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[libreriscv.git] / conferences / opensearch2023 / jacow.template.tex
1 % !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
2 % !TeX program = lualatex
3 %
4 % v 2.3 Feb 2019 Volker RW Schaa
5 % # changes in the collaboration therefore updated file "jacow-collaboration.tex"
6 % # all References with DOIs have their period/full stop before the DOI (after pp. or year)
7 % # in the author/affiliation block all ZIP codes in square brackets removed as it was not % understood as optional parameter and ZIP codes had bin put in brackets
8 % # References to the current IPAC are changed to "IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia"
9 % # font for ‘url’ style changed to ‘newtxtt’ as it is easier to distinguish "O" and "0"
10 %
11 \documentclass[a4paper,
12 %boxit, % check whether paper is inside correct margins
13 %titlepage, % separate title page
14 %refpage % separate references
15 %biblatex, % biblatex is used
16 keeplastbox, % flushend option: not to un-indent last line in References
17 %nospread, % flushend option: do not fill with whitespace to balance columns
18 %hyphens, % allow \url to hyphenate at "-" (hyphens)
19 %xetex, % use XeLaTeX to process the file
20 %luatex, % use LuaLaTeX to process the file
21 ]{jacow}
22 %
23 % ONLY FOR \footnote in table/tabular
24 %
25 \usepackage{pdfpages,multirow,ragged2e} %
26 %
28 % ----------------------------------------------------
29 % test for XeTeX where the sequence is by default eps-> pdf, jpg, png, pdf, ...
30 % and the JACoW template provides JACpic2v3.eps and JACpic2v3.jpg which
31 % might generates errors, therefore PNG and JPG first
32 %
33 \makeatletter%
34 \ifboolexpr{bool{xetex}}
35 {\renewcommand{\Gin@extensions}{.pdf,%
36 .png,.jpg,.bmp,.pict,.tif,.psd,.mac,.sga,.tga,.gif,%
37 .eps,.ps,%
38 }}{}
39 \makeatother
42 % --------------------------------------------------------
43 % utf8 is default for XeTeX/LuaTeX
44 % utf8 in LaTeX only realises a small portion of codes
45 %
46 \ifboolexpr{bool{xetex} or bool{luatex}} % test for XeTeX/LuaTeX
47 {} % input encoding is utf8 by default
48 {\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}} % switch to utf8
50 \usepackage[USenglish]{babel}
52 %
53 % if BibLaTeX is used
54 %
55 \ifboolexpr{bool{jacowbiblatex}}%
56 {%
57 \addbibresource{jacow-test.bib}
58 \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib}
59 }{}
60 \listfiles
62 %%
63 %% Lengths for the spaces in the title
64 %% \setlength\titleblockstartskip{..} %before title, default 3pt
65 %% \setlength\titleblockmiddleskip{..} %between title + author, default 1em
66 %% \setlength\titleblockendskip{..} %afterauthor, default 1em
68 \begin{document}
70 \title{preparation OF papers for \NoCaseChange{JACoW} conferences\thanks{Work supported by ...}}
72 \author{A. N. Author\thanks{email address}, H. Coauthor, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
73 P. Contributor\textsuperscript{1}, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
74 \textsuperscript{1}also at Name of Secondary Institute or Affiliation, City, Country}
76 \maketitle
78 %
79 \begin{abstract}
80 Many conference series have adopted the same standards
81 for electronic publication and have joined the Joint
82 Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) collaboration
83 for the publication of their proceedings. This document
84 describes the common requirements for the submission of
85 papers to these conferences. Please consult individual
86 conference information for page limits, method of electronic
87 submission, etc. It is not intended that this should
88 be a tutorial in word processing; the aim is to explain the
89 particular requirements for electronic publication at
90 The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone
91 entity and, as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms
92 should be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the
93 abstract and in the rest of the paper.
94 The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone entity and,
95 as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms should
96 be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the abstract
97 and in the rest of the paper.
