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[libreriscv.git] / nlnet.mdwn
1 # NLNet
3 With many thanks to <http://nlnet.nl> there are six inter-related grants,
4 documented at the [[nlnet_proposals]] page.
6 NLNet is a Foundation and so does not have employees or enter into "work
7 for hire" agreements. It also will not give money to Corporations
8 (or, it will, but at a rate which does not include payment of Corporation
9 insurance, tax etc.): only to Universities, individuals, and other
10 Foundations.
12 They have an extremely knowledgeable International Tax Law specialist
13 who has negotiated tax agreements with most countries in the world and
14 consequently, subject to your Accountant checking with the law in your
15 country, donations - and they are charitable donations - are extremely
16 likely to be 100% tax-deductible.
18 The process is as follows:
20 * Proposals are submitted, reviewed, independently audited and (sometimes)
21 approved.
22 * Accepted proposals submit a Project Plan listing a set of milestones,
23 each of which has a fixed budget associated with it (note: not an
24 hourly rate!)
25 * The Project Plan becomes part of a Memorandum of Understanding, signed
26 by the team (note: not a contract!)
27 * On 100% completion of tasks *or subtasks* (which must add up ultimately
28 to the total allocated budget) after approval by the project leader,
29 an rfp (Request for Payment) is submitted by email to nlnet.
30 * The rfp is paid directly by bank transfer from NLNet
31 *not by the Libre-SOC project*
33 Note that the lack of hourly rate and the lack of contractual obligation
34 is what enables this to be considered charitable donations (and why
35 Corporations may not be paid or involved).
37 This lack of contractual obligation also means that if the work is not
38 done, then there is no penalty (for you). The only thing that happens
39 is we grumble a bit and have to find someone else to do the work.
41 It is **your responsibility** to comply with local law and to consult an
42 Accountant. Your Accountant will be able to confirm the International
43 Tax Agreements, from the details and/or contact information on NLNet's
44 website <https://nlnet.nl/foundation/ANBI.html>. If you are not familiar
45 with this, or if your Accountant is unfamiliar with International Tax
46 Agreements, please contact us, and we can put your Accountant in touch
47 with Bob Goudriaan, the Finance Director of NLnet who specialises in
48 International Tax Law. Bob can explain the details to your Accountant;
49 your Accountant can explain it to you.
52 # NLNet LibreSOC Top-level
54 * 2019-02-012 Core <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191>
55 * 2019-10-043 Wishbone <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=175>
56 * 2019-10-031 Video <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137>
57 * 2019-10-029 Coriolis2 <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138>
58 * 2019-10-042 MESA <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140>
59 * 2019-10-032 Proofs <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158>
60 * 2019-10-046 Standards <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=174>
62 # NLNet new members onboarding FAQ <a id="faq">
64 This FAQ is written to assist people in understanding the key difference
65 between being "financially rewarded with charitable donations" and
66 "a job / contract / work-for-hire agreement".
68 * Q: So I start work on a bug: do I get paid "per hour"?
69 - A: No. NLnet's donations are for "results" (Milestones) not time.
70 This avoids NLnet being, for example, qualified under local law
71 (e.g. UK IR35) as an "employer" (which would interfere with their
72 status and responsibilities as a Charitable Foundation).
73 * Q: What if I don't complete the work?
74 - A: then you can't submit a Request for Payment.
75 * Q: Are there any penalties or consequences for me if I don't?
76 - A: No. there's no contract (it's a Memorandum of Understanding), so
77 no penalties. You just don't get the associated "gift / donation".
78 * Q: What if it's a really long task?
79 - A: We can (and do) split the (pre-agreed) Milestones into sub-tasks
80 in our bugtracker. The same rules apply: 100% completion is required.
81 * Q: What if i take a longer or shorter time?
82 A: If it's shorter, great! you still get the same gift/donation (good for
83 you!) If it's longer, then, well, this is really no different from
84 having given a "quote" for a job. If that's really problematic
85 we may be able to sort something out.
86 * Q: So do I pay any tax on what I get paid?
