[gcc.git] / libgo / go / exp / datafmt / datafmt.go
1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 /* Package datafmt implements syntax-directed, type-driven formatting
6 of arbitrary data structures. Formatting a data structure consists of
7 two phases: first, a parser reads a format specification and builds a
8 "compiled" format. Then, the format can be applied repeatedly to
9 arbitrary values. Applying a format to a value evaluates to a []byte
10 containing the formatted value bytes, or nil.
12 A format specification is a set of package declarations and format rules:
14 Format = [ Entry { ";" Entry } [ ";" ] ] .
15 Entry = PackageDecl | FormatRule .
17 (The syntax of a format specification is presented in the same EBNF
18 notation as used in the Go language specification. The syntax of white
19 space, comments, identifiers, and string literals is the same as in Go.)
21 A package declaration binds a package name (such as 'ast') to a
22 package import path (such as '"go/ast"'). Each package used (in
23 a type name, see below) must be declared once before use.
25 PackageDecl = PackageName ImportPath .
26 PackageName = identifier .
27 ImportPath = string .
29 A format rule binds a rule name to a format expression. A rule name
30 may be a type name or one of the special names 'default' or '/'.
31 A type name may be the name of a predeclared type (for example, 'int',
32 'float32', etc.), the package-qualified name of a user-defined type
33 (for example, 'ast.MapType'), or an identifier indicating the structure
34 of unnamed composite types ('array', 'chan', 'func', 'interface', 'map',
35 or 'ptr'). Each rule must have a unique name; rules can be declared in
36 any order.
38 FormatRule = RuleName "=" Expression .
39 RuleName = TypeName | "default" | "/" .
40 TypeName = [ PackageName "." ] identifier .
42 To format a value, the value's type name is used to select the format rule
43 (there is an override mechanism, see below). The format expression of the
44 selected rule specifies how the value is formatted. Each format expression,
45 when applied to a value, evaluates to a byte sequence or nil.
47 In its most general form, a format expression is a list of alternatives,
48 each of which is a sequence of operands:
50 Expression = [ Sequence ] { "|" [ Sequence ] } .
51 Sequence = Operand { Operand } .
53 The formatted result produced by an expression is the result of the first
54 alternative sequence that evaluates to a non-nil result; if there is no
55 such alternative, the expression evaluates to nil. The result produced by
56 an operand sequence is the concatenation of the results of its operands.
57 If any operand in the sequence evaluates to nil, the entire sequence
58 evaluates to nil.
60 There are five kinds of operands:
62 Operand = Literal | Field | Group | Option | Repetition .
64 Literals evaluate to themselves, with two substitutions. First,
65 %-formats expand in the manner of fmt.Printf, with the current value
66 passed as the parameter. Second, the current indentation (see below)
67 is inserted after every newline or form feed character.
69 Literal = string .
71 This table shows string literals applied to the value 42 and the
72 corresponding formatted result:
74 "foo" foo
75 "%x" 2a
76 "x = %d" x = 42
77 "%#x = %d" 0x2a = 42
79 A field operand is a field name optionally followed by an alternate
80 rule name. The field name may be an identifier or one of the special
81 names @ or *.
83 Field = FieldName [ ":" RuleName ] .
84 FieldName = identifier | "@" | "*" .
86 If the field name is an identifier, the current value must be a struct,
87 and there must be a field with that name in the struct. The same lookup
88 rules apply as in the Go language (for instance, the name of an anonymous
89 field is the unqualified type name). The field name denotes the field
90 value in the struct. If the field is not found, formatting is aborted
91 and an error message is returned. (TODO consider changing the semantics
92 such that if a field is not found, it evaluates to nil).
94 The special name '@' denotes the current value.
96 The meaning of the special name '*' depends on the type of the current
97 value:
99 array, slice types array, slice element (inside {} only, see below)
100 interfaces value stored in interface
101 pointers value pointed to by pointer
103 (Implementation restriction: channel, function and map types are not
104 supported due to missing reflection support).
106 Fields are evaluated as follows: If the field value is nil, or an array
107 or slice element does not exist, the result is nil (see below for details
108 on array/slice elements). If the value is not nil the field value is
109 formatted (recursively) using the rule corresponding to its type name,
110 or the alternate rule name, if given.
