hdl.{ast,dsl}, back.{pysim,rtlil}: allow multiple case values.
[nmigen.git] / nmigen / test / tools.py
1 import os
2 import re
3 import shutil
4 import subprocess
5 import textwrap
6 import traceback
7 import unittest
8 import warnings
9 from contextlib import contextmanager
11 from ..hdl.ast import *
12 from ..hdl.ir import *
13 from ..back import rtlil
16 __all__ = ["FHDLTestCase"]
19 class FHDLTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
20 def assertRepr(self, obj, repr_str):
21 obj = Statement.wrap(obj)
22 def prepare_repr(repr_str):
23 repr_str = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", repr_str)
24 repr_str = re.sub(r"\( (?=\()", "(", repr_str)
25 repr_str = re.sub(r"\) (?=\))", ")", repr_str)
26 return repr_str.strip()
27 self.assertEqual(prepare_repr(repr(obj)), prepare_repr(repr_str))
29 @contextmanager
30 def assertRaises(self, exception, msg=None):
31 with super().assertRaises(exception) as cm:
32 yield
33 if msg is not None:
34 # WTF? unittest.assertRaises is completely broken.
35 self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg)
37 @contextmanager
38 def assertRaisesRegex(self, exception, regex=None):
39 with super().assertRaises(exception) as cm:
40 yield
41 if regex is not None:
42 # unittest.assertRaisesRegex also seems broken...
43 self.assertRegex(str(cm.exception), regex)
45 @contextmanager
46 def assertWarns(self, category, msg=None):
47 with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
48 yield
49 self.assertEqual(len(warns), 1)
50 self.assertEqual(warns[0].category, category)
51 if msg is not None:
52 self.assertEqual(str(warns[0].message), msg)
54 def assertFormal(self, spec, mode="bmc", depth=1):
55 caller, *_ = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
56 spec_root, _ = os.path.splitext(caller.filename)
57 spec_dir = os.path.dirname(spec_root)
58 spec_name = "{}_{}".format(
59 os.path.basename(spec_root).replace("test_", "spec_"),
60 caller.name.replace("test_", "")
61 )
63 # The sby -f switch seems not fully functional when sby is reading from stdin.
64 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(spec_dir, spec_name)):
65 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(spec_dir, spec_name))
67 if mode == "hybrid":
68 # A mix of BMC and k-induction, as per personal communication with Clifford Wolf.
69 script = "setattr -unset init w:* a:nmigen.sample_reg %d"
70 mode = "bmc"
71 else:
72 script = ""
74 config = textwrap.dedent("""\
75 [options]
76 mode {mode}
77 depth {depth}
78 wait on
80 [engines]
81 smtbmc
83 [script]
84 read_ilang top.il
85 prep
86 {script}
88 [file top.il]
89 {rtlil}
90 """).format(
91 mode=mode,
92 depth=depth,
93 script=script,
94 rtlil=rtlil.convert(Fragment.get(spec, platform="formal"))
95 )
96 with subprocess.Popen(["sby", "-f", "-d", spec_name], cwd=spec_dir,
97 universal_newlines=True,
98 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
99 stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(config)
100 if proc.returncode != 0:
101 self.fail("Formal verification failed:\n" + stdout)