correct spelling
[libreriscv.git] / simple_v_extension / specification.mdwn
1 # Simple-V (Parallelism Extension Proposal) Specification
3 * Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
4 * Status: DRAFTv0.6
5 * Last edited: 21 jun 2019
6 * Ancillary resource: [[opcodes]]
7 * Ancillary resource: [[sv_prefix_proposal]]
8 * Ancillary resource: [[abridged_spec]]
9 * Ancillary resource: [[vblock_format]]
10 * Ancillary resource: [[appendix]]
12 With thanks to:
14 * Allen Baum
15 * Bruce Hoult
16 * comp.arch
17 * Jacob Bachmeyer
18 * Guy Lemurieux
19 * Jacob Lifshay
20 * Terje Mathisen
21 * The RISC-V Founders, without whom this all would not be possible.
23 [[!toc ]]
25 # Summary and Background: Rationale
27 Simple-V is a uniform parallelism API for RISC-V hardware that has several
28 unplanned side-effects including code-size reduction, expansion of
29 HINT space and more. The reason for
30 creating it is to provide a manageable way to turn a pre-existing design
31 into a parallel one, in a step-by-step incremental fashion, without adding any new opcodes, thus allowing
32 the implementor to focus on adding hardware where it is needed and necessary.
33 The primary target is for mobile-class 3D GPUs and VPUs, with secondary
34 goals being to reduce executable size (by extending the effectiveness of RV opcodes, RVC in particular) and reduce context-switch latency.
36 Critically: **No new instructions are added**. The parallelism (if any
37 is implemented) is implicitly added by tagging *standard* scalar registers
38 for redirection. When such a tagged register is used in any instruction,
39 it indicates that the PC shall **not** be incremented; instead a loop
40 is activated where *multiple* instructions are issued to the pipeline
41 (as determined by a length CSR), with contiguously incrementing register
42 numbers starting from the tagged register. When the last "element"
43 has been reached, only then is the PC permitted to move on. Thus
44 Simple-V effectively sits (slots) *in between* the instruction decode phase
45 and the ALU(s).
47 The barrier to entry with SV is therefore very low. The minimum
48 compliant implementation is software-emulation (traps), requiring
49 only the CSRs and CSR tables, and that an exception be thrown if an
50 instruction's registers are detected to have been tagged. The looping
51 that would otherwise be done in hardware is thus carried out in software,
52 instead. Whilst much slower, it is "compliant" with the SV specification,
53 and may be suited for implementation in RV32E and also in situations
54 where the implementor wishes to focus on certain aspects of SV, without
55 unnecessary time and resources into the silicon, whilst also conforming
56 strictly with the API. A good area to punt to software would be the
57 polymorphic element width capability for example.
59 Hardware Parallelism, if any, is therefore added at the implementor's
60 discretion to turn what would otherwise be a sequential loop into a
61 parallel one.
63 To emphasise that clearly: Simple-V (SV) is *not*:
65 * A SIMD system
66 * A SIMT system
67 * A Vectorisation Microarchitecture
68 * A microarchitecture of any specific kind
69 * A mandary parallel processor microarchitecture of any kind
70 * A supercomputer extension
72 SV does **not** tell implementors how or even if they should implement
73 parallelism: it is a hardware "API" (Application Programming Interface)
74 that, if implemented, presents a uniform and consistent way to *express*
75 parallelism, at the same time leaving the choice of if, how, how much,
76 when and whether to parallelise operations **entirely to the implementor**.
78 # Basic Operation
80 The principle of SV is as follows:
82 * Standard RV instructions are "prefixed" (extended) through a 48/64
83 bit format (single instruction option) or a variable
84 length VLIW-like prefix (multi or "grouped" option).
85 * The prefix(es) indicate which registers are "tagged" as
86 "vectorised". Predicates can also be added, and element widths
87 overridden on any src or dest register.
88 * A "Vector Length" CSR is set, indicating the span of any future
89 "parallel" operations.
90 * If any operation (a **scalar** standard RV opcode) uses a register
91 that has been so "marked" ("tagged"), a hardware "macro-unrolling loop"
92 is activated, of length VL, that effectively issues **multiple**
93 identical instructions using contiguous sequentially-incrementing
94 register numbers, based on the "tags".
