ls015 for crcweirds, in optable
[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / rfc / ls012.mdwn
1 # External RFC ls012: Discuss priorities of Libre-SOC Scalar(Vector) ops
3 **Date: 2023apr10. v2 released: TODO**
5 * Funded by NLnet Grants under EU Horizon Grants 101069594 825310
6 * <>
7 * <>
8 * <>
9 * <>
11 The purpose of this RFC is:
13 * to give a full list of upcoming Scalar opcodes developed by Libre-SOC
14 (being cognisant that *all* of them are Vectoriseable)
15 * to give OPF Members and non-Members alike the opportunity to comment and get
16 involved early in RFC submission
17 * formally agree a priority order on an iterative basis with new versions
18 of this RFC,
19 * which ones should be EXT022 Sandbox, which in EXT0xx, which in EXT2xx, which
20 not proposed at all,
21 * keep readers summarily informed of ongoing RFC submissions, with new versions
22 of this RFC,
23 * for IBM (in their capacity as Allocator of Opcodes)
24 to get a clear advance picture of Opcode Allocation
25 *prior* to submission
27 As this is a Formal ISA RFC the evaluation shall ultimately define
28 (in advance of the actual submission of the instructions themselves)
29 which instructions will be submitted over the next 1-18 months.
31 *It is expected that readers visit and interact with the Libre-SOC
32 resources in order to do due-diligence on the prioritisation
33 evaluation. Otherwise the ISA WG is overwhelmed by "drip-fed" RFCs
34 that may turn out not to be useful, against a background of having
35 no guiding overview or pre-filtering, and everybody's precious time
36 is wasted. Also note that the Libre-SOC Team, being funded by NLnet
37 under Privacy and Enhanced Trust Grants, are **prohibited** from signing
38 Commercial-Confidentiality NDAs, as doing so is a direct conflict of
39 interest with their funding body's Charitable Foundation Status and remit,
40 and therefore the **entire** set of almost 150 new SFFS instructions
41 can only go via the External RFC Process. Also be advised and aware
42 that "Libre-SOC" != "RED Semiconductor Ltd". The two are completely
43 **separate** organisations*.
45 Worth bearing in mind during evaluation that every "Defined Word" may
46 or may not be Vectoriseable, but that every "Defined Word" should have
47 merits on its own, not just when Vectorised. An example of a borderline
48 Vectoriseable Defined Word is `mv.swizzle` which only really becomes
49 high-priority for Audio/Video, Vector GPU and HPC Workloads, but has
50 less merit as a Scalar-only operation, yet when SVP64Single-Prefixed
51 can be part of an atomic Compare-and-Swap sequence.
53 Although one of the top world-class ISAs, Power ISA Scalar (SFFS) has
54 not been significantly advanced in 12 years: IBM's primary focus has
55 understandably been on PackedSIMD VSX. Unfortunately, with VSX being
56 914 instructions and 128-bit it is far too much for any new team to
57 consider (10+ years development effort) and far outside of Embedded or
58 Tablet/Desktop/Laptop power budgets. Thus bringing Power Scalar up-to-date
59 to modern standards *and on its own merits* is a reasonable goal, and
60 the advantages of the reduced focus is that SFFS remains RISC-paradigm,
61 with lessons being be learned from other ISAs from the intervening years.
62 Good examples here include `bmask`.
64 SVP64 Prefixing - also known by the terms "Zero-Overhead-Loop-Prefixing"
65 as well as "True-Scalable-Vector Prefixing" - also literally brings new
66 dimensions to the Power ISA. Thus when adding new Scalar "Defined Words"
67 it has to unavoidably and simultaneously be taken into consideration
68 their value when Vector-Prefixed, *as well as* SVP64Single-Prefixed.