112 The following example shows a complete format specification for a
113 struct 'myPackage.Point'. Assume the package
115 package myPackage // in directory myDir/myPackage
116 type Point struct {
117 name string;
118 x, y int;
119 }
121 Applying the format specification
123 myPackage "myDir/myPackage";
124 int = "%d";
125 hexInt = "0x%x";
126 string = "---%s---";
127 myPackage.Point = name "{" x ", " y:hexInt "}";
129 to the value myPackage.Point{"foo", 3, 15} results in
131 ---foo---{3, 0xf}
133 Finally, an operand may be a grouped, optional, or repeated expression.
134 A grouped expression ("group") groups a more complex expression (body)
135 so that it can be used in place of a single operand:
137 Group = "(" [ Indentation ">>" ] Body ")" .
138 Indentation = Expression .
139 Body = Expression .
141 A group body may be prefixed by an indentation expression followed by '>>'.
142 The indentation expression is applied to the current value like any other
143 expression and the result, if not nil, is appended to the current indentation
144 during the evaluation of the body (see also formatting state, below).
146 An optional expression ("option") is enclosed in '[]' brackets.
148 Option = "[" Body "]" .
150 An option evaluates to its body, except that if the body evaluates to nil,
151 the option expression evaluates to an empty []byte. Thus an option's purpose
152 is to protect the expression containing the option from a nil operand.
154 A repeated expression ("repetition") is enclosed in '{}' braces.
156 Repetition = "{" Body [ "/" Separator ] "}" .
157 Separator = Expression .
159 A repeated expression is evaluated as follows: The body is evaluated
160 repeatedly and its results are concatenated until the body evaluates
161 to nil. The result of the repetition is the (possibly empty) concatenation,
162 but it is never nil. An implicit index is supplied for the evaluation of
163 the body: that index is used to address elements of arrays or slices. If
164 the corresponding elements do not exist, the field denoting the element
165 evaluates to nil (which in turn may terminate the repetition).
167 The body of a repetition may be followed by a '/' and a "separator"
168 expression. If the separator is present, it is invoked between repetitions
169 of the body.
171 The following example shows a complete format specification for formatting
172 a slice of unnamed type. Applying the specification
174 int = "%b";
175 array = { * / ", " }; // array is the type name for an unnamed slice
177 to the value '[]int{2, 3, 5, 7}' results in
179 10, 11, 101, 111
181 Default rule: If a format rule named 'default' is present, it is used for
182 formatting a value if no other rule was found. A common default rule is
184 default = "%v"
186 to provide default formatting for basic types without having to specify
187 a specific rule for each basic type.
189 Global separator rule: If a format rule named '/' is present, it is
190 invoked with the current value between literals. If the separator
191 expression evaluates to nil, it is ignored.
193 For instance, a global separator rule may be used to punctuate a sequence
194 of values with commas. The rules:
196 default = "%v";
197 / = ", ";
199 will format an argument list by printing each one in its default format,
200 separated by a comma and a space.
201 */
202 package datafmt
204 import (
205 "bytes"
206 "fmt"
207 "go/token"
208 "io"
209 "os"
210 "reflect"
211 "runtime"
212 )
214 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 // Format representation
217 // Custom formatters implement the Formatter function type.
218 // A formatter is invoked with the current formatting state, the
219 // value to format, and the rule name under which the formatter
220 // was installed (the same formatter function may be installed
221 // under different names). The formatter may access the current state
222 // to guide formatting and use State.Write to append to the state's
223 // output.
224 //
225 // A formatter must return a boolean value indicating if it evaluated
226 // to a non-nil value (true), or a nil value (false).
227 //
228 type Formatter func(state *State, value interface{}, ruleName string) bool
230 // A FormatterMap is a set of custom formatters.
231 // It maps a rule name to a formatter function.
232 //
233 type FormatterMap map[string]Formatter
235 // A parsed format expression is built from the following nodes.
236 //
237 type (
238 expr interface{}
240 alternatives []expr // x | y | z
242 sequence []expr // x y z
244 literal [][]byte // a list of string segments, possibly starting with '%'
246 field struct {
247 fieldName string // including "@", "*"
248 ruleName string // "" if no rule name specified
249 }
251 group struct {
252 indent, body expr // (indent >> body)
253 }
255 option struct {
256 body expr // [body]
257 }
259 repetition struct {
260 body, separator expr // {body / separator}
261 }
263 custom struct {
264 ruleName string
265 fun Formatter
266 }
267 )
269 // A Format is the result of parsing a format specification.