95 * **Whether they be executed sequentially or in parallel or a
96 mixture of both or punted to software-emulation in a trap handler
97 is entirely up to the implementor**.
99 In this way an entire scalar algorithm may be vectorised with
100 the minimum of modification to the hardware and to compiler toolchains.
102 To reiterate: **There are *no* new opcodes**. The scheme works *entirely*
103 on hidden context that augments *scalar* RISCV instructions.
105 # CSRs <a name="csrs"></a>
107 * An optional "reshaping" CSR key-value table which remaps from a 1D
108 linear shape to 2D or 3D, including full transposition.
110 There are five additional CSRs, available in any privilege level:
112 * MVL (the Maximum Vector Length)
113 * VL (which has different characteristics from standard CSRs)
114 * SUBVL (effectively a kind of SIMD)
115 * STATE (containing copies of MVL, VL and SUBVL as well as context information)
116 * PCVBLK (the current operation being executed within a VBLOCK Group)
118 For User Mode there are the following CSRs:
120 * uePCVBLK (a copy of the sub-execution Program Counter, that is relative
121 to the start of the current VBLOCK Group, set on a trap).
122 * ueSTATE (useful for saving and restoring during context switch,
123 and for providing fast transitions)
125 There are also two additional CSRs for Supervisor-Mode:
127 * sePCVBLK
128 * seSTATE
130 And likewise for M-Mode:
132 * mePCVBLK
133 * meSTATE
135 The u/m/s CSRs are treated and handled exactly like their (x)epc
136 equivalents. On entry to or exit from a privilege level, the contents of its (x)eSTATE are swapped with STATE.
138 Thus for example, a User Mode trap will end up swapping STATE and ueSTATE
139 (on both entry and exit), allowing User Mode traps to have their own
140 Vectorisation Context set up, separated from and unaffected by normal
141 user applications. If an M Mode trap occurs in the middle of the U Mode trap, STATE is swapped with meSTATE, and restored on exit: the U Mode trap continues unaware that the M Mode trap even occurred.
143 Likewise, Supervisor Mode may perform context-switches, safe in the
144 knowledge that its Vectorisation State is unaffected by User Mode.
146 The access pattern for these groups of CSRs in each mode follows the
147 same pattern for other CSRs that have M-Mode and S-Mode "mirrors":
149 * In M-Mode, the S-Mode and U-Mode CSRs are separate and distinct.
150 * In S-Mode, accessing and changing of the M-Mode CSRs is transparently
151 identical
152 to changing the S-Mode CSRs. Accessing and changing the U-Mode
153 CSRs is permitted.
154 * In U-Mode, accessing and changing of the S-Mode and U-Mode CSRs
155 is prohibited.
157 An interesting side effect of SV STATE being
158 separate and distinct in S Mode
159 is that
160 Vectorised saving of an entire register file to the stack is a single
161 instruction (through accidental provision of LOAD-MULTI semantics). If the
162 SVPrefix P64-LD-type format is used, LOAD-MULTI may even be done with a
163 single standalone 64 bit opcode (P64 may set up SUBVL, VL and MVL from an
164 immediate field, to cover the full regfile). It can even be predicated, which opens up some very
165 interesting possibilities.
167 (x)EPCVBLK CSRs must be treated exactly like their corresponding (x)epc
168 equivalents. See VBLOCK section for details.
170 ## MAXVECTORLENGTH (MVL) <a name="mvl" />
172 MAXVECTORLENGTH is the same concept as MVL in RVV, except that it
173 is variable length and may be dynamically set. MVL is
174 however limited to the regfile bitwidth XLEN (1-32 for RV32,
175 1-64 for RV64 and so on).
177 The reason for setting this limit is so that predication registers, when
178 marked as such, may fit into a single register as opposed to fanning
179 out over several registers. This keeps the hardware implementation a
180 little simpler.
