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1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>PLY Internals</title>
4 </head>
5 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
7 <h1>PLY Internals</h1>
9 <b>
10 David M. Beazley <br>
12 </b>
14 <p>
15 <b>PLY Version: 3.0</b>
16 <p>
18 <!-- INDEX -->
19 <div class="sectiontoc">
20 <ul>
21 <li><a href="#internal_nn1">Introduction</a>
22 <li><a href="#internal_nn2">Grammar Class</a>
23 <li><a href="#internal_nn3">Productions</a>
24 <li><a href="#internal_nn4">LRItems</a>
25 <li><a href="#internal_nn5">LRTable</a>
26 <li><a href="#internal_nn6">LRGeneratedTable</a>
27 <li><a href="#internal_nn7">LRParser</a>
28 <li><a href="#internal_nn8">ParserReflect</a>
29 <li><a href="#internal_nn9">High-level operation</a>
30 </ul>
31 </div>
32 <!-- INDEX -->
35 <H2><a name="internal_nn1"></a>1. Introduction</H2>
38 This document describes classes and functions that make up the internal
39 operation of PLY. Using this programming interface, it is possible to
40 manually build an parser using a different interface specification
41 than what PLY normally uses. For example, you could build a gramar
42 from information parsed in a completely different input format. Some of
43 these objects may be useful for building more advanced parsing engines
44 such as GLR.
46 <p>
47 It should be stressed that using PLY at this level is not for the
48 faint of heart. Generally, it's assumed that you know a bit of
49 the underlying compiler theory and how an LR parser is put together.
51 <H2><a name="internal_nn2"></a>2. Grammar Class</H2>
54 The file <tt>ply.yacc</tt> defines a class <tt>Grammar</tt> that
55 is used to hold and manipulate information about a grammar
56 specification. It encapsulates the same basic information
57 about a grammar that is put into a YACC file including
58 the list of tokens, precedence rules, and grammar rules.
59 Various operations are provided to perform different validations
60 on the grammar. In addition, there are operations to compute
61 the first and follow sets that are needed by the various table
62 generation algorithms.
64 <p>
65 <tt><b>Grammar(terminals)</b></tt>
67 <blockquote>
68 Creates a new grammar object. <tt>terminals</tt> is a list of strings
69 specifying the terminals for the grammar. An instance <tt>g</tt> of
70 <tt>Grammar</tt> has the following methods:
71 </blockquote>
73 <p>
74 <b><tt>g.set_precedence(term,assoc,level)</tt></b>
75 <blockquote>
76 Sets the precedence level and associativity for a given terminal <tt>term</tt>.
77 <tt>assoc</tt> is one of <tt>'right'</tt>,
78 <tt>'left'</tt>, or <tt>'nonassoc'</tt> and <tt>level</tt> is a positive integer. The higher
79 the value of <tt>level</tt>, the higher the precedence. Here is an example of typical
80 precedence settings:
82 <pre>
83 g.set_precedence('PLUS', 'left',1)
84 g.set_precedence('MINUS', 'left',1)
85 g.set_precedence('TIMES', 'left',2)
86 g.set_precedence('DIVIDE','left',2)
87 g.set_precedence('UMINUS','left',3)
88 </pre>
90 This method must be called prior to adding any productions to the
91 grammar with <tt>g.add_production()</tt>. The precedence of individual grammar
92 rules is determined by the precedence of the right-most terminal.
94 </blockquote>
95 <p>
96 <b><tt>g.add_production(name,syms,func=None,file='',line=0)</tt></b>
97 <blockquote>
98 Adds a new grammar rule. <tt>name</tt> is the name of the rule,
99 <tt>syms</tt> is a list of symbols making up the right hand
100 side of the rule, <tt>func</tt> is the function to call when
101 reducing the rule. <tt>file</tt> and <tt>line</tt> specify
102 the filename and line number of the rule and are used for
103 generating error messages.
105 <p>
106 The list of symbols in <tt>syms</tt> may include character
107 literals and <tt>%prec</tt> specifiers. Here are some
108 examples:
110 <pre>
111 g.add_production('expr',['expr','PLUS','term'],func,file,line)
112 g.add_production('expr',['expr','"+"','term'],func,file,line)
113 g.add_production('expr',['MINUS','expr','%prec','UMINUS'],func,file,line)
114 </pre>
116 <p>
117 If any kind of error is detected, a <tt>GrammarError</tt> exception
118 is raised with a message indicating the reason for the failure.