270 // The format may be applied repeatedly to format values.
271 //
272 type Format map[string]expr
274 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 // Formatting
277 // An application-specific environment may be provided to Format.Apply;
278 // the environment is available inside custom formatters via State.Env().
279 // Environments must implement copying; the Copy method must return an
280 // complete copy of the receiver. This is necessary so that the formatter
281 // can save and restore an environment (in case of an absent expression).
282 //
283 // If the Environment doesn't change during formatting (this is under
284 // control of the custom formatters), the Copy function can simply return
285 // the receiver, and thus can be very light-weight.
286 //
287 type Environment interface {
288 Copy() Environment
289 }
291 // State represents the current formatting state.
292 // It is provided as argument to custom formatters.
293 //
294 type State struct {
295 fmt Format // format in use
296 env Environment // user-supplied environment
297 errors chan os.Error // not chan *Error (errors <- nil would be wrong!)
298 hasOutput bool // true after the first literal has been written
299 indent bytes.Buffer // current indentation
300 output bytes.Buffer // format output
301 linePos token.Position // position of line beginning (Column == 0)
302 default_ expr // possibly nil
303 separator expr // possibly nil
304 }
306 func newState(fmt Format, env Environment, errors chan os.Error) *State {
307 s := new(State)
308 s.fmt = fmt
309 s.env = env
310 s.errors = errors
311 s.linePos = token.Position{Line: 1}
313 // if we have a default rule, cache its expression for fast access
314 if x, found := fmt["default"]; found {
315 s.default_ = x
316 }
318 // if we have a global separator rule, cache its expression for fast access
319 if x, found := fmt["/"]; found {
320 s.separator = x
321 }
323 return s
324 }
326 // Env returns the environment passed to Format.Apply.
327 func (s *State) Env() interface{} { return s.env }
329 // LinePos returns the position of the current line beginning
330 // in the state's output buffer. Line numbers start at 1.
331 //
332 func (s *State) LinePos() token.Position { return s.linePos }
334 // Pos returns the position of the next byte to be written to the
335 // output buffer. Line numbers start at 1.
336 //
337 func (s *State) Pos() token.Position {
338 offs := s.output.Len()
339 return token.Position{Line: s.linePos.Line, Column: offs - s.linePos.Offset, Offset: offs}
340 }
342 // Write writes data to the output buffer, inserting the indentation
343 // string after each newline or form feed character. It cannot return an error.
344 //
345 func (s *State) Write(data []byte) (int, os.Error) {
346 n := 0
347 i0 := 0
348 for i, ch := range data {
349 if ch == '\n' || ch == '\f' {
350 // write text segment and indentation
351 n1, _ := s.output.Write(data[i0 : i+1])
352 n2, _ := s.output.Write(s.indent.Bytes())
353 n += n1 + n2
354 i0 = i + 1
355 s.linePos.Offset = s.output.Len()
356 s.linePos.Line++
357 }
358 }
359 n3, _ := s.output.Write(data[i0:])
360 return n + n3, nil
361 }
363 type checkpoint struct {
364 env Environment
365 hasOutput bool
366 outputLen int
367 linePos token.Position
368 }
370 func (s *State) save() checkpoint {
371 saved := checkpoint{nil, s.hasOutput, s.output.Len(), s.linePos}
372 if s.env != nil {
373 saved.env = s.env.Copy()
374 }
375 return saved
376 }
378 func (s *State) restore(m checkpoint) {
379 s.env = m.env
380 s.output.Truncate(m.outputLen)
381 }
383 func (s *State) error(msg string) {
384 s.errors <- os.NewError(msg)
385 runtime.Goexit()
386 }
388 // TODO At the moment, unnamed types are simply mapped to the default
389 // names below. For instance, all unnamed arrays are mapped to
390 // 'array' which is not really sufficient. Eventually one may want
391 // to be able to specify rules for say an unnamed slice of T.