182 The other important factor to note is that the actual MVL is internally
183 stored **offset by one**, so that it can fit into only 6 bits (for RV64)
184 and still cover a range up to XLEN bits. Attempts to set MVL to zero will
185 return an exception. This is expressed more clearly in the "pseudocode"
186 section, where there are subtle differences between CSRRW and CSRRWI.
188 ## Vector Length (VL) <a name="vl" />
190 VSETVL is slightly different from RVV. Similar to RVV, VL is set to be within
191 the range 1 <= VL <= MVL (where MVL in turn is limited to 1 <= MVL <= XLEN)
193 VL = rd = MIN(vlen, MVL)
195 where 1 <= MVL <= XLEN
197 However just like MVL it is important to note that the range for VL has
198 subtle design implications, covered in the "CSR pseudocode" section
200 The fixed (specific) setting of VL allows vector LOAD/STORE to be used
201 to switch the entire bank of registers using a single instruction (see
202 Appendix, "Context Switch Example"). The reason for limiting VL to XLEN
203 is down to the fact that predication bits fit into a single register of
204 length XLEN bits.
206 The second and most important change is that, within the limits set by
207 MVL, the value passed in **must** be set in VL (and in the
208 destination register).
210 This has implication for the microarchitecture, as VL is required to be
211 set (limits from MVL notwithstanding) to the actual value
212 requested. RVV has the option to set VL to an arbitrary value that suits
213 the conditions and the micro-architecture: SV does *not* permit this.
215 The reason is so that if SV is to be used for a context-switch or as a
216 substitute for LOAD/STORE-Multiple, the operation can be done with only
217 2-3 instructions (setup of the CSRs, VSETVL x0, x0, #{regfilelen-1},
218 single LD/ST operation). If VL does *not* get set to the register file
219 length when VSETVL is called, then a software-loop would be needed.
220 To avoid this need, VL *must* be set to exactly what is requested
221 (limits notwithstanding).
223 Therefore, in turn, unlike RVV, implementors *must* provide
224 pseudo-parallelism (using sequential loops in hardware) if actual
225 hardware-parallelism in the ALUs is not deployed. A hybrid is also
226 permitted (as used in Broadcom's VideoCore-IV) however this must be
227 *entirely* transparent to the ISA.
229 The third change is that VSETVL is implemented as a CSR, where the
230 behaviour of CSRRW (and CSRRWI) must be changed to specifically store
231 the *new* value in the destination register, **not** the old value.
232 Where context-load/save is to be implemented in the usual fashion
233 by using a single CSRRW instruction to obtain the old value, the
234 *secondary* CSR must be used (STATE). This CSR by contrast behaves
235 exactly as standard CSRs, and contains more than just VL.
237 One interesting side-effect of using CSRRWI to set VL is that this
238 may be done with a single instruction, useful particularly for a
239 context-load/save. There are however limitations: CSRWI's immediate
240 is limited to 0-31 (representing VL=1-32).
242 Note that when VL is set to 1, vector operations cease (but not subvector
243 operations: that requires setting SUBVL=1) the hardware loop is reduced
244 to a single element: scalar operations. This is in effect the default,
245 normal operating mode. However it is important to appreciate that this
246 does **not** result in the Register table or SUBVL being disabled. Only
247 when the Register table is empty (P48/64 prefix fields notwithstanding)
248 would SV have no effect.
250 ## SUBVL - Sub Vector Length
252 This is a "group by quantity" that effectively asks each iteration
253 of the hardware loop to load SUBVL elements of width elwidth at a
254 time. Effectively, SUBVL is like a SIMD multiplier: instead of just 1
255 operation issued, SUBVL operations are issued.
257 Another way to view SUBVL is that each element in the VL length vector is
258 now SUBVL times elwidth bits in length and now comprises SUBVL discrete
259 sub operations. An inner SUBVL for-loop within a VL for-loop in effect,
260 with the sub-element increased every time in the innermost loop. This
261 is best illustrated in the (simplified) pseudocode example, in the
262 [[appendix]].
264 The primary use case for SUBVL is for 3D FP Vectors. A Vector of 3D
265 coordinates X,Y,Z for example may be loaded and multiplied then stored, per
266 VL element iteration, rather than having to set VL to three times larger.
268 Setting this CSR to 0 must raise an exception. Setting it to a value
269 greater than 4 likewise. To see the relationship with STATE, see below.