70 **Target areas**
72 Whilst entirely general-purpose there are some categories that these
73 instructions are targetting: Bit-manipulation, Big-integer, cryptography,
74 Audio/Visual, High-Performance Compute, GPU workloads and DSP.
76 **Instruction count guide and approximate priority order**
78 * 6 - SVP64 Management [[ls008]] [[ls009]] [[ls010]]
79 * 5 - CR weirds [[sv/cr_int_predication]]
80 * 4 - INT<->FP mv [[ls006]]
81 * 19 - GPR LD/ST-PostIncrement-Update (saves hugely in hot-loops) [[ls011]]
82 * ~12 - FPR LD/ST-PostIncrement-Update (ditto) [[ls011]]
83 * 11 - GPR LD/ST-Shifted-PostIncrement-Update (saves hugely in hot-loops) [[ls011]]
84 * 4 - FPR LD/ST-Shifted-PostIncrement-Update (ditto) [[ls011]]
85 * 26 - GPR LD/ST-Shifted (again saves hugely in hot-loops) [[ls004]]
86 * 11 - FPR LD/ST-Shifted (ditto) [[ls004]]
87 * 2 - Float-Load-Immediate (always saves one LD L1/2/3 D-Cache op) [[ls002]]
88 * 5 - Big-Integer Chained 3-in 2-out (64-bit Carry) [[sv/biginteger]]
89 * 6 - Bitmanip LUT2/3 operations. high cost high reward [[sv/bitmanip]]
90 * 1 - fclass (Scalar variant of xvtstdcsp) [[sv/fclass]]
91 * 5 - Audio-Video [[sv/av_opcodes]]
92 * 2 - Shift-and-Add (mitigates LD-ST-Shift; Cryptography e.g. twofish) [[ls004]]
93 * 2 - BMI group [[sv/vector_ops]]
94 * 2 - GPU swizzle [[sv/mv.swizzle]]
95 * 9 - FP DCT/FFT Butterfly (2/3-in 2-out)
96 * ~9 Integer DCT/FFT Butterfly <>
97 * 18 - Trigonometric (1-arg) [[openpower/transcendentals]]
98 * 15 - Transcendentals (1-arg) [[openpower/transcendentals]]
99 * 25 - Transcendentals (2-arg) [[openpower/transcendentals]]
101 Summary tables are created below by different sort categories. Additional
102 columns (and tables) as necessary can be requested to be added as part
103 of update revisions to this RFC.
105 \newpage{}
107 # Target Area summaries
109 Please note that there are some instructions developed thanks to
110 NLnet funding that have not been included here for assessment. Examples
111 include `pcdec` and the Galois Field arithmetic operations. From a purely
112 practical perspective due to the quantity the lower-priority instructions
113 were simply left out. However they remain in the Libre-SOC resources.
115 Some of these SFFS instructions appear to be duplicates of VSX.
116 A frequent argument comes up that if instructions are in VSX already they
117 should not be added to SFFS, especially if they are nominally the same.
118 The logic that this effectively damages performance of an SFFS-only
119 implementation was raised earlier, however there is a more subtle reason
120 why the instructions are needed.
122 Future versions of SVP64 and SVP64Single are expected to be developed
123 by future Power ISA Stakeholders on top of VSX. The decisions made
124 there about the meaning of Prefixed Vectorised VSX may be *completely
125 different* from those made for Prefixed SFFS instructions. At which
126 point the lack of SFFS equivalents would penalise SFFS implementors in a
127 much more severe way, effectively expecting them and SFFS programmers to
128 work with a non-orthogonal paradigm, to their detriment. The solution
129 is to give the SFFS Subset the space and respect that it deserves and
130 allow it to be stand-alone on its own merits.
132 ## SVP64 Management instructions
134 These without question have to go in EXT0xx. Future extended variants,
135 bringing even more powerful capabilities, can be followed up later with
136 EXT1xx prefixed variants, which is not possible if placed in EXT2xx.
137 *Only `svstep` is actually Vectoriseable*, all other Management
138 instructions are UnVectoriseable. PO1-Prefixed examples include
139 adding psvshape in order to support both Inner and Outer Product Matrix
140 Schedules, by providing the option to directly reverse the order of the
141 triple loops. Outer is used for standard Matrix Multiply (on top of a
142 standard MAC or FMAC instruction), but Inner is required for Warshall
143 Transitive Closure (on top of a cumulatively-applied max instruction).
145 Excpt for `svstep` which is Vectoriseable the Management Instructions
146 themselves are all 32-bit Defined Words (Scalar Operations), so
147 PO1-Prefixing is perfectly reasonable. SVP64 Management instructions
148 of which there are only 6 are all 5 or 6 bit XO, meaning that the opcode
149 space they take up in EXT0xx is not alarmingly high for their intrinsic
150 strategic value.
152 ## Transcendentals
154 Found at [[openpower/transcendentals]] these subdivide into high
155 priority for accelerating general-purpose and High-Performance Compute,
156 specialist 3D GPU operations suited to 3D visualisation, and low-priority
157 less common instructions where IEEE754 full bit-accuracy is paramount.
