[cvc5.git] / src / expr / datatype.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file datatype.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief A class representing a Datatype definition
13 **
14 ** A class representing a Datatype definition for the theory of
15 ** inductive datatypes.
16 **/
18 #include "cvc4_public.h"
20 #ifndef CVC4__DATATYPE_H
21 #define CVC4__DATATYPE_H
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <vector>
27 #include <map>
29 namespace CVC4 {
30 // messy; Expr needs Datatype (because it's the payload of a
31 // CONSTANT-kinded expression), and Datatype needs Expr.
32 //class CVC4_PUBLIC Datatype;
33 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeIndexConstant;
34 }/* CVC4 namespace */
36 #include "base/exception.h"
37 #include "expr/expr.h"
38 #include "expr/type.h"
39 #include "util/hash.h"
42 namespace CVC4 {
44 class CVC4_PUBLIC ExprManager;
46 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructor;
47 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructorArg;
49 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructorIterator {
50 const std::vector<DatatypeConstructor>* d_v;
51 size_t d_i;
53 friend class Datatype;
55 DatatypeConstructorIterator(const std::vector<DatatypeConstructor>& v, bool start) : d_v(&v), d_i(start ? 0 : v.size()) {
56 }
58 public:
59 typedef const DatatypeConstructor& value_type;
60 const DatatypeConstructor& operator*() const { return (*d_v)[d_i]; }
61 const DatatypeConstructor* operator->() const { return &(*d_v)[d_i]; }
62 DatatypeConstructorIterator& operator++() { ++d_i; return *this; }
63 DatatypeConstructorIterator operator++(int) { DatatypeConstructorIterator i(*this); ++d_i; return i; }
64 bool operator==(const DatatypeConstructorIterator& other) const { return d_v == other.d_v && d_i == other.d_i; }
65 bool operator!=(const DatatypeConstructorIterator& other) const { return d_v != other.d_v || d_i != other.d_i; }
66 };/* class DatatypeConstructorIterator */
68 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructorArgIterator {
69 const std::vector<DatatypeConstructorArg>* d_v;
70 size_t d_i;
72 friend class DatatypeConstructor;
74 DatatypeConstructorArgIterator(const std::vector<DatatypeConstructorArg>& v, bool start) : d_v(&v), d_i(start ? 0 : v.size()) {
75 }
77 public:
78 typedef const DatatypeConstructorArg& value_type;
79 const DatatypeConstructorArg& operator*() const { return (*d_v)[d_i]; }
80 const DatatypeConstructorArg* operator->() const { return &(*d_v)[d_i]; }
81 DatatypeConstructorArgIterator& operator++() { ++d_i; return *this; }
82 DatatypeConstructorArgIterator operator++(int) { DatatypeConstructorArgIterator i(*this); ++d_i; return i; }
83 bool operator==(const DatatypeConstructorArgIterator& other) const { return d_v == other.d_v && d_i == other.d_i; }
84 bool operator!=(const DatatypeConstructorArgIterator& other) const { return d_v != other.d_v || d_i != other.d_i; }
85 };/* class DatatypeConstructorArgIterator */
87 /**
88 * An exception that is thrown when a datatype resolution fails.
89 */
90 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeResolutionException : public Exception {
91 public:
92 inline DatatypeResolutionException(std::string msg);
93 };/* class DatatypeResolutionException */
95 /**
96 * A holder type (used in calls to DatatypeConstructor::addArg())
97 * to allow a Datatype to refer to itself. Self-typed fields of
98 * Datatypes will be properly typed when a Type is created for the
99 * Datatype by the ExprManager (which calls Datatype::resolve()).
100 */
101 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeSelfType {
102 };/* class DatatypeSelfType */
104 class DTypeSelector;
106 /**
107 * An unresolved type (used in calls to
108 * DatatypeConstructor::addArg()) to allow a Datatype to refer to
109 * itself or to other mutually-recursive Datatypes. Unresolved-type
110 * fields of Datatypes will be properly typed when a Type is created
111 * for the Datatype by the ExprManager (which calls
112 * Datatype::resolve()).
113 */
114 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeUnresolvedType {
115 std::string d_name;
116 public:
117 inline DatatypeUnresolvedType(std::string name);
118 inline std::string getName() const;
119 };/* class DatatypeUnresolvedType */
121 /**
122 * A Datatype constructor argument (i.e., a Datatype field).