271 The main effect of SUBVL is that predication bits are applied per
272 **group**, rather than by individual element.
274 This saves a not insignificant number of instructions when handling 3D
275 vectors, as otherwise a much longer predicate mask would have to be set
276 up with regularly-repeated bit patterns.
278 See SUBVL Pseudocode illustration in the [[appendix]], for details.
280 ## STATE
282 This is a standard CSR that contains sufficient information for a
283 full context save/restore. It contains (and permits setting of):
285 * MVL
286 * VL
287 * destoffs - the destination element offset of the current parallel
288 instruction being executed
289 * srcoffs - for twin-predication, the source element offset as well.
290 * SUBVL
291 * svdestoffs - the subvector destination element offset of the current
292 parallel instruction being executed
293 * svsrcoffs - for twin-predication, the subvector source element offset
294 as well.
296 Interestingly STATE may hypothetically also be modified to make the
297 immediately-following instruction to skip a certain number of elements,
298 by playing with destoffs and srcoffs (and the subvector offsets as well)
300 Setting destoffs and srcoffs is realistically intended for saving state
301 so that exceptions (page faults in particular) may be serviced and the
302 hardware-loop that was being executed at the time of the trap, from
303 user-mode (or Supervisor-mode), may be returned to and continued from
304 exactly where it left off. The reason why this works is because setting
305 User-Mode STATE will not change (not be used) in M-Mode or S-Mode (and
306 is entirely why M-Mode and S-Mode have their own STATE CSRs, meSTATE
307 and seSTATE).
309 The format of the STATE CSR is as follows:
311 | (29..28 | (27..26) | (25..24) | (23..18) | (17..12) | (11..6) | (5...0) |
312 | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | ------- |
313 | dsvoffs | ssvoffs | subvl | destoffs | srcoffs | vl | maxvl |
315 The relationship between SUBVL and the subvl field is:
317 | SUBVL | (25..24) |
318 | ----- | -------- |
319 | 1 | 0b00 |
320 | 2 | 0b01 |
321 | 3 | 0b10 |
322 | 4 | 0b11 |
324 When setting this CSR, the following characteristics will be enforced:
326 * **MAXVL** will be truncated (after offset) to be within the range 1 to XLEN
327 * **VL** will be truncated (after offset) to be within the range 1 to MAXVL
328 * **SUBVL** which sets a SIMD-like quantity, has only 4 values so there
329 are no changes needed
330 * **srcoffs** will be truncated to be within the range 0 to VL-1
331 * **destoffs** will be truncated to be within the range 0 to VL-1
332 * **ssvoffs** will be truncated to be within the range 0 to SUBVL-1
333 * **dsvoffs** will be truncated to be within the range 0 to SUBVL-1
335 NOTE: if the following instruction is not a twin predicated instruction,
336 and destoffs or dsvoffs has been set to non-zero, subsequent execution
337 behaviour is undefined. **USE WITH CARE**.
339 ### Hardware rules for when to increment STATE offsets
341 The offsets inside STATE are like the indices in a loop, except
342 in hardware. They are also partially (conceptually) similar to a
343 "sub-execution Program Counter". As such, and to allow proper context
344 switching and to define correct exception behaviour, the following rules
345 must be observed:
347 * When the VL CSR is set, srcoffs and destoffs are reset to zero.
348 * Each instruction that contains a "tagged" register shall start
349 execution at the *current* value of srcoffs (and destoffs in the case
350 of twin predication)
351 * Unpredicated bits (in nonzeroing mode) shall cause the element operation
352 to skip, incrementing the srcoffs (or destoffs)
353 * On execution of an element operation, Exceptions shall **NOT** cause
354 srcoffs or destoffs to increment.
355 * On completion of the full Vector Loop (srcoffs = VL-1 or destoffs =
356 VL-1 after the last element is executed), both srcoffs and destoffs
357 shall be reset to zero.
