Add Tercel PHY reset synchronization
[microwatt.git] / sim-unisim / BSCANE2.vhdl
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
5 library unisim;
6 use unisim.vcomponents.all;
8 entity BSCANE2 is
9 generic(jtag_chain: INTEGER);
10 port(capture : out std_logic;
11 drck : out std_logic;
12 reset : out std_logic;
13 runtest : out std_logic;
14 sel : out std_logic;
15 shift : out std_logic;
16 tck : out std_logic;
17 tdi : out std_logic;
18 tms : out std_logic;
19 update : out std_logic;
20 tdo : in std_logic
21 );
22 end BSCANE2;
24 architecture behaviour of BSCANE2 is
25 alias j : glob_jtag_t is glob_jtag;
26 begin
27 sel <= j.sel(jtag_chain);
28 tck <= j.tck;
29 drck <= tck and sel and (capture or shift);
30 capture <= j.capture;
31 reset <= j.reset;
32 runtest <= j.runtest;
33 shift <= j.shift;
34 tdi <= j.tdi;
35 tms <= j.tms;
36 update <= j.update;
37 j.tdo <= tdo;
38 end architecture behaviour;