123 */
124 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructorArg {
125 friend class DatatypeConstructor;
126 friend class Datatype;
128 public:
129 /** Get the name of this constructor argument. */
130 std::string getName() const;
132 /**
133 * Get the selector for this constructor argument; this call is
134 * only permitted after resolution.
135 */
136 Expr getSelector() const;
138 /**
139 * Get the associated constructor for this constructor argument;
140 * this call is only permitted after resolution.
141 */
142 Expr getConstructor() const;
144 /**
145 * Get the type of the selector for this constructor argument;
146 * this call is only permitted after resolution.
147 */
148 SelectorType getType() const;
150 /**
151 * Get the range type of this argument.
152 */
153 Type getRangeType() const;
155 /**
156 * Returns true iff this constructor argument has been resolved.
157 */
158 bool isResolved() const;
160 /** prints this datatype constructor argument to stream */
161 void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
163 private:
164 /** The internal representation */
165 std::shared_ptr<DTypeSelector> d_internal;
166 /** The selector */
167 Expr d_selector;
168 /** is this selector unresolved? */
169 bool isUnresolvedSelf() const;
170 /** constructor */
171 DatatypeConstructorArg(std::string name, Expr selector);
172 };/* class DatatypeConstructorArg */
174 class Printer;
176 /** sygus datatype constructor printer
177 *
178 * This is a virtual class that is used to specify
179 * a custom printing callback for sygus terms. This is
180 * useful for sygus grammars that include defined
181 * functions or let expressions.
182 */
183 class CVC4_PUBLIC SygusPrintCallback
184 {
185 public:
186 SygusPrintCallback() {}
187 virtual ~SygusPrintCallback() {}
188 /**
189 * Writes the term that sygus datatype expression e
190 * encodes to stream out. p is the printer that
191 * requested that expression e be written on output
192 * stream out. Calls may be made to p to print
193 * subterms of e.
194 */
195 virtual void toStreamSygus(const Printer* p,
196 std::ostream& out,
197 Expr e) const = 0;
198 };
200 class DTypeConstructor;
202 /**
203 * A constructor for a Datatype.
204 */
205 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeConstructor {
206 friend class Datatype;
208 public:
209 /** The type for iterators over constructor arguments. */
210 typedef DatatypeConstructorArgIterator iterator;
211 /** The (const) type for iterators over constructor arguments. */
212 typedef DatatypeConstructorArgIterator const_iterator;
214 /**
215 * Create a new Datatype constructor with the given name for the
216 * constructor and the same name (prefixed with "is_") for the
217 * tester. The actual constructor and tester (meaning, the Exprs
218 * representing operators for these entities) aren't created until
219 * resolution time.
220 */
221 explicit DatatypeConstructor(std::string name);
223 /**
224 * Create a new Datatype constructor with the given name for the
225 * constructor and the given name for the tester. The actual
226 * constructor and tester aren't created until resolution time.
227 * weight is the value that this constructor carries when computing size.
228 * For example, if A, B, C have weights 0, 1, and 3 respectively, then
229 * C( B( A() ), B( A() ) ) has size 5.
230 */
231 DatatypeConstructor(std::string name,
232 std::string tester,
233 unsigned weight = 1);
235 ~DatatypeConstructor() {}
236 /**
237 * Add an argument (i.e., a data field) of the given name and type
238 * to this Datatype constructor. Selector names need not be unique;
239 * they are for convenience and pretty-printing only.
240 */
241 void addArg(std::string selectorName, Type selectorType);
243 /**
244 * Add an argument (i.e., a data field) of the given name to this
245 * Datatype constructor that refers to an as-yet-unresolved
246 * Datatype (which may be mutually-recursive). Selector names need
247 * not be unique; they are for convenience and pretty-printing only.
248 */
249 void addArg(std::string selectorName, DatatypeUnresolvedType selectorType);
251 /**
252 * Add a self-referential (i.e., a data field) of the given name
253 * to this Datatype constructor that refers to the enclosing
254 * Datatype. For example, using the familiar "nat" Datatype, to
255 * create the "pred" field for "succ" constructor, one uses
256 * succ::addArg("pred", DatatypeSelfType())---the actual Type
257 * cannot be passed because the Datatype is still under
258 * construction. Selector names need not be unique; they are for
259 * convenience and pretty-printing only.
260 *
261 * This is a special case of
262 * DatatypeConstructor::addArg(std::string, DatatypeUnresolvedType).
