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1 # Variable-width Variable-packed SIMD / Simple-V / Parallelism Extension Proposal
3 This proposal exists so as to be able to satisfy several disparate
4 requirements: power-conscious, area-conscious, and performance-conscious
5 designs all pull an ISA and its implementation in different conflicting
6 directions, as do the specific intended uses for any given implementation.
8 Additionally, the existing P (SIMD) proposal and the V (Vector) proposals,
9 whilst each extremely powerful in their own right and clearly desirable,
10 are also:
12 * Clearly independent in their origins (Cray and AndeStar v3 respectively)
13 so need work to adapt to the RISC-V ethos and paradigm
14 * Are sufficiently large so as to make adoption (and exploration for
15 analysis and review purposes) prohibitively expensive
16 * Both contain partial duplication of pre-existing RISC-V instructions
17 (an undesirable characteristic)
18 * Both have independent and disparate methods for introducing parallelism
19 at the instruction level.
20 * Both require that their respective parallelism paradigm be implemented
21 along-side and integral to their respective functionality *or not at all*.
22 * Both independently have methods for introducing parallelism that
23 could, if separated, benefit
24 *other areas of RISC-V not just DSP or Floating-point respectively*.
26 Therefore it makes a huge amount of sense to have a means and method
27 of introducing instruction parallelism in a flexible way that provides
28 implementors with the option to choose exactly where they wish to offer
29 performance improvements and where they wish to optimise for power
30 and/or area (and if that can be offered even on a per-operation basis that
31 would provide even more flexibility).
33 Additionally it makes sense to *split out* the parallelism inherent within
34 each of P and V, and to see if each of P and V then, in *combination* with
35 a "best-of-both" parallelism extension, would work well.
37 **TODO**: reword this to better suit this document:
39 Having looked at both P and V as they stand, they're _both_ very much
40 "separate engines" that, despite both their respective merits and
41 extremely powerful features, don't really cleanly fit into the RV design
42 ethos (or the flexible extensibility) and, as such, are both in danger
43 of not being widely adopted. I'm inclined towards recommending:
45 * splitting out the DSP aspects of P-SIMD to create a single-issue DSP
46 * splitting out the polymorphism, esoteric data types (GF, complex
47 numbers) and unusual operations of V to create a single-issue "Esoteric
48 Floating-Point" extension
49 * splitting out the loop-aspects, vector aspects and data-width aspects
50 of both P and V to a *new* "P-SIMD / Simple-V" and requiring that they
51 apply across *all* Extensions, whether those be DSP, M, Base, V, P -
52 everything.
54 # Analysis and discussion of Vector vs SIMD
56 There are four combined areas between the two proposals that help with
57 parallelism without over-burdening the ISA with a huge proliferation of
58 instructions:
60 * Fixed vs variable parallelism (fixed or variable "M" in SIMD)
61 * Implicit vs fixed instruction bit-width (integral to instruction or not)
62 * Implicit vs explicit type-conversion (compounded on bit-width)
63 * Implicit vs explicit inner loops.
64 * Masks / tagging (selecting/preventing certain indexed elements from execution)
66 The pros and cons of each are discussed and analysed below.
68 ## Fixed vs variable parallelism length
70 In David Patterson and Andrew Waterman's analysis of SIMD and Vector
71 ISAs, the analysis comes out clearly in favour of (effectively) variable
72 length SIMD. As SIMD is a fixed width, typically 4, 8 or in extreme cases
73 16 or 32 simultaneous operations, the setup, teardown and corner-cases of SIMD
74 are extremely burdensome except for applications whose requirements
75 *specifically* match the *precise and exact* depth of the SIMD engine.
77 Thus, SIMD, no matter what width is chosen, is never going to be acceptable
78 for general-purpose computation, and in the context of developing a
79 general-purpose ISA, is never going to satisfy 100 percent of implementors.
81 That basically leaves "variable-length vector" as the clear *general-purpose*
82 winner, at least in terms of greatly simplifying the instruction set,
83 reducing the number of instructions required for any given task, and thus
84 reducing power consumption for the same.
