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5 <title>Shading Language Support</title>
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10 <div class="header">
11 <h1>The Mesa 3D Graphics Library</h1>
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17 <h1>Shading Language Support</h1>
19 <p>
20 This page describes the features and status of Mesa's support for the
21 <a href="">
22 OpenGL Shading Language</a>.
23 </p>
25 <p>
26 Contents
27 </p>
28 <ul>
29 <li><a href="#envvars">Environment variables</a>
30 <li><a href="#support">GLSL 1.40 support</a>
31 <li><a href="#unsup">Unsupported Features</a>
32 <li><a href="#notes">Implementation Notes</a>
33 <li><a href="#hints">Programming Hints</a>
34 <li><a href="#standalone">Stand-alone GLSL Compiler</a>
35 <li><a href="#implementation">Compiler Implementation</a>
36 <li><a href="#validation">Compiler Validation</a>
37 </ul>
40 <h2 id="envvars">Environment Variables</h2>
42 <p>
43 The <b>MESA_GLSL</b> environment variable can be set to a comma-separated
44 list of keywords to control some aspects of the GLSL compiler and shader
45 execution. These are generally used for debugging.
46 </p>
47 <ul>
48 <li><b>dump</b> - print GLSL shader code to stdout at link time
49 <li><b>log</b> - log all GLSL shaders to files.
50 The filenames will be "shader_X.vert" or "shader_X.frag" where X
51 the shader ID.
52 <li><b>cache_info</b> - print debug information about shader cache
53 <li><b>cache_fb</b> - force cached shaders to be ignored and do a full
54 recompile via the fallback path</li>
55 <li><b>uniform</b> - print message to stdout when glUniform is called
56 <li><b>nopvert</b> - force vertex shaders to be a simple shader that just transforms
57 the vertex position with ftransform() and passes through the color and
58 texcoord[0] attributes.
59 <li><b>nopfrag</b> - force fragment shader to be a simple shader that passes
60 through the color attribute.
61 <li><b>useprog</b> - log glUseProgram calls to stderr
62 <li><b>errors</b> - GLSL compilation and link errors will be reported to stderr.
63 </ul>
64 <p>
65 Example: export MESA_GLSL=dump,nopt
66 </p>
68 <h3 id="replacement">Experimenting with Shader Replacements</h3>
69 <p>
70 Shaders can be dumped and replaced on runtime for debugging purposes. This
71 feature is not currently supported by SCons build.
73 This is controlled via following environment variables:
74 </p>
75 <ul>
76 <li><b>MESA_SHADER_DUMP_PATH</b> - path where shader sources are dumped
77 <li><b>MESA_SHADER_READ_PATH</b> - path where replacement shaders are read
78 </ul>
79 Note, path set must exist before running for dumping or replacing to work.
80 When both are set, these paths should be different so the dumped shaders do
81 not clobber the replacement shaders. Also, the filenames of the replacement shaders
82 should match the filenames of the corresponding dumped shaders.
84 <h3 id="capture">Capturing Shaders</h3>
86 <p>
87 Setting <b>MESA_SHADER_CAPTURE_PATH</b> to a directory will cause the compiler
88 to write <tt>.shader_test</tt> files for use with
89 <a href="">shader-db</a>, a tool
90 which compiler developers can use to gather statistics about shaders
91 (instructions, cycles, memory accesses, and so on).
92 </p>
93 <p>
94 Notably, this captures linked GLSL shaders - with all stages together -
95 as well as ARB programs.
96 </p>
98 <h2 id="support">GLSL Version</h2>
100 <p>
101 The GLSL compiler currently supports version 3.30 of the shading language.
102 </p>
104 <p>
105 Several GLSL extensions are also supported:
106 </p>
107 <ul>
108 <li>GL_ARB_draw_buffers
109 <li>GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
110 <li>GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding
111 </ul>
114 <h2 id="unsup">Unsupported Features</h2>
116 <p>XXX update this section</p>
118 <p>
119 The following features of the shading language are not yet fully supported
120 in Mesa:
121 </p>
123 <ul>
124 <li>Linking of multiple shaders does not always work. Currently, linking
125 is implemented through shader concatenation and re-compiling. This
126 doesn't always work because of some #pragma and preprocessor issues.
