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[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / SimpleV_rationale.mdwn
1 [[!tag whitepapers]]
3 **Revision History**
5 * v0.00 05may2021 first created
6 * v0.01 06may2021 initial first draft
8 **Table of Contents**
10 [[!toc]]
12 # Why in the 2020s would you invent a new Vector ISA
14 *(The short answer: you don't. Extend existing technology: on the shoulders of giants)*
16 Inventing a new Scalar ISA from scratch is over a decade-long task
17 including simulators and compilers: OpenRISC 1200 took 12 years to
18 mature. A Vector or Packed SIMD ISA to reach stable *general-purpose*
19 auto-vectorisation compiler support has never been achieved in the
20 history of computing, not with the combined resources of ARM, Intel,
21 AMD, MIPS, Sun Microsystems, SGI, Cray, and many more. (*Hand-crafted
22 assembler and direct use of intrinsics is the Industry-standard norm
23 to achieve high-performance optimisation where it matters*).
24 GPUs fill this void both in hardware and software terms by having
25 ultra-specialist compilers (CUDA) that are designed from the ground up
26 to support Vector/SIMD parallelism, and associated standards
27 (SPIR-V, Vulkan, OpenCL) managed by
28 the Khronos Group, with multi-man-century development committment from
29 multiple billion-dollar-revenue companies, to sustain them.
31 Therefore it begs the question, why on earth would anyone consider
32 this task, and what, in Computer Science, actually needs solving?
34 First hints are that whilst memory bitcells have not increased in speed
35 since the 90s (around 150 mhz), increasing the bank width, striping, and
36 datapath widths and speeds to the same has allowed
37 significant apparent speed increases: 3200 mhz DDR4 and even faster DDR5,
38 and other advanced Memory interfaces such as HBM, Gen-Z, and OpenCAPI,
39 all make an effort (all simply increasing the parallel deployment of
40 the underlying 150 mhz bitcells), but these efforts are dwarfed by the
41 two nearly three orders of magnitude increase in CPU horsepower
42 over the same timeframe. Seymour
43 Cray, from his amazing in-depth knowledge, predicted that the mismatch
44 would become a serious limitation, over two decades ago. Some systems
45 at the time of writing are now approaching a *Gigabyte* of L4 Cache,
46 by way of compensation, and as we know from experience even that will
47 be considered inadequate in future.
49 Efforts to solve this problem by moving the processing closer to or
50 directly integrated into the memory have traditionally not gone well:
51 Aspex Microelectronics, Elixent, these are parallel processing companies
52 that very few have heard of, because their software stack was so
53 specialist that it required heavy investment by customers to utilise.
54 D-Matrix, a Systolic Array Processor, is a modern incarnation of the exact same
55 "specialist parallel processing" mistake, betting heavily on AI with
56 Matrix and Convolution Engines that can do no other task. Aspex only
57 survived by being bought by Ericsson, where its specialised suitability
58 for massive wide Baseband FFTs saved it from going under.
59 The huge risk is that any "better
60 AI mousetrap" created by an innovative competitor
61 that comes along quickly renders a too-specialist design obsolete.
63 NVIDIA and other GPUs have taken a different approach again: massive
64 parallelism with more Turing-complete ISAs in each, and dedicated
65 slower parallel memory paths (GDDR5) suited to the specific tasks of
66 3D, Parallel Compute and AI. The complexity of this approach is only dwarfed
67 by the amount of money poured into the software ecosystem in order
68 to make it accessible, and even then, GPU Programmers are a specialist
69 and rare (expensive) breed.
71 Second hints as to the answer emerge from an article
72 "[SIMD considered harmful](https://www.sigarch.org/simd-instructions-considered-harmful/)"
73 which illustrates a catastrophic rabbit-hole taken by Industry Giants
74 ARM, Intel, AMD, since the 90s (over 3 decades) whereby SIMD, an
75 Order(N^6) opcode proliferation nightmare, with its mantra "make it
76 easy for hardware engineers, let software sort out the mess" literally
77 overwhelming programmers with thousands of instructions. Specialists charging
78 clients for assembly-code Optimisation Services are finding that AVX-512,
79 to take an
80 example, is anything but optimal: overall performance of AVX-512 actually
81 *decreases* even as power consumption goes up.
83 Cray-style Vectors solved, over thirty years ago, the opcode proliferation
84 nightmare. Only the NEC SX Aurora however truly kept the Cray Vector
85 flame alive, until RISC-V RVV and now SVP64 and recently MRISC32 joined
86 it. ARM's SVE/SVE2 is critically flawed (lacking the Cray `setvl`
87 instruction that makes a truly ubiquitous Vector ISA) in ways that
88 will become apparent over time as adoption increases. In the meantime
89 programmers are, in direct violation of ARM's advice on how to use SVE2,
90 trying desperately to use it as if it was Packed SIMD NEON. The advice
91 not to create SVE2 assembler that is hardcoded to fixed widths is being
92 disregarded, in favour of writing *multiple identical implementations*
93 of a function, each with a different hardware width, and compelling
94 software to choose one at runtime after probing the hardware.
96 Even RISC-V, for all that we can be grateful to the RISC-V Founders
97 for reviving Cray Vectors, has severe performance and implementation
98 limitations that are only really apparent to exceptionally experienced
99 assembly-level developers with a wide, diverse depth in multiple ISAs:
100 one of the best and clearest is a
101 [ycombinator post](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24459041)
102 by adrian_b.
104 Adrian logically and concisely points out that the fundamental design
105 assumptions and simplifications that went into the RISC-V ISA have an
106 irrevocably damaging effect on its viability for high performance use.
107 That is not to say that its use in low-performance embedded scenarios is
108 not ideal: in private custom secretive commercial usage it is perfect.