119 </blockquote>
121 <p>
122 <b><tt>g.set_start(start=None)</tt></b>
123 <blockquote>
124 Sets the starting rule for the grammar. <tt>start</tt> is a string
125 specifying the name of the start rule. If <tt>start</tt> is omitted,
126 the first grammar rule added with <tt>add_production()</tt> is taken to be
127 the starting rule. This method must always be called after all
128 productions have been added.
129 </blockquote>
131 <p>
132 <b><tt>g.find_unreachable()</tt></b>
133 <blockquote>
134 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of all unreachable non-terminals
135 defined in the grammar. This is used to identify inactive parts of
136 the grammar specification.
137 </blockquote>
139 <p>
140 <b><tt>g.infinite_cycle()</tt></b>
141 <blockquote>
142 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of all non-terminals in the
143 grammar that result in an infinite cycle. This condition occurs if
144 there is no way for a grammar rule to expand to a string containing
145 only terminal symbols.
146 </blockquote>
148 <p>
149 <b><tt>g.undefined_symbols()</tt></b>
150 <blockquote>
151 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of tuples <tt>(name, prod)</tt>
152 corresponding to undefined symbols in the grammar. <tt>name</tt> is the
153 name of the undefined symbol and <tt>prod</tt> is an instance of
154 <tt>Production</tt> which has information about the production rule
155 where the undefined symbol was used.
156 </blockquote>
158 <p>
159 <b><tt>g.unused_terminals()</tt></b>
160 <blockquote>
161 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of terminals that were defined,
162 but never used in the grammar.
163 </blockquote>
165 <p>
166 <b><tt>g.unused_rules()</tt></b>
167 <blockquote>
168 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of <tt>Production</tt> instances
169 corresponding to production rules that were defined in the grammar,
170 but never used anywhere. This is slightly different
171 than <tt>find_unreachable()</tt>.
172 </blockquote>
174 <p>
175 <b><tt>g.unused_precedence()</tt></b>
176 <blockquote>
177 Diagnostic function. Returns a list of tuples <tt>(term, assoc)</tt>
178 corresponding to precedence rules that were set, but never used the
179 grammar. <tt>term</tt> is the terminal name and <tt>assoc</tt> is the
180 precedence associativity (e.g., <tt>'left'</tt>, <tt>'right'</tt>,
181 or <tt>'nonassoc'</tt>.
182 </blockquote>
184 <p>
185 <b><tt>g.compute_first()</tt></b>
186 <blockquote>
187 Compute all of the first sets for all symbols in the grammar. Returns a dictionary
188 mapping symbol names to a list of all first symbols.
189 </blockquote>
191 <p>
192 <b><tt>g.compute_follow()</tt></b>
193 <blockquote>
194 Compute all of the follow sets for all non-terminals in the grammar.
195 The follow set is the set of all possible symbols that might follow a
196 given non-terminal. Returns a dictionary mapping non-terminal names
197 to a list of symbols.
198 </blockquote>
200 <p>
201 <b><tt>g.build_lritems()</tt></b>
202 <blockquote>
203 Calculates all of the LR items for all productions in the grammar. This
204 step is required before using the grammar for any kind of table generation.
205 See the section on LR items below.
206 </blockquote>
208 <p>
209 The following attributes are set by the above methods and may be useful
210 in code that works with the grammar. All of these attributes should be
211 assumed to be read-only. Changing their values directly will likely
212 break the grammar.
214 <p>
215 <b><tt>g.Productions</tt></b>
216 <blockquote>
217 A list of all productions added. The first entry is reserved for
218 a production representing the starting rule. The objects in this list
219 are instances of the <tt>Production</tt> class, described shortly.
220 </blockquote>
222 <p>
223 <b><tt>g.Prodnames</tt></b>
224 <blockquote>
225 A dictionary mapping the names of nonterminals to a list of all
226 productions of that nonterminal.
