Add TLB to icache
[microwatt.git] / core.vhdl
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
5 library work;
6 use work.common.all;
7 use work.wishbone_types.all;
9 entity core is
10 generic (
11 SIM : boolean := false;
12 DISABLE_FLATTEN : boolean := false;
13 EX1_BYPASS : boolean := true
14 );
15 port (
16 clk : in std_logic;
17 rst : in std_logic;
19 wishbone_insn_in : in wishbone_slave_out;
20 wishbone_insn_out : out wishbone_master_out;
22 wishbone_data_in : in wishbone_slave_out;
23 wishbone_data_out : out wishbone_master_out;
25 dmi_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
26 dmi_din : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
27 dmi_dout : out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
28 dmi_req : in std_ulogic;
29 dmi_wr : in std_ulogic;
30 dmi_ack : out std_ulogic;
32 xics_in : in XicsToExecute1Type;
34 terminated_out : out std_logic
35 );
36 end core;
38 architecture behave of core is
39 -- fetch signals
40 signal fetch2_to_decode1: Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
42 -- icache signals
43 signal fetch1_to_icache : Fetch1ToIcacheType;
44 signal icache_to_fetch2 : IcacheToFetch2Type;
45 signal mmu_to_icache : MmuToIcacheType;
47 -- decode signals
48 signal decode1_to_decode2: Decode1ToDecode2Type;
49 signal decode2_to_execute1: Decode2ToExecute1Type;
51 -- register file signals
52 signal register_file_to_decode2: RegisterFileToDecode2Type;
53 signal decode2_to_register_file: Decode2ToRegisterFileType;
54 signal writeback_to_register_file: WritebackToRegisterFileType;
56 -- CR file signals
57 signal decode2_to_cr_file: Decode2ToCrFileType;
58 signal cr_file_to_decode2: CrFileToDecode2Type;
59 signal writeback_to_cr_file: WritebackToCrFileType;
61 -- execute signals
62 signal execute1_to_writeback: Execute1ToWritebackType;
63 signal execute1_to_fetch1: Execute1ToFetch1Type;
65 -- load store signals
66 signal execute1_to_loadstore1: Execute1ToLoadstore1Type;
67 signal loadstore1_to_execute1: Loadstore1ToExecute1Type;
68 signal loadstore1_to_writeback: Loadstore1ToWritebackType;
69 signal loadstore1_to_mmu: Loadstore1ToMmuType;
70 signal mmu_to_loadstore1: MmuToLoadstore1Type;
72 -- dcache signals
73 signal loadstore1_to_dcache: Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
74 signal dcache_to_loadstore1: DcacheToLoadstore1Type;
75 signal mmu_to_dcache: MmuToDcacheType;
76 signal dcache_to_mmu: DcacheToMmuType;
78 -- local signals
79 signal fetch1_stall_in : std_ulogic;
80 signal icache_stall_out : std_ulogic;
81 signal fetch2_stall_in : std_ulogic;
82 signal decode1_stall_in : std_ulogic;
83 signal decode2_stall_in : std_ulogic;
84 signal decode2_stall_out : std_ulogic;
85 signal ex1_icache_inval: std_ulogic;
86 signal ex1_stall_out: std_ulogic;
87 signal ls1_stall_out: std_ulogic;
88 signal dcache_stall_out: std_ulogic;
90 signal flush: std_ulogic;
92 signal complete: std_ulogic;
93 signal terminate: std_ulogic;
94 signal core_rst: std_ulogic;
95 signal icache_rst: std_ulogic;
97 signal sim_cr_dump: std_ulogic;
99 -- Debug actions
100 signal dbg_core_stop: std_ulogic;
101 signal dbg_core_rst: std_ulogic;
102 signal dbg_icache_rst: std_ulogic;
104 signal dbg_gpr_req : std_ulogic;
105 signal dbg_gpr_ack : std_ulogic;
106 signal dbg_gpr_addr : gspr_index_t;