263 */
264 void addArg(std::string selectorName, DatatypeSelfType);
266 /** Get the name of this Datatype constructor. */
267 std::string getName() const;
269 /**
270 * Get the constructor operator of this Datatype constructor. The
271 * Datatype must be resolved.
272 */
273 Expr getConstructor() const;
275 /**
276 * Get the tester operator of this Datatype constructor. The
277 * Datatype must be resolved.
278 */
279 Expr getTester() const;
281 /** get sygus op
282 *
283 * This method returns the operator or
284 * term that this constructor represents
285 * in the sygus encoding. This may be a
286 * builtin operator, defined function, variable,
287 * or constant that this constructor encodes in this
288 * deep embedding.
289 */
290 Expr getSygusOp() const;
291 /** is this a sygus identity function?
292 *
293 * This returns true if the sygus operator of this datatype constructor is
294 * of the form (lambda (x) x).
295 */
296 bool isSygusIdFunc() const;
297 /** get sygus print callback
298 *
299 * This class stores custom ways of printing
300 * sygus datatype constructors, for instance,
301 * to handle defined or let expressions that
302 * appear in user-provided grammars.
303 */
304 std::shared_ptr<SygusPrintCallback> getSygusPrintCallback() const;
305 /** get weight
306 *
307 * Get the weight of this constructor. This value is used when computing the
308 * size of datatype terms that involve this constructor.
309 */
310 unsigned getWeight() const;
312 /**
313 * Get the tester name for this Datatype constructor.
314 */
315 std::string getTesterName() const;
317 /**
318 * Get the number of arguments (so far) of this Datatype constructor.
319 */
320 size_t getNumArgs() const;
322 /**
323 * Get the specialized constructor type for a parametric
324 * constructor; this call is only permitted after resolution.
325 * Given a (concrete) returnType, the constructor's concrete
326 * type in this parametric datatype is returned.
327 *
328 * For instance, if the datatype is list[T], with constructor
329 * "cons[T]" of type "T -> list[T] -> list[T]", then calling
330 * this function with "list[int]" will return the concrete
331 * "cons" constructor type for lists of int---namely,
332 * "int -> list[int] -> list[int]".
333 */
334 Type getSpecializedConstructorType(Type returnType) const;
336 /**
337 * Return the cardinality of this constructor (the product of the
338 * cardinalities of its arguments).
339 */
340 Cardinality getCardinality(Type t) const;
342 /**
343 * Return true iff this constructor is finite (it is nullary or
344 * each of its argument types are finite). This function can
345 * only be called for resolved constructors.
346 */
347 bool isFinite(Type t) const;
348 /**
349 * Return true iff this constructor is finite (it is nullary or
350 * each of its argument types are finite) under assumption
351 * uninterpreted sorts are finite. This function can
352 * only be called for resolved constructors.
353 */
354 bool isInterpretedFinite(Type t) const;
356 /**
357 * Returns true iff this Datatype constructor has already been
358 * resolved.
359 */
360 bool isResolved() const;
362 /** Get the beginning iterator over DatatypeConstructor args. */
363 iterator begin();
364 /** Get the ending iterator over DatatypeConstructor args. */
365 iterator end();
366 /** Get the beginning const_iterator over DatatypeConstructor args. */
367 const_iterator begin() const;
368 /** Get the ending const_iterator over DatatypeConstructor args. */
369 const_iterator end() const;
371 /** Get the ith DatatypeConstructor arg. */
372 const DatatypeConstructorArg& operator[](size_t index) const;
374 /**
375 * Get the DatatypeConstructor arg named. This is a linear search
376 * through the arguments, so in the case of multiple,
377 * similarly-named arguments, the first is returned.
378 */
379 const DatatypeConstructorArg& operator[](std::string name) const;
381 /**
382 * Get the selector named. This is a linear search
383 * through the arguments, so in the case of multiple,
384 * similarly-named arguments, the selector for the first
385 * is returned.
386 */
387 Expr getSelector(std::string name) const;
388 /**
389 * Get argument type. Returns the return type of the i^th selector of this
390 * constructor.
391 */
392 Type getArgType(unsigned i) const;
394 /** get selector internal
395 *
396 * This gets selector for the index^th argument
397 * of this constructor. The type dtt is the datatype
398 * type whose datatype is the owner of this constructor,
399 * where this type may be an instantiated parametric datatype.