158 In 3D GPU scenarios for example even 12-bit accuracy can be overkill,
159 but for HPC Scientific scenarios 12-bit would be disastrous.
161 There are a **lot** of operations here, and they also bring Power
162 ISA up-to-date to IEEE754-2019. Fortunately the number of critical
163 instructions is quite low, but the caveat is that if those operations
164 are utilised to synthesise other IEEE754 operations (divide by `pi` for
165 example) full bit-level accuracy (a hard requirement for IEEE754) is lost.
167 Also worth noting that the Khronos Group defines minimum acceptable
168 bit-accuracy levels for 3D Graphics: these are **nowhere near** the full
169 accuracy demanded by IEEE754, the reason for the Khronos definitions is
170 a massive reduction often four-fold in power consumption and gate count
171 when 3D Graphics simply has no need for full accuracy.
173 *For 3D GPU markets this definitely needs addressing*
175 ## Audio/Video
177 Found at [[sv/av_opcodes]] these do not require Saturated variants
178 because Saturation is added via [[sv/svp64]] (Vector Prefixing) and
179 via [[sv/svp64_single]] Scalar Prefixing. This is important to note for
180 Opcode Allocation because placing these operations in the UnVectoriseable
181 areas would irredeemably damage their value. Unlike PackedSIMD ISAs
182 the actual number of AV Opcodes is remarkably small once the usual
183 cascading-option-multipliers (SIMD width, bitwidth, saturation,
184 HI/LO) are abstracted out to RISC-paradigm Prefixing, leaving just
185 absolute-diff-accumulate, min-max, average-add etc. as "basic primitives".
187 The min/max set are under their own RFC, [[ls013]]. They are sufficent
188 high priority: fmax requires an astounding 32 SFFS instructions.
190 ## Twin-Butterfly FFT/DCT/DFT for DSP/HPC/AI/AV
192 The number of uses in Computer Science for DCT, NTT, FFT and DFT,
193 is astonishing. The wikipedia page lists over a hundred separate and
194 distinct areas: Audio, Video, Radar, Baseband processing, AI, Solomon-Reed
195 Error Correction, the list goes on and on. ARM has special dedicated
196 Integer Twin-butterfly instructions. TI's MSP Series DSPs have had FFT
197 Inner loop support for over 30 years. Qualcomm's Hexagon VLIW Baseband
198 DSP can do full FFT triple loops in one VLIW group.
200 It should be pretty clear this is high priority.
202 With SVP64 [[sv/remap]] providing the Loop Schedules it falls to
203 the Scalar side of the ISA to add the prerequisite "Twin Butterfly"
204 operations, typically performing for example one multiply but in-place
205 subtracting that product from one operand and adding it to the other.
206 The *in-place* aspect is strategically extremely important for significant
207 reductions in Vectorised register usage, particularly for DCT.
209 ## CR Weird group
211 Outlined in [[sv/cr_int_predication]] these instructions massively save
212 on CR-Field instruction count. Multi-bit to single-bit and vice-versa
213 normally requiring several CR-ops (crand, crxor) are done in one single
214 instruction. The reason for their addition is down to SVP64 overloading
215 CR Fields as Vector Predicate Masks. Reducing instruction count in
216 hot-loops is considered high priority.
218 An additional need is to do popcount on CR Field bit vectors but adding
219 such instructions to the *Condition Register* side was deemed to be far
220 too much. Therefore, priority was given instead to transferring several
221 CR Field bits into GPRs, whereupon the full set of Standard Scalar GPR
222 Logical Operations may be used. This strategy has the side-effect of
223 keeping the CRweird group down to only five instructions.
225 ## Big-integer Math
227 [[sv/biginteger]] has always been a high priority area for commercial
228 applications, privacy, Banking, as well as HPC Numerical Accuracy:
229 libgmp as well as cryptographic uses in Asymmetric Ciphers. poly1305
230 and ec25519 are finding their way into everyday use via OpenSSL.
232 A very early variant of the Power ISA had a 32-bit Carry-in Carry-out
233 SPR. Its removal from subsequent revisions is regrettable. An alternative
234 concept is to add six explicit 3-in 2-out operations that, on close
235 inspection, always turn out to be supersets of *existing Scalar
236 operations* that discard upper or lower DWords, or parts thereof.
238 *Thus it is critical to note that not one single one of these operations
239 expands the bitwidth of any existing Scalar pipelines*.