359 This latter is why srcoffs and destoffs may be stored as values from
360 0 to XLEN-1 in the STATE CSR, because as loop indices they refer to
361 elements. srcoffs and destoffs never need to be set to VL: their maximum
362 operating values are limited to 0 to VL-1.
364 The same corresponding rules apply to SUBVL, svsrcoffs and svdestoffs.
366 ## MVL and VL Pseudocode
368 The pseudo-code for get and set of VL and MVL use the following internal
369 functions as follows:
371 set_mvl_csr(value, rd):
372 regs[rd] = STATE.MVL
375 get_mvl_csr(rd):
376 regs[rd] = STATE.VL
378 set_vl_csr(value, rd):
379 STATE.VL = MIN(value, STATE.MVL)
380 regs[rd] = STATE.VL # yes returning the new value NOT the old CSR
381 return STATE.VL
383 get_vl_csr(rd):
384 regs[rd] = STATE.VL
385 return STATE.VL
387 Note that where setting MVL behaves as a normal CSR (returns the old
388 value), unlike standard CSR behaviour, setting VL will return the **new**
389 value of VL **not** the old one.
391 For CSRRWI, the range of the immediate is restricted to 5 bits. In order to
392 maximise the effectiveness, an immediate of 0 is used to set VL=1,
393 an immediate of 1 is used to set VL=2 and so on:
395 CSRRWI_Set_MVL(value):
396 set_mvl_csr(value+1, x0)
398 CSRRWI_Set_VL(value):
399 set_vl_csr(value+1, x0)
401 However for CSRRW the following pseudocode is used for MVL and VL,
402 where setting the value to zero will cause an exception to be raised.
403 The reason is that if VL or MVL are set to zero, the STATE CSR is
404 not capable of storing that value.
406 CSRRW_Set_MVL(rs1, rd):
407 value = regs[rs1]
408 if value == 0 or value > XLEN:
409 raise Exception
410 set_mvl_csr(value, rd)
412 CSRRW_Set_VL(rs1, rd):
413 value = regs[rs1]
414 if value == 0 or value > XLEN:
415 raise Exception
416 set_vl_csr(value, rd)
418 In this way, when CSRRW is utilised with a loop variable, the value
419 that goes into VL (and into the destination register) may be used
420 in an instruction-minimal fashion:
422 CSRvect1 = {type: F, key: a3, val: a3, elwidth: dflt}
423 CSRvect2 = {type: F, key: a7, val: a7, elwidth: dflt}
424 CSRRWI MVL, 3 # sets MVL == **4** (not 3)
425 j zerotest # in case loop counter a0 already 0
426 loop:
427 CSRRW VL, t0, a0 # vl = t0 = min(mvl, a0)
428 ld a3, a1 # load 4 registers a3-6 from x
429 slli t1, t0, 3 # t1 = vl * 8 (in bytes)
430 ld a7, a2 # load 4 registers a7-10 from y
431 add a1, a1, t1 # increment pointer to x by vl*8
432 fmadd a7, a3, fa0, a7 # v1 += v0 * fa0 (y = a * x + y)
433 sub a0, a0, t0 # n -= vl (t0)
434 st a7, a2 # store 4 registers a7-10 to y
435 add a2, a2, t1 # increment pointer to y by vl*8
436 zerotest:
437 bnez a0, loop # repeat if n != 0
439 With the STATE CSR, just like with CSRRWI, in order to maximise the
440 utilisation of the limited bitspace, "000000" in binary represents
441 VL==1, "00001" represents VL==2 and so on (likewise for MVL):
443 CSRRW_Set_SV_STATE(rs1, rd):
444 value = regs[rs1]
445 get_state_csr(rd)
446 STATE.MVL = set_mvl_csr(value[11:6]+1)
447 STATE.VL = set_vl_csr(value[5:0]+1)
448 STATE.destoffs = value[23:18]>>18
449 STATE.srcoffs = value[23:18]>>12
451 get_state_csr(rd):
452 regs[rd] = (STATE.MVL-1) | (STATE.VL-1)<<6 | (STATE.srcoffs)<<12 |
453 (STATE.destoffs)<<18
454 return regs[rd]
456 In both cases, whilst CSR read of VL and MVL return the exact values
457 of VL and MVL respectively, reading and writing the STATE CSR returns
458 those values **minus one**. This is absolutely critical to implement
459 if the STATE CSR is to be used for fast context-switching.