227 </blockquote>
229 <p>
230 <b><tt>g.Terminals</tt></b>
231 <blockquote>
232 A dictionary mapping the names of terminals to a list of the
233 production numbers where they are used.
234 </blockquote>
236 <p>
237 <b><tt>g.Nonterminals</tt></b>
238 <blockquote>
239 A dictionary mapping the names of nonterminals to a list of the
240 production numbers where they are used.
241 </blockquote>
243 <p>
244 <b><tt>g.First</tt></b>
245 <blockquote>
246 A dictionary representing the first sets for all grammar symbols. This is
247 computed and returned by the <tt>compute_first()</tt> method.
248 </blockquote>
250 <p>
251 <b><tt>g.Follow</tt></b>
252 <blockquote>
253 A dictionary representing the follow sets for all grammar rules. This is
254 computed and returned by the <tt>compute_follow()</tt> method.
255 </blockquote>
257 <p>
258 <b><tt>g.Start</tt></b>
259 <blockquote>
260 Starting symbol for the grammar. Set by the <tt>set_start()</tt> method.
261 </blockquote>
263 For the purposes of debugging, a <tt>Grammar</tt> object supports the <tt>__len__()</tt> and
264 <tt>__getitem__()</tt> special methods. Accessing <tt>g[n]</tt> returns the nth production
265 from the grammar.
268 <H2><a name="internal_nn3"></a>3. Productions</H2>
271 <tt>Grammar</tt> objects store grammar rules as instances of a <tt>Production</tt> class. This
272 class has no public constructor--you should only create productions by calling <tt>Grammar.add_production()</tt>.
273 The following attributes are available on a <tt>Production</tt> instance <tt>p</tt>.
275 <p>
276 <b><tt></tt></b>
277 <blockquote>
278 The name of the production. For a grammar rule such as <tt>A : B C D</tt>, this is <tt>'A'</tt>.
279 </blockquote>
281 <p>
282 <b><tt></tt></b>
283 <blockquote>
284 A tuple of symbols making up the right-hand side of the production. For a grammar rule such as <tt>A : B C D</tt>, this is <tt>('B','C','D')</tt>.
285 </blockquote>
287 <p>
288 <b><tt>p.number</tt></b>
289 <blockquote>
290 Production number. An integer containing the index of the production in the grammar's <tt>Productions</tt> list.
291 </blockquote>
293 <p>
294 <b><tt>p.func</tt></b>
295 <blockquote>
296 The name of the reduction function associated with the production.
297 This is the function that will execute when reducing the entire
298 grammar rule during parsing.
299 </blockquote>
301 <p>
302 <b><tt>p.callable</tt></b>
303 <blockquote>
304 The callable object associated with the name in <tt>p.func</tt>. This is <tt>None</tt>
305 unless the production has been bound using <tt>bind()</tt>.
306 </blockquote>
308 <p>
309 <b><tt>p.file</tt></b>
310 <blockquote>
311 Filename associated with the production. Typically this is the file where the production was defined. Used for error messages.
312 </blockquote>
314 <p>
315 <b><tt>p.lineno</tt></b>
316 <blockquote>
317 Line number associated with the production. Typically this is the line number in <tt>p.file</tt> where the production was defined. Used for error messages.
318 </blockquote>
320 <p>
321 <b><tt>p.prec</tt></b>
322 <blockquote>
323 Precedence and associativity associated with the production. This is a tuple <tt>(assoc,level)</tt> where
324 <tt>assoc</tt> is one of <tt>'left'</tt>,<tt>'right'</tt>, or <tt>'nonassoc'</tt> and <tt>level</tt> is
325 an integer. This value is determined by the precedence of the right-most terminal symbol in the production
326 or by use of the <tt>%prec</tt> specifier when adding the production.
327 </blockquote>
329 <p>
330 <b><tt>p.usyms</tt></b>
331 <blockquote>
332 A list of all unique symbols found in the production.
333 </blockquote>
335 <p>
336 <b><tt>p.lr_items</tt></b>
337 <blockquote>
338 A list of all LR items for this production. This attribute only has a meaningful value if the
339 <tt>Grammar.build_lritems()</tt> method has been called. The items in this list are
340 instances of <tt>LRItem</tt> described below.