109 Trinamic, an early adopter, created their TMC2660 Stepper IC replacing
110 ARM with RISC-V and saving themselves USD 1 in licensing royalties
111 per product are a classic case study. Ubiquitous and common everyday
112 usage in scenarios currently occupied by ARM, Intel, AMD and IBM? not
113 so much. Even though RISC-V has Cray-style Vectors, the whole ISA is,
114 unfortunately, fundamentally flawed as far as power efficient high
115 performance is concerned.
117 Slowly, at this point, a realisation should be sinking in that, actually,
118 there aren't as many really truly viable Vector ISAs out there, as the
119 ones that are evolving in the general direction of Vectorisation are,
120 in various completely different ways, flawed.
122 **Successfully identifying a limitation marks the beginning of an
123 opportunity**
125 We are nowhere near done, however, because a Vector ISA is a superset of a
126 Scalar ISA, and even a Scalar ISA takes over a decade to develop compiler
127 support, and even longer to get the software ecosystem up and running.
129 Which ISAs, therefore, have or have had, at one point in time, a decent
130 Software Ecosystem? Debian supports most of these including s390:
132 * SPARC, created by Sun Microsystems and all but abandoned by Oracle.
133 Gaisler Research maintains the LEON Open Source Cores but with Oracle's
134 reputation nobody wants to go near SPARC.
135 * MIPS, created by SGI and only really commonly used in Network switches.
136 Exceptions: Ingenic with embedded CPUs,
137 and China ICT with the Loongson supercomputers.
138 * x86, the most well-known ISA and also one of the most heavily
139 litigously-protected.
140 * ARM, well known in embedded and smartphone scenarios, very slowly
141 making its way into data centres.
142 * OpenRISC, an entirely Open ISA suitable for embedded systems.
143 * s390, a Mainframe ISA very similar to Power.
144 * Power ISA, a Supercomputing-class ISA, as demonstrated by
145 two out of three of the top500.org supercomputers using
146 around 2 million IBM POWER9 Cores each.
147 * ARC, a competitor at the time to ARM, best known for use in
148 Broadcom VideoCore IV.
149 * RISC-V, with a software ecosystem heavily in development
150 and with rapid expansion
151 in an uncontrolled fashion, is set on an unstoppable
152 and inevitable trainwreck path to replicate the
153 opcode conflict nightmare that plagued the Power ISA,
154 two decades ago.
155 * Tensilica, Andes STAR and Western Digital for successful
156 commercial proprietary ISAs: Tensilica in Baseband Modems,
157 Andes in Audio DSPs, WD in HDDs and SSDs. These are all
158 astoundingly commercially successful
159 multi-billion-unit mass volume markets that almost nobody
160 knows anything about. Included for completeness.
162 In order of least controlled to most controlled, the viable
163 candidates for further advancement are:
165 * OpenRISC 1200, not controlled or restricted by anyone. no patent
166 protection.
167 * RISC-V, touted as "Open" but actually strictly controlled under
168 Trademark License: too new to have adequate patent pool protection,
169 as evidenced by multiple adopters having been hit by patent lawsuits.
170 (Agreements between RISC-V *Members* to not engage in patent litigation
171 does nothing to stop third party patents that *legitimately pre-date*
172 the newly-created RISC-V ISA)
173 * MIPS, SPARC, ARC, and others, simply have no viable ecosystem.
174 * Power ISA: protected by IBM's extensive patent portfolio for Members
175 of the OpenPOWER Foundation, covered by Trademarks, permitting
176 and encouraging contributions, and having software support for over
177 20 years.
178 * ARM, not permitting Open Licensing, they survived in the early 90s
179 only by doing a deal with Samsung for an in-perpetuity
180 Royalty-free License, in exchange
181 for GBP 3 million and legal protection through Samsung Research.
182 Several large Corporations (Apple most notably) have licensed the ISA
183 but not ARM designs: the barrier to entry is high and the ISA itself
184 protected from interference as a result.
185 * x86, famous for an unprecedented
186 Court Ruling in 2004 where a Judge "banged heads
187 together" and ordered AMD and Intel to stop wasting his time,
188 make peace, and cross-license each other's patents, anyone wishing
189 to use the x86 ISA need only look at Transmeta, SiS, the Vortex x86,
190 and VIA EDEN processors, and see how they fared.
191 * s390, IBM's mainframe ISA. Nowhere near as well-known as x86 lawsuits,
192 but the 800lb "Corporate Gorilla Syndrome" seems not to have deterred one
193 particularly disingenuous group from performing illegal
194 Reverse-Engineering.
196 By asking the question, "which ISA would be the best and most stable to
197 base a Vector Supercomputing-class Extension on?" where patent protection,
198 software ecosystem, open-ness and pedigree all combine to reduce risk
199 and increase the chances of success, there is really only one candidate.
201 **Of all of these, the only one with the most going for it is the Power ISA.**
203 The summary of advantages, then, of the Power ISA is that:
205 * It has a 25-year software ecosystem, with RHEL, Fedora, Debian
206 and more.
207 * Amongst many other features
208 it has Condition Registers which can be used by Branches, greatly
209 reducing pressure on the main register files.
210 * IBM's extensive 20+ years of patents is available, royalty-free,
211 to protect implementors as long as they are also members of the
212 OpenPOWER Foundation
213 * IBM designed and maintained the Power ISA as a Supercomputing
214 class ISA from its inception over 25 years ago.
215 * Coherent distributed memory access is possible through OpenCAPI
216 * Extensions to the Power ISA may be submitted through an External
217 RFC Process that does not require membership of OPF.
219 From this strong base, the next step is: how to leverage this
220 foundation to take a leap forward in performance and performance/watt,
221 *without* losing all the advantages of an ubiquitous software ecosystem,
222 the lack of which has historically plagued other systems and relegated
223 them to a risky niche market?
225 # How do you turn a Scalar ISA into a Vector one?
