[libreriscv.git] / isa_conflict_resolution / ioctl.mdwn
1 ==introduction==
3 This proposal adds a standardised extension interface to the RV instruction set.
5 The extension consists of 2 + a fixed small number (we will assume 8) of R-type instructions. The main 8 instructions are "overloadable" R-type instructions ext_ctl0, .. ext_ctl7 that take a handle in rs1 consisting of a cpu determined, virtual-memory-address-space local interface id and a device determined cookie. More precisely, based on the interface id, the CPU routes the "overloaded" instructions to an on or off chip device that implements the actual semantics. The handle is created with an additional r-type instruction ext_open that takes a 20 bit UUID identifier and is "closed" with an ext_close instruction. The implementing hardware device can use the cookie to reference internal state. Thus, interfaces may be state-full.
7 CPU's and devices may implement several interfaces, indeed, are expected to. E.g. a single hardware device might expose a functional interface with 6 overloaded instructions, expose configuration with two highly device specific management interfaces with 8 resp. 4 overloaded instructions, and respond to a standardised save state interface with 4 overloaded instructions.
9 The following table shows the analogies:
11 posix RV Extension interface
13 long open(const char* device_interface) lui rd <20bit-hash of device_interface_name>; ext_open rd rd zero
14 long open(cons char* hw_device) lui rd <20bit-hash of device_interface_name>; ori rd rd <12 bit deviceId>; ext_open rd rd zero
15 int close(int fd) ext_close rd rs1 zero
16 long ioctl(int fd, 0, long data) ext_ctl0 rd rs1 rs2
17 long ioctl(int fd, 1, long data) ext_ctl1 rd rs1 rs2
18 long ioctl(int fd, 2, long data) ext_ctl2 rd rs1 rs2
21 Since the rs1 input of the overloaded ext_ctl instruction's are taken by the interface cookie, they are restricted in use compared to a normal R-type instruction (it is possible to pass 12 bits of additional info by or ing it with the cookie). Delegation is also expected to come at a small additional performance price compared to a "native" instruction. This should be an acceptable tradeoff in most cases.
23 The expanded flexibility comes at the cost: the standard can specify the semantics of the delegation mechanism and the interfacing with the rest of the cpu, but the actual semantics of the overloaded instructions can only be defined by the designer of the interface. Likewise, a device can be conforming as far as delegation and interaction with the CPU is concerned, but whether the hardware is conforming to the semantics of the interface is outside the scope of spec. Being able to specify that semantics using the methods used for RV itself is clearly very valuable. One impetus for doing that is using it for purposes of its own, effectively freeing opcode space for other purposes. Also, some interfaces may become de facto or de jure standards themselves, necessitating hardware to implement competing interfaces. I.e., facilitating a free for all, may lead to standards proliferation. C'est la vie.
25 The only "ISA-collisions" that can still occur are in the 20 bit (~10^6) interface identifier space, with 12 more bits to identify a device on a hart that implements the interface. One suggestion is setting aside 2^19 id's that are handed out for a small fee by a central (automated) registration (making sure the space is not just claimed), while the remaining 2^19 are used as a good hash on a long, plausibly globally unique human readable interface name. This gives implementors the choice between a guaranteed private identifier paying a fee, or relying on low probabilities. The interface identifier could also easily be extended to 42 bits on RV64.
28 The whole extension consists of 10 R-type instructions, ext_open, ext_close ext_ctl0, ext_ctl1, ext_ctl7 that mimic the device interface for posix The number of 8 ext_ctl instructions is arbitrary and open to debate.
30 Encoding is TBD but it is intended that the instructions are in the regular OP segment of the encoding, NOT in one reserved for experimentation or future extensions since the point of the
33 == Description of the instructions ==
35 ext_open rd rs1 rs2
37 Opens am extension device implementing some extension interface.
39 -- rs1 contains a XLEN length number whose bits 12..31 that are an UIID that identifies the interface (recommended practice is either a registered number or of a good hash function over a long human readable plausibly unique interface name)
40 The low 12 bits enumerate the devices implementing this interface on the current hart (e.g. a low_power slow and high_power fast or connected to different periferals).
42 -- rs2 contains unspecified data that may be required to properly initialise the device.
44 After execution
46 --if the cpu does not support the device (in particular, not support the interface if the low 12 bits of rs1 are zero), rd == 0, otherwise
47 --if the device did not successfully initialise, rd == a positive error code < (1 << 12), otherwise
48 --rd == a device handle, a nonzero number with bit 0,..11 zero, 12..XLEN-1 identifying an initialised device + implementation defined cookie to be used by the device e.g. to identify possible resource state.
51 The ext_open instruction never traps.
53 The following sequence the device is can be used to ensure a device implementing an interface is properly initialised
55 li t0 <20-bit UUID>
56 ext_open t0 t0 rs2
57 li t1 (1 << 12)
58 bltu t0 t1 L_fail
60 //use t0 with ext_ctl's
62 We can use instead of li if the error code is guaranteed to be less than (1<<5) and beqz if the interface is guaranteed to not fail on initialisation.
64 All the devices implementing an interface (with a non failing close) can be enumerated with the following sequence
66 lui t1 <20-bit UUID>
67 Loop_begin:
68 ext_open t0 t1 zero
69 beqz t0 Loop_end
71 //use t0 with ext_ctl's
72 ...
73 ext_close zero t0 zero
74 add a5 a5 1
75 j Loop_begin:
76 Loop_end:
78 ------------------
80 ext_close rd rs1 rs2
82 invalidate the extension handle, and release the extension device and the resources associated to the the handle obtained with ext_open.
84 -- rs1 contains any number
85 -- rs2 contains unspecified data that may be necessary to deinitialise the device
87 After execution:
88 -- if rs1 contains an opened extension device and the device did not successfully close, the handle remains valid and rd == negative error code,
89 -- if rs1 contains an opened extension device and the device successfully closed, all resources are released, the handle is invalidated,and rd == 0
90 -- if rs1 does not contain an opened extension device handle, rd == 0
92 It follows that ext_close does not trap and is idempotent.
94 Remark:
95 Devices that do not exhaust resources may not need closing.
97 ------------------
99 ext_ctl0 rd rs1 rs2
100 ext_ctl1 rd rs1 rs2
101 ....
103 ext_ctl7 rd rs1 rs2
105 Execute some operation on the extension device. The number of ext_ctl instructions is open to debate.
107 -- rs1 contains an opened extension handle, optionally or'ed with a 12 bit unsigned number
108 -- rs2 constains unspecified data
110 After execution of ext_ctl[[i]]
111 -- If rs1 is not an opened device handle, the instruction traps.
112 -- If rs1 is an open device handle but the instruction is not defined in the interface, the instruction traps.
113 -- If rs1 is an open device handle and the instruction is defined by the interface, a device is identified by the device handle and the operation ctl[[i]] of the device is called with the low twelve bits and the cookie of the handle on input port1, the value of rs2 on input port2 and rd as the output port.
115 Remark:
116 For a device that never fails, is always available and that does not requiring closing
118 lui rd <20bit UUID of the Frobate interface>
119 ext_open rd rd rs1
120 ext_ctl0 rd rd rs2
122 can be macro op fused to an internal instruction frobate_ctl0 rd rs1 rs2. Effectively this introduces a 2 input 1 output register instruction without claiming opcode space. The sequence will be well-defined on cpu's not implementing the Frobate instruction but trap. on the ext_ctl0 instruction because because after the ext_open rd == 0. .