86 ## Implicit vs fixed instruction bit-width
88 SIMD again has a severe disadvantage here, over Vector: huge proliferation
89 of specialist instructions that target 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, and
90 have to then have operations *for each and between each*. It gets very
91 messy, very quickly.
93 The V-Extension on the other hand proposes to set the bit-width of
94 future instructions on a per-register basis, such that subsequent instructions
95 involving that register are *implicitly* of that particular bit-width until
96 otherwise changed or reset.
98 This has some extremely useful properties, without being particularly
99 burdensome to implementations, given that instruction decode already has
100 to direct the operation to a correctly-sized width ALU engine, anyway.
102 Not least: in places where an ISA was previously constrained (due for
103 whatever reason, including limitations of the available operand spcace),
104 implicit bit-width allows the meaning of certain operations to be
105 type-overloaded *without* pollution or alteration of frozen and immutable
106 instructions, in a fully backwards-compatible fashion.
108 ## Implicit and explicit type-conversion
110 The Draft 2.3 V-extension proposal has (deprecated) polymorphism to help
111 deal with over-population of instructions, such that type-casting from
112 integer (and floating point) of various sizes is automatically inferred
113 due to "type tagging" that is set with a special instruction. A register
114 will be *specifically* marked as "16-bit Floating-Point" and, if added
115 to an operand that is specifically tagged as "32-bit Integer" an implicit
116 type-conversion will take placce *without* requiring that type-conversion
117 to be explicitly done with its own separate instruction.
119 However, implicit type-conversion is not only quite burdensome to
120 implement (explosion of inferred type-to-type conversion) but also is
121 never really going to be complete. It gets even worse when bit-widths
122 also have to be taken into consideration.
124 Overall, type-conversion is generally best to leave to explicit
125 type-conversion instructions, or in definite specific use-cases left to
126 be part of an actual instruction (DSP or FP)
128 ## Zero-overhead loops vs explicit loops
130 The initial Draft P-SIMD Proposal by Chuanhua Chang of Andes Technology
131 contains an extremely interesting feature: zero-overhead loops. This
132 proposal would basically allow an inner loop of instructions to be
133 repeated indefinitely, a fixed number of times.
135 Its specific advantage over explicit loops is that the pipeline in a
136 DSP can potentially be kept completely full *even in an in-order
137 implementation*. Normally, it requires a superscalar architecture and
138 out-of-order execution capabilities to "pre-process" instructions in order
139 to keep ALU pipelines 100% occupied.
141 This very simple proposal offers a way to increase pipeline activity in the
142 one key area which really matters: the inner loop.
144 ## Mask and Tagging
146 *TODO: research masks as they can be superb and extremely powerful.
147 If B-Extension is implemented and provides Bit-Gather-Scatter it
148 becomes really cool and easy to switch out certain indexed values
149 from an array of data, but actually BGS **on its own** might be
150 sufficient. Bottom line, this is complex, and needs a proper analysis.
151 The other sections are pretty straightforward.*
153 ## Conclusions
155 In the above sections the four different ways where parallel instruction
156 execution has closely and loosely inter-related implications for the ISA and
157 for implementors, were outlined. The pluses and minuses came out as
158 follows:
160 * Fixed vs variable parallelism: <b>variable</b>
161 * Implicit (indirect) vs fixed (integral) instruction bit-width: <b>indirect</b>
162 * Implicit vs explicit type-conversion: <b>explicit</b>
163 * Implicit vs explicit inner loops: <b>implicit</b>
164 * Tag or no-tag: <b>TODO</b>
166 In particular: variable-length vectors came out on top because of the
167 high setup, teardown and corner-cases associated with the fixed width
168 of SIMD. Implicit bit-width helps to extend the ISA to escape from
169 former limitations and restrictions (in a backwards-compatible fashion),
170 and implicit (zero-overhead) loops provide a means to keep pipelines
171 potentially 100% occupied *without* requiring a super-scalar or out-of-order
172 architecture.
174 Constructing a SIMD/Simple-Vector proposal based around even only these four
175 (five?) requirements would therefore seem to be a logical thing to do.