341 </blockquote>
343 <p>
344 <b><tt>p.lr_next</tt></b>
345 <blockquote>
346 The head of a linked-list representation of the LR items in <tt>p.lr_items</tt>.
347 This attribute only has a meaningful value if the <tt>Grammar.build_lritems()</tt>
348 method has been called. Each <tt>LRItem</tt> instance has a <tt>lr_next</tt> attribute
349 to move to the next item. The list is terminated by <tt>None</tt>.
350 </blockquote>
352 <p>
353 <b><tt>p.bind(dict)</tt></b>
354 <blockquote>
355 Binds the production function name in <tt>p.func</tt> to a callable object in
356 <tt>dict</tt>. This operation is typically carried out in the last step
357 prior to running the parsing engine and is needed since parsing tables are typically
358 read from files which only include the function names, not the functions themselves.
359 </blockquote>
361 <P>
362 <tt>Production</tt> objects support
363 the <tt>__len__()</tt>, <tt>__getitem__()</tt>, and <tt>__str__()</tt>
364 special methods.
365 <tt>len(p)</tt> returns the number of symbols in <tt></tt>
366 and <tt>p[n]</tt> is the same as <tt>[n]</tt>.
368 <H2><a name="internal_nn4"></a>4. LRItems</H2>
371 The construction of parsing tables in an LR-based parser generator is primarily
372 done over a set of "LR Items". An LR item represents a stage of parsing one
373 of the grammar rules. To compute the LR items, it is first necessary to
374 call <tt>Grammar.build_lritems()</tt>. Once this step, all of the productions
375 in the grammar will have their LR items attached to them.
377 <p>
378 Here is an interactive example that shows what LR items look like if you
379 interactively experiment. In this example, <tt>g</tt> is a <tt>Grammar</tt>
380 object.
382 <blockquote>
383 <pre>
384 >>> <b>g.build_lritems()</b>
385 >>> <b>p = g[1]</b>
386 >>> <b>p</b>
387 Production(statement -> ID = expr)
388 >>>
389 </pre>
390 </blockquote>
392 In the above code, <tt>p</tt> represents the first grammar rule. In
393 this case, a rule <tt>'statement -> ID = expr'</tt>.
395 <p>
396 Now, let's look at the LR items for <tt>p</tt>.
398 <blockquote>
399 <pre>
400 >>> <b>p.lr_items</b>
401 [LRItem(statement -> . ID = expr),
402 LRItem(statement -> ID . = expr),
403 LRItem(statement -> ID = . expr),
404 LRItem(statement -> ID = expr .)]
405 >>>
406 </pre>
407 </blockquote>
409 In each LR item, the dot (.) represents a specific stage of parsing. In each LR item, the dot
410 is advanced by one symbol. It is only when the dot reaches the very end that a production
411 is successfully parsed.
413 <p>
414 An instance <tt>lr</tt> of <tt>LRItem</tt> has the following
415 attributes that hold information related to that specific stage of
416 parsing.
418 <p>
419 <b><tt></tt></b>
420 <blockquote>
421 The name of the grammar rule. For example, <tt>'statement'</tt> in the above example.
422 </blockquote>
424 <p>
425 <b><tt></tt></b>
426 <blockquote>
427 A tuple of symbols representing the right-hand side of the production, including the
428 special <tt>'.'</tt> character. For example, <tt>('ID','.','=','expr')</tt>.
429 </blockquote>
431 <p>
432 <b><tt>lr.number</tt></b>
433 <blockquote>
434 An integer representing the production number in the grammar.
435 </blockquote>
437 <p>
438 <b><tt>lr.usyms</tt></b>
439 <blockquote>
440 A set of unique symbols in the production. Inherited from the original <tt>Production</tt> instance.
441 </blockquote>
443 <p>
444 <b><tt>lr.lr_index</tt></b>
445 <blockquote>
446 An integer representing the position of the dot (.). You should never use <tt></tt>
447 to search for it--the result will be wrong if the grammar happens to also use (.) as a character
448 literal.
449 </blockquote>
451 <p>
452 <b><tt>lr.lr_after</tt></b>
453 <blockquote>
454 A list of all productions that can legally appear immediately to the right of the
455 dot (.). This list contains <tt>Production</tt> instances. This attribute
456 represents all of the possible branches a parse can take from the current position.