241 The `dsld` instruction for example merely places additional LSBs into the
242 64-bit shift (64-bit carry-in), and then places the (normally discarded)
243 MSBs into the second output register (64-bit carry-out). It does **not**
244 require a 128-bit shifter to replace the existing Scalar Power ISA
245 64-bit shifters.
247 The reduction in instruction count these operations bring, in critical
248 hot loops, is remarkably high, to the extent where a Scalar-to-Vector
249 operation of *arbitrary length* becomes just the one Vector-Prefixed
250 instruction.
252 Whilst these are 5-6 bit XO their utility is considered high strategic
253 value and as such are strongly advocated to be in EXT04. The alternative
254 is to bring back a 64-bit Carry SPR but how it is retrospectively
255 applicable to pre-existing Scalar Power ISA multiply, divide, and shift
256 operations at this late stage of maturity of the Power ISA is an entire
257 area of research on its own deemed unlikely to be achievable.
259 Note: none of these instructions are in VSX. They are a different paradigm
260 and have more akin with their x86 equivalents.
262 ## fclass and GPR-FPR moves
264 [[sv/fclass]] - just one instruction. With SFFS being locked down to
265 exclude VSX, and there being no desire within the nascent OpenPOWER
266 ecosystem outside of IBM to implement the VSX PackedSIMD paradigm, it
267 becomes necessary to upgrade SFFS such that it is stand-alone capable. One
268 omission based on the assumption that VSX would always be present is an
269 equivalent to `xvtstdcsp`.
271 Similar arguments apply to the GPR-INT move operations, proposed in
272 [[ls006]], with the opportunity taken to add rounding modes present
273 in other ISAs that Power ISA VSX PackedSIMD does not have. Javascript
274 rounding, one of the worst offenders of Computer Science, requires a
275 phenomenal 35 instructions with *six branches* to emulate in Power
276 ISA! For desktop as well as Server HTML/JS back-end execution of
277 javascript this becomes an obvious priority, recognised already by ARM
278 as just one example.
280 Whilst some of these instructions have VSX equivalents they must not
281 be excluded on that basis. SVP64/VSX may have a different meaning from
282 SVP64/SFFS i e. the two *Vectorised* instructions may not be equivalent.
284 ## Bitmanip LUT2/3
286 These LUT2/3 operations are high cost high reward. Outlined in
287 [[sv/bitmanip]], the simplest ones already exist in PackedSIMD VSX:
288 `xxeval`. The same reasoning applies as to fclass: SFFS needs to be
289 stand-alone on its own merits and should an implementor choose not to
290 implement any aspect of PackedSIMD VSX the performance of their product
291 should not be penalised for making that decision.
293 With Predication being such a high priority in GPUs and HPC, CR Field
294 variants of Ternary and Binary LUT instructions were considered high
295 priority, and again just like in the CRweird group the opportunity was
296 taken to work on *all* bits of a CR Field rather than just one bit as
297 is done with the existing CR operations crand, cror etc.
299 The other high strategic value instruction is `grevlut` (and `grevluti`
300 which can generate a remarkably large number of regular-patterned magic
301 constants). The grevlut set require of the order of 20,000 gates but
302 provide an astonishing plethora of innovative bit-permuting instructions
303 never seen in any other ISA.
305 The downside of all of these instructions is the extremely low XO bit
306 requirements: 2-3 bit XO due to the large immediates *and* the number of
307 operands required. The LUT3 instructions are already compacted down to
308 "Overwrite" variants. (By contrast the Float-Load-Immediate instructions
309 are a much larger XO because despite having 16-bit immediate only one
310 Register Operand is needed).
312 Realistically these high-value instructions should be proposed in EXT2xx
313 where their XO cost does not overwhelm EXT0xx.
315 ## (f)mv.swizzle
317 [[sv/mv.swizzle]] is dicey. It is a 2-in 2-out operation whose value
318 as a Scalar instruction is limited *except* if combined with `cmpi` and
319 SVP64Single Predication, whereupon the end result is the RISC-synthesis
320 of Compare-and-Swap, in two instructions.
322 Where this instruction comes into its full value is when Vectorised.
323 3D GPU and HPC numerical workloads astonishingly contain between 10 to 15%
324 swizzle operations: access to YYZ, XY, of an XYZW Quaternion, performing
325 balancing of ARGB pixel data. The usage is so high that 3D GPU ISAs make
326 Swizzle a first-class priority in their VLIW words. Even 64-bit Embedded
327 GPU ISAs have a staggering 24-bits dedicated to 2-operand Swizzle.
329 So as not to radicalise the Power ISA the Libre-SOC team decided to
330 introduce mv Swizzle operations, which can always be Macro-op fused
331 in exactly the same way that ARM SVE predicated-move extends 3-operand
332 "overwrite" opcodes to full independent 3-in 1-out.
