Bug 1244: Added pospopcount definition
[libreriscv.git] / conferences / ics2021.mdwn
1 # ICS2021
3 14 June 2021
5 * <https://ics21.github.io/>
6 * <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=14&month=6&year=2021&p1=%20141&p2=236&p3=1234&p4=250&p5=24&p6=224&iv=0>
7 * <https://meep-project.eu/events/ics-2021>
8 * <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkFegzIFCU-q33B7DAKfFQ>
9 * <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOCPTh4gVyc&t=3650s>
11 # Luke Leighton bio
13 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton specialises in Libre Ethical Technology.
14 He has been using, programming and reverse-engineering computing
15 devices continuously for 44 years, has a BEng (Hons), ACGI, in
16 Theory of Computing from Imperial College, and recently put that
17 education to good use in the form of the Libre-SOC
18 Project: an entirely Libre-Licensed 3D Hybrid CPU-VPU-GPU based on
19 OpenPOWER. He writes poetry and has been developing a HEP Physics theory
20 for the past 36 years in his spare time.
22 ## SVP64 Abstract
24 The OpenPOWER ISA has a strong multi-decades pedigree in Supercomputing:
25 Matrix Multiply, 128-bit SIMD, BCD, Decimal Floating-point have been part
26 of the ISA for decades, supporting Business and Scientific Computing.
27 What the OpenPOWER ISA does not have is Vector processing, first
28 successfully found in the Cray-1 Supercomputer, from 1976.
30 SVP64 is an initiative being developed by the Libre-SOC team and
31 funded by NLnet, that brings Cray-style Variable-length Vectorisation
32 to the OpenPOWER ISA in a seamless and non-disruptive fashion. The team
33 is keeping the OpenPOWER Foundation appraised of progress, and plans to
34 submit SVP64 as an RFC to the newly-formed OpenPOWER ISA Working Group.
36 SVP64 is based on the concept of embedding scalar operations into
37 a Vectorisation Context: effectively a simple Sub-Program-Counter for-loop.
38 However that Vectorisation Context effectively extends each of the 200+
39 primary scalar operations in the OpenPOWER ISA by a factor of 4,000,
40 to produce a staggering and unprecedented 800,000 unique Vector opcodes.
42 Although SVP64 borrows from innovations in Computer Science over the
43 past 50 years, including the original Cray Vectors, VLIW, Zero-overhead
44 Loops from DSPs and Intel MMX, the end result is something entirely new.
45 This talk will go through the development process of SVP64 and explain
46 some of the innovative Vectorisation concepts that have never been seen
47 before in any commercial or academic Vector ISA, including
48 Twin-Predication and Condition Register "Post-result" predication,
49 and how these will benefit Supercomputing performance and decrease
50 power consumption, most notably by reducing program size and
51 thus I-Cache usage whilst still maintaining high data throughput.
53 ## Comprehensive life-cycle of mixed testing: HDL to gates
55 The Libre-SOC Project is developed by Software Engineers with a Hardware
56 background: in particular, Software Engineers with decades of experience
57 in the Libre / Open software ecosystem. There is a huge difference.
59 Software Engineers have it drummed into them from either training or
60 bitter experience that unit tests are critical at every level. Whilst
61 the Validation Process for an ASIC goes through a rigorous process
62 in the Synthesis Tools to ensure its correctness at every step, the
63 actual HDL itself, shockingly, is typically put together in its entirety.
64 Only on completion are high-level (binary) unit tests run. Errors
65 in a low-level subsystem thus become extremely hard to find.
67 In addition to that, as a Libre Project, we have had to use Libre
68 VLSI tools. These are in active development and have not - yet -
69 been used to develop ASICs beyond 130nm or over 1,000,000 gates.
70 Our ASIC toolchain and HDL verification procedures are therefore
71 functional but a little different from Industry-standard (proprietary)
72 norm.
74 This talk will therefore show, by example, how we went from low-level
75 modules (with unit tests and Formal Correctness Proofs), to pipelines
76 (with unit tests and Formal Correctness Proofs), to a functional Core
77 (with several thousand unit tests), right the way to ASIC layout,
78 from which the Netlist was extracted and then co-simulated with cocotb.
79 At each and every stage - both pre and post layout and on FPGA - it
80 has been possible to run the exact same JTAG Boundary Scan and basic
81 startup procedure.
84 # Jean-Paul Chaput bio
86 Jean-Paul Chaput holds a Master Degree in MicroElectronics and Software
87 Engineering. He joined the LIP6 laboratory within Sorbonne Université or SU
88 (formerly UPMC) in 2000. Currently he is a Research Engineer in the Analog and
89 Mixed Signal Team at LIP6. His main focus is on physical level design
90 software. He is a key contributor in developing and maintaining the
91 Alliance/Coriolis VLSI CAD projects for CMOS technologies. In particular he
92 contributed in developing the routers of both Alliance/Coriolis and the whole
93 Coriolis toolchain infrastructure. He his now a key contributor in extending
94 Alliance/Coriolis to the Analog Mixed-Signal integration for nanometric CMOS
95 technologies.
97 ## How to make an ASIC
99 * <https://youtu.be/EkCD6srelYo?t=99>
101 ## ICS 2021 Abstract
103 Starting in 1990, Sorbonne Université-CNRS/LIP6 developed Alliance, a complete
104 VLSI CAD toolchain released under GPL. In this spirit, we are assembling an
105 upgraded design flow for ASICs based on FOSS tools like GHDL & Yosys for
106 logical synthesis and Coriolis2 for physical design. We will present the flow
107 with a focus on the Coriolis2 part and the LibreSOC first prototype. This
108 should be an important milestone toward the creation of an open hardware
109 community.