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1 [[!tag standards]]
3 # Normal SVP64 Modes, for Arithmetic and Logical Operations
5 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574>
6 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558#c47>
7 * [[svp64]]
9 Normal SVP64 Mode covers Arithmetic and Logical operations
10 to provide suitable additional behaviour. The Mode
11 field is bits 19-23 of the [[svp64]] RM Field.
13 Table of contents:
15 [[!toc]]
17 # Mode
19 Mode is an augmentation of SV behaviour, providing additional
20 functionality. Some of these alterations are element-based (saturation), others involve post-analysis (predicate result) and others are Vector-based (mapreduce, fail-on-first).
22 [[sv/ldst]],
23 [[sv/cr_ops]] and [[sv/branches]] are covered separately: the following
24 Modes apply to Arithmetic and Logical SVP64 operations:
26 * **normal** mode is straight vectorisation. no augmentations: the vector comprises an array of independently created results.
27 * **ffirst** or data-dependent fail-on-first: see separate section. the vector may be truncated depending on certain criteria.
28 *VL is altered as a result*.
29 * **sat mode** or saturation: clamps each element result to a min/max rather than overflows / wraps. allows signed and unsigned clamping for both INT
30 and FP.
31 * **reduce mode**. a mapreduce is performed. the result is a scalar. a result vector however is required, as the upper elements may be used to store intermediary computations. the result of the mapreduce is in the first element with a nonzero predicate bit. see [[svp64/appendix]]
32 note that there are comprehensive caveats when using this mode.
33 * **pred-result** will test the result (CR testing selects a bit of CR and inverts it, just like branch conditional testing) and if the test fails it
34 is as if the
35 *destination* predicate bit was zero even before starting the operation.
36 When Rc=1 the CR element however is still stored in the CR regfile, even if the test failed. See appendix for details.
37 * **Pack/Unpack** mode, only available when SUBVL is vec2/3/4, performs
38 basic structure packing on sub-elements. Bits 4-5 (normally elwidth) are
39 taken up as Pack/Unpack bits.
41 Note that ffirst and reduce modes are not anticipated to be high-performance in some implementations. ffirst due to interactions with VL, and reduce due to it requiring additional operations to produce a result. normal, saturate and pred-result are however inter-element independent and may easily be parallelised to give high performance, regardless of the value of VL.
43 The Mode table for Arithmetic and Logical operations
44 is laid out as follows:
46 | 0-1 | 2 | 3 4 | description |
47 | --- | --- |---------|-------------------------- |
48 | 00 | 0 | dz sz | normal mode |
49 | 00 | 1 | 0 RG | scalar reduce mode (mapreduce), SUBVL=1 |
50 | 00 | 1 | 1 / | parallel reduce mode (mapreduce), SUBVL=1 |
51 | 00 | 1 | SVM 0 | subvector reduce mode, SUBVL>1 |
52 | 00 | 1 | SVM 1 | Pack/Unpack mode, SUBVL>1 |
53 | 01 | inv | CR-bit | Rc=1: ffirst CR sel |
54 | 01 | inv | VLi RC1 | Rc=0: ffirst z/nonz |
55 | 10 | N | dz sz | sat mode: N=0/1 u/s, SUBVL=1 |
56 | 10 | N | zz 0 | sat mode: N=0/1 u/s, SUBVL>1 |
57 | 10 | N | zz 1 | Pack/Unpack sat mode: N=0/1 u/s, SUBVL>1 |
58 | 11 | inv | CR-bit | Rc=1: pred-result CR sel |
59 | 11 | inv | zz RC1 | Rc=0: pred-result z/nonz |
61 Fields:
63 * **sz / dz** if predication is enabled will put zeros into the dest (or as src in the case of twin pred) when the predicate bit is zero. otherwise the element is ignored or skipped, depending on context.
64 * **zz**: both sz and dz are set equal to this flag
65 * **inv CR bit** just as in branches (BO) these bits allow testing of a CR bit and whether it is set (inv=0) or unset (inv=1)
66 * **RG** inverts the Vector Loop order (VL-1 downto 0) rather
67 than the normal 0..VL-1
68 * **SVM** sets "subvector" reduce mode
69 * **N** sets signed/unsigned saturation.
70 * **RC1** as if Rc=1, stores CRs *but not the result*
71 * **VLi** VL inclusive: in fail-first mode, the truncation of
72 VL *includes* the current element at the failure point rather
73 than excludes it from the count.
75 For LD/ST Modes, see [[sv/ldst]]. For Condition Registers
76 see [[sv/cr_ops]].