177 # Instruction Format
179 **TODO** *basically borrow from both P and V, which should be quite simple
180 to do, with the exception of Tag/no-tag, which needs a bit more
181 thought. V's Section 17.19 of Draft V2.3 spec is reminiscent of B's BGS
182 gather-scatterer, and, if implemented, could actually be a really useful
183 way to span 8-bit up to 64-bit groups of data, where BGS as it stands
184 and described by Clifford does **bits** of up to 16 width. Lots to
185 look at and investigate!*
187 # Note on implementation of parallelism
189 One extremely important aspect of this proposal is to respect and support
190 implementors desire to focus on power, area or performance. In that regard,
191 it is proposed that implementors be free to choose whether to implement
192 the Vector (or variable-width SIMD) parallelism as sequential operations
193 with a single ALU, fully parallel (if practical) with multiple ALUs, or
194 a hybrid combination of both.
196 In Broadcom's Videocore-IV, they chose hybrid, and called it "Virtual
197 Parallelism". They achieve a 16-way SIMD at an **instruction** level
198 by providing a combination of a 4-way parallel ALU *and* an externally
199 transparent loop that feeds 4 sequential sets of data into each of the
200 4 ALUs.
202 Also in the same core, it is worth noting that particularly uncommon
203 but essential operations (Reciprocal-Square-Root for example) are
204 *not* part of the 4-way parallel ALU but instead have a *single* ALU.
205 Under the proposed Vector (varible-width SIMD) implementors would
206 be free to do precisely that: i.e. free to choose *on a per operation
207 basis* whether and how much "Virtual Parallelism" to deploy.
209 It is absolutely critical to note that it is proposed that such choices MUST
210 be **entirely transparent** to the end-user and the compiler. Whilst
211 a Vector (varible-width SIM) may not precisely match the width of the
212 parallelism within the implementation, the end-user **should not care**
213 and in this way the performance benefits are gained but the ISA remains
214 simple. All that happens at the end of an instruction run is: some
215 parallel units (if there are any) would remain offline, completely
216 transparently to the ISA, the program, and the compiler.
218 The "SIMD considered harmful" trap of having huge complexity and extra
219 instructions to deal with corner-cases is thus avoided, and implementors
220 get to choose precisely where to focus and target the benefits of their
221 implementationefforts..
223 # V-Extension to Simple-V Comparative Analysis
225 This section covers the ways in which Simple-V is comparable
226 to, or more flexible than, V-Extension (V2.3-draft). Also covered is
227 one major weak-point (register files are fixed size, where V is
228 arbitrary length), and how best to deal with that, should V be adapted
229 to be on top of Simple-V.
231 The first stages of this section go over each of the sections of V2.3-draft V
232 where appropriate
234 ## 17.3 Shape Encoding
236 Simple-V's proposed means of expressing whether a register (from the
237 standard integer or the standard floating-point file) is a scalar or
238 a vector is to simply set the vector length to 1. The instruction
239 would however have to specify which register file (integer or FP) that
240 the vector-length was to be applied to.
242 Extended shapes (2-D etc) would not be part of Simple-V at all.
244 ## 17.4 Representation Encoding
246 Simple-V would not have representation-encoding. This is part of
247 polymorphism, which is considered too complex to implement (TODO: confirm?)
249 ## 17.5 Element Bitwidth
251 This is directly equivalent to Simple-V's "Packed", and implies that
252 integer (or floating-point) are divided down into vector-indexable
253 chunks of size Bitwidth.
255 In this way it becomes possible to have ADD effectively and implicitly
256 turn into ADDb (8-bit add), ADDw (16-bit add) and so on, and where
257 vector-length has been set to greater than 1, it becomes a "Packed"
258 (SIMD) instruction.
260 It remains to be decided what should be done when RV32 / RV64 ADD (sized)
261 opcodes are used. One useful idea would be, on an RV64 system where
262 a 32-bit-sized ADD was performed, to simply use the least significant
263 32-bits of the register (exactly as is currently done) but at the same
264 time to *respect the packed bitwidth as well*.