400 *
401 * If shared selectors are enabled,
402 * this returns a shared (constructor-agnotic) selector, which
403 * in the terminology of "Datatypes with Shared Selectors", is:
404 * sel_{dtt}^{T,atos(T,C,index)}
405 * where C is this constructor, and T is the type
406 * of the index^th field of this constructor.
407 * The semantics of sel_{dtt}^{T,n}( t ) is the n^th field of
408 * type T of constructor term t if one exists, or is
409 * unconstrained otherwise.
410 */
411 Expr getSelectorInternal(Type dtt, size_t index) const;
413 /** get selector index internal
414 *
415 * This gets the argument number of this constructor
416 * that the selector sel accesses. It returns -1 if the
417 * selector sel is not a selector for this constructor.
418 *
419 * In the terminology of "Datatypes with Shared Selectors",
420 * if sel is sel_{dtt}^{T,index} for some (T, index), where
421 * dtt is the datatype type whose datatype is the owner
422 * of this constructor, then this method returns
423 * stoa(T,C,index)
424 */
425 int getSelectorIndexInternal( Expr sel ) const;
427 /** involves external type
428 *
429 * Get whether this constructor has a subfield
430 * in any constructor that is not a datatype type.
431 */
432 bool involvesExternalType() const;
433 /** involves external type
434 *
435 * Get whether this constructor has a subfield
436 * in any constructor that is an uninterpreted type.
437 */
438 bool involvesUninterpretedType() const;
440 /** set sygus
441 *
442 * Set that this constructor is a sygus datatype constructor that encodes
443 * operator op. spc is the sygus callback of this datatype constructor,
444 * which is stored in a shared pointer.
445 */
446 void setSygus(Expr op, std::shared_ptr<SygusPrintCallback> spc);
448 /**
449 * Get the list of arguments to this constructor.
450 */
451 const std::vector<DatatypeConstructorArg>* getArgs() const;
453 /** prints this datatype constructor to stream */
454 void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
456 private:
457 /** The internal representation */
458 std::shared_ptr<DTypeConstructor> d_internal;
459 /** the name of the tester */
460 std::string d_testerName;
461 /** The constructor */
462 Expr d_constructor;
463 /** the arguments of this constructor */
464 std::vector<DatatypeConstructorArg> d_args;
465 /** sygus print callback */
466 std::shared_ptr<SygusPrintCallback> d_sygus_pc;
467 };/* class DatatypeConstructor */
469 class DType;
471 /**
472 * The representation of an inductive datatype.
473 *
474 * This is far more complicated than it first seems. Consider this
475 * datatype definition:
476 *
477 * DATATYPE nat =
478 * succ(pred: nat)
479 * | zero
480 * END;
481 *
482 * You cannot define "nat" until you have a Type for it, but you
483 * cannot have a Type for it until you fill in the type of the "pred"
484 * selector, which needs the Type. So we have a chicken-and-egg
485 * problem. It's even more complicated when we have mutual recursion
486 * between datatypes, since the CVC presentation language does not
487 * require forward-declarations. Here, we define trees of lists that
488 * contain trees of lists (etc):
489 *
491 * tree = node(left: tree, right: tree) | leaf(list),
492 * list = cons(car: tree, cdr: list) | nil
493 * END;
494 *
495 * Note that while parsing the "tree" definition, we have to take it
496 * on faith that "list" is a valid type. We build Datatype objects to
497 * describe "tree" and "list", and their constructors and constructor
498 * arguments, but leave any unknown types (including self-references)
499 * in an "unresolved" state. After parsing the whole DATATYPE block,
500 * we create a DatatypeType through
501 * ExprManager::mkMutualDatatypeTypes(). The ExprManager creates a
502 * DatatypeType for each, but before "releasing" this type into the
503 * wild, it does a round of in-place "resolution" on each Datatype by
504 * calling Datatype::resolve() with a map of string -> DatatypeType to
505 * allow the datatype to construct the necessary testers and
506 * selectors.
507 *
508 * An additional point to make is that we want to ease the burden on
509 * both the parser AND the users of the CVC4 API, so this class takes
510 * on the task of generating its own selectors and testers, for
511 * instance. That means that, after reifying the Datatype with the
512 * ExprManager, the parser needs to go through the (now-resolved)
513 * Datatype and request the constructor, selector, and tester terms.
514 * See src/parser/parser.cpp for how this is done. For API usage
515 * ideas, see test/unit/util/datatype_black.h.