334 ## BMI (bit-manipulation) group.
336 Whilst the [[sv/vector_ops]] instructions are only two in number, in
337 reality the `bmask` instruction has a Mode field allowing it to cover
338 **24** instructions, more than have been added to any other CPUs by
339 ARM, Intel or AMD. Analysis of the BMI sets of these CPUs shows simple
340 patterns that can greatly simplify both Decode and implementation. These
341 are sufficiently commonly used, saving instruction count regularly,
342 that they justify going into EXT0xx.
344 The other instruction is `cprop` - Carry-Propagation - which takes
345 the P and Q from carry-propagation algorithms and generates carry
346 look-ahead. Greatly increases the efficiency of arbitrary-precision
347 integer arithmetic by combining what would otherwise be half a dozen
348 instructions into one. However it is still not a huge priority unlike
349 `bmask` so is probably best placed in EXT2xx.
351 ## Float-Load-Immediate
353 Very easily justified. As explained in [[ls002]] these always saves one
354 LD L1/2/3 D-Cache memory-lookup operation, by virtue of the Immediate
355 FP value being in the I-Cache side. It is such a high priority that
356 these instructions are easily justifiable adding into EXT0xx, despite
357 requiring a 16-bit immediate. By designing the second-half instruction
358 as a Read-Modify-Write it saves on XO bit-length (only 5 bits), and
359 can be macro-op fused with its first-half to store a full IEEE754 FP32
360 immediate into a register.
362 There is little point in putting these instructions into EXT2xx. Their
363 very benefit and inherent value *is* as 32-bit instructions, not 64-bit
364 ones. Likewise there is less value in taking up EXT1xx Encoding space
365 because EXT1xx only brings an additional 16 bits (approx) to the table,
366 and that is provided already by the second-half instruction.
368 Thus they qualify as both high priority and also EXT0xx candidates.
370 ## FPR/GPR LD/ST-PostIncrement-Update
372 These instruction, outlined in [[ls011]], save hugely in hot-loops.
373 Early ISAs such as PDP-8, PDP-11, which inspired the iconic Motorola
374 68000, 88100, Mitch Alsup's MyISA 66000, and can even be traced back to
375 the iconic ultra-RISC CDC 6600, all had both pre- and post- increment
376 Addressing Modes.
378 The reason is very simple: it is a direct recognition of the practice
379 in c to frequently utilise both `*p++` and `*++p` which itself stems
380 from common need in Computer Science algorithms.
382 The problem for the Power ISA is - was - that the opcode space needed
383 to support both was far too great, and the decision was made to go with
384 pre-increment, on the basis that outside the loop a "pre-subtraction"
385 may be performed.
387 Whilst this is a "solution" it is less than ideal, and the opportunity
388 exists now with the EXT2xx Primary Opcodes to correct this and bring
389 Power ISA up a level.
391 Where things begin to get more than a little hairy is if both
392 Post-Increment *and* Shifted are included. If SVP64 keeps one
393 single bit (/pi) dedicated in the `RM.Mode` field then this
394 problem ges away, at the cost of reducing SVP64's effectiveness.
395 However again, given that even the Shifted-Post-Increment
396 instructions are all 9-bit XO it is not outside the realm of
397 possibility to include them in EXT2xx.
399 ## Shift-and-add (and LD/ST Indexed-Shift)
401 Shift-and-Add are proposed in [[ls004]]. They mitigate the need to add
402 LD-ST-Shift instructions which are a high-priority aspect of both x86
403 and ARM. LD-ST-Shift is normally just the one instruction: Shift-and-add
404 brings that down to two, where Power ISA presently requires three.
405 Cryptography e.g. twofish also makes use of Integer double-and-add,
406 so the value of these instructions is not limited to Effective Address
407 computation. They will also have value in Audio DSP.
409 Being a 10-bit XO it would be somewhat punitive to place these in EXT2xx
410 when their whole purpose and value is to reduce binary size in Address
411 offset computation, thus they are best placed in EXT0xx.
413 The upside as far as adding them is concerned is that existing hardware
414 will already have amalgamated pipelines with very few actual back-end
415 (Micro-Coded) internal operations (likely just two: one load, one store).
