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[libreriscv.git] / charter / discussion.mdwn
1 # Discussion and commentary on Libre-RISCV Member Agreement
3 # The Code of Honour
5 It's called a Code of "Honour", not a Code of "Conduct", for a reason.
6 A Code of "Honour" is a positive and clear statement. Everyone knows
7 the difference between "good" and "bad". Codes of "Conduct" on the
8 other hand have nothing to do with honour, and by the time the reader
9 has finished going through a horrific list of "proscribed behaviours",
10 what are the chances that they will actually genuinely feel that the
11 project is *actually* safe and welcoming?
13 Codes of "Conduct" are based on the assumption of guilt and a
14 predisposition of participants to exclusionary, disruptive and
15 unwelcoming behavior. It assumes - in advance and up front -
16 that they are incapable of knowing the difference between right and
17 wrong, and patronises them with a horrifically toxic - and by
18 definition inadequate and incomplete - "proscribed list".
20 A Code of *Honour* inherently empowers participants with the
21 responsibility to know (or learn) and act upon the difference
22 between right and wrong, good and bad. That alone says "we
23 trust you, empower you, and require you, to act responsibly",
24 for the benefit of all, including yourself, as part of this
25 Organisation.
27 # The Systemic Laws of Organisations.
29 The Systemic Laws are explained below.
31 ## Everyone belongs
33 Every contributor and their contributions and achievements are recognised.
34 This further encourages people to contribute; they feel welcome, and their
35 efforts valued.
37 ## Reality is acknowledged and accepted
39 Denial of reality is the quickest way to kill the effectiveness of an
40 organisation. Acceptance and acknowledgement of the facts, without
41 judgement, subsequently allows analysis to take place so that corrections
42 can be applied.
44 To reach a goal, it is necessary to have four things: (1) a model (2)
45 observations of reality (3) a comparative analysis system and
46 (4) a corrective feedback loop. Whilst (1, 3 and 4) are sufficiently
47 obvious and objective that nobody really thinks much about them, when
48 things get hard it is often challenging for people to objectively face
49 reality, particularly if other Systemic Laws are being violated as well.
51 ## Everyone is respected and honoured, past and present
53 When someone leaves a project, particularly under less than ideal circumstances,
54 it is still vitally important to value and respect both them *and* their
55 contributions.
57 ## Role, Seniority and Expertise are all respected.
59 This can be very challenging, particularly when someone with more expertise
60 meets someone whose length of service is greater.
62 ## We accept the responsibility of our position
64 If we choose a position of responsibility, we must actually acknowledge and
65 accept the responsibility of that role! People will be relying on us.
67 ## Everyone is rewarded equitably for their contributions
69 In a "Libre" context this is often extremely hard to do, as the normal
70 rules of profit-maximising business (do not provide goods or services
71 until payment has been received) do not apply: our "product" - the
72 source code - is made available at zero monetary cost. So it is down
73 to us to ensure that part of our time is spent making sure that everyone
74 *is* actually rewarded, whether through contracts, sponsorship, donations,
75 crowd-funding and profit-sharing in the same, and so on.
77 ## Everyone is responsible and accountable (for the "good" *and* the "bad")
79 When we do something well, it is vital that we (alone) own and hold the
80 credit for that achievement (nobody else takes the credit; we *accept*
81 the credit). When we screw up, it is just as equally vital that we take
82 responsibility for cleaning up our mess, and that nobody else is blamed
83 *or think they own it*, or tries to take the task away from us!
85 In this way, two vitally important things happen. Firstly: we can rely
86 on each other, as we trust that the tasks that others chose will be
87 completed (even if they mess up a few times). Secondly: in our chosen
88 opportunity to grow and learn, we know and trust that nobody will take
89 that away from us, and, further, that our achievements and the credit
90 will be ours.
92 # Decision-making and new contributors
94 This section has two aspects. The first is that everything but unanimous
95 decision-making is disempowering and de-motivating (harmful). Majority
96 rule (mob rule) is easily demonstrated to be so: anyone *not* in the
97 majority quickly gives up in resignation, even if their contribution is
98 critically important (and in the political arena, "Minority Representative
99 Groups" form as a direct result). Unanimous decision-making requires
100 that the issue be discussed until it is fully understood by *all* members
101 (or members recognise that they do not or cannot understand the issue,
102 and abstain).
104 The introduction of new contributors really requires specially spelling
105 out. The last thing that is needed is for a new contributor to introduce
106 changes that drain the time and resources of prior contributors to the
107 point where the project fails. Unanimous decision-making ensures that
108 all members (who inherently have a longer term of service to the project
109 than any new member) have the right to veto proposals that disrupt the
110 project. In a "mob rule" scenario, there is the potential for enough
111 new members to join simultaneously that they could easily completely
112 take over the project. Unanimous decision making prevents this scenario.
114 It is also worthwhile noting on the subject of unanimous decision-making:
115 its effectiveness decreases as the number of contributors goes significantly
116 above around eight. If that occurs, delegate! Form sub-projects, agree
117 roles and responsibilities, and go for it. Divide and conquer.