516 *
517 * Datatypes may also be defined parametrically, such as this example:
518 *
520 * list[T] = cons(car : T, cdr : list[T]) | null,
521 * tree = node(children : list[tree]) | leaf
522 * END;
523 *
524 * Here, the definition of the parametric datatype list, where T is a type variable.
525 * In other words, this defines a family of types list[C] where C is any concrete
526 * type. Datatypes can be parameterized over multiple type variables using the
527 * syntax sym[ T1, ..., Tn ] = ...,
528 *
529 */
530 class CVC4_PUBLIC Datatype {
531 friend class DatatypeConstructor;
532 friend class ExprManager; // for access to resolve()
533 friend class NodeManager; // temporary, for access to d_internal
534 public:
535 /**
536 * Get the datatype of a constructor, selector, or tester operator.
537 */
538 static const Datatype& datatypeOf(Expr item) CVC4_PUBLIC;
540 /**
541 * Get the index of a constructor or tester in its datatype, or the
542 * index of a selector in its constructor. (Zero is always the
543 * first index.)
544 */
545 static size_t indexOf(Expr item) CVC4_PUBLIC;
547 /**
548 * Get the index of constructor corresponding to selector. (Zero is
549 * always the first index.)
550 */
551 static size_t cindexOf(Expr item) CVC4_PUBLIC;
553 /**
554 * Same as above, but without checks. These methods should be used by
555 * internal (Node-level) code.
556 */
557 static size_t indexOfInternal(Expr item);
558 static size_t cindexOfInternal(Expr item);
560 /** The type for iterators over constructors. */
561 typedef DatatypeConstructorIterator iterator;
562 /** The (const) type for iterators over constructors. */
563 typedef DatatypeConstructorIterator const_iterator;
565 /** Create a new Datatype of the given name. */
566 explicit Datatype(ExprManager* em, std::string name, bool isCo = false);
568 /**
569 * Create a new Datatype of the given name, with the given
570 * parameterization.
571 */
572 Datatype(ExprManager* em,
573 std::string name,
574 const std::vector<Type>& params,
575 bool isCo = false);
577 ~Datatype();
579 /** Add a constructor to this Datatype.
580 *
581 * Notice that constructor names need not
582 * be unique; they are for convenience and pretty-printing only.
583 */
584 void addConstructor(const DatatypeConstructor& c);
586 /** set sygus
587 *
588 * This marks this datatype as a sygus datatype.
589 * A sygus datatype is one that represents terms of type st
590 * via a deep embedding described in Section 4 of
591 * Reynolds et al. CAV 2015. We say that this sygus datatype
592 * "encodes" its sygus type st in the following.
593 *
594 * st : the type this datatype encodes (this can be Int, Bool, etc.),
595 * bvl : the list of arguments for the synth-fun
596 * allow_const : whether all constants are (implicitly) allowed by the
597 * datatype
598 * allow_all : whether all terms are (implicitly) allowed by the datatype
599 *
600 * Notice that allow_const/allow_all do not reflect the constructors
601 * for this datatype, and instead are used solely for relaxing constraints
602 * when doing solution reconstruction (Figure 5 of Reynolds et al.
603 * CAV 2015).
604 */
605 void setSygus( Type st, Expr bvl, bool allow_const, bool allow_all );
606 /** add sygus constructor
607 *
608 * This adds a sygus constructor to this datatype, where
609 * this datatype should be currently unresolved.
610 *
611 * op : the builtin operator, constant, or variable that
612 * this constructor encodes
613 * cname : the name of the constructor (for printing only)
614 * cargs : the arguments of the constructor
615 * spc : an (optional) callback that is used for custom printing. This is
616 * to accomodate user-provided grammars in the sygus format.
617 *
618 * It should be the case that cargs are sygus datatypes that
619 * encode the arguments of op. For example, a sygus constructor
620 * with op = PLUS should be such that cargs.size()>=2 and
621 * the sygus type of cargs[i] is Real/Int for each i.
622 *
623 * weight denotes the value added by the constructor when computing the size
624 * of datatype terms. Passing a value <0 denotes the default weight for the
625 * constructor, which is 0 for nullary constructors and 1 for non-nullary
626 * constructors.