266 The extended encoding (Table 17.6) would not be part of Simple-V.
268 ## 17.6 Base Vector Extension Supported Types
270 TODO: analyse. probably exactly the same.
272 ## 17.7 Maximum Vector Element Width
274 No equivalent in Simple-V
276 ## 17.8 Vector Configuration Registers
278 TODO: analyse.
280 ## 17.9 Legal Vector Unit Configurations
282 TODO: analyse
284 ## 17.10 Vector Unit CSRs
286 TODO: analyse
288 > Ok so this is an aspect of Simple-V that I hadn't thought through,
289 > yet (proposal / idea only a few days old!).  in V2.3-Draft ISA Section
290 > 17.10 the CSRs are listed.  I note that there's some general-purpose
291 > CSRs (including a global/active vector-length) and 16 vcfgN CSRs.  i
292 > don't precisely know what those are for.
294 >  In the Simple-V proposal, *every* register in both the integer
295 > register-file *and* the floating-point register-file would have at
296 > least a 2-bit "data-width" CSR and probably something like an 8-bit
297 > "vector-length" CSR (less in RV32E, by exactly one bit).
299 >  What I *don't* know is whether that would be considered perfectly
300 > reasonable or completely insane.  If it turns out that the proposed
301 > Simple-V CSRs can indeed be stored in SRAM then I would imagine that
302 > adding somewhere in the region of 10 bits per register would be... okay? 
303 > I really don't honestly know.
305 >  Would these proposed 10-or-so-bit per-register Simple-V CSRs need to
306 > be multi-ported? No I don't believe they would.
308 ## 17.11 Maximum Vector Length (MVL)
310 Basically implicitly this is set to the maximum size of the register
311 file multiplied by the number of 8-bit packed ints that can fit into
312 a register (4 for RV32, 8 for RV64 and 16 for RV128).
314 ## !7.12 Vector Instruction Formats
316 No equivalent in Simple-V because *all* instructions of *all* Extensions
317 are implicitly parallelised (and packed).
319 ## 17.13 Polymorphic Vector Instructions
321 Polymorphism (implicit type-casting) is deliberately not supported
322 in Simple-V.
324 ## 17.14 Rapid Configuration Instructions
326 TODO: analyse if this is useful to have an equivalent in Simple-V
328 ## 17.15 Vector-Type-Change Instructions
330 TODO: analyse if this is useful to have an equivalent in Simple-V
332 ## 17.16 Vector Length
334 Has a direct corresponding equivalent.
336 ## 17.17 Predicated Execution
338 Predicated Execution is another name for "masking" or "tagging". Masked
339 (or tagged) implies that there is a bit field which is indexed, and each
340 bit associated with the corresponding indexed offset register within
341 the "Vector". If the tag / mask bit is 1, when a parallel operation is
342 issued, the indexed element of the vector has the operation carried out.
343 However if the tag / mask bit is *zero*, that particular indexed element
344 of the vector does *not* have the requested operation carried out.
346 In V2.3-draft V, there is a significant (not recommended) difference:
347 the zero-tagged elements are *set to zero*. This loses a *significant*
348 advantage of mask / tagging, particularly if the entire mask register
349 is itself a general-purpose register, as that general-purpose register
350 can be inverted, shifted, and'ed, or'ed and so on. In other words
351 it becomes possible, especially if Carry/Overflow from each vector
352 operation is also accessible, to do conditional (step-by-step) vector
353 operations including things like turn vectors into 1024-bit or greater
354 operands with very few instructions, by treating the "carry" from
355 one instruction as a way to do "Conditional add of 1 to the register
356 next door". If V2.3-draft V sets zero-tagged elements to zero, such
357 extremely powerful techniques are simply not possible.
359 It is noted that there is no mention of an equivalent to BEXT (element
360 skipping) which would be particularly fascinating and powerful to have.
361 In this mode, the "mask" would skip elements where its mask bit was zero
362 in either the source or the destination operand.
364 Lots to be discussed.
366 ## 17.18 Vector Load/Store Instructions
368 These may not have a direct equivalent in Simple-V, except if mask/tagging
369 is to be deployed.
