(pin.i for pin in self.core)
142 core_o = Cat(pin.o for pin in self.core)
143 core_oe = Cat(pin.oe for pin in self.core)
144 pad_i = Cat(pin.i for pin in self.pad)
145 pad_o = Cat(pin.o for pin in self.pad)
146 pad_oe = Cat(pin.oe for pin in self.pad)
148 params = {
149 "p_IOS": self._io_count,
150 "p_IR_WIDTH": ir_width,
151 "p_MANUFACTURER": self._manufacturer_id,
152 "p_PART_NUMBER": self._part_number,
153 "p_VERSION": self._version,
154 "i_TCK": self.bus.tck,
155 "i_TMS": self.bus.tms,
156 "i_TDI": self.bus.tdi,
157 "o_TDO": sigs.tdo_jtag,
158 "i_TRST_N": trst_n,
159 "o_RESET": reset,
160 "o_DRCAPTURE": sigs.capture,
161 "o_DRSHIFT": sigs.shift,
162 "o_DRUPDATE": sigs.update,
163 "o_IR": sigs.ir,
164 "o_CORE_IN": core_i,
165 "i_CORE_OUT": core_o,
166 "i_CORE_EN": core_oe,
167 "i_PAD_IN": pad_i,
168 "o_PAD_OUT": pad_o,
169 "o_PAD_EN": pad_oe,
170 }
171 m.submodules.tap = Instance("c4m_jtag_tap_controller", **params)
173 # Own clock domain using TCK as clock signal
174 m.domains.jtag = jtag_cd = ClockDomain(name="jtag", local=True)
175 m.d.comb += [
176 jtag_cd.clk.eq(self.bus.tck),
177 jtag_cd.rst.eq(reset),
178 ]
180 self._elaborate_shiftregs(m, sigs)
181 self._elaborate_wishbones(m)
183 return m
186 def add_shiftreg(self, ircode, length, domain="sync", name=None, src_loc_at=0):
187 """Add a shift register to the JTAG interface
189 Parameters:
190 - ircode: code(s) for the IR; int or sequence of ints. In the latter case this
191 shiftreg is shared between different IR codes.
192 - length: the length of the shift register
193 - domain: the domain on which the signal will be used"""
195 try:
196 ir_it = iter(ircode)
197 ircodes = ircode
198 except TypeError:
199 ir_it = ircodes = (ircode,)
200 for _ircode in ir_it:
201 if not isinstance(_ircode, int) or _ircode <= 0:
202 raise ValueError("IR code '{}' is not an int greater than 0".format(_ircode))
203 if _ircode in self._ircodes:
204 raise ValueError("IR code '{}' already taken".format(_ircode))
206 self._ircodes.extend(ircodes)
208 if name is None:
209 name = self.name + "_sr{}".format(len(self._srs))
210 sr = ShiftReg(sr_length=length, cmds=len(ircodes), name=name, src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
211 self._srs.append((ircodes, domain, sr))
213 return sr
215 def _elaborate_shiftregs(self, m, sigs):
216 # tdos is tuple of (tdo, tdo_en) for each shiftreg
217 tdos = []
218 for ircodes, domain, sr in self._srs:
219 reg = Signal(len(sr.o), name=sr.name+"_reg")
220 m.d.comb += sr.o.eq(reg)
222 isir = Signal(len(ircodes), name=sr.name+"_isir")
223 capture = Signal(name=sr.name+"_capture")
224 shift = Signal(name=sr.name+"_shift")
225 update = Signal(name=sr.name+"_update")
226 m.d.comb += [
227 isir.eq(Cat(sigs.ir == ircode for ircode in ircodes)),
228 capture.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.capture),
229 shift.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.shift),
230 update.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.update),
231 ]
233 # update signal is on the JTAG clockdomain, sr.oe is on `domain` clockdomain
234 # latch update in `domain` clockdomain and see when it has falling edge.