627 */
628 void addSygusConstructor(Expr op,
629 const std::string& cname,
630 const std::vector<Type>& cargs,
631 std::shared_ptr<SygusPrintCallback> spc = nullptr,
632 int weight = -1);
634 /** set that this datatype is a tuple */
635 void setTuple();
637 /** set that this datatype is a record */
638 void setRecord();
640 /** Get the name of this Datatype. */
641 std::string getName() const;
643 /** Get the number of constructors (so far) for this Datatype. */
644 size_t getNumConstructors() const;
646 /** Is this datatype parametric? */
647 bool isParametric() const;
649 /** Get the nubmer of type parameters */
650 size_t getNumParameters() const;
652 /** Get parameter */
653 Type getParameter(unsigned int i) const;
655 /** Get parameters */
656 std::vector<Type> getParameters() const;
658 /** is this a co-datatype? */
659 bool isCodatatype() const;
661 /** is this a sygus datatype? */
662 bool isSygus() const;
664 /** is this a tuple datatype? */
665 bool isTuple() const;
667 /** is this a record datatype? */
668 bool isRecord() const;
670 /** get the record representation for this datatype */
671 Record* getRecord() const;
673 /**
674 * Return the cardinality of this datatype.
675 * The Datatype must be resolved.
676 *
677 * The version of this method that takes Type t is required
678 * for parametric datatypes, where t is an instantiated
679 * parametric datatype type whose datatype is this class.
680 */
681 Cardinality getCardinality(Type t) const;
682 Cardinality getCardinality() const;
684 /**
685 * Return true iff this Datatype has finite cardinality. If the
686 * datatype is not well-founded, this method returns false. The
687 * Datatype must be resolved or an exception is thrown.
688 *
689 * The version of this method that takes Type t is required
690 * for parametric datatypes, where t is an instantiated
691 * parametric datatype type whose datatype is this class.
692 */
693 bool isFinite(Type t) const;
694 bool isFinite() const;
696 /**
697 * Return true iff this Datatype is finite (all constructors are
698 * finite, i.e., there are finitely many ground terms) under the
699 * assumption unintepreted sorts are finite. If the
700 * datatype is not well-founded, this method returns false. The
701 * Datatype must be resolved or an exception is thrown.
702 *
703 * The versions of these methods that takes Type t is required
704 * for parametric datatypes, where t is an instantiated
705 * parametric datatype type whose datatype is this class.
706 */
707 bool isInterpretedFinite(Type t) const;
708 bool isInterpretedFinite() const;
710 /** is well-founded
711 *
712 * Return true iff this datatype is well-founded (there exist finite
713 * values of this type).
714 * This datatype must be resolved or an exception is thrown.
715 */
716 bool isWellFounded() const;
718 /** is recursive singleton
719 *
720 * Return true iff this datatype is a recursive singleton
721 * (a recursive singleton is a recursive datatype with only
722 * one infinite value). For details, see Reynolds et al. CADE 2015.
723 *
724 * The versions of these methods that takes Type t is required
725 * for parametric datatypes, where t is an instantiated
726 * parametric datatype type whose datatype is this class.
727 */
728 bool isRecursiveSingleton(Type t) const;
729 bool isRecursiveSingleton() const;
731 /** recursive single arguments
732 *
733 * Get recursive singleton argument types (uninterpreted sorts that the
734 * cardinality of this datatype is dependent upon). For example, for :
735 * stream := cons( head1 : U1, head2 : U2, tail : stream )
736 * Then, the recursive singleton argument types of stream are { U1, U2 },
737 * since if U1 and U2 have cardinality one, then stream has cardinality
738 * one as well.
739 *
740 * The versions of these methods that takes Type t is required
741 * for parametric datatypes, where t is an instantiated
742 * parametric datatype type whose datatype is this class.
743 */
744 unsigned getNumRecursiveSingletonArgTypes(Type t) const;
745 Type getRecursiveSingletonArgType(Type t, unsigned i) const;
746 unsigned getNumRecursiveSingletonArgTypes() const;
747 Type getRecursiveSingletonArgType(unsigned i) const;
749 /**
750 * Construct and return a ground term of this Datatype. The
751 * Datatype must be both resolved and well-founded, or else an
752 * exception is thrown.
753 *
754 * This method takes a Type t, which is a datatype type whose
755 * datatype is this class, which may be an instantiated datatype
756 * type if this datatype is parametric.
757 */
758 Expr mkGroundTerm(Type t) const;
759 /** Make ground value
760 *
761 * Same as above, but constructs a constant value instead of a ground term.
762 * These two notions typically coincide. However, for uninterpreted sorts,
763 * they do not: mkGroundTerm returns a fresh variable whereas mkValue returns
764 * an uninterpreted constant. The motivation for mkGroundTerm is that
765 * unintepreted constants should never appear in lemmas. The motivation for
766 * mkGroundValue is for things like type enumeration and model construction.
