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[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / biginteger.mdwn
1 [[!tag standards]]
3 # Big Integer Arithmetic
5 **DRAFT STATUS** 19apr2022, last edited 23may2022
7 * [[discussion]] page for notes
8 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=817> bugreport
9 * [[biginteger/analysis]]
11 BigNum arithmetic is extremely common especially in cryptography,
12 where for example RSA relies on arithmetic of 2048 or 4096 bits
13 in length. The primary operations are add, multiply and divide
14 (and modulo) with specialisations of subtract and signed multiply.
16 A reminder that a particular focus of SVP64 is that it is built on
17 top of Scalar operations, where those scalar operations are useful in
18 their own right without SVP64. Thus the operations here are proposed
19 first as Scalar Extensions to the Power ISA.
21 A secondary focus is that if Vectorised, implementors may choose
22 to deploy macro-op fusion targetting back-end 256-bit or greater
23 Dynamic SIMD ALUs for maximum performance and effectiveness.
25 # Analysis
27 Covered in [[biginteger/analysis]] the summary is that standard `adde`
28 is sufficient for SVP64 Vectorisation of big-integer addition (and subfe
29 for subtraction) but that big-integer multiply and divide require an
30 extra 3-in 2-out instruction, similar to Intel's `mulx`, to be efficient.
31 The same instruction (`maddedu`) is used for both because 'maddedu''s primary
32 purpose is to perform a fused 64-bit scalar multiply with a large vector,
33 where that result is Big-Added for Big-Multiply, but Big-Subtracted for
34 Big-Divide.
36 Macro-op Fusion and back-end massively-wide SIMD ALUs may be deployed in a
37 fashion that is hidden from the user, behind a consistent, stable ISA API.
38 The same macro-op fusion may theoretically be deployed even on Scalar
39 operations.
41 # dsld and dsrd
43 **DRAFT**
45 `dsld` and `dsrd` are is similar to v3.0 `sld`, and
46 is Z23-Form in "overwrite" on RT.
48 |0.....5|6..10|11..15|16..20|21.22|23..30|31|
49 |-------|-----|------|------|-----|------|--|
50 | EXT04 | RT | RA | RB | sm | XO |Rc|
52 Both instructions take two 64-bit sources, concatenate
53 them together then extract 64 bits from it, the offset
54 location determined by a third source.
56 # maddedu
58 **DRAFT**
60 `maddedu` is similar to v3.0 `madd`, and
61 is VA-Form despite having 2 outputs: the second
62 destination register is implicit.
64 |0.....5|6..10|11..15|16..20|21..25|26..31|
65 |-------|-----|------|------|------|------|
66 | EXT04 | RT | RA | RB | RC | XO |
68 The pseudocode for `maddedu RT, RA, RB, RC` is:
70 prod[0:127] = (RA) * (RB)
71 sum[0:127] = EXTZ(RC) + prod
72 RT <- sum[64:127]
73 RS <- sum[0:63] # RS implicit register, see below
75 RC is zero-extended (not shifted, not sign-extended), the 128-bit product added
76 to it; the lower half of that result stored in RT and the upper half
77 in RS.
79 The differences here to `maddhdu` are that `maddhdu` stores the upper
80 half in RT, where `maddedu` stores the upper half in RS. There is no
81 equivalent to `maddld` because `maddld` performs sign-extension on RC.
83 *Programmer's Note:
84 As a Scalar Power ISA operation, like `lq` and `stq`, RS=RT+1.
85 To achieve the same big-integer rolling-accumulation effect
86 as SVP64: assuming the scalar to multiply is in r0,
87 the vector to multiply by starts at r4 and the result vector
88 in r20, instructions may be issued `maddedu r20,r4,r0,r20
89 maddedu r21,r5,r0,r21` etc. where the first `maddedu` will have
90 stored the upper half of the 128-bit multiply into r21, such
91 that it may be picked up by the second `maddedu`. Repeat inline
92 to construct a larger bigint scalar-vector multiply,
93 as Scalar GPR register file space permits.*
95 SVP64 overrides the Scalar behaviour of what defines RS.
96 For SVP64 EXTRA register extension, the `RM-1P-3S-1D` format is
97 used with the additional bit set for determining RS.