127 <li>The gl_Color and gl_SecondaryColor varying vars are interpolated
128 without perspective correction
129 </ul>
131 <p>
132 All other major features of the shading language should function.
133 </p>
136 <h2 id="notes">Implementation Notes</h2>
138 <ul>
139 <li>Shading language programs are compiled into low-level programs
140 very similar to those of GL_ARB_vertex/fragment_program.
141 <li>All vector types (vec2, vec3, vec4, bvec2, etc) currently occupy full
142 float[4] registers.
143 <li>Float constants and variables are packed so that up to four floats
144 can occupy one program parameter/register.
145 <li>All function calls are inlined.
146 <li>Shaders which use too many registers will not compile.
147 <li>The quality of generated code is pretty good, register usage is fair.
148 <li>Shader error detection and reporting of errors (InfoLog) is not
149 very good yet.
150 <li>The ftransform() function doesn't necessarily match the results of
151 fixed-function transformation.
152 </ul>
154 <p>
155 These issues will be addressed/resolved in the future.
156 </p>
159 <h2 id="hints">Programming Hints</h2>
161 <ul>
162 <li>Use the built-in library functions whenever possible.
163 For example, instead of writing this:
164 <pre>
165 float x = 1.0 / sqrt(y);
166 </pre>
167 Write this:
168 <pre>
169 float x = inversesqrt(y);
170 </pre>
171 </li>
172 </ul>
175 <h2 id="standalone">Stand-alone GLSL Compiler</h2>
177 <p>
178 The stand-alone GLSL compiler program can be used to compile GLSL shaders
179 into low-level GPU code.
180 </p>
182 <p>
183 This tool is useful for:
184 </p>
185 <ul>
186 <li>Inspecting GPU code to gain insight into compilation
187 <li>Generating initial GPU code for subsequent hand-tuning
188 <li>Debugging the GLSL compiler itself
189 </ul>
191 <p>
192 After building Mesa, the compiler can be found at src/compiler/glsl/glsl_compiler
193 </p>
195 <p>
196 Here's an example of using the compiler to compile a vertex shader and
197 emit GL_ARB_vertex_program-style instructions:
198 </p>
199 <pre>
200 src/compiler/glsl/glsl_compiler --version XXX --dump-ast myshader.vert
201 </pre>
203 Options include
204 <ul>
205 <li><b>--dump-ast</b> - dump GPU code
206 <li><b>--dump-hir</b> - dump high-level IR code
207 <li><b>--dump-lir</b> - dump low-level IR code
208 <li><b>--dump-builder</b> - dump GLSL IR code
209 <li><b>--link</b> - link shaders
210 <li><b>--just-log</b> - display only shader / linker info if exist,
211 without any header or separator
212 <li><b>--version</b> - [Mandatory] define the GLSL version to use
213 </ul>
216 <h2 id="implementation">Compiler Implementation</h2>
218 <p>
219 The source code for Mesa's shading language compiler is in the
220 <code>src/compiler/glsl/</code> directory.
221 </p>
223 <p>
224 XXX provide some info about the compiler....
225 </p>
227 <p>
228 The final vertex and fragment programs may be interpreted in software
229 (see prog_execute.c) or translated into a specific hardware architecture
230 (see drivers/dri/i915/i915_fragprog.c for example).
231 </p>
233 <h2 id="validation">Compiler Validation</h2>
235 <p>
236 Developers working on the GLSL compiler should test frequently to avoid
237 regressions.
238 </p>
240 <p>
241 The <a href="">Piglit</a> project
242 has many GLSL tests.
243 </p>
245 <p>
246 The Mesa demos repository also has some good GLSL tests.
247 </p>
249 </div>
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