392 //
394 func typename(typ reflect.Type) string {
395 switch typ.Kind() {
396 case reflect.Array:
397 return "array"
398 case reflect.Slice:
399 return "array"
400 case reflect.Chan:
401 return "chan"
402 case reflect.Func:
403 return "func"
404 case reflect.Interface:
405 return "interface"
406 case reflect.Map:
407 return "map"
408 case reflect.Ptr:
409 return "ptr"
410 }
411 return typ.String()
412 }
414 func (s *State) getFormat(name string) expr {
415 if fexpr, found := s.fmt[name]; found {
416 return fexpr
417 }
419 if s.default_ != nil {
420 return s.default_
421 }
423 s.error(fmt.Sprintf("no format rule for type: '%s'", name))
424 return nil
425 }
427 // eval applies a format expression fexpr to a value. If the expression
428 // evaluates internally to a non-nil []byte, that slice is appended to
429 // the state's output buffer and eval returns true. Otherwise, eval
430 // returns false and the state remains unchanged.
431 //
432 func (s *State) eval(fexpr expr, value reflect.Value, index int) bool {
433 // an empty format expression always evaluates
434 // to a non-nil (but empty) []byte
435 if fexpr == nil {
436 return true
437 }
439 switch t := fexpr.(type) {
440 case alternatives:
441 // append the result of the first alternative that evaluates to
442 // a non-nil []byte to the state's output
443 mark := s.save()
444 for _, x := range t {
445 if s.eval(x, value, index) {
446 return true
447 }
448 s.restore(mark)
449 }
450 return false
452 case sequence:
453 // append the result of all operands to the state's output
454 // unless a nil result is encountered
455 mark := s.save()
456 for _, x := range t {
457 if !s.eval(x, value, index) {
458 s.restore(mark)
459 return false
460 }
461 }
462 return true
464 case literal:
465 // write separator, if any
466 if s.hasOutput {
467 // not the first literal
468 if s.separator != nil {
469 sep := s.separator // save current separator
470 s.separator = nil // and disable it (avoid recursion)
471 mark := s.save()
472 if !s.eval(sep, value, index) {
473 s.restore(mark)
474 }
475 s.separator = sep // enable it again
476 }
477 }
478 s.hasOutput = true
479 // write literal segments
480 for _, lit := range t {
481 if len(lit) > 1 && lit[0] == '%' {
482 // segment contains a %-format at the beginning
483 if lit[1] == '%' {
484 // "%%" is printed as a single "%"
485 s.Write(lit[1:])
486 } else {
487 // use s instead of s.output to get indentation right
488 fmt.Fprintf(s, string(lit), value.Interface())
489 }
490 } else {
491 // segment contains no %-formats
492 s.Write(lit)
493 }
494 }
495 return true // a literal never evaluates to nil
497 case *field:
498 // determine field value
499 switch t.fieldName {
500 case "@":
501 // field value is current value
503 case "*":
504 // indirection: operation is type-specific
505 switch v := value; v.Kind() {
506 case reflect.Array:
507 if v.Len() <= index {
508 return false
509 }
510 value = v.Index(index)
512 case reflect.Slice:
513 if v.IsNil() || v.Len() <= index {
514 return false
515 }
516 value = v.Index(index)
518 case reflect.Map:
519 s.error("reflection support for maps incomplete")
521 case reflect.Ptr:
522 if v.IsNil() {
523 return false
524 }
525 value = v.Elem()
527 case reflect.Interface:
528 if v.IsNil() {
529 return false
530 }
531 value = v.Elem()
533 case reflect.Chan:
534 s.error("reflection support for chans incomplete")
536 case reflect.Func:
537 s.error("reflection support for funcs incomplete")
539 default:
540 s.error(fmt.Sprintf("error: * does not apply to `%s`", value.Type()))
541 }
543 default:
544 // value is value of named field
545 var field reflect.Value
546 if sval := value; sval.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
547 field = sval.FieldByName(t.fieldName)
548 if !field.IsValid() {
549 // TODO consider just returning false in this case
550 s.error(fmt.Sprintf("error: no field `%s` in `%s`", t.fieldName, value.Type()))
551 }
552 }
553 value = field
554 }
556 // determine rule
557 ruleName := t.ruleName
558 if ruleName == "" {
559 // no alternate rule name, value type determines rule
560 ruleName = typename(value.Type())
561 }
562 fexpr = s.getFormat(ruleName)
564 mark := s.save()
565 if !s.eval(fexpr, value, index) {
566 s.restore(mark)
567 return false
568 }
569 return true
571 case *group:
572 // remember current indentation
573 indentLen := s.indent.Len()
575 // update current indentation
576 mark := s.save()
577 s.eval(t.indent, value, index)
578 // if the indentation evaluates to nil, the state's output buffer
579 // didn't change - either way it's ok to append the difference to
580 // the current indentation
581 s.indent.Write(s.output.Bytes()[mark.outputLen:s.output.Len()])
582 s.restore(mark)
584 // format group body
585 mark = s.save()
586 b := true
587 if !s.eval(t.body, value, index) {
588 s.restore(mark)
589 b = false
590 }
592 // reset indentation
593 s.indent.Truncate(indentLen)
594 return b
596 case *option:
597 // evaluate the body and append the result to the state's output
598 // buffer unless the result is nil
599 mark := s.save()
600 if !s.eval(t.body, value, 0) { // TODO is 0 index correct?