235 # At that edge put isir in sr.oe for one `domain` clockdomain
236 update_core = Signal(name=sr.name+"_update_core")
237 update_core_prev = Signal(name=sr.name+"_update_core_prev")
238 m.d[domain] += [
239 update_core.eq(update), # This is CDC from JTAG domain to given domain
240 update_core_prev.eq(update_core)
241 ]
242 with m.If(update_core_prev & ~update_core == 0):
243 # Falling edge of update
244 m.d[domain] += sr.oe.eq(isir)
245 with m.Else():
246 m.d[domain] += sr.oe.eq(0)
248 with m.If(shift):
249 m.d.jtag += reg.eq(Cat(reg[1:], self.bus.tdi))
250 with m.If(capture):
251 m.d.jtag += reg.eq(sr.i)
253 # tdo = reg[0], tdo_en = shift
254 tdos.append((reg[0], shift))
256 for i, (tdo, tdo_en) in enumerate(tdos):
257 if i == 0:
258 with m.If(shift):
259 m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo)
260 else:
261 with m.Elif(shift):
262 m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo)
264 if len(tdos) > 0:
265 with m.Else():
266 m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sigs.tdo_jtag)
267 else:
268 # Always connect tdo_jtag to
269 m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sigs.tdo_jtag)
272 def add_wishbone(self, *, ircodes, address_width, data_width, granularity=None, domain="sync"):
273 """Add a wishbone interface
275 In order to allow high JTAG clock speed, data will be cached. This means that if data is
276 output the value of the next address will be read automatically.
278 Parameters:
279 -----------
280 ircodes: sequence of three integer for the JTAG IR codes;
281 they represent resp. WBADDR, WBREAD and WBREADWRITE. First code
282 has a shift register of length 'address_width', the two other codes
283 share a shift register of length data_width.
284 address_width: width of the address
285 data_width: width of the data
287 Returns:
288 wb: nmigen_soc.wishbone.bus.Interface
289 The Wishbone interface, is pipelined and has stall field.
290 """
291 if len(ircodes) != 3:
292 raise ValueError("3 IR Codes have to be provided")
294 sr_addr = self.add_shiftreg(ircodes[0], address_width, domain=domain)
295 sr_data = self.add_shiftreg(ircodes[1:], data_width, domain=domain)
297 wb = WishboneInterface(data_width=data_width, addr_width=address_width,
298 granularity=granularity, features={"stall", "lock", "err", "rty"})
300 self._wbs.append((sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain))
302 return wb
304 def _elaborate_wishbones(self, m):
305 for sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain in self._wbs:
306 if hasattr(wb, "sel"):
307 # Always selected
308 m.d.comb += [s.eq(1) for s in wb.sel]
310 with m.FSM(domain=domain) as fsm:
311 with m.State("IDLE"):
312 m.d.comb += [
313 wb.cyc.eq(0),
314 wb.stb.eq(0),
315 wb.we.eq(0),
316 ]
317 with m.If(sr_addr.oe): # WBADDR code
318 m.d[domain] += wb.adr.eq(sr_addr.o)
319 m.next = "READ"
320 with m.Elif(sr_data.oe[0]): # WBREAD code
321 # If data is
322 m.d[domain] += wb.adr.eq(wb.adr + 1)
323 m.next = "READ"
325 with m.If(sr_data.oe[1]): # WBWRITE code
326 m.d[domain] += wb.dat_w.eq(sr_data.o)
327 m.next = "WRITEREAD"
328 with m.State("READ"):
329 m.d.comb += [
330 wb.cyc.eq(1),
331 wb.stb.eq(1),
332 wb.we.eq(0),
333 ]
334 with m.If(~wb.stall):
335 m.next = "READACK"
336 with m.State("READACK"):
337 m.d.comb += [
338 wb.cyc.eq(1),
339 wb.stb.eq(0),
340 wb.we.eq(0),
341 ]
342 with m.If(wb.ack):
343 # Store read data in sr_data.i and keep it there til next read
344 m.d[domain] += sr_data.i.eq(wb.dat_r)
345 m.next = "IDLE"
346 with m.State("WRITEREAD"):
347 m.d.comb += [
348 wb.cyc.eq(1),
349 wb.stb.eq(1),
350 wb.we.eq(1),
351 ]
352 with m.If(~wb.stall):
353 m.next = "WRITEREADACK"
354 with m.State("WRITEREADACK"):
355 m.d.comb += [
356 wb.cyc.eq(1),
357 wb.stb.eq(0),
358 wb.we.eq(0),
359 ]
360 with m.If(wb.ack):
361 m.d[domain] += wb.adr.eq(wb.adr + 1)
362 m.next = "READ"