107 signal dbg_gpr_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
109 signal msr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
111 -- Debug status
112 signal dbg_core_is_stopped: std_ulogic;
114 function keep_h(disable : boolean) return string is
115 begin
116 if disable then
117 return "yes";
118 else
119 return "no";
120 end if;
121 end function;
122 attribute keep_hierarchy : string;
123 attribute keep_hierarchy of fetch1_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
124 attribute keep_hierarchy of icache_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
125 attribute keep_hierarchy of fetch2_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
126 attribute keep_hierarchy of decode1_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
127 attribute keep_hierarchy of decode2_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
128 attribute keep_hierarchy of register_file_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
129 attribute keep_hierarchy of cr_file_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
130 attribute keep_hierarchy of execute1_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
131 attribute keep_hierarchy of loadstore1_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
132 attribute keep_hierarchy of mmu_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
133 attribute keep_hierarchy of dcache_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
134 attribute keep_hierarchy of writeback_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
135 attribute keep_hierarchy of debug_0 : label is keep_h(DISABLE_FLATTEN);
136 begin
138 core_rst <= dbg_core_rst or rst;
140 fetch1_0: entity work.fetch1
141 generic map (
142 RESET_ADDRESS => (others => '0')
143 )
144 port map (
145 clk => clk,
146 rst => core_rst,
147 stall_in => fetch1_stall_in,
148 flush_in => flush,
149 stop_in => dbg_core_stop,
150 e_in => execute1_to_fetch1,
151 i_out => fetch1_to_icache
152 );
154 fetch1_stall_in <= icache_stall_out or decode2_stall_out;
156 icache_0: entity work.icache
157 generic map(
158 SIM => SIM,
159 LINE_SIZE => 64,
160 NUM_LINES => 32,
161 NUM_WAYS => 2
162 )
163 port map(
164 clk => clk,
165 rst => icache_rst,
166 i_in => fetch1_to_icache,
167 i_out => icache_to_fetch2,
168 m_in => mmu_to_icache,
169 flush_in => flush,
170 stall_out => icache_stall_out,
171 wishbone_out => wishbone_insn_out,
172 wishbone_in => wishbone_insn_in
173 );
175 icache_rst <= rst or dbg_icache_rst or ex1_icache_inval;
177 fetch2_0: entity work.fetch2
178 port map (
179 clk => clk,
180 rst => core_rst,
181 stall_in => fetch2_stall_in,
182 flush_in => flush,
183 i_in => icache_to_fetch2,
184 f_out => fetch2_to_decode1
185 );
187 fetch2_stall_in <= decode2_stall_out;
189 decode1_0: entity work.decode1
190 port map (
191 clk => clk,
192 rst => core_rst,
193 stall_in => decode1_stall_in,
194 flush_in => flush,
195 f_in => fetch2_to_decode1,
196 d_out => decode1_to_decode2
197 );
199 decode1_stall_in <= decode2_stall_out;
201 decode2_0: entity work.decode2
202 generic map (
204 )
205 port map (
206 clk => clk,
207 rst => core_rst,
208 stall_in => decode2_stall_in,
209 stall_out => decode2_stall_out,
210 flush_in => flush,
211 complete_in => complete,
212 stopped_out => dbg_core_is_stopped,
213 d_in => decode1_to_decode2,
214 e_out => decode2_to_execute1,
