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[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / po9_encoding / discussion.mdwn
1 # alternative 32-64 encoding
3 ```
4 |0-5| 6-27 28 29|30-31| 32 |33-37 | 38-59 | 60-63 | Description |
5 |---|-----|-----|-----|----|--------|-----------------------------------|
6 |PO9| rm0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 000 rm1 xxxx 0000 | SVP64:EXT900 |
7 |PO9| rm0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1 000 rm1 xxxx 0000 | SSingle:EXT900 |
8 |PO9| xxx | x 0 | 0 0 | !zero xxxx !zero | 55-bit RESERVED |
9 |PO9| xxx | x 0 | 0 0 | 32-bit EXT900 (Vectorizable) |
10 |PO9| xxx | 1 1 | 0 0 | 32-bit EXT901 (Unvectorizable) |
11 |PO9| !ZERO | 0 0 | 1 | DWi | SSingle:EXT232-263 |
12 |PO9| 0000 | 0 0 | 1 | DWi | Scalar EXT232-263 |
13 |PO9| nnnn | 1 0 | 1 | DWi | SVP64:EXT232-263 |
14 |PO9| 0000 | 0 1 | Defined Word-instruction | 32-bit Unvec in 64b|
15 |PO9| !ZERO | 0 1 | Defined Word-instruction | SSingle:EXT000-063 |
16 |PO9| nnnn | 1 1 | Defined Word-instruction | SVP64:EXT000-063 |
17 ```
19 Fields:
21 * `SVRM <- rm0 || rm1`
23 Length detection:
25 ```
26 if PO1 return 64
27 elif not PO9 return 32
28 elif Word[31] = 1 return 64
29 elif Word[29:30] = 0b10 return 32
30 elif Word[29:30] = 0b00 return 64
31 else return 32
32 ```
34 Instruction allocation restrictions:
36 * setvl is Unvectorizable but needs more space later: use 55-bit
37 * likewise svshape svindex and svshape2, all these need 32-bit
38 * svstep *is* Vectorizable but needs to be encoded 32-bit in order
39 to reduce loop-size
40 * space for 32-bit instructions is needed: some instructions
41 just make no sense if done as 64-bit because they **replace**
42 two 32-bit instructions.
43 * but those types of space-saving instructions
44 **also need to be Vectorizable*