[gem5.git] / ext / pybind11 / docs / compiling.rst
1 .. _compiling:
3 Build systems
4 #############
6 Building with setuptools
7 ========================
9 For projects on PyPI, building with setuptools is the way to go. Sylvain Corlay
10 has kindly provided an example project which shows how to set up everything,
11 including automatic generation of documentation using Sphinx. Please refer to
12 the [python_example]_ repository.
14 .. [python_example] https://github.com/pybind/python_example
16 Building with cppimport
17 ========================
19 [cppimport]_ is a small Python import hook that determines whether there is a C++
20 source file whose name matches the requested module. If there is, the file is
21 compiled as a Python extension using pybind11 and placed in the same folder as
22 the C++ source file. Python is then able to find the module and load it.
24 .. [cppimport] https://github.com/tbenthompson/cppimport
26 .. _cmake:
28 Building with CMake
29 ===================
31 For C++ codebases that have an existing CMake-based build system, a Python
32 extension module can be created with just a few lines of code:
34 .. code-block:: cmake
36 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
37 project(example)
39 add_subdirectory(pybind11)
40 pybind11_add_module(example example.cpp)
42 This assumes that the pybind11 repository is located in a subdirectory named
43 :file:`pybind11` and that the code is located in a file named :file:`example.cpp`.
44 The CMake command ``add_subdirectory`` will import the pybind11 project which
45 provides the ``pybind11_add_module`` function. It will take care of all the
46 details needed to build a Python extension module on any platform.
48 A working sample project, including a way to invoke CMake from :file:`setup.py` for
49 PyPI integration, can be found in the [cmake_example]_ repository.
51 .. [cmake_example] https://github.com/pybind/cmake_example
53 pybind11_add_module
54 -------------------
56 To ease the creation of Python extension modules, pybind11 provides a CMake
57 function with the following signature:
59 .. code-block:: cmake
61 pybind11_add_module(<name> [MODULE | SHARED] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
62 [NO_EXTRAS] [THIN_LTO] source1 [source2 ...])
64 This function behaves very much like CMake's builtin ``add_library`` (in fact,
65 it's a wrapper function around that command). It will add a library target
66 called ``<name>`` to be built from the listed source files. In addition, it
67 will take care of all the Python-specific compiler and linker flags as well
68 as the OS- and Python-version-specific file extension. The produced target
69 ``<name>`` can be further manipulated with regular CMake commands.
71 ``MODULE`` or ``SHARED`` may be given to specify the type of library. If no
72 type is given, ``MODULE`` is used by default which ensures the creation of a
73 Python-exclusive module. Specifying ``SHARED`` will create a more traditional
74 dynamic library which can also be linked from elsewhere. ``EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL``
75 removes this target from the default build (see CMake docs for details).
77 Since pybind11 is a template library, ``pybind11_add_module`` adds compiler
78 flags to ensure high quality code generation without bloat arising from long
79 symbol names and duplication of code in different translation units. It
80 sets default visibility to *hidden*, which is required for some pybind11
81 features and functionality when attempting to load multiple pybind11 modules
82 compiled under different pybind11 versions. It also adds additional flags
83 enabling LTO (Link Time Optimization) and strip unneeded symbols. See the
84 :ref:`FAQ entry <faq:symhidden>` for a more detailed explanation. These
85 latter optimizations are never applied in ``Debug`` mode. If ``NO_EXTRAS`` is
86 given, they will always be disabled, even in ``Release`` mode. However, this
87 will result in code bloat and is generally not recommended.
89 As stated above, LTO is enabled by default. Some newer compilers also support
90 different flavors of LTO such as `ThinLTO`_. Setting ``THIN_LTO`` will cause
91 the function to prefer this flavor if available. The function falls back to
92 regular LTO if ``-flto=thin`` is not available.
94 .. _ThinLTO: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThinLTO.html
96 Configuration variables
97 -----------------------
99 By default, pybind11 will compile modules with the C++14 standard, if available
100 on the target compiler, falling back to C++11 if C++14 support is not
101 available. Note, however, that this default is subject to change: future
102 pybind11 releases are expected to migrate to newer C++ standards as they become
103 available. To override this, the standard flag can be given explicitly in
106 .. code-block:: cmake
108 # Use just one of these:
109 # GCC/clang:
110 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD -std=c++11)
111 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD -std=c++14)
112 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD -std=c++1z) # Experimental C++17 support
113 # MSVC:
114 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD /std:c++14)
115 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD /std:c++latest) # Enables some MSVC C++17 features
117 add_subdirectory(pybind11) # or find_package(pybind11)
119 Note that this and all other configuration variables must be set **before** the
120 call to ``add_subdirectory`` or ``find_package``. The variables can also be set
121 when calling CMake from the command line using the ``-D<variable>=<value>`` flag.
123 The target Python version can be selected by setting ``PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION``
124 or an exact Python installation can be specified with ``PYTHON_EXECUTABLE``.
125 For example:
127 .. code-block:: bash
129 cmake -DPYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 ..
130 # or
131 cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=path/to/python ..
