A few modifications
[libreriscv.git] / conferences / fosdem2022.mdwn
1 # FOSDEM 2022
3 * Schedule:
4 <https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/libre_open_vlsi_and_fpga/>
5 * notes to devroom organisers:
6 <https://fosdem.org/2022/manuals/program/devroom/>
7 * fosdem video overview: <https://upload.video.fosdem.org/overview>
8 * reviewers: <https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM22/events>
9 * Libre-SOC Project with video <https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/event/libresocproject/>
10 * Coriolis2 <https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/event/coriolis2/>
12 # Libre/Open VLSI and FPGA Hardware, Simulation and Verification Dev Room
14 ## Devroom Proposal
16 <https://submission.fosdem.org/submission/devroom>
18 Title: **Libre/Open VLSI and FPGA Hardware, Simulation and Verification Dev Room**
20 **Updated** Elaborate description (including possible topics)
22 - Open Hardware projects
23 - VLSI ASIC Design and Manufacture
24 * Libre/Open DIY Foundries (nanoscale 3D printing)
25 * Libre/Open VLSI tools and toolflow
26 * Libre/Open VLSI Cell Libraries
27 * VLSI Simulation and Verification
28 - FPGAs
29 * Libre/Open FPGA designs
30 * FPGA toolchains and Reverse-Engineering
31 * FPGA workflow
32 - VLSI RTL and HDL
33 * Advanced and innovative alternative HDL tools
34 * Formal Correctness Proofs
35 * Testing methodologies
36 * Hardware Trust (and how to break it)
37 - Software Engineering as applied to Hardware
38 * Continuous Integration for VLSI
39 * Automated tool development (RTL to GDS-II)
40 * Automated testing
42 Why does it fit FOSDEM
44 There has been a lot of progress happening in the last few years regarding
45 libre/free chip technology. From RISC-V and OpenPOWER to attempts to create
46 libre/free processes to make your own chips. Various countries have been
47 catching up and helping and building up their semiconductorr industries,
48 some even pushing libre/free toolchains. E.g. EU sponsors various projects
49 to work in this field to create open toolchains.
51 Meanwhile others push the boundaries to liberate former closed source toolchains for FPGAs. While an often neglected topic, a lot of work happens by various fantastic players all around the world. We hope to bring some attention to these areas which we basicly all too often take as a given when
52 using computers or electronics.
53 We therefore hope to give Open Hardware and their respective toolchains a
54 small platform, all the way from silicon to PCB.
56 Note to organisers: we don't mind merging with another devroom (then
57 helping out), as long as the words "Libre/Open Hardware" are included in
58 the devroom title, and the VLSI and FPGA topics are included. NLnet
59 now sponsors dozens of hardware projects alone, and the google skywater
60 130nm project with e-fabless has produced a massive new innovative
61 community that simply did not exist last year. We are also happy for
62 other (smaller) devrooms to merge with this one.
64 Preferred slot: Full Day
66 # Call for Papers<a name="cfp" />
68 This is a new devroom dedicated to Libre/Open VLSI, aka "Nanoscale 3D
69 Printing".
71 ### What is FOSDEM?
73 ~~Stolen~~/Borrowed from the website:
75 _**FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.**
76 Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.
77 ...
78 FOSDEM 2022 will take place on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 February 2022. It will be an online event._
80 ### Important stuff:
81 - FOSDEM is free to attend. There is no registration.
82 - [FOSDEM website](https://fosdem.org/)
83 - [FOSDEM code of conduct](https://fosdem.org/2022/practical/conduct/)
84 - [FOSDEM Schedule](https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/)
86 ### Desirable topics:
88 This devroom welcomes anything related to the topic of nanoscale
89 3D printing - more commonly known as "VLSI ASIC design". If you
90 are making an ASIC, or designing one, or using FPGAs, or developing
91 an FPGA Board, or developing tools and techniques that make VLSI ASIC
92 design easier, we'd love to hear from you. Here's a list of topics:
94 - Open Hardware projects
95 - VLSI ASIC Design and Manufacture
96 * Libre/Open DIY Foundries (nanoscale 3D printing)
97 * Libre/Open VLSI tools and toolflow
98 * Libre/Open VLSI Cell Libraries
99 * VLSI Simulation and Verification
100 - VLSI Tools in use or in development
101 * Silicon-proven (QFlow, coriolis2, OpenLANE)
102 * Under development (LibreEDA, other)
103 * Advances in Algorithmics in Place and Route and Layout
104 - FPGAs
105 * Libre/Open FPGA designs
106 * FPGA toolchains and Reverse-Engineering
107 * FPGA workflow
108 - VLSI RTL and HDL
109 * Advanced and innovative alternative HDL tools
110 * Formal Correctness Proofs
111 * Testing methodologies
112 * Hardware Trust (and how to break it)
113 - Software Engineering as applied to Hardware
114 * Continuous Integration for VLSI
115 * Automated tool development (RTL to GDS-II)
116 * Automated testing
118 ### Topic overlap
120 There is quite a lot of overlap this year with:
122 * [CAD devroom]( https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/open_source_computer_aided_modeling_and_design/),
123 * [Emulator devroom](https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/emulator_development/)
124 * [Retro room](https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/retrocomputing/)
126 It is entirely up to you as a speaker which devroom you choose: the
127 main reason for a new VLSI devroom this year is because it is a rapidly
128 expanding area formerly entirely NDA'd.