227 The most obvious question before that is: why on earth would you want to?
228 As explained in the "SIMD Considered Harmful" article, Cray-style
229 Vector ISAs break the link between data element batches and the
230 underlying architectural back-end parallel processing capability.
231 Packed SIMD explicitly smashes that width right in the face of the
232 programmer and expects them to like it. As the article immediately
233 demonstrates, an arbitrary-sized data set has to contend with
234 an insane power-of-two Packed SIMD cascade at both setup and teardown
235 that routinely adds literally an order
236 of magnitude increase in the number of hand-written lines of assembler
237 compared to a well-designed Cray-style Vector ISA with a `setvl`
238 instruction.
240 <blockquote>
241 *Packed SIMD looped algorithms actually have to
242 contain multiple implementations processing fragments of data at
243 different SIMD widths: Cray-style Vectors have just the one, covering not
244 just current architectural implementations but future ones with
245 wider back-end ALUs as well.*
246 </blockquote>
248 Assuming then that variable-length Vectors are obviously desirable,
249 it becomes a matter of how, not if. Both Cray and NEC SX Aurora
250 went the way of adding explicit Vector opcodes, a style which RVV
251 copied and modernised. In the case of RVV this introduced 192 new
252 instructions on top of an existing 95+ for base RV64GC. Adding
253 200% more instructions than the base ISA seems unwise: at least,
254 it feels like there should be a better way, particularly on
255 close inspection of RVV as an example, the basic arithmetic
256 operations are massively duplicated: scalar-scalar from the base
257 is joined by both scalar-vector and vector-vector *and* predicate
258 mask management, and transfer instructions between all the same,
259 which goes a long way towards explaining why there are twice as many
260 Vector instructions in RISC-V as there are in the RV64GC Scalar base.
262 The question then becomes: with all the duplication of arithmetic
263 operations just to make the registers scalar or vector, why not
264 leverage the *existing* Scalar ISA with some sort of "context"
265 or prefix that augments its behaviour? Make "Scalar instruction"
266 synonymous with "Vector Element instruction" and through nothing
267 more than contextual
268 augmentation the Scalar ISA *becomes* the Vector ISA.
269 Then, by not having to have any Vector instructions at all,
270 the Instruction Decode
271 phase is greatly simplified, reducing design complexity and leaving
272 plenty of headroom for further expansion.
274 Remarkably this is not a new idea. Intel's x86 `REP` instruction
275 gives the base concept, but in 1994 it was Peter Hsu, the designer
276 of the MIPS R8000, who first came up with the idea of Vector-augmented
277 prefixing of an existing Scalar ISA. Relying on a multi-issue Out-of-Order Execution Engine,
278 the prefix would mark which of the registers were to be treated as
279 Scalar and which as Vector, then, treating the Scalar "suffix" instruction
280 as a guide and making "scalar instruction" synonymous with "Vector element",
281 perform a `REP`-like loop that
282 jammed multiple scalar operations into the Multi-Issue Execution
283 Engine. The only reason that the team did not take this forward
284 into a commercial product
285 was because they could not work out how to cleanly do OoO
286 multi-issue at the time.
288 In its simplest form, then, this "prefixing" idea is a matter
289 of:
291 * Defining the format of the prefix
292 * Adding a `setvl` instruction
293 * Adding Vector-context SPRs and working out how to do
294 context-switches with them
295 * Writing an awful lot of Specification Documentation
296 (4 years and counting)
298 Once the basics of this concept have sunk in, early
299 advancements quickly follow naturally from analysis
300 of the problem-space:
302 * Expanding the size of GPR, FPR and CR register files to
303 provide 128 entries in each. This is a bare minimum for GPUs
304 in order to keep processing workloads as close to a LOAD-COMPUTE-STORE
305 batching as possible.
306 * Predication (an absolutely critical component for a Vector ISA),
307 then the next logical advancement is to allow separate predication masks
308 to be applied to *both* the source *and* the destination, independently.
309 (*Readers familiar with Vector ISAs will recognise this as a back-to-back
311 * Element-width overrides: most Scalar ISAs today are 64-bit only,
312 with primarily Load and Store being able to handle 8/16/32/64
313 and sometimes 128-bit (quad-word), where Vector ISAs need to
314 go as low as 8-bit arithmetic, even 8-bit Floating-Point for
315 high-performance AI. Rather than waste opcode space adding all
316 such operations at different bitwidths, let the prefix
317 *redefine* (override) the element width, without actually altering
318 the Scalar ISA at all.
319 * "Reordering" of the assumption of linear sequential element
320 access, for Matrices, rotations, transposition, Convolutions,
321 DCT, FFT, Parallel Prefix-Sum and other common transformations
322 that require significant programming effort in other ISAs.
324 All of these things come entirely from "Augmentation" of the Scalar operation
325 being prefixed: at no time is the Scalar operation significantly
326 altered.
327 From there, several more "Modes" can be added, including
329 * saturation,
330 which is needed for Audio and Video applications
331 * "Reverse Gear"
332 which runs the Element Loop in reverse order (needed for Prefix
333 Sum)
334 * Data-dependent Fail-First, which emerged from asking the simple
335 question, "If modern Vector ISAs have Load/Store Fail-First,
336 and the Power ISA has Condition Codes, why not make Conditional
337 early-exit from Arithmetic operation looping?"
338 * over 500 Branch-Conditional Modes emerge from application of
339 Boolean Logic in a Vector context, on top of an already-powerful
340 Scalar Branch-Conditional/Counter instruction
342 **What is missing from Power Scalar ISA that a Vector ISA needs?**
344 Remarkably, very little: the devil is in the details though.
346 * The traditional `iota` instruction may be
347 synthesised with an overlapping add, that stacks up incrementally
348 and sequentially. Although it requires two instructions (one to
349 start the sum-chain) the technique has the advantage of allowing
350 increments by arbitrary amounts, and is not limited to addition,
351 either.