416 Passing a 2-bit additional immediate field down to those pipelines really
417 is not hard.
419 *(Readers unfamiliar with Micro-coding should look at the Microwatt VHDL
420 source code)*
422 Also included because it is important to see the quantity of instructions:
423 LD/ST-Indexed-Shifted. Across Update variants, Byte-reverse variants,
424 Arithmetic and FP, the total is a slightly-eye-watering **37**
425 instructions, only ameliorated by the fact that they are all 9-bit XO.
426 Even when adding the Post-Increment-Shifted group it is still only
427 52 9-bit XO instructions, which is not unreasonable to consider (in
428 EXT2xx).
430 \newpage{}
432 # Vectorisation: SVP64 and SVP64Single
434 To be submitted as part of [[ls001]], [[ls008]], [[ls009]] and [[ls010]],
435 with SVP64Single to follow in a subsequent RFC, SVP64 is conceptually
436 identical to the 50+ year old 8080 `REP` instruction and the Zilog
437 Z80 `CPIR` and `LDIR` instructions. Parallelism is best achieved
438 by exploiting a Multi-Issue Out-of-Order Micro-architecture. It is
439 extremely important to bear in mind that at no time does SVP64 add even
440 one single actual Vector instruction. It is a *pure* RISC-paradigm
441 Prefixing concept only.
443 This has some implications which need unpacking. Firstly: in the future,
444 the Prefixing may be applied to VSX. The only reason it was not included
445 in the initial proposal of SVP64 is because due to the number of VSX
446 instructions the Due Diligence required is obviously five times higher
447 than the 3+ years work done so far on the SFFS Subset.
449 Secondly: **any** Scalar instruction involving registers **automatically**
450 becomes a candidate for Vector-Prefixing. This in turn means that when
451 a new instruction is proposed, it becomes a hard requirement to consider
452 not only the implications of its inclusion as a Scalar-only instruction,
453 but how it will best be utilised as a Vectorised instruction **as well**.
454 Extreme examples of this are the Big-Integer 3-in 2-out instructions
455 that use one 64-bit register effectively as a Carry-in and Carry-out. The
456 instructions were designed in a *Scalar* context to be inline-efficient
457 in hardware (use of Operand-Forwarding to reduce the chain down to 2-in
458 1-out), but in a *Vector* context it is extremely straightforward to
459 Micro-code an entire batch onto 128-bit SIMD pipelines, 256-bit SIMD
460 pipelines, and to perform a large internal Forward-Carry-Propagation on
461 for example the Vectorised-Multiply instruction.
463 Thirdly: as far as Opcode Allocation is concerned, SVP64 needs to be
464 considered as an independent stand-alone instruction (just like `REP`).
465 In other words, the Suffix **never** gets decoded as a completely
466 different instruction just because of the Prefix. The cost of doing so
467 is simply too high in hardware.
469 --------
471 # Guidance for evaluation
473 Deciding which instructions go into an ISA is extremely complex, costly,
474 and a huge responsibility. In public standards mistakes are irrevocable,
475 and in the case of an ISA the Opcode Allocation is a finite resource,
476 meaning that mistakes punish future instructions as well. This section
477 therefore provides some Evaluation Guidance on the decision process,
478 particularly for people new to ISA development, given that this RFC is
479 circulated widely and publicly. Constructive feedback from experienced
480 ISA Architects welcomed to improve this section.
482 **Does anyone want it?**
484 Sounds like an obvious question but if there is no driving need (no
485 "Stakeholder") then why is the instruction being proposed? If it is
486 purely out of curiosity or part of a Research effort not intended for
487 production then it's probably best left in the EXT022 Sandbox.
489 **How many registers does it need?**
491 The basic RISC Paradigm is not only to make instruction encoding simple
492 (often "wasting" encoding space compared to highly-compacted ISAs such
493 as x86), but also to keep the number of registers used down to a minimum.
495 Counter-examples are FMAC which had to be added to IEEE754 because the
496 *internal* product requires more accuracy than can fit into a register
497 (it is well-known that FMUL followed by FADD performs an additional
498 rounding on the intermediate register which loses accuracy compared to
499 FMAC). Another would be a dot-product instruction, which again requires
500 an accumulator of at least double the width of the two vector inputs.
501 And in the AMDGPU ISA, there are Texture-mapping instructions taking up
502 to an astounding *twelve* input operands!