767 */
768 Expr mkGroundValue(Type t) const;
770 /**
771 * Get the DatatypeType associated to this Datatype. Can only be
772 * called post-resolution.
773 */
774 DatatypeType getDatatypeType() const;
776 /**
777 * Get the DatatypeType associated to this (parameterized) Datatype. Can only be
778 * called post-resolution.
779 */
780 DatatypeType getDatatypeType(const std::vector<Type>& params) const;
782 /**
783 * Return true iff the two Datatypes are the same.
784 *
785 * We need == for mkConst(Datatype) to properly work---since if the
786 * Datatype Expr requested is the same as an already-existing one,
787 * we need to return that one. For that, we have a hash and
788 * operator==. We provide != for symmetry. We don't provide
789 * operator<() etc. because given two Datatype Exprs, you could
790 * simply compare those rather than the (bare) Datatypes. This
791 * means, though, that Datatype cannot be stored in a sorted list or
792 * RB tree directly, so maybe we can consider adding these
793 * comparison operators later on.
794 */
795 bool operator==(const Datatype& other) const;
796 /** Return true iff the two Datatypes are not the same. */
797 bool operator!=(const Datatype& other) const;
799 /** Return true iff this Datatype has already been resolved. */
800 bool isResolved() const;
802 /** Get the beginning iterator over DatatypeConstructors. */
803 iterator begin();
804 /** Get the ending iterator over DatatypeConstructors. */
805 iterator end();
806 /** Get the beginning const_iterator over DatatypeConstructors. */
807 const_iterator begin() const;
808 /** Get the ending const_iterator over DatatypeConstructors. */
809 const_iterator end() const;
811 /** Get the ith DatatypeConstructor. */
812 const DatatypeConstructor& operator[](size_t index) const;
814 /**
815 * Get the DatatypeConstructor named. This is a linear search
816 * through the constructors, so in the case of multiple,
817 * similarly-named constructors, the first is returned.
818 */
819 const DatatypeConstructor& operator[](std::string name) const;
821 /**
822 * Get the constructor operator for the named constructor.
823 * This is a linear search through the constructors, so in
824 * the case of multiple, similarly-named constructors, the
825 * first is returned.
826 *
827 * This Datatype must be resolved.
828 */
829 Expr getConstructor(std::string name) const;
831 /** get sygus type
832 * This gets the built-in type associated with
833 * this sygus datatype, i.e. the type of the
834 * term that this sygus datatype encodes.
835 */
836 Type getSygusType() const;
838 /** get sygus var list
839 * This gets the variable list of the function
840 * to synthesize using this sygus datatype.
841 * For example, if we are synthesizing a binary
842 * function f where solutions are of the form:
843 * f = (lambda (xy) t[x,y])
844 * In this case, this method returns the
845 * bound variable list containing x and y.
846 */
847 Expr getSygusVarList() const;
848 /** get sygus allow constants
849 *
850 * Does this sygus datatype allow constants?
851 * Notice that this is not a property of the
852 * constructors of this datatype. Instead, it is
853 * an auxiliary flag (provided in the call
854 * to setSygus).
855 */
856 bool getSygusAllowConst() const;
857 /** get sygus allow all
858 *
859 * Does this sygus datatype allow all terms?
860 * Notice that this is not a property of the
861 * constructors of this datatype. Instead, it is
862 * an auxiliary flag (provided in the call
863 * to setSygus).
864 */
865 bool getSygusAllowAll() const;
867 /** involves external type
868 * Get whether this datatype has a subfield
869 * in any constructor that is not a datatype type.
870 */
871 bool involvesExternalType() const;
872 /** involves uninterpreted type
873 * Get whether this datatype has a subfield
874 * in any constructor that is an uninterpreted type.
875 */
876 bool involvesUninterpretedType() const;
878 /**
879 * Get the list of constructors.