601 s.restore(mark)
602 }
603 return true // an option never evaluates to nil
605 case *repetition:
606 // evaluate the body and append the result to the state's output
607 // buffer until a result is nil
608 for i := 0; ; i++ {
609 mark := s.save()
610 // write separator, if any
611 if i > 0 && t.separator != nil {
612 // nil result from separator is ignored
613 mark := s.save()
614 if !s.eval(t.separator, value, i) {
615 s.restore(mark)
616 }
617 }
618 if !s.eval(t.body, value, i) {
619 s.restore(mark)
620 break
621 }
622 }
623 return true // a repetition never evaluates to nil
625 case *custom:
626 // invoke the custom formatter to obtain the result
627 mark := s.save()
628 if !t.fun(s, value.Interface(), t.ruleName) {
629 s.restore(mark)
630 return false
631 }
632 return true
633 }
635 panic("unreachable")
636 return false
637 }
639 // Eval formats each argument according to the format
640 // f and returns the resulting []byte and os.Error. If
641 // an error occurred, the []byte contains the partially
642 // formatted result. An environment env may be passed
643 // in which is available in custom formatters through
644 // the state parameter.
645 //
646 func (f Format) Eval(env Environment, args ...interface{}) ([]byte, os.Error) {
647 if f == nil {
648 return nil, os.NewError("format is nil")
649 }
651 errors := make(chan os.Error)
652 s := newState(f, env, errors)
654 go func() {
655 for _, v := range args {
656 fld := reflect.ValueOf(v)
657 if !fld.IsValid() {
658 errors <- os.NewError("nil argument")
659 return
660 }
661 mark := s.save()
662 if !s.eval(s.getFormat(typename(fld.Type())), fld, 0) { // TODO is 0 index correct?
663 s.restore(mark)
664 }
665 }
666 errors <- nil // no errors
667 }()
669 err := <-errors
670 return s.output.Bytes(), err
671 }
673 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 // Convenience functions
676 // Fprint formats each argument according to the format f
677 // and writes to w. The result is the total number of bytes
678 // written and an os.Error, if any.
679 //
680 func (f Format) Fprint(w io.Writer, env Environment, args ...interface{}) (int, os.Error) {
681 data, err := f.Eval(env, args...)
682 if err != nil {
683 // TODO should we print partial result in case of error?
684 return 0, err
685 }
686 return w.Write(data)
687 }
689 // Print formats each argument according to the format f
690 // and writes to standard output. The result is the total
691 // number of bytes written and an os.Error, if any.
692 //
693 func (f Format) Print(args ...interface{}) (int, os.Error) {
694 return f.Fprint(os.Stdout, nil, args...)
695 }
697 // Sprint formats each argument according to the format f
698 // and returns the resulting string. If an error occurs
699 // during formatting, the result string contains the
700 // partially formatted result followed by an error message.
701 //
702 func (f Format) Sprint(args ...interface{}) string {
703 var buf bytes.Buffer
704 _, err := f.Fprint(&buf, nil, args...)
705 if err != nil {
706 var i interface{} = args
707 fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "--- Sprint(%s) failed: %v", fmt.Sprint(i), err)
708 }
709 return buf.String()
710 }