98 \end{abstract}
102 Each author should submit the PDF file and all source
103 files (text and figures) to enable the paper to be
104 reconstructed if there are processing difficulties.
106 \section{MANUSCRIPTS}
107 Templates are provided for recommended software and
108 authors are advised to use them. Please consult the
109 individual conference help pages if questions arise.
111 \subsection{General Layout}
113 These instructions are a typical implementation of the
114 requirements. Manuscripts should have:
115 \begin{Itemize}
116 \item Either A4 (\SI{21.0}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{29.7}{cm}; \SI{8.27}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.69}{in}) or US
117 letter size (\SI{21.6}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{27.9}{cm}; \SI{8.5}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.0}{in}) paper.
118 \item Single-spaced text in two columns of \SI{82.5}{mm} (\SI{3.25}{in}) with \SI{5.3}{mm}
119 (\SI{0.2}{in}) separation. More recent versions of Microsoft Word have a default spacing of 1.5 lines;
120 authors must change this to 1 line.
121 \item The text located within the margins specified in Table~\ref{l2ea4-t1}.
122 \end{Itemize}
123 \begin{table}[!hbt]
124 \centering
125 \caption{Margin Specifications}
126 \begin{tabular}{lcc}
127 \toprule
128 \textbf{Margin} & \textbf{A4 Paper} & \textbf{US Letter Paper} \\
129 \midrule
130 Top & \SI{37}{mm} (\SI{1.46}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
131 Bottom & \SI{19}{mm} (\SI{0.75}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
132 Left & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{0.79}{in} (\SI{20}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
133 Right & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{1.02}{in} (\SI{26}{mm}) \\
134 \bottomrule
135 \end{tabular}
136 \label{tab:margins}
137 \end{table}
139 \subsection{Fonts}
141 In order to produce good Adobe Acrobat PDF files, authors
142 using the `jacow' \LaTeX{} template are asked to use only the fonts
143 defined in the ‘jacow’ class file (v2.3 of 2019/01/15) in standard,
144 bold (i.\,e., \verb|\textbf|) or italic (i.\,e., \verb|\textit|) form and
145 symbols from the standard set of fonts. In Word use only
146 Symbol and, depending on your platform, Times or Times New Roman
147 fonts in standard, bold or italic form.
149 The layout of the text on the page is illustrated in
150 Fig.~\ref{fig:paper_layout}. Note that the paper’s title and the author list should
151 be the width of the full page. Tables and figures may span
152 the whole \SI{170}{mm} page width, if desired (see Fig.~\ref{fig:jacow_team}), but
153 if they span both columns, they should be placed at either
154 the top or bottom of a page to ensure proper flow of the
155 text (which should flow from top to bottom in each column).
157 \begin{figure}[!htb]
158 \centering
159 \includegraphics*[width=.7\columnwidth]{JACpic_mc}
160 \caption{Layout of papers.}
161 \label{fig:paper_layout}
162 \end{figure}
164 \begin{figure*}[!tbh]
165 \centering
166 \includegraphics*[width=\textwidth]{JACpic2}
168 \caption{Example of a full-width figure showing the JACoW Team at their annual
169 meeting in December 2018. This figure has a multi-line caption that has to be
170 justified rather than centred.}
171 \label{fig:jacow_team}
172 \end{figure*}
174 \subsection{Title and Author List}
176 The title should use \SI{14}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred on the page.
177 Individual letters may be lowercased to avoid misinterpretation (e.\,g., mW, GeV,
178 SPring-8, SwissFEL).
179 To include a funding support statement, put an asterisk after the title and
180 the support text at the bottom of the first column on page~1---in Word,
181 use a text box; in \LaTeX, use $\backslash$\texttt{thanks}. See also the
182 subsection on footnotes.
