Gracefully handle missing dependencies.
[nmigen.git] / nmigen /
1 try:
2 try:
3 from importlib import metadata as importlib_metadata # py3.8+ stdlib
4 except ImportError:
5 import importlib_metadata # py3.7- shim
6 __version__ = importlib_metadata.version(__package__)
7 except ImportError:
8 # No importlib_metadata. This shouldn't normally happen, but some people prefer not installing
9 # packages via pip at all, instead using PYTHONPATH directly or copying the package files into
10 # `lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages`. Although not a recommended way, we still try to support it.
11 __version__ = "unknown"
14 from .hdl import *
17 __all__ = [
18 "Shape", "unsigned", "signed",
19 "Value", "Const", "C", "Mux", "Cat", "Repl", "Array", "Signal", "ClockSignal", "ResetSignal",
20 "Module",
21 "ClockDomain",
22 "Elaboratable", "Fragment", "Instance",
23 "Memory",
24 "Record",
25 "DomainRenamer", "ResetInserter", "EnableInserter",
26 ]