130 ### How to submit your proposal
132 To submit a talk, please visit the [FOSDEM 2022 Pentabarf website](https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM22) (the mystery of whether pentabarf means barfing in 5 directions or in 5 colors has not been solved yet).
134 Create an **event** and click on **Show all** in the top right corner to display the full form. Make sure you choose the right devroom
135 in the track drop-down menu (so that we see it rather than another
136 devroom's organisers)
138 ### What should be in your submission
140 - name
141 - short bio
142 - contact info
143 - title (funny titles are ~~required~~/appreciated)
144 - abstract (what you're going talk about)
145 - duration
147 ### Things to be aware of
149 * The reference time will be Brussels local lime (CET)
150 <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/belgium/brussels>
151 * Talks have to be pre-recorded in advance between the first two weeks
152 of January, and will be streamed during the event.
153 * Q/A session will be taken live, just after each recorded talk. As
154 such, please make sure that you will be online and available on the
155 day of the event.
156 * A facility will be provided for people watching to chat between
157 themselves.
158 * A facility will be provided for people watching to submit questions.
160 ### Important Dates
162 - **December 28th: submission deadline**
163 - FAQ - is the submission deadline final?
164 - Technically speaking, you can submit talks till pentabarf
165 closes, which should be somewhere in January
166 - However, talks submitted before the 29th get a higher precedence
167 - ASAP: announcement selected talks
168 - January: speakers are contacted to upload pre-record sessions
169 - February 6th: FOSDEM! (with live Q&A during recorded talks)
171 ### Contact us
173 - [Luke Leighton](mailto:lkcl@lkcl.net)
174 - [Christian Pfaab](mailto:pfaab@uni-bremen.de)
175 - [mwfc](mwfc@chaos.social)
176 - "lkcl" or "mwfc" on #fosdem Libera.Chat IRC
178 # TODO
180 * write to openhardware dev room mailing list (private archives)
181 - 13nov2022. no response. assume dead list DONE
182 - therefore take responsibility for writing proposal DONE
183 * write proposal DONE 14nov2022
184 * submit proposal DONE 14no42022
185 * CfP TODO
186 * Talk to devroom managers ONGOING
187 * contact interested people
188 - https://www.crowdsupply.com/great-scott-gadgets/luna (ktemkin)
189 - danielgrosse https://twitter.com/daniel_grosse
190 - Ganesen Narayanasamy, IBM India, Education Course
191 - openwifi <https://github.com/open-sdr/openwifi/issues/99>
192 - libresilicon (actual DIY Foundry equipment)
193 - opentapeoutdev
194 - openlane / openroad
195 - Staf (Chips4Makers)
196 - efabless
197 - libre-soc
198 - LIP6 / CNRS (coriolis2)
199 - apertus <https://www.apertus.org/axiom-ecosystem>
200 - NLnet (to help with outreach)
201 - Crowdsupply (ditto)
202 - KiCAD and other EDA tools
203 - LibreEDA developer (tkramer)
204 - Pine64 <https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PineNote>
205 - Bunnie, xobs (https://www.bunniestudios.com/)
206 - Tim Ansell / Claire Wolfe symbiflow et al https://symbiflow.github.io
207 - Libera.Chat channels:
208 - yosys DONE 29nov2021
209 - opentapeoutdev DONE 29nov2021
210 - symbiflow DONE 29nov2021
211 - openpower DONE 29nov2021
212 - libre-soc DONE 29nov2021
213 - Twitter channels
214 - Initial CfP <https://twitter.com/lkcl/status/1465290569681457157>
215 DONE 29nov2021
216 @Daniel_Grosse @GanesanBlue @TLLim888 @thepine64 @Chips4Makers
217 @bunniestudios @librecores @efabless @LIP6_lab @OpenPOWERorg
218 @OTapeout @YosysHQ @NLnetFDN @NgiPointer @symbiflow @mithro
219 @pepijndevos @crowd_supply @jxjputaoshu