77 For Branch modes, see [[sv/branches]].
79 # Rounding, clamp and saturate
81 See [[av_opcodes]] for relevant opcodes and use-cases.
83 To help ensure that audio quality is not compromised by overflow,
84 "saturation" is provided, as well as a way to detect when saturation
85 occurred if desired (Rc=1). When Rc=1 there will be a *vector* of CRs,
86 one CR per element in the result (Note: this is different from VSX which
87 has a single CR per block).
89 When N=0 the result is saturated to within the maximum range of an
90 unsigned value. For integer ops this will be 0 to 2^elwidth-1. Similar
91 logic applies to FP operations, with the result being saturated to
92 maximum rather than returning INF, and the minimum to +0.0
94 When N=1 the same occurs except that the result is saturated to the min
95 or max of a signed result, and for FP to the min and max value rather
96 than returning +/- INF.
98 When Rc=1, the CR "overflow" bit is set on the CR associated with the
99 element, to indicate whether saturation occurred. Note that due to
100 the hugely detrimental effect it has on parallel processing, XER.SO is
101 **ignored** completely and is **not** brought into play here. The CR
102 overflow bit is therefore simply set to zero if saturation did not occur,
103 and to one if it did.
105 Note also that saturate on operations that set OE=1 must raise an
106 Illegal Instruction due to the conflicting use of the CR.so bit for
107 storing if
108 saturation occurred. Integer Operations that produce a Carry-Out (CA, CA32):
109 these two bits will be `UNDEFINED` if saturation is also requested.
111 Note that the operation takes place at the maximum bitwidth (max of
112 src and dest elwidth) and that truncation occurs to the range of the
113 dest elwidth.
115 *Programmer's Note: Post-analysis of the Vector of CRs to find out if any given element hit
116 saturation may be done using a mapreduced CR op (cror), or by using the
117 new crrweird instruction with Rc=1, which will transfer the required
118 CR bits to a scalar integer and update CR0, which will allow testing
119 the scalar integer for nonzero. see [[sv/cr_int_predication]]*
121 Pack/Unpack may be enabled at the same time as Saturation,
122 when SUBVL is vec2/3/4. This provides equivalent VSX `vpkpx` and other
123 operations.
125 # Reduce mode
127 Reduction in SVP64 is similar in essence to other Vector Processing
128 ISAs, but leverages the underlying scalar Base v3.0B operations.
129 Thus it is more a convention that the programmer may utilise to give
130 the appearance and effect of a Horizontal Vector Reduction. Due
131 to the unusual decoupling it is also possible to perform
132 prefix-sum in certain circumstances. Details are in the [[svp64/appendix]]
134 # Fail-on-first
136 Data-dependent fail-on-first has two distinct variants: one for LD/ST,
137 the other for arithmetic operations (actually, CR-driven). Note in each
138 case the assumption is that vector elements are required appear to be
139 executed in sequential Program Order, element 0 being the first.
141 * Data-driven (CR-driven) fail-on-first activates when Rc=1 or other
142 CR-creating operation produces a result (including cmp). Similar to
143 branch, an analysis of the CR is performed and if the test fails, the
144 vector operation terminates and discards all element operations at and
145 above the current one, and VL is truncated to either
146 the *previous* element or the current one, depending on whether
147 VLi (VL "inclusive") is set.
149 Thus the new VL comprises a contiguous vector of results,
150 all of which pass the testing criteria (equal to zero, less than zero).
152 The CR-based data-driven fail-on-first is "new" and not found in ARM
153 SVE or RVV. At the same time it is "old" because it is almost
154 identical to a generalised form of Z80's `CPIR` instruction.
155 It is extremely useful for reducing instruction count,
156 however requires speculative execution involving modifications of VL
157 to get high performance implementations. An additional mode (RC1=1)
158 effectively turns what would otherwise be an arithmetic operation
159 into a type of `cmp`. The CR is stored (and the CR.eq bit tested
160 against the `inv` field).
161 If the CR.eq bit is equal to `inv` then the Vector is truncated and
162 the loop ends.
163 Note that when RC1=1 the result elements are never stored, only the CRs.
165 VLi is only available as an option when `Rc=0` (or for instructions
166 which do not have Rc). When set, the current element is always
167 also included in the count (the new length that VL will be set to).
168 This may be useful in combination with "inv" to truncate the Vector
169 to `exclude` elements that fail a test, or, in the case of implementations
170 of strncpy, to include the terminating zero.