504 The downside of going too far however has to be a trade-off with the
505 next question. Both MIPS and RISC-V lack Condition Codes, which means
506 that emulating x86 Branch-Conditional requires *ten* MIPS instructions.
508 The downside of creating too complex instructions is that the Dependency
509 Hazard Management in high-performance multi-issue out-of-order
510 microarchitectures becomes infeasibly large, and even simple in-order
511 systems may have performance severely compromised by an overabundance
512 of stalls. Also worth remembering is that register file ports are
513 insanely costly, not just to design but also use considerable power.
515 That said there do exist genuine reasons why more registers is better than
516 less: Compare-and-Swap has huge benefits but is costly to implement,
517 and DCT/FFT Twin-Butterfly instructions allow creation of in-place
518 in-register algorithms reducing the number of registers needed and
519 thus saving power due to making the *overall* algorithm more efficient,
520 as opposed to micro-focussing on a localised power increase.
522 **How many register files does it use?**
524 Complex instructions pulling in data from multiple register files can
525 create unnecessary issues surrounding Dependency Hazard Management in
526 Out-of-Order systems. As a general rule it is better to keep complex
527 instructions reading and writing to the same register file, relying
528 on much simpler (1-in 1-out) instructions to transfer data between
529 register files.
531 **Can other existing instructions (plural) do the same job**
533 The general rule being: if two or more instructions can do the
534 same job, leave it out... *unless* the number of occurrences of
535 that instruction being missing is causing huge increases in binary
536 size. RISC-V has gone too far in this regard, as explained here:
537 <>
539 Good examples are LD-ST-Indexed-shifted (multiply RB by 2, 4 8 or 16)
540 which are high-priority instructions in x86 and ARM, but lacking in
541 Power ISA, MIPS, and RISC-V. With many critical hot-loops in Computer
542 Science having to perform shift and add as explicit instructions,
543 adding LD/ST-shifted should be considered high priority, except that
544 the sheer *number* of such instructions needing to be added takes us
545 into the next question
547 **How costly is the encoding?**
549 This can either be a single instruction that is costly (several operands
550 or a few long ones) or it could be a group of simpler ones that purely
551 due to their number increases overall encoding cost. An example of an
552 extreme costly instruction would be those with their own Primary Opcode:
553 addi is a good candidate. However the sheer overwhelming number of
554 times that instruction is used easily makes a case for its inclusion.
556 Mentioned above was Load-Store-Indexed-Shifted, which only needs 2
557 bits to specify how much to shift: x2 x4 x8 or x16. And they are all
558 a 10-bit XO Field, so not that costly for any one given instruction.
559 Unfortunately there are *around 30* Load-Store-Indexed Instructions in the
560 Power ISA, which means an extra *five* bits taken up of precious XO space.
561 Then let us not forget the two needed for the Shift amount. Now we are
562 up to *three* bit XO for the group.
564 Is this a worthwhile tradeoff? Honestly it could well be. And that's
565 the decision process that the OpenPOWER ISA Working Group could use some
566 assistance on, to make the evaluation easier.
568 **How many gates does it need?**
570 `grevlut` comes in at an astonishing 20,000 gates, where for comparison
571 an FP64 Multiply typically takes between 12 to 15,000. Not counting
572 the cost in hardware terms is just asking for trouble.
574 **How long will it take to complete?**
576 In the case of divide or Transcendentals the algorithms needed are so
577 complex that simple implementations can often take an astounding 128
578 clock cycles to complete. Other instructions waiting for the results
579 will back up and eventually stall, where in-order systems pretty much
580 just stall straight away.
582 Less extreme examples include instructions that take only a few cycles
583 to complete, but if commonly used in tight loops with Conditional Branches, an
584 Out-of-Order system with Speculative capability may need significantly
585 more Reservation Stations to hold in-flight data for *all* instructions when
586 some take longer, so even a single clock cycle reduction
587 could become important.
589 A rule of thumb is that in Hardware, at 4.8 ghz the budget for what is called
590 "gate propagation delay" is only around 16 to 19 gates chained one after
591 the other. Anything beyond that budget will need to be stored in DFFs
592 (Flip-flops) and another set of 16-19 gates continues on the next clock
593 cycle. Thus for example with `grevlut` above it is almost certainly the
594 case that high-performance high-clock-rate systems would need at least
595 two clock cycles (two pipeline stages) to produce a valid result.
596 This in turn brings us to the next question as it is common to consider
597 subdividing complex instructions into smaller parts.