461 ## VL, MVL and SUBVL instruction aliases
463 This table contains pseudo-assembly instruction aliases. Note the
464 subtraction of 1 from the CSRRWI pseudo variants, to compensate for the
465 reduced range of the 5 bit immediate.
467 | alias | CSR |
468 | - | - |
469 | SETVL rd, rs | CSRRW VL, rd, rs |
470 | SETVLi rd, #n | CSRRWI VL, rd, #n-1 |
471 | GETVL rd | CSRRW VL, rd, x0 |
472 | SETMVL rd, rs | CSRRW MVL, rd, rs |
473 | SETMVLi rd, #n | CSRRWI MVL,rd, #n-1 |
474 | GETMVL rd | CSRRW MVL, rd, x0 |
476 Note: CSRRC and other bitsetting may still be used, they are however not particularly useful (very obscure).
478 ## Register key-value (CAM) table <a name="regcsrtable" />
480 *NOTE: in prior versions of SV, this table used to be writable and
481 accessible via CSRs. It is now stored in the VBLOCK instruction format. Note
482 that this table does *not* get applied to the SVPrefix P48/64 format,
483 only to scalar opcodes*
485 The purpose of the Register table is three-fold:
487 * To mark integer and floating-point registers as requiring "redirection"
488 if it is ever used as a source or destination in any given operation.
489 This involves a level of indirection through a 5-to-7-bit lookup table,
490 such that **unmodified** operands with 5 bits (3 for some RVC ops) may
491 access up to **128** registers.
492 * To indicate whether, after redirection through the lookup table, the
493 register is a vector (or remains a scalar).
494 * To over-ride the implicit or explicit bitwidth that the operation would
495 normally give the register.
497 Note: clearly, if an RVC operation uses a 3 bit spec'd register (x8-x15)
498 and the Register table contains entried that only refer to registerd
499 x1-x14 or x16-x31, such operations will *never* activate the VL hardware
500 loop!
502 If however the (16 bit) Register table does contain such an entry (x8-x15
503 or x2 in the case of LWSP), that src or dest reg may be redirected
504 anywhere to the *full* 128 register range. Thus, RVC becomes far more
505 powerful and has many more opportunities to reduce code size that in
506 Standard RV32/RV64 executables.
508 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/reg_table_format" ]]
510 i/f is set to "1" to indicate that the redirection/tag entry is to
511 be applied to integer registers; 0 indicates that it is relevant to
512 floating-point registers.
514 The 8 bit format is used for a much more compact expression. "isvec"
515 is implicit and, similar to [[sv_prefix_proposal]], the target vector
516 is "regnum<<2", implicitly. Contrast this with the 16-bit format where
517 the target vector is *explicitly* named in bits 8 to 14, and bit 15 may
518 optionally set "scalar" mode.
520 Note that whilst SVPrefix adds one extra bit to each of rd, rs1 etc.,
521 and thus the "vector" mode need only shift the (6 bit) regnum by 1 to
522 get the actual (7 bit) register number to use, there is not enough space
523 in the 8 bit format (only 5 bits for regnum) so "regnum<<2" is required.
525 vew has the following meanings, indicating that the instruction's
526 operand size is "over-ridden" in a polymorphic fashion:
528 | vew | bitwidth |
529 | --- | ------------------- |
530 | 00 | default (XLEN/FLEN) |
531 | 01 | 8 bit |
532 | 10 | 16 bit |
533 | 11 | 32 bit |
535 As the above table is a CAM (key-value store) it may be appropriate
536 (faster, implementation-wise) to expand it as follows:
538 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/reg_table" ]]
540 ## Predication Table <a name="predication_csr_table"></a>
542 *NOTE: in prior versions of SV, this table used to be writable and
543 accessible via CSRs. It is now stored in the VBLOCK instruction format.