352 * Big-integer addition (arbitrary-precision arithmetic) is an
353 emergent characteristic from the carry-in, carry-out capability of
354 Power ISA `adde` instruction. `sv.adde` as a BigNum add
355 naturally emerges from the
356 sequential carry-flag chaining of these scalar instructions.
357 * The Condition Register Fields of the Power ISA make a great candidate
358 for use as Predicate Masks, particularly when combined with
359 Vectorised `cmp` and Vectorised `crand`, `crxor` etc.
361 It is only when looking slightly deeper into the Power ISA that
362 certain things turn out to be missing, and this is down in part to IBM's
363 primary focus on the 750 Packed SIMD opcodes at the expense of the 250 or
364 so Scalar ones. Examples include that transfer operations between the
365 Integer and Floating-point Scalar register files were dropped approximately
366 a decade ago after the Packed SIMD variants were considered to be
367 duplicates. With it being completely inappropriate to attempt to Vectorise
368 a Packed SIMD ISA designed 20 years ago with no Predication of any kind,
369 the Scalar ISA, a much better all-round candidate for Vectorisation is
370 left anaemic.
372 A particular key instruction that is missing is `MV.X` which is
373 illustrated as `GPR(dest) = GPR(GPR(src))`. This horrendously
374 expensive instruction causing a huge swathe of Register Hazards
375 in one single hit is almost never added to a Scalar ISA but
376 is almost always added to a Vector one. When `MV.X` is
377 Vectorised it allows for arbitrary
378 remapping of elements within a Vector to positions specified
379 by another Vector. A typical Scalar ISA will use Memory to
380 achieve this task, but with Vector ISAs the Vector Register Files are
381 usually so enormous, and so far away from Memory, that it is easier and
382 more efficient, architecturally, to provide these Indexing instructions.
384 Fortunately, with the ISA Working Group being willing
385 to consider RFCs (Requests For Change) these omissions have the potential
386 to be corrected.
388 One deliberate decision in SVP64 involves Predication. Typical Vector
389 ISAs have quite comprehensive arithmetic and logical operations on
390 Predicate Masks, and it turns out, unsurprisingly, that the Scalar Integer
391 side of Power ISA already has most of them.
392 If CR Fields were the only predicates in SVP64
393 it would put pressure on to start adding the exact same arithmetic and logical
394 operations that already exist in the Integer opcodes, which is less
395 than desirable.
396 Instead of taking that route the decision was made to allow *both*
397 Integer *and* CR Fields to be Predicate Masks, and to create Draft
398 instructions that provide better transfer capability between CR Fields
399 and Integer Register files.
401 Beyond that, further extensions to the Power ISA become much more
402 domain-specific, such as adding bitmanipulation for Audio, Video
403 and Cryptographic use-cases, or adding Transcendentals (`LOG1P`,
404 `ATAN2` etc) for 3D and other GPU workloads. The huge advantage here
405 of the SVP64 "Prefix" approach is that anything added to the Scalar ISA
406 *automatically* is inherently added to the Vector one as well, and
407 because these GPU and Video opcodes have been added to the CPU ISA,
408 Software Driver development and debugging is dramatically simplified.
410 Which brings us to the next important question: how is any of these
411 CPU-centric Vector-centric improvements relevant to power efficiency
412 and making more effective use of resources?
414 # Simpler more compact programs saves power
416 The first and most obvious saving is that, just as with any Vector
417 ISA, the amount of data processing requested
418 and controlled by each instruction is enormous, and leaves the
419 Decode and Issue Engines idle, as well as the L1 I-Cache. With
420 programs being smaller, chances are higher that they fit into
421 L1 Cache, or that the L1 Cache may be made smaller: either way
422 is a considerable O(N^2) power-saving.
424 Even a Packed SIMD ISA could take limited advantage of a higher
425 bang-per-buck for limited specific workloads, as long as the
426 stripmining setup and teardown is not required. However a
427 2-wide Packed SIMD instruction is nowhere near as high a bang-per-buck
428 ratio as a 64-wide Vector Length.
430 Realistically, for general use cases however it is extremely common
431 to have the Packed SIMD setup and teardown. `strncpy` for VSX is an
432 astounding 240 hand-coded assembler instructions where it is around
433 12 to 14 for both RVV and SVP64. Worst case (full algorithm unrolling
434 for Massive FFTs) the L1 I-Cache becomes completely ineffective, and in
435 the case of the IBM POWER9 with a little-known design flaw not
436 normally otherwise encountered this results in
437 contention between the L1 D and I Caches at the L2 Bus, slowing down
438 execution even further. Power ISA 3.1 MMA (Matrix-Multiply-Assist)
439 requires loop-unrolling to contend with non-power-of-two Matrix
440 sizes: SVP64 does not (as hinted at below).
441 [Figures 8 and 9](https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.03142)
442 illustrate the process of concatenating copies of data in order
443 to match RADIX2 limitations of MMA.
445 Additional savings come in the form of `SVREMAP`. Like the
446 hardware-assist of Google's TPU mentioned on p9 of the above MMA paper,
447 `SVREMAP` is a hardware
448 index transformation system where the normally sequentially-linear
449 Vector element access may be "Re-Mapped" to limited but algorithmic-tailored
450 commonly-used deterministic schedules, for example Matrix Multiply,
451 DCT, or FFT. A full in-register-file 5x7 Matrix Multiply or a 3x4 or
452 2x6 with optional *in-place* transpose, mirroring or rotation
453 on any source or destination Matrix
454 may be performed in as little as 4 instructions, one of which
455 is to zero-initialise the accumulator Vector used to store the result.
456 If addition to another Matrix is also required then it is only three
457 instructions.