184 The names of authors, their organizations/affiliations and
185 postal addresses should be grouped by affiliation and
186 listed in \SI{12}{pt} upper- and lowercase letters. The name of
187 the submitting or primary author should be first, followed
188 by the coauthors, alphabetically by affiliation. Where
189 authors have multiple affiliations, the secondary affiliation
190 may be indicated with a superscript, as shown in the
191 author listing of this paper. See \textbf{ANNEX~A} for further examples.
193 \subsection{Section Headings}
195 Section headings should not be numbered. They should
196 use \SI{12}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred in the
197 column. All section headings should appear directly above
198 the text---there should never be a column break between a heading and the
199 following paragraph.
201 \subsection{Subsection Headings}
203 Subsection headings should not be numbered.
204 They should use \SI{12}{pt} italic letters and be left aligned in the column.
205 Subsection headings use Title Case (or Initial Caps)
206 and should appear directly above the text---there should never be a column break
207 between a subheading and the following paragraph.
209 \subsubsection{Third-level Headings} These should use \SI{10}{pt} bold
210 letters and be run into the paragraph text. In \LaTeX{} these headings are
211 created with \LaTeX's \verb|\subsubsection| command.
212 In the Word templates authors must bold the heading text themselves.
213 This heading should be used sparingly. See Table~\ref{tab:styles}
214 for its style details.
216 \subsection{Paragraph Text}
218 Paragraphs should use \SI{10}{pt} font and be justified (touch each side) in
219 the column. The beginning of each paragraph should be indented
220 approximately \SI{0.33}{cm} (\SI{0.13}{in}). The last line of a paragraph should not be
221 printed by itself at the beginning of a column nor should the first line of
222 a paragraph be printed by itself at the end of a column.
224 \subsection{Figures, Tables and Equations}
226 Place figures and tables as close to their place of mention as
227 possible. Lettering in figures and tables should be large enough to
228 reproduce clearly. Use of non-approved fonts in figures can lead to
229 problems when the files are processed. \LaTeX{} users should be sure to use
230 non-bitmapped versions of Computer Modern fonts in equations (Type\,1 PostScript
231 or OpenType fonts are required. Their use is described in the help
232 pages of the JACoW website\cite{jacow-help}).
234 Each figure and table must be numbered in ascending
235 order (1, 2, 3, etc.) throughout the paper.
236 Figure captions are placed below figures, and table
237 captions are placed above tables.
239 Figure captions are formatted as shown in Figs.~\ref{fig:paper_layout} and \ref{fig:jacow_team},
240 while table captions take the form of a heading,
241 with initial letters of principle words, capitalized, and
242 without a period at the end (see Tables~\ref{tab:margins} and~\ref{tab:styles}).
243 Any reference to the contents of the table should be made from
244 the body of the paper rather than from within the table
245 caption itself.
247 Single-line captions are centred in the column, while captions
248 that span more than one line should be justified.
249 The \LaTeX{} template uses the ‘booktabs’ package to
250 format tables.
252 When referring to a figure from within the text, the
253 convention is to use the abbreviated form [e.\,g., Fig.~1]
254 \emph{unless} the reference is at the start of the sentence, in
255 which case “Figure” is written in full. Reference to a
256 table, however, is never abbreviated [e.\,g., Table~1].
259 If a displayed equation needs a number (i.\,e., it will be
260 referenced), place it in parentheses, and flush with the
261 right margin of the column. The equation itself should be
262 indented and centred, as far as is possible:
263 \begin{equation}\label{eq:label}
264 C_B=\frac{q^3}{3\epsilon_{0} mc}=\SI{3.54}{\micro eV/T}
265 \end{equation}
267 When referencing a numbered equation, use the word
268 “Equation” at the start of a sentence, and the abbreviated
269 form, “Eq.”, if in the text. The equation number is placed
270 in parentheses [e.\,g., Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}], which can be
271 achieved in \LaTeX{} using \verb|\eqref{eq:label}|.