457 For example, suppose that <tt>lr</tt> represents a stage immediately before
458 an expression like this:
460 <pre>
461 >>> <b>lr</b>
462 LRItem(statement -> ID = . expr)
463 >>>
464 </pre>
466 Then, the value of <tt>lr.lr_after</tt> might look like this, showing all productions that
467 can legally appear next:
469 <pre>
470 >>> <b>lr.lr_after</b>
471 [Production(expr -> expr PLUS expr),
472 Production(expr -> expr MINUS expr),
473 Production(expr -> expr TIMES expr),
474 Production(expr -> expr DIVIDE expr),
475 Production(expr -> MINUS expr),
476 Production(expr -> LPAREN expr RPAREN),
477 Production(expr -> NUMBER),
478 Production(expr -> ID)]
479 >>>
480 </pre>
482 </blockquote>
484 <p>
485 <b><tt>lr.lr_before</tt></b>
486 <blockquote>
487 The grammar symbol that appears immediately before the dot (.) or <tt>None</tt> if
488 at the beginning of the parse.
489 </blockquote>
491 <p>
492 <b><tt>lr.lr_next</tt></b>
493 <blockquote>
494 A link to the next LR item, representing the next stage of the parse. <tt>None</tt> if <tt>lr</tt>
495 is the last LR item.
496 </blockquote>
498 <tt>LRItem</tt> instances also support the <tt>__len__()</tt> and <tt>__getitem__()</tt> special methods.
499 <tt>len(lr)</tt> returns the number of items in <tt></tt> including the dot (.). <tt>lr[n]</tt>
500 returns <tt>[n]</tt>.
502 <p>
503 It goes without saying that all of the attributes associated with LR
504 items should be assumed to be read-only. Modifications will very
505 likely create a small black-hole that will consume you and your code.
507 <H2><a name="internal_nn5"></a>5. LRTable</H2>
510 The <tt>LRTable</tt> class is used to represent LR parsing table data. This
511 minimally includes the production list, action table, and goto table.
513 <p>
514 <b><tt>LRTable()</tt></b>
515 <blockquote>
516 Create an empty LRTable object. This object contains only the information needed to
517 run an LR parser.
518 </blockquote>
520 An instance <tt>lrtab</tt> of <tt>LRTable</tt> has the following methods:
522 <p>
523 <b><tt>lrtab.read_table(module)</tt></b>
524 <blockquote>
525 Populates the LR table with information from the module specified in <tt>module</tt>.
526 <tt>module</tt> is either a module object already loaded with <tt>import</tt> or
527 the name of a Python module. If it's a string containing a module name, it is
528 loaded and parsing data is extracted. Returns the signature value that was used
529 when initially writing the tables. Raises a <tt>VersionError</tt> exception if
530 the module was created using an incompatible version of PLY.
531 </blockquote>
533 <p>
534 <b><tt>lrtab.bind_callables(dict)</tt></b>
535 <blockquote>
536 This binds all of the function names used in productions to callable objects
537 found in the dictionary <tt>dict</tt>. During table generation and when reading
538 LR tables from files, PLY only uses the names of action functions such as <tt>'p_expr'</tt>,
539 <tt>'p_statement'</tt>, etc. In order to actually run the parser, these names
540 have to be bound to callable objects. This method is always called prior to
541 running a parser.
542 </blockquote>
544 After <tt>lrtab</tt> has been populated, the following attributes are defined.
546 <p>
547 <b><tt>lrtab.lr_method</tt></b>
548 <blockquote>
549 The LR parsing method used (e.g., <tt>'LALR'</tt>)
550 </blockquote>
553 <p>
554 <b><tt>lrtab.lr_productions</tt></b>
555 <blockquote>
556 The production list. If the parsing tables have been newly
557 constructed, this will be a list of <tt>Production</tt> instances. If
558 the parsing tables have been read from a file, it's a list
559 of <tt>MiniProduction</tt> instances. This, together
560 with <tt>lr_action</tt> and <tt>lr_goto</tt> contain all of the
561 information needed by the LR parsing engine.
