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[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / propagation.mdwn
1 [[!tag standards]]
3 # SV Context Propagation
5 [[!toc]]
7 Context Propagation is for a future version of SV. It requires one
8 Major opcode in some cases.
10 The purpose of Context Propagation is a hardware compression algorithm
11 for 64-bit prefix-suffix ISAs. The prefix is *separated* from the suffix
12 and, on the reasonable assumption that the exact same prefix will need to
13 be applied to multiple suffixes, a bit-level FIFO is given to indicate
14 when a particular prefix shall be applied to future instructions.
16 In this way, with the suffixes being only 32 bit and multiple 32-bit
17 instructions having the exact same prefix applied to them, the ISA is
18 much more compact.
20 Put another way:
21 [[sv/svp64]] context is 24 bits long, and Swizzle is 12. These
22 are enormous and not sustainable as far as power consumption is
23 concerned. Also, there is repetition of the same contexts to different
24 instructions. An idea therefore is to add a level of indirection that
25 allows these contexts to be applied to multiple instructions.
27 The basic principle is to have a suite of 40 indices in a shift register
28 that indicate one of seven Contexts shall be applied to upcoming 32 bit
29 v3.0B instructions. The Least Significant Index in the shift register is
30 the one that is applied. One of those indices is 0b000 which indicates
31 "no prefix applied". Effectively this is a bit-level FIFO.
33 A special instruction in an svp64 context takes a copy of the `RM[0..23]`
34 bits, alongside a 21 bit suite that indicates up to 20 32 bit instructions
35 will have that `RM` applied to them, as well as an index to associate
36 with the `RM`. If there are already indices set within the shift register
37 then the new entries are placed after the end of the highest-indexed one.
39 | 0.5|6.8 | 9.10|11.31| name |
40 | -- | --- | --- | --- | ------- |
41 | OP | | MMM | | ?-Form |
42 | OP | idx | 000 | imm | |
44 Four different types of contexts are available so far: svp64 RM, setvl, Remap and
45 swizzle. Their format is as follows when stored in SPRs:
47 | 0..3 | 4..7 | 8........31 | name |
48 | ---- | ---- | ----------- | --------- |
49 | 0000 | 0000 | `RM[0:23]` | [[sv/svp64]] RM |
50 | 0000 | 0001 |`setvl[0:23]`| [[sv/setvl]] VL |
51 | 0001 | 0 mask | swiz1 swiz2 | swizzle |
52 | 0010 | brev | sh0-4 ms0-5 | [Remap](sv/remap) |
53 | 0011 | brev | sh0-4 ms0-4 | [SubVL Remap](sv/remap) |
55 There are 4 64 bit SPRs used for storing Context, and the data is stored
56 as follows:
58 * 7 32 bit contexts are stored, each indexed from 0b001 to 0b111,
59 2 per 64 bit SPR and 1 in the 4th.
60 * Starting from bit 32 of the 4th SPR, in batches of 40 bits the Shift
61 Registers (bit-level FIFOs) are stored.
63 ```
64 0 31 32 63
65 SVCTX0 context 0 context 1
66 SVCTX1 context 2 context 3
67 SVCTX2 context 4 context 5
68 SVCTX3 context 6 FIFO0[0..31]
69 SVCTX4 FIFO0[32:39] FIFO1[0:39] FIFO2[0:15]
70 SVCTX5 FIFO2[16:39] FIFO3[0:39] FIFO4[0:7]
71 SVCTX5 FIFO4[8:39] FIFO5[0:39] FIFO5[0:15]
72 SVCTX6 FIFO5[16:39] FIFO6[0:39] FIFO7[0:7
73 SVCTX7 FIFO7[16:39]
74 ```
76 When each LSB is nonzero in any one of the seven Shift Registers
77 the corresponding Contexts are looked up and merged (ORed) together.
78 Contexts for different purposes however may not be mixed: an illegal
79 instruction is raised if this occurs.
81 The reason for merging the contexts is so that different aspects may be
82 applied. For example some `RM` contexts may indicate that predication
83 is to be applied to an instruction whilst another context may contain
84 the svp64 Mode. Combining the two allows the predication aspect to be
85 merged and shared, making for better packing.
87 These changes occur on a precise schedule: compilers should not have
88 difficulties statically allocating the Context Propagation, as long
89 as certain conventions are followed, such as avoidance of allowing the
90 context to propagate through branches used by more than one incoming path,
91 and variable-length loops.
93 Loops, clearly, because if the setup of the shift registers does
94 not precisely match the number of instructions, the meaning of those
95 instructions will change as the bits in the shift registers run out!
96 However if the loops are of fixed static size, with no conditional early exit, and small enough (40 instructions
97 maximum) then it is perfectly reasonable to insert repeated patterns into
98 the shift registers, enough to cover all the loops. Ordinarily however
99 the use of the Context Propagation instructions should be inside the
100 loop and it is the responsibility of the compiler and assembler writer
101 to ensure that the shift registers reach zero before any loop jump-back
102 point.
