Add quantifiers API example, fixes #879 (#1146)
[cvc5.git] / examples /
1 (********************* **
2 **! \file
3 *** \verbatim
4 *** Original author: mdeters
5 *** Major contributors: none
6 *** Minor contributors (to current version): none
7 *** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
8 *** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
9 *** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
10 *** New York University
11 *** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
12 *** information.\endverbatim
13 ***
14 *** \brief A simple demonstration of the OCaml interface
15 ***
16 *** A simple demonstration of the OCaml interface. Compare to the
17 *** C++ interface in simple_vc_cxx.cpp; they are quite similar.
18 ***
19 *** To run, use something like:
20 ***
21 *** LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../builds/src/bindings/ocaml/.libs \
22 *** ../builds/src/bindings/cvc4_ocaml_top -I ../builds/src/bindings/ocaml \
23 ***
24 ***
25 *** After you "make install" CVC4, it's much easier; the cvc4_ocaml_top goes in
26 *** $prefix/bin, and it's automatically set up the load the .cmo and .cmi files
27 *** from $prefix/lib/ocaml/cvc4, in which they get installed. Then you just
28 *** have to: cvc4_ocaml_top -I $prefix/lib/ocaml/cvc4
29 ***)
31 open Swig
32 open CVC4
34 let em = new_ExprManager '()
35 let smt = new_SmtEngine(em)
37 (* Prove that for integers x and y:
38 * x > 0 AND y > 0 => 2x + y >= 3 *)
40 let integer = em->integerType()
42 let x = em->mkVar(integer) (* em->mkVar("x", integer) *)
43 let y = em->mkVar(integer) (* em->mkVar("y", integer) *)
44 let integerZero = new_Integer '("0", 10)
45 let zero = em->mkConst(integerZero)
47 (* OK, this is really strange. We can call mkExpr(36, ...) for
48 * example, with the int value of the operator Kind we want,
49 * or we can compute it. But if we compute it, we have to rip
50 * it out of its C_int, then wrap it again a C_int, in order
51 * for the parser to make it go through. *)
52 let geq = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``GEQ)))
53 let gt = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``GT)))
54 let mult = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``MULT)))
55 let plus = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``PLUS)))
56 let and_kind = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``AND)))
57 let implies = C_int (get_int (enum_to_int `Kind_t (``IMPLIES)))
59 (* gt = 35, but the parser screws up if we put "geq" what follows *)
60 let x_positive = em->mkExpr(gt, x, zero)
61 let y_positive = em->mkExpr(gt, y, zero)
63 let integerTwo = new_Integer '("2", 10)
64 let two = em->mkConst(integerTwo)
65 let twox = em->mkExpr(mult, two, x)
66 let twox_plus_y = em->mkExpr(plus, twox, y)
68 let integerThree = new_Integer '("3", 10)
69 let three = em->mkConst(integerThree)
70 let twox_plus_y_geq_3 = em->mkExpr(geq, twox_plus_y, three)
72 let lhs = em->mkExpr(and_kind, x_positive, y_positive)
74 (* This fails for some reason. *)
75 (* let rhs = new_Expr(twox_plus_y_geq_3)
76 let formula = new_Expr(lhs)->impExpr(rhs) *)
78 let formula = em->mkExpr(implies, lhs, twox_plus_y_geq_3)
80 let bformula = new_Expr(formula) in
82 print_string "Checking validity of formula " ;
83 print_string (get_string (formula->toString ())) ;
84 print_string " with CVC4." ;
85 print_newline () ;
86 print_string "CVC4 should report VALID." ;
87 print_newline () ;
88 print_string "Result from CVC4 is: " ;
89 print_string (get_string (smt->query(bformula)->toString ())) ;
90 print_newline ()
91 ;;