562 </blockquote>
564 <p>
565 <b><tt>lrtab.lr_action</tt></b>
566 <blockquote>
567 The LR action dictionary that implements the underlying state machine.
568 The keys of this dictionary are the LR states.
569 </blockquote>
571 <p>
572 <b><tt>lrtab.lr_goto</tt></b>
573 <blockquote>
574 The LR goto table that contains information about grammar rule reductions.
575 </blockquote>
578 <H2><a name="internal_nn6"></a>6. LRGeneratedTable</H2>
581 The <tt>LRGeneratedTable</tt> class represents constructed LR parsing tables on a
582 grammar. It is a subclass of <tt>LRTable</tt>.
584 <p>
585 <b><tt>LRGeneratedTable(grammar, method='LALR',log=None)</tt></b>
586 <blockquote>
587 Create the LR parsing tables on a grammar. <tt>grammar</tt> is an instance of <tt>Grammar</tt>,
588 <tt>method</tt> is a string with the parsing method (<tt>'SLR'</tt> or <tt>'LALR'</tt>), and
589 <tt>log</tt> is a logger object used to write debugging information. The debugging information
590 written to <tt>log</tt> is the same as what appears in the <tt>parser.out</tt> file created
591 by yacc. By supplying a custom logger with a different message format, it is possible to get
592 more information (e.g., the line number in <tt></tt> used for issuing each line of
593 output in the log). The result is an instance of <tt>LRGeneratedTable</tt>.
594 </blockquote>
596 <p>
597 An instance <tt>lr</tt> of <tt>LRGeneratedTable</tt> has the following attributes.
599 <p>
600 <b><tt>lr.grammar</tt></b>
601 <blockquote>
602 A link to the Grammar object used to construct the parsing tables.
603 </blockquote>
605 <p>
606 <b><tt>lr.lr_method</tt></b>
607 <blockquote>
608 The LR parsing method used (e.g., <tt>'LALR'</tt>)
609 </blockquote>
612 <p>
613 <b><tt>lr.lr_productions</tt></b>
614 <blockquote>
615 A reference to <tt>grammar.Productions</tt>. This, together with <tt>lr_action</tt> and <tt>lr_goto</tt>
616 contain all of the information needed by the LR parsing engine.
617 </blockquote>
619 <p>
620 <b><tt>lr.lr_action</tt></b>
621 <blockquote>
622 The LR action dictionary that implements the underlying state machine. The keys of this dictionary are
623 the LR states.
624 </blockquote>
626 <p>
627 <b><tt>lr.lr_goto</tt></b>
628 <blockquote>
629 The LR goto table that contains information about grammar rule reductions.
630 </blockquote>
632 <p>
633 <b><tt>lr.sr_conflicts</tt></b>
634 <blockquote>
635 A list of tuples <tt>(state,token,resolution)</tt> identifying all shift/reduce conflicts. <tt>state</tt> is the LR state
636 number where the conflict occurred, <tt>token</tt> is the token causing the conflict, and <tt>resolution</tt> is
637 a string describing the resolution taken. <tt>resolution</tt> is either <tt>'shift'</tt> or <tt>'reduce'</tt>.
638 </blockquote>
640 <p>
641 <b><tt>lr.rr_conflicts</tt></b>
642 <blockquote>
643 A list of tuples <tt>(state,rule,rejected)</tt> identifying all reduce/reduce conflicts. <tt>state</tt> is the
644 LR state number where the conflict occurred, <tt>rule</tt> is the production rule that was selected
645 and <tt>rejected</tt> is the production rule that was rejected. Both <tt>rule</tt> and </tt>rejected</tt> are
646 instances of <tt>Production</tt>. They can be inspected to provide the user with more information.
647 </blockquote>
649 <p>
650 There are two public methods of <tt>LRGeneratedTable</tt>.
652 <p>
653 <b><tt>lr.write_table(modulename,outputdir="",signature="")</tt></b>
654 <blockquote>
655 Writes the LR parsing table information to a Python module. <tt>modulename</tt> is a string
656 specifying the name of a module such as <tt>"parsetab"</tt>. <tt>outputdir</tt> is the name of a
657 directory where the module should be created. <tt>signature</tt> is a string representing a
658 grammar signature that's written into the output file. This can be used to detect when
659 the data stored in a module file is out-of-sync with the the grammar specification (and that
660 the tables need to be regenerated). If <tt>modulename</tt> is a string <tt>"parsetab"</tt>,
661 this function creates a file called <tt></tt>. If the module name represents a
662 package such as <tt>""</tt>, then only the last component, <tt>"parsetab"</tt> is
663 used.