104 ## Pseudocode:
106 The internal data structures need not precisely match the SPRs. Here are
107 some internal datastructures:
109 bit sreg[7][40] # seven 40 bit shift registers
110 bit context[7][24] # seven contexts
111 int sregoffs[7] # indicator where last bits were placed
113 The Context Propagation instruction then inserts bits into the selected
114 stream:
116 count = 20-count_trailing_zeros(imm)
117 context[idx] = new_context
118 start = sregoffs[idx]
119 sreg[idx][start:start+count] = imm[0:count]
120 sregoffs[idx] += count
122 With each shift register being maintained independently the new bits are
123 dropped in where the last ones end. To get which one is to be applied
124 is as follows:
126 apply_context
127 for i in range(7):
128 if sreg[i][0]:
129 apply_context |= context[i]
130 sreg[i] = sreg[i] >> 1
131 sregoffs[i] -= 1
133 Note that it is the LSB that says which context is to be applied.
135 # Swizzle Propagation
137 Swizzle Contexts follow the same schedule except that there is a mask
138 for specifying to which registers the swizzle is to be applied, and
139 there is only 17 bit suite to indicate the instructions to which the
140 swizzle applies.
142 The bits in the svp64 `RM` field are interpreted as a pair of 12 bit
143 swizzles
145 | 0.5| 6.8 | 9.11| 12.14 | 15.31 | name |
146 | -- | --- | --- | ----- | ----- | ------- |
147 | OP | | MMM | mask | | ?-Form |
148 | OP | idx | 001 | mask | imm | |
150 Note however that it is only svp64 encoded instructions to which swizzle
151 applies, so Swizzle Shift Registers only activate (and shift down)
152 on svp64 instructions. *This includes Context-propagated ones!*
154 The mask is encoded as follows:
156 * bit 0 indicates that src1 is swizzled
157 * bit 1 indicates that src2 is swizzled
158 * bit 2 indicates that src3 is swizzled
160 When the compiler creates Swizzle Contexts it is important to recall
161 that the Contexts will be ORed together. Thus one Context may specify
162 a mask whilst the other Context specifies the swizzles: ORing different
163 mask contexts with different swizzle Contexts allows more combinations
164 than would normally fit into seven Contexts.
166 More than one bit is permitted to be set in the mask: swiz1 is applied
167 to the first src operand specified by the mask, and swiz2 is applied to
168 the second.
170 # 2D/3D Matrix Remap
172 [[sv/remap]] allows up to four Vectors (all four arguments of `fma` for example)
173 to be algorithmically arbitrarily remapped via 1D, 2D or 3D reshaping.
174 The amount of information needed to do so is however quite large: consequently it is only practical to apply indirectly, via Context propagation.
176 Vectors may be remapped such that Matrix multiply of any arbitrary size
177 is performed in one Vectorized `fma` instruction as long as the total
178 number of elements is less than 64 (maximum for VL).
180 Additionally, in a fashion known as "Structure Packing" in NEON and RVV, it may be used to perform "zipping" and "unzipping" of
181 elements in a regular fashion of any arbitrary size and depth: RGB
182 or Audio channel data may be split into separate contiguous lanes of
183 registers, for example.
185 There are four possible Shapes. Unlike swizzle contexts this one requires
186 he external remap Shape SPRs because the state information is too large
187 to fit into the Context itself. Thus the Remap Context says which Shapes
188 apply to which registers.
190 The instruction format is the same as `RM` and thus uses 21 bits of
191 immediate, 29 of which are dropped into the indexed Shift Register
193 | 0.5| 6.8 | 9.10| 11.14 | 15.31| name |
194 | -- | --- | --- | ---- | ---- | ------- |
195 | OP | | MM | | | ?-Form |
196 | OP | idx | 10 | brev | imm | Remap |
197 | OP | idx | 11 | brev | imm | SUBVL Remap |
199 SUBVL Remap applies the remapping even into the SUBVL Elements, for a total of `VL\*SUBVL` Elements. **swizzle may be applied on top as a second phase** after SUBVL Remap.
201 brev field, which also applied down to SUBVL elements (not to the whole
202 vec2/3/4, that would be handled by swizzle reordering):
204 * bit 0 indicates that dest elements are byte-reversed
205 * bit 1 indicates that src1 elements are byte-reversed
206 * bit 2 indicates that src2 elements are byte-reversed
207 * bit 3 indicates that src3 elements are byte-reversed
209 Again it is the 24 bit `RM` that is interpreted differently:
211 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10.14 | 15..23 |
212 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | ----- | ------ |
213 |mi0 |mi1 |mi2 |mo0 |mo1 | en0-4 | rsv |
215 si0-2 and so0-1 each select SVSHAPE0-3 to apply to a given register.
216 si0-2 apply to RA, RB, RC respectively, as input registers, and
217 likewise so0-1 apply to output registers. en0-4 indicate whether the
218 SVSHAPE is actively applied or not.
220 # setvl
222 Fitting into 22 bits with 2 reserved and 2 for future
223 expansion of SV Vector Length is a total of 24 bits
224 which is exactly the same size as SVP64 RM
226 | 0.5|6.10| 11..18 | 19..20 |21| 22.23 |
227 | -- | -- | ------ | ------ |--| ----- |
228 | RT | RA | SVi // | vs ms |Rc| rsvd |