459 Not only that, but because the "Schedule" is an abstract
460 concept separated from the mathematical operation, there is no reason
461 why Matrix Multiplication Schedules may not be applied to Integer
462 Mul-and-Accumulate, Galois Field Mul-and-Accumulate, Logical
463 AND-and-OR, or any other future instruction such as Complex-Number
464 Multiply-and-Accumulate that a future version of the Power ISA might
465 support. The flexibility is not only enormous, but the compactness
466 unprecedented. RADIX2 in-place DCT Triple-loop Schedules may be created in
467 around 11 instructions. The only other processors well-known to have
468 this type of compact capability are both VLIW DSPs: TI's TMS320 Series
469 and Qualcom's Hexagon, and both are targetted at FFTs only.
471 There is no reason at all why future algorithmic schedules should not
472 be proposed as extensions to SVP64 (sorting algorithms,
473 compression algorithms, Sparse Data Sets, Graph Node walking
474 for example). (*Bear in mind that
475 the submission process will be
476 entirely at the discretion of the OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG,
477 something that is both encouraged and welcomed by the OPF.*)
479 One of SVP64's current limitations is that it was initially designed
480 for 3D and Video workloads as a hybrid GPU-VPU-CPU. This resulted in
481 a heavy focus on adding hardware-for-loops onto the *Registers*.
482 After more than three years of development the realisation hit that
483 the SVP64 concept could be expanded to Coherent Distributed Memory.
484 This astoundingly powerful concept is explored in the next section.
486 # Coherent Deterministic Hybrid Distributed In-Memory Processing
488 It is not often that a heading in an article can legitimately
489 contain quite so many comically-chained buzzwords, but in this section
490 they are justified. As hinted at in the first section, the last time
491 that memory was the same speed as processors was the Pentium III
492 and Motorola 88100 era: 133 and 166 mhz SDRAM was available, and
493 CPUs were about the same rate. DRAM bitcells *simply cannot exceed
494 these rates*, yet the pressure from Software Engineers is to
495 make *sequential* algorithm processing faster and faster because
496 parallelising of algorithms is simply too difficult to master, and always
497 has been. Thus whilst DRAM has to go parallel (like RAID Striping) to
498 keep up, CPUs are now at 8-way Multi-Issue 5 ghz clock rates and
499 are at an astonishing four levels of cache (L1 to L4).
501 It should therefore come as no surprise that attempts are being made
502 to move (distribute) processing closer to the DRAM Memory, firmly
503 on the *opposite* side of the main CPU's L1/2/3/4 Caches,
504 where a simple `LOAD-COMPUTE-STORE-LOOP` workload easily illustrates
505 why this approach is compelling. However
506 the alarm bells ring here at the keyword "distributed", because by
507 moving the processing down next to the Memory, even onto
508 the same die as the DRAM, the speed of any
509 of the parallel Processing Elements (PEs) would likely drop
510 by almost two orders of magnitude (5 ghz down to 150 mhz),
511 the simplicity of each PE has, for pure pragmatic reasons,
512 to drop by several
513 orders of magnitude as well.
514 Things that the average "sequential algorithm"
515 programmer
516 takes for granted such as SMP, Cache Coherency, Virtual Memory,
517 spinlocks (atomic locking, mutexes), all of these are either outright gone
518 or expected that the programmer shall explicitly contend with
519 (even if that programmer is the Compiler Developer). There's definitely
520 not going to be a standard OS: the PEs will be too basic, too
521 resource-constrained, and definitely too busy.
523 To give an extreme example: Aspex's Array-String Processor, which
524 was 4096 2-bit SIMD PEs each with 256 bytes of Content Addressable
525 Memory, was capable of literally a hundred-fold improvement in
526 performance over Scalar CPUs such as the Pentium III of its era,
527 all on a 3 watt budget at only 250 mhz in 130 nm. Yet to take
528 proper advantage of its capability required an astounding 5-10
529 *days* per line of assembly code because multiple versions of
530 an algorithm had to be hand-crafted then compared, and only
531 the best one selected: all others discarded. 20 lines of optimised
532 Assembler taking three to six months to write can in no way be termed
533 "productive", yet this extreme level of unproductivity is an inherent
534 side-effect of going down the parallel-processing rabbithole where
535 the cost of providing "Traditional" programmabilility (Virtual Memory,
536 SMP) is worse than counter-productive, it's often outright impossible.
538 **In short, we are in "Programmer's nightmare" territory**
540 Having dug a proverbial hole that rivals the Grand Canyon, and
541 jumped in it feet-first, the next
542 task is to piece together a strategy to climb back out and show
543 how falling back in can be avoided. This takes some explaining,
544 and first requires some background on various research efforts and
545 commercial designs. Once the context is clear, their synthesis
546 can be proposed. These are:
548 * [ZOLC: Zero-Overhead Loop Control](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1692906/)
549 * [OpenCAPI and Extra-V](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.14778/3137765.3137776)
550 * [Snitch](https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.10143)
552 **ZOLC: Zero-Overhead Loop Control**
554 Zero-Overhead Looping is the concept of automatically running a set sequence
555 of instructions a predetermined number of times, without requiring
556 a branch. This is conceptually similar but
557 slightly different from using Power ISA `bc` in `CTR`
558 (Counter) Mode to create loops, because in ZOLC the branch-back is automatic.
560 The simplest longest commercially successful deployment of Zero-overhead looping
561 has been in Texas Instruments TMS320 DSPs. Up to fourteen sub-instructions
562 within the VLIW word may be repeatedly deployed on successive clock
563 cycles until a countdown reaches zero. This extraordinarily simple
564 concept needs no branches, and has no complex Register Hazard
565 Management in the hardware
566 because it is down to the programmer (or, the compiler),
567 to ensure data overlaps do not occur. Careful crafting of those
568 14 instructions can keep the ALUs 100% occupied for sustained periods,
569 and the iconic example for which the TI DSPs are renowned
570 is that an entire inner loop for large FFTs
571 can be done with that one VLIW word: no stalls, no stopping, no fuss,
572 an entire 1024 or 4096 wide FFT Layer in one instruction.