273 \subsection{Units}
275 Units should be written using the standard, roman font,
276 not the italic font, as shown in Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}.
277 An unbreakable space should precede a unit (in \LaTeX{} use a “\verb|\,|”,
278 the template uses the ‘siunitx’ package to format units).
279 Some examples are: \SI{3}{keV},
280 \SI{100}{kW}, \SI{7}{µm}. When a unit appears in a hyphenated,
281 compound adjective that precedes a noun, it takes on the
282 singular form, e.\,g., the 3.8-metre long undulator.
284 \subsection{References}
285 %
286 % References examples given here are not formatted using \cite as there
287 % are only reference numbers [1] and [2] in the template
288 %
289 All bibliographical and web references should be numbered and listed at the
290 end of the paper in a section called \textbf{REFERENCES}. When citing a
291 reference in the text, place the corresponding reference number in square
292 brackets~[1]. The reference citations in the text should be numbered
293 in ascending order. Multiple citations should appear in
294 the same bracket~[3, 4] and
295 with ranges where appropriate~[1--4, 10].
297 A URL or DOI may be included as part of a reference, but its
298 hyperlink should NOT be added. The usual practice is to
299 use a monospaced font for the URL so as to help distinguish
300 it from normal text. In \LaTeX{} the ‘url’ package is used with its
301 default font now being switched to ``newtxtt'' which offers
302 a better distinction between ``\texttt{O}'' and ``\texttt{0}''.
304 For authors to properly cite the resources used when researching
305 their papers is an obligation. In the interest of
306 promoting uniformity and complete citations, the IEEE
307 Editorial Style for Transactions and Journals, which itself
308 adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, has been adopted~\cite{IEEE}.
309 When citing a periodical, the official abbreviation of the journal
310 should be used\cite{journal-abbreviations}.
311 Please consult the appended material, \textbf{ANNEX~B},
312 for details. The onus is on authors to pay attention to
313 the details of the said style to ensure complete, accurate
314 and properly formatted references.
316 \begin{table}[h!b]
317 \setlength\tabcolsep{3.5pt}
318 \centering
319 \caption{Summary of Styles}
320 \label{tab:styles}
321 \begin{tabular}{llcc}
322 \toprule
323 \textbf{Style} & \textbf{Font} & \textbf{Space} & \textbf{Space} \\
324 & & \textbf{Before} & \textbf{After} \\
325 \midrule
326 \textbf{PAPER} & \SI{14}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
327 \textbf{TITLE} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
328 & \textbf{EXCEPT FOR} & & \\
329 & \textbf{REQUIRED lowercase} & & \\
330 & \textbf{letters} & & \\
331 & \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
332 %\midrule
333 Author list & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{12}{pt} \\
334 & UPPER- and lowercase & & \\[5pt]
335 %\midrule
336 \textit{Abstract} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
337 \textit{Title} & \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
338 & \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
339 %\midrule
340 \textbf{Section} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
341 \textbf{Heading} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
342 & \textbf{bold} & & \\[5pt]
343 %\midrule
344 \textit{Subsection} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
345 \textit{Heading}
346 & \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
347 & \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
348 %\midrule
349 \textbf{Third-level} & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} \\
350 \textbf{Heading}
351 & \textbf{Initial Caps} & & \\
352 & \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
353 %\midrule
354 Figure & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} \\
355 Captions & & & \\[5pt]
356 %\midrule
357 Table & \SI{10}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
358 Captions & & & \\[5pt]
359 %\midrule
360 Equations & \SI{10}{pt} base font & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} \\[5pt]
361 %\midrule
362 References & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
363 when $\le9$ & \verb|\bibliography{9}| & & \\[5pt]
364 Refs. $\ge10$ & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
365 & \verb|\bibliography{99}| & & \\
366 \bottomrule %\SI{0.25}{in}
367 \end{tabular}
368 \end{table}
370 \subsection{Footnotes}
372 Footnotes on the title and author lines may be used for acknowledgements
373 and e-mail addresses. A non-numeric sequence of characters (*, \#,
374 \dag, \ddag, \P) should be used to indicate the footnote.