87 - A: This is a question that you will have to ask your *Accountant*. In
88 most jurisdictions, Charitable Gifts (which is what NLnet gives you)
89 are entirely tax-free, however beyond a certain point some jurisdictions
90 might start taxing it. Bottom line: it is **your** responsibility to
91 check with **your** Accountant. Not ours, and not NLnet's. We can
92 help get you through the "Understanding Hoops" on that however it is
93 definitely your responsibility and your responsibility alone.
94 * Q: What was that about a Memorandum of Understanding?
95 - A: Part of NLnet's funding remit (under the EU Horizon 2020
96 Programme) and also part of the protection for yourself and for
97 them, you will need to be listed as a Project Contributor on the
98 associated Grant's MoU. Note and reinforcement reminder: *this is
99 not a contract*, it is simply for the NLnet Foundation's
100 "Accountability and Audit trails" and is entirely private.
101 Also note that the MoU specifically states (reinforcing the above)
102 that you agree that it's your responsibility to contact an Accountant
103 and to comply with local Tax Law regarding the donations that you
104 receive.
105 * Q: What about my privacy in that regard?
106 - A: NLnet do not give out confidential names and addresses and we
107 request that you communicate that information directly to them
108 (not to us as Project Leaders or to other Project Members)
109 * Q: What about Bank Account information for payments, I mean donations
110 - A: Again: we request that you pass on the Bank Account information
111 directly to NLnet.
112 * Q: So... you - personally - the other LibreSOC developers - are not
113 paying us or involved in payment in any way?
114 - A: Correct. We receive personal charitable donations (gifts) from NLnet,
115 just like you would, having first also been added to the MoU.
116 * Q: This all sounds very odd! I want to consult my Lawyer!
117 - A: Yeah please don't do that, unless they are an expert in International
118 Finance, specialise in International Tax Agreements, and are
119 also a Chartered Accountant, or they are prepared to work
120 "Pro-bono". NLnet is Charitably funding "Works for the Public
121 Good". If you pay your lawyer hundreds to thousands of dollars
122 for "advice", that money needs to be replenished in your bank
123 account. That means, ultimately, that NLnet is directly paying for it,
124 and that is money needlessly and inappropriately wasted.
125 Please instead have your **Accountant** review the International
126 Tax Agreements that NLnet went to a lot of trouble to set up
127 (<https://nlnet.nl/foundation/ANBI.html>) and if your **Accountant**
128 does not understand them, have them contact Bob Goudriaan directly.
129 Bob can explain it to your **Accountant**, your Accountant can explain
130 it to you.
131 * Q: I wanted to ask about "Works for the Public Good". What does that mean,
132 in practical terms?
133 - A: It means that our (your) work - must be made available under Libre
134 Licenses. In this project's case we chose the LGPLv3+.
135 * Q: Do I retain copyright?
136 - A: Yes you do however we do ask that you make a "dual-assignment" so
137 that we can enter into (non-exclusive, non-transferrable) re-licensing
138 agreements to large Corporations that do not like the LGPLv3+.
139 Given that you would receive a percentage of a substantial amount
140 of money (which will be a donation by that Corporation) there is
141 a financial incentive there (licensing deals for GPUs start around
142 USD 250,000 for the low-end ones and go up from there).
143 * Q: What's this about transparency?
144 - A: We are funded under NLnet's Privacy and Enhanced Trust Programme
145 <https://nlnet.nl/PET>. The mandate is so that people to be able to
146 trust what we are doing, and for independent audits to be able to
147 take place. Therefore, development discussion needs to be under
148 resources within our control to record (i.e. not github). Even the
149 IRC channel is logged.
150 * Q: So I have to record *everything*?
151 - A: No, just make sure to use the bugtracker, mailing lists, IRC channel
152 gitolite3 and FTP server for general day-to-day *development*. Not
153 your "personal conversations" or (if a Professor for example) your
154 Lectures which happen to mention LibreSOC.
155 * Q: That sounds nerve-wracking!
156 - A: This is just how Libre software development is done: entirely publicly!
157 There is nothing new here in 30+ years of Libre software development,
158 it's just that it's a condition of involvement rather than optional.
159 [sotto voice: and to be honest the traffic volume is so high and it's
160 of such specialist interest that nobody's going to be looking who isn't
161 genuinely interested :) ]