574 <blockquote>
575 The key aspect of these
576 very simplistic countdown loops as far as we are concerned:
577 is: *they are deterministic*.
578 </blockquote>
580 Zero-Overhead Loop Control takes this basic "single loop" concept
581 way further: both nested loops and conditional exit are included,
582 but also arbitrary control-jumping from the current inner loop
583 out to an entirely different loop, all based on conditions determined
584 dynamically at runtime.
586 Even when deployed on as basic a CPU as a single-issue in-order RISC
587 core, the performance and power-savings were astonishing: between 20
588 and **80%** reduction in algorithm completion times were achieved compared
589 to a more traditional branch-speculative in-order RISC CPU. MPEG
590 Decode, the target algorithm specifically picked by the researcher
591 due to its high complexity with 6-deep nested loops and conditional
592 execution that frequently jumped in and out of at least 2 loops,
593 came out with an astonishing 43% improvement in completion time. 43%
594 less instructions executed is an almost unheard-of level of optimisation:
595 most ISA designers are elated if they can achieve 5 to 10%. The reduction
596 was so compelling that ST Microelectronics put it into commercial
597 production in one of their embedded CPUs, the ST120 DSP-MCU.
599 The kicker: when implementing SVP64's Matrix REMAP Schedule, the VLSI
600 design of its triple-nested for-loop system
601 turned out to be remarkably similar to the
602 core nested for-loop engine of ZOLC. In hindsight this should not
603 have come as a surprise, because both are basically nested for-loops
604 that do not need branches to issue instructions.
606 The important insight is, however, that if ZOLC can be general-purpose
607 and apply deterministic nested looped instruction
608 schedules to more than just registers
609 (unlike SVP64 in its current incarnation) then so can SVP64.
611 **OpenCAPI and Extra-V**
613 OpenCAPI is a deterministic high-performance, high-bandwidth, low-latency
614 cache-coherent Memory-access Protocol that is integrated into IBM's Supercomputing-class POWER9 and POWER10 processors.
616 <blockquote>(Side note:
617 POWER10 *only*
618 has OpenCAPI Memory interfaces: an astounding number of them,
619 with overall bandwidth so high it's actually difficult to conceptualise.
620 An OMI-to-DDR4/5 Bridge PHY is therefore required
621 to connect to standard Memory DIMMs.)
622 </blockquote>
624 Extra-V appears to be a remarkable research project based on OpenCAPI that,
625 by assuming that the map of edges (excluding the actual data)
626 in any given arbitrary data graph
627 could be kept by the main CPU in-memory, could distribute and delegate
628 a limited-capability deterministic but most importantly *data-dependent*
629 node-walking schedule actually right down into the memory itself (on the other side of that L1-4 cache barrier). A miniature processor
630 (non-Turing-complete) analysed
631 the data it had read (at the Memory), and determined if it should
632 notify the main processor that this "Node" is worth investigating,
633 or if the Graph node-walk should split in a different direction.
634 Thanks to the OpenCAPI Standard, which takes care of Virtual Memory
635 abstraction, locking, and cache-coherency, many of the nightmare problems
636 of other more explicit parallel processing paradigms disappear.
638 The similarity to ZOLC should not have gone unnoticed: where ZOLC
639 has nested conditional for-loops Extra-V appears to have just the
640 one conditional for-loop, but the key strategically-crucial
641 part of this multi-faceted puzzle is that due to the deterministic and
642 coherent nature of Extra-V, the processing of the loops, which
643 requires a tiny non-Turing-Complete processor, is not
644 done close to or by the main CPU at all: it is
645 *embedded right next to the memory*.
647 The similarity to the D-Matrix Systolic Array Processing, Aspex Microelectronics
648 Array-String Processing, and Elixent 2D Array Processing, should
649 also not have gone unnoticed. All of these solutions utilised
650 or utilise
651 a more comprehensive Turing-complete von-Neumann "Management Core"
652 to coordinate data passed in and out of PEs: none of them have or
653 had something
654 as powerful as OpenCAPI as part of that picture.
656 The fact that Neural Networks may be expressed as arbitrary Graphs,
657 and comprise Sparse Matrices, should also have been noted by the reader
658 interested in AI.
660 **Snitch**
662 Snitch is an elegant Memory-Coherent Barrel-Processor where registers
663 become "tagged" with a Memory-access Mode that went out of fashion
664 over forty years ago: Load-then-Auto-Increment. Expressed in c as
665 `src = *x++`, and requiring special Address Registers (PDP-11, 68000),
666 thanks to the RISC paradigm having gone too far,
667 the efficiency and effectiveness
668 of these Load-Store-with-Increment instructions has been
669 forgotten until Snitch.
671 What the designers did however was not to add any new Load-Store
672 or Arithmetic instructions to the underlying RISC-V at all, but instead to "mark"
673 registers with a tag which *augmented* (altered) the behaviour
674 of *existing* instructions. These tags tell the CPU: when you are asked to
675 carry out
676 an add instruction on r6 and r7, do not take r6 or r7 from the register
677 file, instead please perform a Cache-coherent Load-with-Increment
678 on each, using special (hidden, implicit)
679 Address Registers for each. Each new use
680 of r6 therefore brings in an entirely new value *directly from
681 memory*. Likewise on the second operand, r7, and likewise on
682 the destination result which can be an automatic Coherent
683 Store-and-increment
684 directly into Memory.
686 <blockquote>
687 *The act of "reading" or "writing" a register has been decoupled
688 and intercepted, then connected transparently to a completely
689 separate Coherent Memory Subsystem*
690 </blockquote>
692 On top of a barrel-architecture the slowness of Memory access
693 was not a problem because the Deterministic nature of classic
694 Load-Store-Increment can be compensated for by having 8 Memory
695 accesses scheduled underway and interleaved in a time-sliced
696 fashion with an FPU that is correspondingly 8 times faster than
697 the Coherent Memory accesses.