371 To be discussed.
373 ## 17.19 Vector Register Gather
375 TODO
377 ## TODO, sort
379 > However, there are also several features that go beyond simply attaching VL
380 > to a scalar operation and are crucial to being able to vectorize a lot of
381 > code. To name a few:
382 > - Conditional execution (i.e., predicated operations)
383 > - Inter-lane data movement (e.g. SLIDE, SELECT)
384 > - Reductions (e.g., VADD with a scalar destination)
386 Ok so the Conditional and also the Reductions is one of the reasons
387 why as part of SimpleV / variable-SIMD / parallelism (gah gotta think
388 of a decent name) i proposed that it be implemented as "if you say r0
389 is to be a vector / SIMD that means operations actually take place on
390 r0,r1,r2... r(N-1)".
392 Consequently any parallel operation could be paused (or... more
393 specifically: vectors disabled by resetting it back to a default /
394 scalar / vector-length=1) yet the results would actually be in the
395 *main register file* (integer or float) and so anything that wasn't
396 possible to easily do in "simple" parallel terms could be done *out*
397 of parallel "mode" instead.
399 I do appreciate that the above does imply that there is a limit to the
400 length that SimpleV (whatever) can be parallelised, namely that you
401 run out of registers! my thought there was, "leave space for the main
402 V-Ext proposal to extend it to the length that V currently supports".
403 Honestly i had not thought through precisely how that would work.
405 Inter-lane (SELECT) i saw 17.19 in V2.3-Draft p117, I liked that,
406 it reminds me of the discussion with Clifford on bit-manipulation
407 (gather-scatter except not Bit Gather Scatter, *data* gather scatter): if
408 applied "globally and outside of V and P" SLIDE and SELECT might become
409 an extremely powerful way to do fast memory copy and reordering [2[.
411 However I haven't quite got my head round how that would work: i am
412 used to the concept of register "tags" (the modern term is "masks")
413 and i *think* if "masks" were applied to a Simple-V-enhanced LOAD /
414 STORE you would get the exact same thing as SELECT.
416 SLIDE you could do simply by setting say r0 vector-length to say 16
417 (meaning that if referred to in any operation it would be an implicit
418 parallel operation on *all* registers r0 through r15), and temporarily
419 set say.... r7 vector-length to say... 5. Do a LOAD on r7 and it would
420 implicitly mean "load from memory into r7 through r11". Then you go
421 back and do an operation on r0 and ta-daa, you're actually doing an
422 operation on a SLID {SLIDED?) vector.
424 The advantage of Simple-V (whatever) over V would be that you could
425 actually do *operations* in the middle of vectors (not just SLIDEs)
426 simply by (as above) setting r0 vector-length to 16 and r7 vector-length
427 to 5. There would be nothing preventing you from doing an ADD on r0
428 (which meant do an ADD on r0 through r15) followed *immediately in the
429 next instruction with no setup cost* a MUL on r7 (which actually meant
430 "do a parallel MUL on r7 through r11").
432 btw it's worth mentioning that you'd get scalar-vector and vector-scalar
433 implicitly by having one of the source register be vector-length 1
434 (the default) and one being N > 1. but without having special opcodes
435 to do it. i *believe* (or more like "logically infer or deduce" as
436 i haven't got access to the spec) that that would result in a further
437 opcode reduction when comparing [draft] V-Ext to [proposed] Simple-V.
439 Also, Reduction *might* be possible by specifying that the destination be
440 a scalar (vector-length=1) whilst the source be a vector. However... it
441 would be an awful lot of work to go through *every single instruction*
442 in *every* Extension, working out which ones could be parallelised (ADD,
443 MUL, XOR) and those that definitely could not (DIV, SUB). Is that worth
444 the effort? maybe. Would it result in huge complexity? probably.
445 Could an implementor just go "I ain't doing *that* as parallel!
446 let's make it virtual-parallelism (sequential reduction) instead"?
447 absolutely. So, now that I think it through, Simple-V (whatever)
448 covers Reduction as well. huh, that's a surprise.
451 > - Vector-length speculation (making it possible to vectorize some loops with
452 > unknown trip count) - I don't think this part of the proposal is written
453 > down yet.