172 In CR-based data-driven fail-on-first there is only the option to select
173 and test one bit of each CR (just as with branch BO). For more complex
174 tests this may be insufficient. If that is the case, a vectorised crop
175 such as crand, cror or [[sv/cr_int_predication]] crweirder may be used,
176 and ffirst applied to the crop instead of to
177 the arithmetic vector. Note that crops are covered by
178 the [[sv/cr_ops]] Mode format.
180 Two extremely important aspects of ffirst are:
182 * LDST ffirst may never set VL equal to zero. This because on the first
183 element an exception must be raised "as normal".
184 * CR-based data-dependent ffirst on the other hand **can** set VL equal
185 to zero. This is the only means in the entirety of SV that VL may be set
186 to zero (with the exception of via the SV.STATE SPR). When VL is set
187 zero due to the first element failing the CR bit-test, all subsequent
188 vectorised operations are effectively `nops` which is
189 *precisely the desired and intended behaviour*.
191 The second crucial aspect, compared to LDST Ffirst:
193 * LD/ST Failfirst may (beyond the initial first element
194 conditions) truncate VL for any architecturally
195 suitable reason.
196 * CR-based data-dependent first on the other hand MUST NOT truncate VL
197 arbitrarily to a length decided by the hardware: VL MUST only be
198 truncated based explicitly on whether a test fails.
199 This because it is a precise test on which algorithms
200 will rely.
202 **Floating-point Exceptions**
204 When Floating-point exceptions are enabled VL must be truncated at
205 the point where the Exception appears not to have occurred. If `VLi`
206 is set then VL must include the faulting element. Although very strongly
207 discouraged the Exception Mode that permits Floating Point Exception
208 notification to arrive too late to unwind is permitted
209 (under protest, due it violating
210 the otherwise 100% Deterministic nature of Data-dependent Fail-first).the
212 **Use of lax FP Exception Notification Mode could result in parallel
213 computations proceeding with invalid results that have to be explicitly
214 detected, whereas with the strict FP Execption Mode enabled, FFirst
215 truncates VL, allows subsequent parallel computation to avoid
216 the exceptions entirely**
218 ## Data-dependent fail-first on CR operations (crand etc)
220 Operations that actually produce or alter CR Field as a result
221 have their own SVP64 Mode, described
222 in [[sv/cr_ops]]
224 # pred-result mode
226 This mode merges common CR testing with predication, saving on instruction
227 count. Below is the pseudocode excluding predicate zeroing and elwidth
228 overrides. Note that the pseudocode for [[sv/cr_ops]] is slightly different.
230 for i in range(VL):
231 # predication test, skip all masked out elements.
232 if predicate_masked_out(i):
233 continue
234 result = op(iregs[RA+i], iregs[RB+i])
235 CRnew = analyse(result) # calculates eq/lt/gt
236 # Rc=1 always stores the CR
237 if Rc=1 or RC1:
238 crregs[offs+i] = CRnew
239 # now test CR, similar to branch
240 if RC1 or CRnew[BO[0:1]] != BO[2]:
241 continue # test failed: cancel store
242 # result optionally stored but CR always is
243 iregs[RT+i] = result
245 The reason for allowing the CR element to be stored is so that
246 post-analysis of the CR Vector may be carried out. For example:
247 Saturation may have occurred (and been prevented from updating, by the
248 test) but it is desirable to know *which* elements fail saturation.
250 Note that RC1 Mode basically turns all operations into `cmp`. The
251 calculation is performed but it is only the CR that is written. The
252 element result is *always* discarded, never written (just like `cmp`).
254 Note that predication is still respected: predicate zeroing is slightly
255 different: elements that fail the CR test *or* are masked out are zero'd.
257 # Pack/Unpack Mode
259 Structured Pack/Unpack is similar to VSX `vpack` and `vunpack` except
260 generalised not only to a Schedule to be applied to any operation but
261 also extended to vec2/3/4.
263 Setting this mode changes the meaning of bits 4-5 in `RM` from being
264 `ELWIDTH` to a pair of Pack/Unpack bits. Thus it is not possible
265 to separately override source and destination elwidths at the same
266 time as use Pack/Unpack: the `SRC_ELWIDTH` bits (6-7) must be used as
267 both source and destination elwidth.
269 This was considered to be an acceptable
270 compromise. If separate elwidths are required and Pack/Unpack
271 needed without needing to perform a widening or narrowing register
272 move then [[sv/remap]] may be used: Matrix Mode may perform the
273 same operation (but is more costly to set up).
274 See [[sv/svp64/appendix]] for details on how Pack/Unpack
275 is implemented.