[stands-website.git] / content / stands / mariadb_foundation.md
1 ---
2 description: The MariaDB Foundation is a non-profit organisation supporting continuity
3 and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem.
4 layout: stand
5 logo: stands/mariadb_foundation/logo.png
6 new_this_year: "MariaDB Server 10.5 was released as GA in June 2020.\r\nHighlights\
7 \ include:\r\n- the ColumnStore storage engine, a columnar storage engine designed\
8 \ for big data scaling\r\n- numerous performance improvements to the default InnoDB\
9 \ storage engine\r\n- a new S3 storage engine for archiving tables on Amazon S3,\
10 \ or any third-party implementing S3 API\r\n- an overhaul of the privilege system,\
11 \ allowing more fine grained control\r\n- a huge update of the Performance Schema,\
12 \ providing far more instrumentation and tables\r\n- full GTID support for Galera\
13 \ Cluster\r\n- numerous syntax enhancements to extend functionality and improve\
14 \ adherence to standards\r\n\r\nThe MariaDB Foundation hosted the MariaDB Server\
15 \ Fest, and the MariaDB Server MiniFest, two highly successful online events for\
16 \ developers of applications that use MariaDB Server."
17 showcase: "The MariaDB Foundation supports continuity and open collaboration in the\
18 \ MariaDB ecosystem. The Foundation guarantees that there is a global contact point\
19 \ for collaboration and that the community can always rely upon MariaDB Server.\r\
20 \n\r\nThe Foundation\u2019s staff support MariaDB Server by:\r\n* Encouraging adoption,\
21 \ contribution and distribution of MariaDB Server and related open source software.\r\
22 \n* Helping new contributors understand the source code and lowering the barrier\
23 \ for new participants.\r\n* Participating in the design of new features, ensuring\
24 \ the code quality and maintainability of the codebase while the number of contributors\
25 \ is growing.\r\n* Making sure documentation keeps up with the development of new\
26 \ features.\r\n* Porting and packaging MariaDB to different platforms and operating\
27 \ systems to keep it as widely available as possible.\r\n* Speaking at events and\
28 \ driving adoption."
29 themes:
30 - Database engines
31 title: MariaDB Foundation
32 website: https://mariadb.org/
33 ---