699 This design is reminiscent of the early Vector Processors
700 of the late 1950s and early 1960s, which also critically relied
701 on implicit auto-increment addressing.
702 The [CDC STAR-100](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDC_STAR-100)
703 for example was specifically designed as a Memory-to-Memory Vector
704 Processor. The barrel-architecture of Snitch neatly
705 solves one of the inherent problems of those early designs (a mismatch
706 with memory
707 speed) and the presence of a full register file (non-tagged,
708 normal, standard scalar registers) caters for a
709 second limitation of pure Memory-based Vector Processors: temporary
710 variables needed in the computation of intermediate results, which
711 also had to go through memory, put
712 an awfully high artificial load on Memory bandwidth.
714 The similarity to SVP64 should be clear: SVP64 Prefixing and the
715 associated REMAP system is just another form of register "tagging"
716 that augments what was formerly designated by its original authors
717 as "just a Scalar ISA", tagging allows for dramatic implicit alteration
718 with advanced behaviour not previously envisaged.
720 What Snitch brings to the table therefore is a further illustration of
721 the concept introduced by Extra-V: where Extra-V brought information
722 about Sparse-Distributed Data to the attention of the main CPU in
723 a coherent fashion *without the CPU having to ask for it*, Snitch
724 demonstrates a classic LOAD-COMPUTE-STORE cycle in the same
725 distributed coherent manner, and does so with dramatically-reduced
726 power consumption.
728 **Bringing it all together**
730 At this point we are well into a future revision of SVP64, one that
731 clearly has some startlingly powerful potential: Supercomputing-class
732 Multi-Issue Vector Engines kept 100% occupied in a 100% long-term
733 sustained fashion with reduced complexity, reduced power consumption
734 and reduced completion time, thanks to Deterministic Coherent Scheduling
735 of the data fed in and out, or even moved down next to Memory.
737 This last part is where it normally gets hair-raising, but as ZOLC shows
738 there is no reason at all why even complex algorithms such as MPEG cannot
739 be run in a partially-deterministic manner, and anything that is
740 deterministic can be Scheduled, coherently. Combine that with OpenCAPI
741 which solves the many issues associated with SMP Virtual Memory and so on
742 yet still allows Cache-Coherent Distributed Memory Access, and what was
743 previously an intractable Computer Science problem for decades begins to
744 look like there is a potential solution.
746 The Deterministic Schedules created by ZOLC should even be possible to identify their
747 suitability for full off-CPU distributed processing, as long as OpenCAPI
748 is integrated into the mix. What a compiler - or even the hardware -
749 will be looking out for is a Basic Block of instructions that:
751 * begins with a LOAD (to be handled by OpenCAPI)
752 * contains some instructions that a given PE is capable of executing
753 * ends with a STORE (again: OpenCAPI)
755 For best results that would be wrapped with a Zero-Overhead Loop
756 (which is offloaded - in full - down to the PE), where
757 the Compiler (or hardware at runtime) could easily identify, in advance,
758 the full range of Memory Addresses that the Loop is to encounter. Copies
759 of loop-invariant data would need to be passed down to the remote PE:
760 again, for simple-enough Basic Blocks, with assistance from the Compiler,
761 loop-invariant inputs are easily identified. Parallel Processing
762 opportunities should also be easy enough to create, simply by farming out
763 different parts of a given Deterministic Zero-Overhead Loop to
764 different PEs based on their proximity, bandwidth or ease of access to
765 given Memory.
767 The importance of OpenCAPI in this mix cannot be underestimated, because
768 it will be the means by which the main CPU coordinates its activities
769 with the remote PEs, ensuring that LOAD/STORE Memory Hazards are not
770 violated. It should also be straightforward to ensure that the offloading
771 is entirely transparent to the developer, in fact this is a hard requirement
772 because at any given moment there is the possibility that the PEs may be
773 busy and it is the main CPU that has to complete the Processing Task itself.
775 It is also important to note that we are not necessarily talking about
776 the Remote PEs executing the Power ISA, but if they do so it becomes
777 much easier for the main CPU to take over in the event that PEs are
778 currently occupied. Plus, the twin lessons that inventing ISAs, even
779 a small one, is hard (mostly in compiler writing) and how complex
780 GPU Task Scheduling is, are being heard loud and clear.
782 Put another way: if the PEs run a foriegn ISA, then the Basic Blocks embedded inside the ZOLC Loops must be in that ISA and therefore:
784 * In order that the main CPU can execute the same sequence if necessary,
785 the CPU must support dual ISAs: Power and PE **OR**
786 * There must be a JIT binary-translator which either turns PE code
787 into Power ISA code or vice-versa **OR**
788 * The compiler dual-compiles the original source code, and embeds
789 both a Power binary and a PE binary into the ZOLC Basic Block **OR**
790 * All binaries are stored in an Intermediate Representation
791 (LLVM-IR, SPIR-V) and JIT-compiled on-demand.
793 All of these would work, but it is simpler and a lot less work
794 just to have the PEs
795 execute the exact same ISA (or a subset of it). If however the
796 concept of Hybrid PE-Memory Processing were to become a JEDEC Standard,
797 which would increase adoption and reduce cost, a bit more thought
798 is required here because ARM or Intel or MIPS might not necessarily
799 be happy that a Processing Element has to execute Power ISA binaries.
800 At least the Power ISA is much richer, more powerful, still RISC,
801 and is an Open Standard, as discussed in a earlier sections.
803 # Transparently-Distributed Vector Processing
805 It is very strange to the author to be describing what amounts to a
806 "Holy Grail" solution to a decades-long intractable problem that
807 mitigates the anticipated end of Moore's Law: how to make it easy for
808 well-defined workloads, expressed as a perfectly normal
809 sequential program, compiled to a standard well-known ISA, to have
810 the potential of being offloaded transparently to Parallel Compute Engines,
811 all without the Software Developer being excessively burdened with
812 a Parallel-Processing Paradigm that is alien to all their experience
813 and training, as well as Industry-wide common knowledge.