664 </blockquote>
667 <H2><a name="internal_nn7"></a>7. LRParser</H2>
670 The <tt>LRParser</tt> class implements the low-level LR parsing engine.
673 <p>
674 <b><tt>LRParser(lrtab, error_func)</tt></b>
675 <blockquote>
676 Create an LRParser. <tt>lrtab</tt> is an instance of <tt>LRTable</tt>
677 containing the LR production and state tables. <tt>error_func</tt> is the
678 error function to invoke in the event of a parsing error.
679 </blockquote>
681 An instance <tt>p</tt> of <tt>LRParser</tt> has the following methods:
683 <p>
684 <b><tt>p.parse(input=None,lexer=None,debug=0,tracking=0,tokenfunc=None)</tt></b>
685 <blockquote>
686 Run the parser. <tt>input</tt> is a string, which if supplied is fed into the
687 lexer using its <tt>input()</tt> method. <tt>lexer</tt> is an instance of the
688 <tt>Lexer</tt> class to use for tokenizing. If not supplied, the last lexer
689 created with the <tt>lex</tt> module is used. <tt>debug</tt> is a boolean flag
690 that enables debugging. <tt>tracking</tt> is a boolean flag that tells the
691 parser to perform additional line number tracking. <tt>tokenfunc</tt> is a callable
692 function that returns the next token. If supplied, the parser will use it to get
693 all tokens.
694 </blockquote>
696 <p>
697 <b><tt>p.restart()</tt></b>
698 <blockquote>
699 Resets the parser state for a parse already in progress.
700 </blockquote>
702 <H2><a name="internal_nn8"></a>8. ParserReflect</H2>
705 <p>
706 The <tt>ParserReflect</tt> class is used to collect parser specification data
707 from a Python module or object. This class is what collects all of the
708 <tt>p_rule()</tt> functions in a PLY file, performs basic error checking,
709 and collects all of the needed information to build a grammar. Most of the
710 high-level PLY interface as used by the <tt>yacc()</tt> function is actually
711 implemented by this class.
713 <p>
714 <b><tt>ParserReflect(pdict, log=None)</tt></b>
715 <blockquote>
716 Creates a <tt>ParserReflect</tt> instance. <tt>pdict</tt> is a dictionary
717 containing parser specification data. This dictionary typically corresponds
718 to the module or class dictionary of code that implements a PLY parser.
719 <tt>log</tt> is a logger instance that will be used to report error
720 messages.
721 </blockquote>
723 An instance <tt>p</tt> of <tt>ParserReflect</tt> has the following methods:
725 <p>
726 <b><tt>p.get_all()</tt></b>
727 <blockquote>
728 Collect and store all required parsing information.
729 </blockquote>
731 <p>
732 <b><tt>p.validate_all()</tt></b>
733 <blockquote>
734 Validate all of the collected parsing information. This is a seprate step
735 from <tt>p.get_all()</tt> as a performance optimization. In order to
736 increase parser start-up time, a parser can elect to only validate the
737 parsing data when regenerating the parsing tables. The validation
738 step tries to collect as much information as possible rather than
739 raising an exception at the first sign of trouble. The attribute
740 <tt>p.error</tt> is set if there are any validation errors. The
741 value of this attribute is also returned.
742 </blockquote>
744 <p>
745 <b><tt>p.signature()</tt></b>
746 <blockquote>
747 Compute a signature representing the contents of the collected parsing
748 data. The signature value should change if anything in the parser
749 specification has changed in a way that would justify parser table
750 regeneration. This method can be called after <tt>p.get_all()</tt>,
751 but before <tt>p.validate_all()</tt>.
