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1 ---
2 description: Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal
3 computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and
4 yet very powerful.
5 layout: stand
6 logo: stands/haiku/logo.png
7 new_this_year: |
8 <p>Since last FOSDEM we had a Beta2 release last June which fixes 900 bugs from Beta1 and adds 2800 commits to it:</p>
9 <ol>
10 <li>It brings HiDPI support.</li>
11 <li>During GSoC2020 the Input Preferences were reworked a lot to handle multiple devices.</li>
12 <li>The Installation now supports excluding optional packages that are included on the installation medium.</li>
13 <li>And there is even an upgrade path available from Haiku R1 Beta 1 to Beta 2 so you don't have to reinstall.</li>
14 <li>Hardware support is also improved, with NVMe drives, and improvements on XHCI.</li>
15 <li>Documentation was also improved, like on the layout support.</li>
16 <li>The WebKit version used by WebPositive was updated.</li>
17 <li>Various applications were also ported or updated like LibreOffice, Telegram, Okular, Krita, AQEMU and some more games.</li>
18 <li>And new applications are also written, like Medo, a video editor.</li>
19 <li>We also ran a system sounds contest, and started a wallpaper contest.</li>
20 <li>While we focus on x86, ports to other architectures is still ongoing, and might give some interesting updates in the coming year.</li>
21 </ol>
22 showcase: |
23 <p>We will be demonstrating all the neat features that makes Haiku special for us: indexed metadata in the filesystem, x-ray navigation, sliding tabs and window grouping.</p>
24 <p>We also want to hear from people testing Haiku, how it worked for them, or not. We will guide you to create bug reports.</p>
25 <p>We will walk
26 curious people into installing Haiku in a VM or on real hardware.</p>
27 <p>And we love
28 stories of fond memories of BeOS and how Haiku brings those back.</p>
29 <p>People
30 interested into coding can also meet our developers, see where they can learn
31 to program their own application, or write a recipe for HaikuPorter to port an
32 existing one.</p>
33 <p>And you'll see the faces of some coders you maybe already know
34 from the IRC channels.</p
35 <p>Oh, and while we won't be able to get your DVDs
36 hand-to-hand, we still have some to ship :-)</p>
37 themes:
38 - Operating systems
39 title: Haiku
40 website:
41 show_on_overview: true
42 chatroom: haiku
43 ---