815 Will it be that easy? ZOLC is, honestly, in its current incarnation,
816 not that straightforward: programs
817 have to be "massaged" by tools that insert intrinsics into the
818 source code, in order to identify the Basic Blocks that the Zero-Overhead
819 Loops can run. Can this be merged into standard gcc and llvm
820 compilers? As intrinsics: of course. Can it become part of auto-vectorisation? Probably,
821 if an infinite supply of money and engineering time is thrown at it.
822 Is a half-way-house solution of compiler intrinsics good enough?
823 Intel, ARM, MIPS, Power ISA and RISC-V have all already said "yes" on that,
824 for several decades, and advanced programmers are comfortable with the
825 practice.
827 Additional questions remain as to whether OpenCAPI or its use for this
828 particular scenario requires that the PEs, even quite basic ones,
829 implement a full RADIX MMU, and associated TLB lookup? In order to ensure
830 that programs may be cleanly and seamlessly transferred between PEs
831 and CPU the answer is quite likely to be "yes", which is interesting
832 in and of itself. Fortunately, the associated L1 Cache with TLB
833 Translation does not have to be large, and the actual RADIX Tree Walk
834 need not explicitly be done by the PEs, it can be handled by the main
835 CPU as a software-extension.
837 **Use-case: Matrix and Convolutions**
839 Imagine a large Matrix scenario, with several values close to zero that
840 could be skipped: no need to include zero-multiplications.
841 SVP64 is able to do what is termed "Vertical-First" Vectorisation,
842 combined with SVREMAP Matrix Schedules. Imagine that SVREMAP has been
843 extended, Snitch-style, to perform a deterministic memory-array walk of
844 a large Matrix.
846 Let us also imagine that the Matrices are stored in Memory with PEs
847 attached, and that the PEs are fully functioning Power ISA with Draft
848 SVP64 their Multiply capability is not as good as the main CPU. Therefore:
849 we want the PEs to feed the sparse data to the main CPU.
851 * The ZOLC SVREMAP System running on the main CPU generates a Matrix
852 Memory-Load Schedule.
853 * The Schedule is sent to the PEs, next to the Memory, via OpenCAPI
854 * The PEs are also sent the Basic Block to be executed on each
855 Memory Load (each element of the Matrices to be multiplied)
856 * The PEs execute the Basic Block and **exclude**, in a deterministic
857 fashion, any elements containing Zero values
858 * Non-zero elements are sent, via OpenCAPI, to the main CPU, which
859 queues sequences of Multiply-and-Accumulate, and feeds the results
860 back to Memory, again via OpenCAPI, to the PEs.
861 * The PEs, which are tracking the Sparse Conditions, know where
862 to store the results received
864 In essence this is near-identical to the original Snitch concept
865 except that there are, like Extra-V, PEs able to perform
866 conditional testing of the data as it goes both to and from the
867 main CPU. In this way a large Sparse Matrix Multiply or Convolution
868 may be achieved without having to pass unnecessary data through
869 L1/L2/L3 Caches only to find, at the CPU, that it is zero.
871 **Use-case: More powerful in-memory PEs**
873 An obvious variant of the above is that, if there is inherently
874 more parallelism in the data set, then the PEs get their own
875 Multiply-and-Accumulate instruction, and rather than send the
876 data to the CPU over OpenCAPI, perform the Matrix-Multiply
877 directly themselves.
879 However the source code and binary would be near-identical if
880 not identical in every respect, and the PEs implementing the full
881 ZOLC capability in order to compact binary size to the bare minimum.
883 One key strategic question does remain: do the PEs need to have
884 a RADIX MMU and associated TLB-aware minimal L1 Cache, in order
885 to support OpenCAPI properly? The saving grace here is that with
886 the expectation of running only hot-loops with ZOLC-driven
887 binaries, the size of L1 Cache needed would be miniscule compared
888 to the average high-end CPU.
890 **Roadmap summary of Advanced SVP64**
892 The future direction for SVP64, then, is:
894 * To overcome its current limitation of REMAP Schedules being
895 restricted to Register Files, leveraging the Snitch-style
896 register interception "tagging" technique.
897 * To adopt ZOLC and merge REMAP Schedules into ZOLC
898 * To bring OpenCAPI Memory Access into ZOLC as a first-level
899 concept that mirrors Snitch's Coherent Memory interception
900 * To add the Graph-Node Walking Capability of Extra-V
902 * To make it possible, in a combination of hardware and software,
903 to easily identify ZOLC / SVREMAP Blocks
904 that may be transparently pushed down closer to Memory, for
905 localised distributed parallel execution, by OpenCAPI-aware PEs,
906 exploiting both the Deterministic nature of ZOLC / SVREMAP
907 combined with the Cache-Coherent nature of OpenCAPI,
908 to the maximum extent possible.
909 * To make the exploitation of this powerful solution as simple
910 and straightforward as possible for Software Engineers to use,
911 in standard common-usage compilers, gcc and llvm.
912 * To propose extensions to Public Standards that allow all of
913 the above to become part of everyday ubiquitous mass-volume
914 computing.
916 Even the first of these - merging Snitch-style register tagging
917 into SVP64 - would
918 expand SVP64's capability for Matrices, currently limited to
919 around 5x7 to 6x6 Matrices and constrained by the size of
920 the register files (128 64-bit entries), to arbitrary (massive) sizes.
922 **Summary**
924 Bottom line is that there is a clear roadmap towards solving a long
925 standing problem facing Computer Science and doing so in a way that
926 reduces power consumption reduces algorithm completion time and reduces
927 the need for complex hardware microarchitectures in favour of much
928 smaller distributed coherent Processing Elements.