215 r_in => register_file_to_decode2,
216 r_out => decode2_to_register_file,
217 c_in => cr_file_to_decode2,
218 c_out => decode2_to_cr_file
219 );
220 decode2_stall_in <= ex1_stall_out or ls1_stall_out;
222 register_file_0: entity work.register_file
223 generic map (
224 SIM => SIM
225 )
226 port map (
227 clk => clk,
228 d_in => decode2_to_register_file,
229 d_out => register_file_to_decode2,
230 w_in => writeback_to_register_file,
231 dbg_gpr_req => dbg_gpr_req,
232 dbg_gpr_ack => dbg_gpr_ack,
233 dbg_gpr_addr => dbg_gpr_addr,
234 dbg_gpr_data => dbg_gpr_data,
235 sim_dump => terminate,
236 sim_dump_done => sim_cr_dump
237 );
239 cr_file_0: entity work.cr_file
240 generic map (
241 SIM => SIM
242 )
243 port map (
244 clk => clk,
245 d_in => decode2_to_cr_file,
246 d_out => cr_file_to_decode2,
247 w_in => writeback_to_cr_file,
248 sim_dump => sim_cr_dump
249 );
251 execute1_0: entity work.execute1
252 generic map (
254 )
255 port map (
256 clk => clk,
257 rst => core_rst,
258 flush_out => flush,
259 stall_out => ex1_stall_out,
260 e_in => decode2_to_execute1,
261 i_in => xics_in,
262 l_in => loadstore1_to_execute1,
263 l_out => execute1_to_loadstore1,
264 f_out => execute1_to_fetch1,
265 e_out => execute1_to_writeback,
266 icache_inval => ex1_icache_inval,
267 dbg_msr_out => msr,
268 terminate_out => terminate
269 );
271 loadstore1_0: entity work.loadstore1
272 port map (
273 clk => clk,
274 rst => core_rst,
275 l_in => execute1_to_loadstore1,
276 e_out => loadstore1_to_execute1,
277 l_out => loadstore1_to_writeback,
278 d_out => loadstore1_to_dcache,
279 d_in => dcache_to_loadstore1,
280 m_out => loadstore1_to_mmu,
281 m_in => mmu_to_loadstore1,
282 dc_stall => dcache_stall_out,
283 stall_out => ls1_stall_out
284 );
286 mmu_0: entity work.mmu
287 port map (
288 clk => clk,
289 rst => core_rst,
290 l_in => loadstore1_to_mmu,
291 l_out => mmu_to_loadstore1,
292 d_out => mmu_to_dcache,
293 d_in => dcache_to_mmu,
294 i_out => mmu_to_icache
295 );
297 dcache_0: entity work.dcache
298 generic map(
299 LINE_SIZE => 64,
300 NUM_LINES => 32,
301 NUM_WAYS => 2
302 )
303 port map (
304 clk => clk,
305 rst => core_rst,
306 d_in => loadstore1_to_dcache,
307 d_out => dcache_to_loadstore1,
308 m_in => mmu_to_dcache,
309 m_out => dcache_to_mmu,
310 stall_out => dcache_stall_out,
311 wishbone_in => wishbone_data_in,
312 wishbone_out => wishbone_data_out
313 );
315 writeback_0: entity work.writeback
316 port map (
317 clk => clk,
318 e_in => execute1_to_writeback,
319 l_in => loadstore1_to_writeback,
320 w_out => writeback_to_register_file,
321 c_out => writeback_to_cr_file,
322 complete_out => complete
323 );
325 debug_0: entity work.core_debug
326 port map (
327 clk => clk,
328 rst => rst,
329 dmi_addr => dmi_addr,
330 dmi_din => dmi_din,
331 dmi_dout => dmi_dout,
332 dmi_req => dmi_req,
333 dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
334 dmi_ack => dmi_ack,
335 core_stop => dbg_core_stop,
336 core_rst => dbg_core_rst,
337 icache_rst => dbg_icache_rst,
338 terminate => terminate,
339 core_stopped => dbg_core_is_stopped,
340 nia => fetch1_to_icache.nia,
341 msr => msr,
342 dbg_gpr_req => dbg_gpr_req,
343 dbg_gpr_ack => dbg_gpr_ack,
344 dbg_gpr_addr => dbg_gpr_addr,
345 dbg_gpr_data => dbg_gpr_data,
346 terminated_out => terminated_out
347 );
349 end behave;