99 | Field Name | Field bits | Description |
100 |------------|------------|----------------------------------------|
101 | Rdest\_EXTRA2 | `10:11` | extends RT (R\*\_EXTRA2 Encoding) |
102 | Rsrc1\_EXTRA2 | `12:13` | extends RA (R\*\_EXTRA2 Encoding) |
103 | Rsrc2\_EXTRA2 | `14:15` | extends RB (R\*\_EXTRA2 Encoding) |
104 | Rsrc3\_EXTRA2 | `16:17` | extends RC (R\*\_EXTRA2 Encoding) |
105 | EXTRA2_MODE | `18` | used by `maddedu` for determining RS |
107 When `EXTRA2_MODE` is set to zero, the implicit RS register takes
108 its Vector/Scalar setting from Rdest_EXTRA2, and takes
109 the register number from RT, but all numbering
110 is offset by MAXVL. *Note that element-width overrides influence this
111 offset* (see SVP64 [[svp64/appendix]] for full details).
113 When `EXTRA2_MODE` is set to one, the implicit RS register is identical
114 to RC extended with SVP64 using `Rsrc3_EXTRA2` in every respect, including whether RC is set Scalar or
115 Vector.
117 # divmod2du RT,RA,RB,RC
119 **DRAFT**
121 Divide/Modulu Quad-Double Unsigned is another VA-Form instruction
122 that is near-identical to `divdeu` except that:
124 * the lower 64 bits of the dividend, instead of being zero, contain a
125 register, RC.
126 * it performs a fused divide and modulo in a single instruction, storing
127 the modulo in an implicit RS (similar to `maddedu`)
129 RB, the divisor, remains 64 bit. The instruction is therefore a 128/64
130 division, producing a (pair) of 64 bit result(s). Overflow conditions
131 are detected in exactly the same fashion as `divdeu`, except that rather
132 than have `UNDEFINED` behaviour, RT is set to all ones and RS set to all
133 zeros on overflow.
135 *Programmer's note: there are no Rc variants of any of these VA-Form
136 instructions. `cmpi` will need to be used to detect overflow conditions:
137 the saving in instruction count is that both RT and RS will have already
138 been set to useful values needed as part of implementing Knuth's
139 Algorithm D*
141 For SVP64, given that this instruction is also 3-in 2-out 64-bit registers,
142 the exact same EXTRA format and setting of RS is used as for `sv.maddedu`.
143 For Scalar usage, just as for `maddedu`, `RS=RT+1` (similar to `lq` and `stq`).
145 Pseudo-code:
147 if ((RA) <u (RB)) & ((RB) != [0]*XLEN) then
148 dividend[0:(XLEN*2)-1] <- (RA) || (RC)
149 divisor[0:(XLEN*2)-1] <- [0]*XLEN || (RB)
150 result <- dividend / divisor
151 modulo <- dividend % divisor
152 RT <- result[XLEN:(XLEN*2)-1]
153 RS <- modulo[XLEN:(XLEN*2)-1]
154 else
155 RT <- [1]*XLEN
156 RS <- [0]*XLEN
158 # [DRAFT] EXT04 Proposed Map
160 For the Opcode map (XO Field)
161 see Power ISA v3.1, Book III, Appendix D, Table 13 (sheet 7 of 8), p1357.
162 Proposed is the addition of `maddedu` (**DRAFT, NOT APPROVED**) in `110010`
163 and `divmod2du` in `110100`
165 |110000|110001 |110010 |110011|110100 |110101|110110|110111|
166 |------|-------|----------|------|-------------|------|------|------|
167 |maddhd|maddhdu|**maddedu**|maddld|**divmod2du**|rsvd |rsvd |rsvd |