375 These “pseudo footnotes” should only
376 appear at the bottom of the first column on the first page.
378 Any other footnote in the body of the paper should
379 use the normal numeric sequencing (i.\,e., 1, 2, 3)
380 and appear at the bottom of the same column in which
381 it is used. All footnotes are of 8pt font size.
383 \subsection{Acronyms}
385 Acronyms should be defined the first time they appear,
386 both in the abstract and in the rest of the paper.
388 \section{STYLES}
390 Table~\ref{tab:styles} summarizes the fonts and spacing used in the styles of
391 a JACoW template. In \LaTeX, these
392 are implemented in the ‘jacow’ class file.
394 \section{PAGE NUMBERS}
396 \textbf{DO NOT include any page numbers}. They will be added
397 when the final proceedings are produced.
399 \section{TEMPLATES}
401 Template documents for the recommended word processing
402 software are available from the JACoW website~\cite{jacow-help}
403 and exist for \LaTeX, Microsoft Word (Mac and PC)
404 and LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice for US letter and A4
405 paper sizes. Use the correct template for your paper size and
406 platform.
408 Fonts are embedded by default with pdf\LaTeX. Using \LaTeX{} with `dvips',
409 make sure that `ps2pdf' has the option \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}'.
410 Fonts of included figure graphics in PDF or EPS are often not embedded.
411 So make sure that this done when generating them or reprocess them
412 in `Ghostscript' with the switch \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}' set.
414 \flushcolsend
417 Authors are requested to go over the following checklist for electronic publication:
418 \begin{Itemize}
419 \item Use only Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and Symbol
420 fonts for text, \SI{10}{pt} except references, which should be \SI{9}{pt}.
422 \item Figures should use Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and
423 Symbol fonts when possible---\SI{6}{pt} minimum, with fonts embedded.
424 \item Check that citations to references appear in sequential order and
425 that all references are cited.
426 \item Check that the PDF file prints correctly.
427 \item Check that there are no page numbers.
428 \item Check that the margins on the printed version are within \SI{\pm1}{mm}
429 of the specifications.
430 \item \LaTeX{} users can check their margins by invoking the
431 \texttt{boxit} option.
432 \end{Itemize}
434 Please also check the list of common oversights which can be found in \textbf{ANNEX C}.
436 \section{CONCLUSION}
438 Any conclusions should be in a separate section directly preceding
439 the \textbf{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}, \textbf{APPENDIX}, or \textbf{REFERENCES} sections, in that
440 order.
443 Any acknowledgement should be in a separate section directly preceding
444 the \textbf{REFERENCES} or \textbf{APPENDIX} section.
447 \section{APPENDIX}
448 Any appendix should be in a separate section directly preceding
449 the \textbf{REFERENCES} section. If there is no \textbf{REFERENCES} section,
450 this should be the last section of the paper.
452 %
453 % only for "biblatex"
454 %
455 \ifboolexpr{bool{jacowbiblatex}}%
456 {\printbibliography}%
457 {%
458 % "biblatex" is not used, go the "manual" way
460 %\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 10-99 references
461 \begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
463 \bibitem{jacow-help}
464 JACoW,
465 \url{}
467 \bibitem{IEEE}
468 \textit{IEEE Editorial Style Manual},
469 IEEE Periodicals, Piscataway,
470 NJ, USA, Oct. 2014, pp. 34--52.
472 \bibitem{journal-abbreviations}
473 \url{}
475 \end{thebibliography}
476 } % end \ifboolexpr
477 %
478 % for use as JACoW template the inclusion of the ANNEX parts have been commented out
479 % to generate the complete documentation please remove the "%" of the next two commands
480 %
481 %%%\newpage
483 %%%\include{annexes-A4}
485 \end{document}