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[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / remap.mdwn
1 [[!tag standards]]
3 # REMAP <a name="remap" />
5 REMAP allows the usual vector loop `0..VL-1` to be "reshaped" (re-mapped) from a linear
6 form to a 2D or 3D transposed form, or "offset" to permit arbitrary
7 access to elements, independently on each Vector src or dest register.
9 Their primary use is for Matrix Multiplication, reordering of sequential data in-place. Four SPRs are provided so that a single FMAC may be used in a single loop to perform 4x4 times 4x4 Matrix multiplication, generating 64 FMACs. Additional uses include regular "Structure Packing" such as RGB pixel data extraction and reforming.
11 REMAP, like all of SV, is abstracted out, meaning that unlike traditional Vector ISAs which would typically only have a limited set of instructions that can be structure-packed (LD/ST typically), REMAP may be applied to literally any instruction: CRs, Arithmetic, Logical, LD/ST, anything.
13 Note that REMAP does not apply to sub-vector elements: that is what swizzle is for. Swizzle *can* however be applied to the same instruction as REMAP.
15 REMAP is quite expensive to set up, and on some implementations introduce latency, so should realistically be used only where it is worthwhile
17 # SHAPE 1D/2D/3D vector-matrix remapping SPRs
19 There are four "shape" SPRs, SHAPE0-3, 32-bits in each,
20 which have the same format.
22 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/shape_table_format" ]]
24 The algorithm below shows how REMAP works more clearly, and may be
25 executed as a python program:
27 xdim = 3 # changeme
28 ydim = 4
29 zdim = 1
31 lims = [xdim, ydim, zdim]
32 idxs = [0,0,0] # starting indices
33 order = [0,1,2] # experiment with different permutations, here
34 offset = 2 # experiment with different offset, here
35 VL = xdim * ydim * zdim # multiply (or add) to this to get "cycling"
36 applydim = 0
37 invxyz = [0,0,0]
39 # run for offset iterations before actually starting
40 for idx in range(offset):
41 for i in range(3):
42 idxs[order[i]] = idxs[order[i]] + 1
43 if (idxs[order[i]] != lims[order[i]]):
44 break
45 idxs[order[i]] = 0
47 break_count = 0
49 for idx in range(VL):
50 ix = [0] * 3
51 for i in range(3):
52 if i >= applydim:
53 ix[i] = idxs[i]
54 if invxyz[i]:
55 ix[i] = lims[i] - 1 - ix[i]
56 new_idx = ix[0] + ix[1] * xdim + ix[2] * xdim * ydim
57 print new_idx,
58 break_count += 1
59 if break_count == lims[order[0]]:
60 print
61 break_count = 0
62 for i in range(3):
63 idxs[order[i]] = idxs[order[i]] + 1
64 if (idxs[order[i]] != lims[order[i]]):
65 break
66 idxs[order[i]] = 0
69 Each element index from the for-loop `0..VL-1`
70 is run through the above algorithm to work out the **actual** element
71 index, instead. Given that there are four possible SHAPE entries, up to
72 four separate registers in any given operation may be simultaneously
73 remapped:
75 function op_add(rd, rs1, rs2) # add not VADD!
76 ...
77 ...
78  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++)
79 xSTATE.srcoffs = i # save context
80 if (predval & 1<<i) # predication uses intregs
81    ireg[rd+remap1(id)] <= ireg[rs1+remap2(irs1)] +
82 ireg[rs2+remap3(irs2)];
83 if (!int_vec[rd ].isvector) break;
84 if (int_vec[rd ].isvector)  { id += 1; }
85 if (int_vec[rs1].isvector)  { irs1 += 1; }
86 if (int_vec[rs2].isvector)  { irs2 += 1; }
88 By changing remappings, 2D matrices may be transposed "in-place" for one
89 operation, followed by setting a different permutation order without
90 having to move the values in the registers to or from memory.
92 Note that:
94 * Over-running the register file clearly has to be detected and
95 an illegal instruction exception thrown
96 * When non-default elwidths are set, the exact same algorithm still
97 applies (i.e. it offsets *polymorphic* elements *within* registers rather
98 than entire registers).
99 * If permute option 000 is utilised, the actual order of the
100 reindexing does not change. However, modulo MVL still occurs
101 which will result in repeated operations (use with caution).
102 * If two or more dimensions are set to zero, the actual order does not change!
103 * The above algorithm is pseudo-code **only**. Actual implementations
104 will need to take into account the fact that the element for-looping
105 must be **re-entrant**, due to the possibility of exceptions occurring.
106 See SVSTATE SPR, which records the current element index.
107 Continuing after return from an interrupt may introduce latency
108 due to re-computation of the remapped offsets.
109 * Twin-predicated operations require **two** separate and distinct
110 element offsets. The above pseudo-code algorithm will be applied
111 separately and independently to each, should each of the two
112 operands be remapped. *This even includes unit-strided LD/ST*
113 and other operations
114 in that category, where in that case it will be the **offset** that is
115 remapped.
116 * Offset is especially useful, on its own, for accessing elements
117 within the middle of a register. Without offsets, it is necessary
118 to either use a predicated MV, skipping the first elements, or
119 performing a LOAD/STORE cycle to memory.
120 With offsets, the data does not have to be moved.
121 * Setting the total elements (xdim+1) times (ydim+1) times (zdim+1) to
122 less than MVL is **perfectly legal**, albeit very obscure. It permits
123 entries to be regularly presented to operands **more than once**, thus
124 allowing the same underlying registers to act as an accumulator of
125 multiple vector or matrix operations, for example.
