Add random number generator and implement the darn instruction
[microwatt.git] / fpga / pp_utilities.vhd
1 -- The Potato Processor - A simple processor for FPGAs
2 -- (c) Kristian Klomsten Skordal 2014 <>
4 library ieee;
5 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
7 package pp_utilities is
9 --! Converts a boolean to an std_logic.
10 function to_std_logic(input : in boolean) return std_logic;
12 -- Checks if a number is 2^n:
13 function is_pow2(input : in natural) return boolean;
15 --! Calculates log2 with integers.
16 function log2(input : in natural) return natural;
18 -- Gets the value of the sel signals to the wishbone interconnect for the specified
19 -- operand size and address.
20 function wb_get_data_sel(size : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); address : in std_logic_vector)
21 return std_logic_vector;
23 end package pp_utilities;
25 package body pp_utilities is
27 function to_std_logic(input : in boolean) return std_logic is
28 begin
29 if input then
30 return '1';
31 else
32 return '0';
33 end if;
34 end function to_std_logic;
36 function is_pow2(input : in natural) return boolean is
37 variable c : natural := 1;
38 begin
39 for i in 0 to 31 loop
40 if input = c then
41 return true;
42 end if;
44 c := c * 2;
45 end loop;
47 return false;
48 end function is_pow2;
50 function log2(input : in natural) return natural is
51 variable retval : natural := 0;
52 variable temp : natural := input;
53 begin
54 while temp > 1 loop
55 retval := retval + 1;
56 temp := temp / 2;
57 end loop;
59 return retval;
60 end function log2;
62 function wb_get_data_sel(size : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); address : in std_logic_vector)
63 return std_logic_vector is
64 begin
65 case size is
66 when b"01" =>
67 case address(1 downto 0) is
68 when b"00" =>
69 return b"0001";
70 when b"01" =>
71 return b"0010";
72 when b"10" =>
73 return b"0100";
74 when b"11" =>
75 return b"1000";
76 when others =>
77 return b"0001";
78 end case;
79 when b"10" =>
80 if address(1) = '0' then
81 return b"0011";
82 else
83 return b"1100";
84 end if;
85 when others =>
86 return b"1111";
87 end case;
88 end function wb_get_data_sel;
90 end package body pp_utilities;