455 Now that _is_ an interesting concept. A little scary, i imagine, with
456 the possibility of putting a processor into a hard infinite execution
457 loop... :)
460 > Also, note the vector ISA consumes relatively little opcode space (all the
461 > arithmetic fits in 7/8ths of a major opcode). This is mainly because data
462 > type and size is a function of runtime configuration, rather than of opcode.
464 yes. i love that aspect of V, i am a huge fan of polymorphism [1]
465 which is why i am keen to advocate that the same runtime principle be
466 extended to the rest of the RISC-V ISA [3]
468 Yikes that's a lot. I'm going to need to pull this into the wiki to
469 make sure it's not lost.
471 [1] inherent data type conversion: 25 years ago i designed a hypothetical
472 hyper-hyper-hyper-escape-code-sequencing ISA based around 2-bit
473 (escape-extended) opcodes and 2-bit (escape-extended) operands that
474 only required a fixed 8-bit instruction length. that relied heavily
475 on polymorphism and runtime size configurations as well. At the time
476 I thought it would have meant one HELL of a lot of CSRs... but then I
477 met RISC-V and was cured instantly of that delusion^Wmisapprehension :)
479 [2] Interestingly if you then also add in the other aspect of Simple-V
480 (the data-size, which is effectively functionally orthogonal / identical
481 to "Packed" of Packed-SIMD), masked and packed *and* vectored LOAD / STORE
482 operations become byte / half-word / word augmenters of B-Ext's proposed
483 "BGS" i.e. where B-Ext's BGS dealt with bits, masked-packed-vectored
484 LOAD / STORE would deal with 8 / 16 / 32 bits at a time. Where it
485 would get really REALLY interesting would be masked-packed-vectored
486 B-Ext BGS instructions. I can't even get my head fully round that,
487 which is a good sign that the combination would be *really* powerful :)
489 [3] ok sadly maybe not the polymorphism, it's too complicated and I
490 think would be much too hard for implementors to easily "slide in" to an
491 existing non-Simple-V implementation.  i say that despite really *really*
492 wanting IEEE 704 FP Half-precision to end up somewhere in RISC-V in some
493 fashion, for optimising 3D Graphics.  *sigh*.
495 ## TODO: sort
497 > I suspect that the "hardware loop" in question is actually a zero-overhead
498 > loop unit that diverts execution from address X to address Y if a certain
499 > condition is met.
501  not quite.  The zero-overhead loop unit interestingly would be at
502 an [independent] level above vector-length.  The distinctions are
503 as follows:
505 * Vector-length issues *virtual* instructions where the register
506 operands are *specifically* altered (to cover a range of registers),
507 whereas zero-overhead loops *specifically* do *NOT* alter the operands
508 in *ANY* way.
510 * Vector-length-driven "virtual" instructions are driven by *one*
511 and *only* one instruction (whether it be a LOAD, STORE, or pure
512 one/two/three-operand opcode) whereas zero-overhead loop units
513 specifically apply to *multiple* instructions.
515 Where vector-length-driven "virtual" instructions might get conceptually
516 blurred with zero-overhead loops is LOAD / STORE.  In the case of LOAD /
517 STORE, to actually be useful, vector-length-driven LOAD / STORE should
518 increment the LOAD / STORE memory address to correspondingly match the
519 increment in the register bank.  example:
521 * set vector-length for r0 to 4
522 * issue RV32 LOAD from addr 0x1230 to r0
524 translates effectively to:
526 * RV32 LOAD from addr 0x1230 to r0
527 * ...
528 * ...
529 * RV32 LOAD from addr 0x123B to r3
532 # References
534 * SIMD considered harmful <>
535 * Link to first proposal <!topic/isa-dev/GuukrSjgBH8>
536 * Recommendation by Jacob Bachmeyer to make zero-overhead loop an
537 "implicit program-counter" <>
538 * Re-continuing P-Extension proposal <!msg/isa-dev/IkLkQn3HvXQ/SEMyC9IlAgAJ>
539 * First Draft P-SIMD (DSP) proposal <!topic/isa-dev/vYVi95gF2Mo>
540 * B-Extension discussion <!topic/isa-dev/zi_7B15kj6s>
541 * Broadcom VideoCore-IV <>
542 Figure 2 P17 and Section 3 on P16.