126 * Note especially that Program Order **must** still be respected
127 even when overlaps occur that read or write the same register
128 elements *including polymorphic ones*
130 Clearly here some considerable care needs to be taken as the remapping
131 could hypothetically create arithmetic operations that target the
132 exact same underlying registers, resulting in data corruption due to
133 pipeline overlaps. Out-of-order / Superscalar micro-architectures with
134 register-renaming will have an easier time dealing with this than
135 DSP-style SIMD micro-architectures.
137 # 4x4 Matrix to vec4 Multiply Example
139 The following settings will allow a 4x4 matrix (starting at f8), expressed as a sequence of 16 numbers first by row then by column, to be multiplied by a vector of length 4 (starting at f0), using a single FMAC instruction.
141 * SHAPE0: xdim=4, ydim=4, permute=yx, applied to f0
142 * SHAPE1: xdim=4, ydim=1, permute=xy, applied to f4
143 * VL=16, f4=vec, f0=vec, f8=vec
144 * FMAC f4, f0, f8, f4
146 The permutation on SHAPE0 will use f0 as a vec4 source. On the first four iterations through the hardware loop, the REMAPed index will not increment. On the second four, the index will increase by one. Likewise on each subsequent group of four.
148 The permutation on SHAPE1 will increment f4 continuously cycling through f4-f7 every four iterations of the hardware loop.
150 At the same time, VL will, because there is no SHAPE on f8, increment straight sequentially through the 16 values f8-f23 in the Matrix. The equivalent sequence thus is issued:
152 fmac f4, f0, f8, f4
153 fmac f5, f0, f9, f5
154 fmac f6, f0, f10, f6
155 fmac f7, f0, f11, f7
156 fmac f4, f1, f12, f4
157 fmac f5, f1, f13, f5
158 fmac f6, f1, f14, f6
159 fmac f7, f1, f15, f7
160 fmac f4, f2, f16, f4
161 fmac f5, f2, f17, f5
162 fmac f6, f2, f18, f6
163 fmac f7, f2, f19, f7
164 fmac f4, f3, f20, f4
165 fmac f5, f3, f21, f5
166 fmac f6, f3, f22, f6
167 fmac f7, f3, f23, f7
169 The only other instruction required is to ensure that f4-f7 are initialised (usually to zero).
171 It should be clear that a 4x4 by 4x4 Matrix Multiply, being effectively the same technique applied to four independent vectors, can be done by setting VL=64, using an extra dimension on the SHAPE0 and SHAPE1 SPRs, and applying a rotating 1D SHAPE SPR of xdim=16 to f8 in order to get it to apply four times to compute the four columns worth of vectors.
173 # SUBVL Remap
175 Remapping even of SUBVL (vec2/3/4) elements is permitted, as if the sub-vectir elements were simply part of the main VL loop. This is the *complete opposite* of predication which **only** applies to the whole vec2/3/4. In pseudocode this would be:
177  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++)
178 if (predval & 1<<i) # apply to VL not SUBVL
179  for (j = 0; j < SUBVL; j++)
180 id = i*SUBVL + j # not, "id=i".
181    ireg[RT+remap1(id)] ...
183 The reason for allowing SUBVL Remaps is that some regular patterns using Swizzle which would otherwise require multiple explicit instructions with 12 bit swizzles encoded in them may be efficently encoded with Remap instead. Not however that Swizzle is *still permitted to be applied*.
185 An example where SUBVL Remap is appropriate is the Rijndael MixColumns stage:
187 <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/AES-MixColumns.svg/600px-AES-MixColumns.svg.png" width="400px" />
189 Assuming that the bytes are stored `a00 a01 a02 a03 a10 .. a33`
190 a 2D REMAP allows:
192 * the column bytes (as a vec4) to be iterated over as an inner loop,
193 progressing vertically (`a00 a10 a20 a30`)
194 * the columns themselves to be iterated as an outer loop
195 * a 32 bit `GF(256)` multiply on the vec4 to be performed.
197 This entirely in-place without special 128-bit opcodes. Below is
198 the pseudocode for [[!wikipedia Rijndael MixColumns]]
200 ```
201 void gmix_column(unsigned char *r) {
202 unsigned char a[4];
203 unsigned char b[4];
204 unsigned char c;
205 unsigned char h;
206 // no swizzle here but still SUBVL.Remap
207 // can be done as vec4 byte-level
208 // elwidth overrides though.
209 for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
210 a[c] = r[c];
211 h = (unsigned char)((signed char)r[c] >> 7);
212 b[c] = r[c] << 1;
213 b[c] ^= 0x1B & h; /* Rijndael's Galois field */
214 }
215 // SUBVL.Remap still needed here
216 // byyelevel elwidth overrides and vec4
217 // These may then each be 4x 8bit bit Swizzled
218 // r0.vec4 = b.vec4
219 // r0.vec4 ^= a.vec4.WXYZ
220 // r0.vec4 ^= a.vec4.ZWXY
221 // r0.vec4 ^= b.vec4.YZWX ^ a.vec4.YZWX
222 r[0] = b[0] ^ a[3] ^ a[2] ^ b[1] ^ a[1];
223 r[1] = b[1] ^ a[0] ^ a[3] ^ b[2] ^ a[2];
224 r[2] = b[2] ^ a[1] ^ a[0] ^ b[3] ^ a[3];
225 r[3] = b[3] ^ a[2] ^ a[1] ^ b[0] ^ a[0];
226 }
227 ```
229 With the assumption made by the above code that the column bytes have already been turned around (vertical rather than horizontal) SUBVL.REMAP may transparently fill that role, in-place, without a complex byte-level mv operation.
231 The application of the swizzles allows the remapped vec4 a, b and r variables to perform four straight linear 32 bit XOR operations where a scalar processor would be required to perform 16 byte-level individual operations. Given wide enough SIMD backends in hardware these 3 bit XORs may be done as single-cycle operations across the entire 128 bit Rijndael Matrix.