133 find_package vs. add_subdirectory
134 ---------------------------------
136 For CMake-based projects that don't include the pybind11 repository internally,
137 an external installation can be detected through ``find_package(pybind11)``.
138 See the `Config file`_ docstring for details of relevant CMake variables.
140 .. code-block:: cmake
142 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
143 project(example)
145 find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED)
146 pybind11_add_module(example example.cpp)
148 Once detected, the aforementioned ``pybind11_add_module`` can be employed as
149 before. The function usage and configuration variables are identical no matter
150 if pybind11 is added as a subdirectory or found as an installed package. You
151 can refer to the same [cmake_example]_ repository for a full sample project
152 -- just swap out ``add_subdirectory`` for ``find_package``.
154 .. _Config file: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/blob/master/tools/pybind11Config.cmake.in
156 Advanced: interface library target
157 ----------------------------------
159 When using a version of CMake greater than 3.0, pybind11 can additionally
160 be used as a special *interface library* . The target ``pybind11::module``
161 is available with pybind11 headers, Python headers and libraries as needed,
162 and C++ compile definitions attached. This target is suitable for linking
163 to an independently constructed (through ``add_library``, not
164 ``pybind11_add_module``) target in the consuming project.
166 .. code-block:: cmake
168 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
169 project(example)
171 find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED) # or add_subdirectory(pybind11)
173 add_library(example MODULE main.cpp)
174 target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE pybind11::module)
175 set_target_properties(example PROPERTIES PREFIX "${PYTHON_MODULE_PREFIX}"
178 .. warning::
180 Since pybind11 is a metatemplate library, it is crucial that certain
181 compiler flags are provided to ensure high quality code generation. In
182 contrast to the ``pybind11_add_module()`` command, the CMake interface
183 library only provides the *minimal* set of parameters to ensure that the
184 code using pybind11 compiles, but it does **not** pass these extra compiler
185 flags (i.e. this is up to you).
187 These include Link Time Optimization (``-flto`` on GCC/Clang/ICPC, ``/GL``
188 and ``/LTCG`` on Visual Studio) and .OBJ files with many sections on Visual
189 Studio (``/bigobj``). The :ref:`FAQ <faq:symhidden>` contains an
190 explanation on why these are needed.
192 Embedding the Python interpreter
193 --------------------------------
195 In addition to extension modules, pybind11 also supports embedding Python into
196 a C++ executable or library. In CMake, simply link with the ``pybind11::embed``
197 target. It provides everything needed to get the interpreter running. The Python
198 headers and libraries are attached to the target. Unlike ``pybind11::module``,
199 there is no need to manually set any additional properties here. For more
200 information about usage in C++, see :doc:`/advanced/embedding`.
202 .. code-block:: cmake
204 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
205 project(example)
207 find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED) # or add_subdirectory(pybind11)
209 add_executable(example main.cpp)
210 target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE pybind11::embed)
212 .. _building_manually:
214 Building manually
215 =================
217 pybind11 is a header-only library, hence it is not necessary to link against
218 any special libraries and there are no intermediate (magic) translation steps.
220 On Linux, you can compile an example such as the one given in
221 :ref:`simple_example` using the following command:
223 .. code-block:: bash
225 $ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`
227 The flags given here assume that you're using Python 3. For Python 2, just
228 change the executable appropriately (to ``python`` or ``python2``).
230 The ``python3 -m pybind11 --includes`` command fetches the include paths for
231 both pybind11 and Python headers. This assumes that pybind11 has been installed
232 using ``pip`` or ``conda``. If it hasn't, you can also manually specify
233 ``-I <path-to-pybind11>/include`` together with the Python includes path
234 ``python3-config --includes``.
236 Note that Python 2.7 modules don't use a special suffix, so you should simply
237 use ``example.so`` instead of ``example`python3-config --extension-suffix```.
238 Besides, the ``--extension-suffix`` option may or may not be available, depending
239 on the distribution; in the latter case, the module extension can be manually
240 set to ``.so``.
242 On Mac OS: the build command is almost the same but it also requires passing
243 the ``-undefined dynamic_lookup`` flag so as to ignore missing symbols when
244 building the module:
246 .. code-block:: bash
248 $ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -undefined dynamic_lookup `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`
250 In general, it is advisable to include several additional build parameters
251 that can considerably reduce the size of the created binary. Refer to section
252 :ref:`cmake` for a detailed example of a suitable cross-platform CMake-based
253 build system that works on all platforms including Windows.
255 .. note::
257 On Linux and macOS, it's better to (intentionally) not link against
258 ``libpython``. The symbols will be resolved when the extension library
259 is loaded into a Python binary. This is preferable because you might
260 have several different installations of a given Python version (e.g. the
261 system-provided Python, and one that ships with a piece of commercial
262 software). In this way, the plugin will work with both versions, instead
263 of possibly importing a second Python library into a process that already
264 contains one (which will lead to a segfault).
266 Generating binding code automatically
267 =====================================
269 The ``Binder`` project is a tool for automatic generation of pybind11 binding
270 code by introspecting existing C++ codebases using LLVM/Clang. See the
271 [binder]_ documentation for details.
273 .. [binder] http://cppbinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about.html