599 **Can one instruction do the job of many?**
601 Large numbers of disparate instructions adversely affects resource
602 utilisation in In-Order systems. However it is not always that simple:
603 every one of the Power ISA "add" and "subtract" instructions, as shown by
604 the Microwatt source code, may be micro-coded as one single instruction
605 where RA may optionally be inverted, output likewise, and Carry-In set to
606 1, 0 or XER.CA. From these options the *entire* suite of add/subtract
607 may be synthesised (subtract by inverting RA and adding an extra 1 it
608 produces a 2s-complement of RA).
610 `bmask` for example is to be proposed as a single instruction with
611 a 5-bit "Mode" operand, greatly simplifying some micro-architectural
612 implementations. Likewise the FP-INT conversion instructions are grouped
613 as a set of four, instead of over 30 separate instructions. Aside from
614 anything this strategy makes the ISA Working Group's evaluation task
615 easier, as well as reducing the work of writing a Compliance Test Suite.
617 In the case of the MIPS 3D ASE Extension, a Reciprocal-Square-Root
618 instruction was proposed that was split into two halves: 12-14 bit
619 accuracy completing in 7 cycles and "Carry On And Get Better Accuracy"
620 for the second instruction! With 3D only needing reduced accuracy
621 the saving in power consumption and time was definitely worthwhile,
622 and it neatly illustrates a counter-example to trying to make one
623 instruction do too much.
625 **Summary**
627 There are many tradeoffs here, it is a huge list of considerations: any
628 others known about please do submit feedback so they may be included,
629 here. Then the evaluation process may take place: again, constructive
630 feedback on that as to which instructions are a priority also appreciated.
631 The above helps explain the columns in the tables that follow.
633 \newpage{}
635 # Tables
637 The original tables are available publicly as as CSV file at
638 <;a=blob;f=openpower/sv/rfc/ls012/optable.csv;hb=HEAD>.
639 A python program auto-generates the tables in the following sections by
640 sorting into different useful priorities.
642 The key to headings and sections are as follows:
644 * **Area** - Target Area as described in above sections
645 * **XO Cost** - the number of bits required in the XO Field. whilst not
646 the full picture it is a good indicator as to how costly in terms
647 of Opcode Allocation a given instruction will be. Lower number is
648 a higher cost for the Power ISA's precious remaining Opcode space.
649 "PO" indicates that an entire Primary Opcode is required.
650 * **rfc** the Libre-SOC External RFC resource,
651 <> where advance notice of
652 upcoming RFCs in development may be found.
653 *Reading advance Draft RFCs and providing feedback strongly advised*,
654 it saves time and effort for the OPF ISA Workgroup.
655 * **SVP64** - Vectoriseable (SVP64-Prefixable) - also implies that
656 SVP64Single is also permitted (required).
657 * **page** - Libre-SOC wiki page at which further information can
658 be found. Again: **advance reading strongly advised due to the
659 sheer volume of information**.
660 * **PO1** - the instruction is capable of being PO1-Prefixed
661 (given an EXT1xx Opcode Allocation). Bear in mind that this option
662 is **mutually exclusively incompatible** with Vectorisation.
663 * **group** - the Primary Opcode Group recommended for this instruction.
664 Options are EXT0xx (EXT000-EXT063), EXT1xx and EXT2xx. A third area
665 (UnVectoriseable),
666 EXT3xx, was available in an early Draft RFC but has been made "RESERVED"
667 instead. see [[sv/po9_encoding]].
668 * **Level** - Compliancy Subset and Simple-V Level. `SFFS` indicates "mandatory"
669 in SFFS. All else is "optional" however some instructions are further Subsetted
670 within Simple-V: SV/Embedded, SV/DSP and SV/Supercomputing.
671 * **regs** - a guide to register usage, to how costly Hazard Management
672 will be, in hardware:
674 ```
675 - 1R: reads one GPR/FPR/SPR/CR.
676 - 1W: writes one GPR/FPR/SPR/CR.
677 - 1r: reads one CR *Field* (not necessarily the entire CR)
678 - 1w: writes one CR *Field* (not necessarily the entire CR)
679 ```
681 [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/rfc/ls012/areas.mdwn" raw=yes ]]
682 [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/rfc/ls012/xo_cost.mdwn" raw=yes ]]
683 [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/rfc/ls012/level.mdwn" raw=yes ]]
685 [[!tag opf_rfc]]