752 </blockquote>
754 The following attributes are set in the process of collecting data:
756 <p>
757 <b><tt>p.start</tt></b>
758 <blockquote>
759 The grammar start symbol, if any. Taken from <tt>pdict['start']</tt>.
760 </blockquote>
762 <p>
763 <b><tt>p.error_func</tt></b>
764 <blockquote>
765 The error handling function or <tt>None</tt>. Taken from <tt>pdict['p_error']</tt>.
766 </blockquote>
768 <p>
769 <b><tt>p.tokens</tt></b>
770 <blockquote>
771 The token list. Taken from <tt>pdict['tokens']</tt>.
772 </blockquote>
774 <p>
775 <b><tt>p.prec</tt></b>
776 <blockquote>
777 The precedence specifier. Taken from <tt>pdict['precedence']</tt>.
778 </blockquote>
780 <p>
781 <b><tt>p.preclist</tt></b>
782 <blockquote>
783 A parsed version of the precedence specified. A list of tuples of the form
784 <tt>(token,assoc,level)</tt> where <tt>token</tt> is the terminal symbol,
785 <tt>assoc</tt> is the associativity (e.g., <tt>'left'</tt>) and <tt>level</tt>
786 is a numeric precedence level.
787 </blockquote>
789 <p>
790 <b><tt>p.grammar</tt></b>
791 <blockquote>
792 A list of tuples <tt>(name, rules)</tt> representing the grammar rules. <tt>name</tt> is the
793 name of a Python function or method in <tt>pdict</tt> that starts with <tt>"p_"</tt>.
794 <tt>rules</tt> is a list of tuples <tt>(filename,line,prodname,syms)</tt> representing
795 the grammar rules found in the documentation string of that function. <tt>filename</tt> and <tt>line</tt> contain location
796 information that can be used for debugging. <tt>prodname</tt> is the name of the
797 production. <tt>syms</tt> is the right-hand side of the production. If you have a
798 function like this
800 <pre>
801 def p_expr(p):
802 '''expr : expr PLUS expr
803 | expr MINUS expr
804 | expr TIMES expr
805 | expr DIVIDE expr'''
806 </pre>
808 then the corresponding entry in <tt>p.grammar</tt> might look like this:
810 <pre>
811 ('p_expr', [ ('',10,'expr', ['expr','PLUS','expr']),
812 ('',11,'expr', ['expr','MINUS','expr']),
813 ('',12,'expr', ['expr','TIMES','expr']),
814 ('',13,'expr', ['expr','DIVIDE','expr'])
815 ])
816 </pre>
817 </blockquote>
819 <p>
820 <b><tt>p.pfuncs</tt></b>
821 <blockquote>
822 A sorted list of tuples <tt>(line, file, name, doc)</tt> representing all of
823 the <tt>p_</tt> functions found. <tt>line</tt> and <tt>file</tt> give location
824 information. <tt>name</tt> is the name of the function. <tt>doc</tt> is the
825 documentation string. This list is sorted in ascending order by line number.
826 </blockquote>
828 <p>
829 <b><tt>p.files</tt></b>
830 <blockquote>
831 A dictionary holding all of the source filenames that were encountered
832 while collecting parser information. Only the keys of this dictionary have
833 any meaning.
834 </blockquote>
836 <p>
837 <b><tt>p.error</tt></b>
838 <blockquote>
839 An attribute that indicates whether or not any critical errors
840 occurred in validation. If this is set, it means that that some kind
841 of problem was detected and that no further processing should be
842 performed.
843 </blockquote>
846 <H2><a name="internal_nn9"></a>9. High-level operation</H2>
849 Using all of the above classes requires some attention to detail. The <tt>yacc()</tt>
850 function carries out a very specific sequence of operations to create a grammar.
851 This same sequence should be emulated if you build an alternative PLY interface.
853 <ol>
854 <li>A <tt>ParserReflect</tt> object is created and raw grammar specification data is
855 collected.
856 <li>A <tt>Grammar</tt> object is created and populated with information
857 from the specification data.
858 <li>A <tt>LRGenerator</tt> object is created to run the LALR algorithm over
859 the <tt>Grammar</tt> object.
860 <li>Productions in the LRGenerator and bound to callables using the <tt>bind_callables()</tt>
861 method.
862 <li>A <tt>LRParser</tt> object is created from from the information in the
863 <tt>LRGenerator</tt> object.
864 </ol>
866 </body>
867 </html>