544 The table does **not** apply to SVPrefix opcodes*
546 The Predication Table is a key-value store indicating whether, if a
547 given destination register (integer or floating-point) is referred to
548 in an instruction, it is to be predicated. Like the Register table, it
549 is an indirect lookup that allows the RV opcodes to not need modification.
551 It is particularly important to note
552 that the *actual* register used can be *different* from the one that is
553 in the instruction, due to the redirection through the lookup table.
555 * regidx is the register that in combination with the
556 i/f flag, if that integer or floating-point register is referred to in a
557 (standard RV) instruction results in the lookup table being referenced
558 to find the predication mask to use for this operation.
559 * predidx is the *actual* (full, 7 bit) register to be used for the
560 predication mask.
561 * inv indicates that the predication mask bits are to be inverted
562 prior to use *without* actually modifying the contents of the
563 register from which those bits originated.
564 * zeroing is either 1 or 0, and if set to 1, the operation must
565 place zeros in any element position where the predication mask is
566 set to zero. If zeroing is set to 0, unpredicated elements *must*
567 be left alone. Some microarchitectures may choose to interpret
568 this as skipping the operation entirely. Others which wish to
569 stick more closely to a SIMD architecture may choose instead to
570 interpret unpredicated elements as an internal "copy element"
571 operation (which would be necessary in SIMD microarchitectures
572 that perform register-renaming)
573 * ffirst is a special mode that stops sequential element processing when
574 a data-dependent condition occurs, whether a trap or a conditional test.
575 The handling of each (trap or conditional test) is slightly different:
576 see Instruction sections for further details
578 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/pred_table_format" ]]
580 The 8 bit format is a compact and less expressive variant of the full
581 16 bit format. Using the 8 bit format is very different: the predicate
582 register to use is implicit, and numbering begins inplicitly from x9. The
583 regnum is still used to "activate" predication, in the same fashion as
584 described above.
586 The 16 bit Predication CSR Table is a key-value store, so
587 implementation-wise it will be faster to turn the table around (maintain
588 topologically equivalent state):
590 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/pred_table" ]]
592 So when an operation is to be predicated, it is the internal state that
593 is used. In Section 6.4.2 of Hwacha's Manual (EECS-2015-262) the following
594 pseudo-code for operations is given, where p is the explicit (direct)
595 reference to the predication register to be used:
597 for (int i=0; i<vl; ++i)
598 if ([!]preg[p][i])
599 (d ? vreg[rd][i] : sreg[rd]) =
600 iop(s1 ? vreg[rs1][i] : sreg[rs1],
601 s2 ? vreg[rs2][i] : sreg[rs2]); // for insts with 2 inputs
603 This instead becomes an *indirect* reference using the *internal* state
604 table generated from the Predication CSR key-value store, which is used
605 as follows.
607 if type(iop) == INT:
608 preg = int_pred_reg[rd]
609 else:
610 preg = fp_pred_reg[rd]
612 for (int i=0; i<vl; ++i)
613 predicate, zeroing = get_pred_val(type(iop) == INT, rd):
614 if (predicate && (1<<i))
615 result = iop(s1 ? regfile[rs1+i] : regfile[rs1],
616 s2 ? regfile[rs2+i] : regfile[rs2]);
617 (d ? regfile[rd+i] : regfile[rd]) = result
618 if preg.ffirst and result == 0:
619 VL = i # result was zero, end loop early, return VL
620 return
621 else if (zeroing)
622 (d ? regfile[rd+i] : regfile[rd]) = 0
624 Note:
626 * d, s1 and s2 are booleans indicating whether destination,
627 source1 and source2 are vector or scalar
628 * key-value CSR-redirection of rd, rs1 and rs2 have NOT been included
629 above, for clarity. rd, rs1 and rs2 all also must ALSO go through
630 register-level redirection (from the Register table) if they are
631 vectors.
632 * fail-on-first mode stops execution early whenever an operation
633 returns a zero value. floating-point results count both
634 positive-zero as well as negative-zero as "fail".
636 If written as a function, obtaining the predication mask (and whether
637 zeroing takes place) may be done as follows:
639 [[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/get_pred_value" ]]
641 Note here, critically, that **only** if the register is marked
642 in its **register** table entry as being "active" does the testing
643 proceed further to check if the **predicate** table entry is
644 also active.