880 */
881 const std::vector<DatatypeConstructor>* getConstructors() const;
883 /** prints this datatype to stream */
884 void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
886 private:
887 /** The expression manager that created this datatype */
888 ExprManager* d_em;
889 /** The internal representation */
890 std::shared_ptr<DType> d_internal;
891 /** self type */
892 Type d_self;
893 /** the data of the record for this datatype (if applicable) */
894 Record* d_record;
895 /** whether the datatype is a record */
896 bool d_isRecord;
897 /** the constructors of this datatype */
898 std::vector<DatatypeConstructor> d_constructors;
899 /**
900 * Datatypes refer to themselves, recursively, and we have a
901 * chicken-and-egg problem. The DatatypeType around the Datatype
902 * cannot exist until the Datatype is finalized, and the Datatype
903 * cannot refer to the DatatypeType representing itself until it
904 * exists. resolve() is called by the ExprManager when a Type is
905 * ultimately requested of the Datatype specification (that is, when
906 * ExprManager::mkDatatypeType() or ExprManager::mkMutualDatatypeTypes()
907 * is called). Has the effect of freezing the object, too; that is,
908 * addConstructor() will fail after a call to resolve().
909 *
910 * The basic goal of resolution is to assign constructors, selectors,
911 * and testers. To do this, any UnresolvedType/SelfType references
912 * must be cleared up. This is the purpose of the "resolutions" map;
913 * it includes any mutually-recursive datatypes that are currently
914 * under resolution. The four vectors come in two pairs (so, really
915 * they are two maps). placeholders->replacements give type variables
916 * that should be resolved in the case of parametric datatypes.
917 *
918 * @param resolutions a map of strings to DatatypeTypes currently under
919 * resolution
920 * @param placeholders the types in these Datatypes under resolution that must
921 * be replaced
922 * @param replacements the corresponding replacements
923 * @param paramTypes the sort constructors in these Datatypes under resolution
924 * that must be replaced
925 * @param paramReplacements the corresponding (parametric) DatatypeTypes
926 */
927 void resolve(const std::map<std::string, DatatypeType>& resolutions,
928 const std::vector<Type>& placeholders,
929 const std::vector<Type>& replacements,
930 const std::vector<SortConstructorType>& paramTypes,
931 const std::vector<DatatypeType>& paramReplacements);
932 };/* class Datatype */
934 /**
935 * A hash function for Datatypes. Needed to store them in hash sets
936 * and hash maps.
937 */
938 struct CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeHashFunction {
939 inline size_t operator()(const Datatype& dt) const {
940 return std::hash<std::string>()(dt.getName());
941 }
942 inline size_t operator()(const Datatype* dt) const {
943 return std::hash<std::string>()(dt->getName());
944 }
945 inline size_t operator()(const DatatypeConstructor& dtc) const {
946 return std::hash<std::string>()(dtc.getName());
947 }
948 inline size_t operator()(const DatatypeConstructor* dtc) const {
949 return std::hash<std::string>()(dtc->getName());
950 }
951 };/* struct DatatypeHashFunction */
955 /* stores an index to Datatype residing in NodeManager */
956 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeIndexConstant {
957 public:
958 DatatypeIndexConstant(unsigned index);
960 unsigned getIndex() const { return d_index; }
961 bool operator==(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
962 {
963 return d_index == uc.d_index;
964 }
965 bool operator!=(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
966 {
967 return !(*this == uc);
968 }
969 bool operator<(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
970 {
971 return d_index < uc.d_index;
972 }
973 bool operator<=(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
974 {
975 return d_index <= uc.d_index;
976 }
977 bool operator>(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
978 {
979 return !(*this <= uc);
980 }
981 bool operator>=(const DatatypeIndexConstant& uc) const
982 {
983 return !(*this < uc);
984 }
985 private:
986 const unsigned d_index;
987 };/* class DatatypeIndexConstant */
989 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const DatatypeIndexConstant& dic) CVC4_PUBLIC;
991 struct CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeIndexConstantHashFunction {
992 inline size_t operator()(const DatatypeIndexConstant& dic) const {
993 return IntegerHashFunction()(dic.getIndex());
994 }
995 };/* struct DatatypeIndexConstantHashFunction */
1001 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Datatype& dt) CVC4_PUBLIC;
1002 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DatatypeConstructor& ctor) CVC4_PUBLIC;
1003 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DatatypeConstructorArg& arg) CVC4_PUBLIC;
1007 inline DatatypeResolutionException::DatatypeResolutionException(std::string msg) :
1008 Exception(msg) {
1009 }
1011 inline DatatypeUnresolvedType::DatatypeUnresolvedType(std::string name) :
1012 d_name(name) {
1013 }
1015 inline std::string DatatypeUnresolvedType::getName() const { return d_name; }
1018 }/* CVC4 namespace */
1020 #endif /* CVC4__DATATYPE_H */