iris: Rework iris_update_draw_parameters to be more efficient
[mesa.git] / src / egl / egl-symbols.txt
1 eglBindAPI
2 eglBindTexImage
3 eglChooseConfig
4 eglClientWaitSync
5 eglCopyBuffers
6 eglCreateContext
7 eglCreateImage
8 eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer
9 eglCreatePbufferSurface
10 eglCreatePixmapSurface
11 eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface
12 eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface
13 eglCreateSync
14 eglCreateWindowSurface
15 eglDestroyContext
16 eglDestroyImage
17 eglDestroySurface
18 eglDestroySync
19 eglGetConfigAttrib
20 eglGetConfigs
21 eglGetCurrentContext
22 eglGetCurrentDisplay
23 eglGetCurrentSurface
24 eglGetDisplay
25 eglGetError
26 eglGetPlatformDisplay
27 eglGetProcAddress
28 eglGetSyncAttrib
29 eglInitialize
30 eglMakeCurrent
31 eglQueryAPI
32 eglQueryContext
33 eglQueryString
34 eglQuerySurface
35 eglReleaseTexImage
36 eglReleaseThread
37 eglSurfaceAttrib
38 eglSwapBuffers
39 eglSwapInterval
40 eglTerminate
41 eglWaitClient
42 eglWaitGL
43 eglWaitNative
44 eglWaitSync
45 MesaGLInteropEGLQueryDeviceInfo
46 MesaGLInteropEGLExportObject