646 Note also that this is in direct contrast to branch operations
647 for the storage of comparisions: in these specific circumstances
648 the requirement for there to be an active *register* entry
649 is removed.
651 ## Fail-on-First Mode <a name="ffirst-mode"></a>
653 ffirst is a special data-dependent predicate mode. There are two
654 variants: one is for faults: typically for LOAD/STORE operations,
655 which may encounter end of page faults during a series of operations.
656 The other variant is comparisons such as FEQ (or the augmented behaviour
657 of Branch), and any operation that returns a result of zero (whether
658 integer or floating-point). In the FP case, this includes negative-zero.
660 Note that the execution order must "appear" to be sequential for ffirst
661 mode to work correctly. An in-order architecture must execute the element
662 operations in sequence, whilst an out-of-order architecture must *commit*
663 the element operations in sequence (giving the appearance of in-order
664 execution).
666 Note also, that if ffirst mode is needed without predication, a special
667 "always-on" Predicate Table Entry may be constructed by setting
668 inverse-on and using x0 as the predicate register. This
669 will have the effect of creating a mask of all ones, allowing ffirst
670 to be set.
672 See [[appendix]] for more details on fail-on-first modes, as well as
673 pseudo-code, below.
675 ## REMAP and SHAPE CSRs <a name="remap" />
677 See optional [[remap]] section.
679 # Instruction Execution Order
681 Simple-V behaves as if it is a hardware-level "macro expansion system",
682 substituting and expanding a single instruction into multiple sequential
683 instructions with contiguous and sequentially-incrementing registers.
684 As such, it does **not** modify - or specify - the behaviour and semantics of
685 the execution order: that may be deduced from the **existing** RV
686 specification in each and every case.
688 So for example if a particular micro-architecture permits out-of-order
689 execution, and it is augmented with Simple-V, then wherever instructions
690 may be out-of-order then so may the "post-expansion" SV ones.
692 If on the other hand there are memory guarantees which specifically
693 prevent and prohibit certain instructions from being re-ordered
694 (such as the Atomicity Axiom, or FENCE constraints), then clearly
695 those constraints **MUST** also be obeyed "post-expansion".
697 It should be absolutely clear that SV is **not** about providing new
698 functionality or changing the existing behaviour of a micro-architetural
699 design, or about changing the RISC-V Specification.
700 It is **purely** about compacting what would otherwise be contiguous
701 instructions that use sequentially-increasing register numbers down
702 to the **one** instruction.
704 # Instructions <a name="instructions" />
706 See [[appendix]]
708 # Exceptions
710 TODO: expand. Exceptions may occur at any time, in any given underlying
711 scalar operation. This implies that context-switching (traps) may
712 occur, and operation must be returned to where it left off. That in
713 turn implies that the full state - including the current parallel
714 element being processed - has to be saved and restored. This is
715 what the **STATE** CSR is for.
717 The implications are that all underlying individual scalar operations
718 "issued" by the parallelisation have to appear to be executed sequentially.
719 The further implications are that if two or more individual element
720 operations are underway, and one with an earlier index causes an exception,
721 it may be necessary for the microarchitecture to **discard** or terminate
722 operations with higher indices.
724 This being somewhat dissatisfactory, an "opaque predication" variant
725 of the STATE CSR is being considered.
727 # Hints
729 A "HINT" is an operation that has no effect on architectural state,
730 where its use may, by agreed convention, give advance notification
731 to the microarchitecture: branch prediction notification would be
732 a good example. Usually HINTs are where rd=x0.
734 With Simple-V being capable of issuing *parallel* instructions where
735 rd=x0, the space for possible HINTs is expanded considerably. VL
736 could be used to indicate different hints. In addition, if predication
737 is set, the predication register itself could hypothetically be passed
738 in as a *parameter* to the HINT operation.
740 No specific hints are yet defined in Simple-V
742 # Vector Block Format <a name="vliw-format"></a>
744 See ancillary resource: [[vblock_format]]
746 # Under consideration <a name="issues"></a>
748 See [[discussion]]