Replace Expr-level datatype with Node-level DType (#4875)
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / expr_manager_template.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file expr_manager_template.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Public-facing expression manager interface
13 **
14 ** Public-facing expression manager interface.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_public.h"
19 #ifndef CVC4__EXPR_MANAGER_H
20 #define CVC4__EXPR_MANAGER_H
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "expr/expr.h"
25 #include "expr/kind.h"
26 #include "expr/type.h"
27 #include "util/statistics.h"
29 ${includes}
31 // This is a hack, but an important one: if there's an error, the
32 // compiler directs the user to the template file instead of the
33 // generated one. We don't want the user to modify the generated one,
34 // since it'll get overwritten on a later build.
35 #line 36 "${template}"
37 namespace CVC4 {
39 namespace api {
40 class Solver;
41 }
43 class Expr;
44 class SmtEngine;
45 class NodeManager;
46 class Options;
47 class IntStat;
48 struct ExprManagerMapCollection;
49 class ResourceManager;
51 class CVC4_PUBLIC ExprManager {
52 private:
53 friend api::Solver;
54 /** The internal node manager */
55 NodeManager* d_nodeManager;
57 /** Counts of expressions and variables created of a given kind */
58 IntStat* d_exprStatisticsVars[LAST_TYPE + 1];
59 IntStat* d_exprStatistics[kind::LAST_KIND];
61 /**
62 * Returns the internal node manager. This should only be used by
63 * internal users, i.e. the friend classes.
64 */
65 NodeManager* getNodeManager() const;
67 /**
68 * SmtEngine will use all the internals, so it will grab the
69 * NodeManager.
70 */
71 friend class SmtEngine;
73 /** ExprManagerScope reaches in to get the NodeManager */
74 friend class ExprManagerScope;
76 /** NodeManager reaches in to get the NodeManager */
77 friend class NodeManager;
79 // undefined, private copy constructor and assignment op (disallow copy)
80 ExprManager(const ExprManager&) = delete;
81 ExprManager& operator=(const ExprManager&) = delete;
82 /** Creates an expression manager. */
83 ExprManager();
84 public:
85 /**
86 * Destroys the expression manager. No will be deallocated at this point, so
87 * any expression references that used to be managed by this expression
88 * manager and are left-over are bad.
89 */
90 ~ExprManager();
92 /** Get the type for booleans */
93 BooleanType booleanType() const;
95 /** Get the type for strings. */
96 StringType stringType() const;
98 /** Get the type for regular expressions. */
99 RegExpType regExpType() const;
101 /** Get the type for reals. */
102 RealType realType() const;
104 /** Get the type for integers */
105 IntegerType integerType() const;
107 /** Get the type for rounding modes */
108 RoundingModeType roundingModeType() const;
110 /**
111 * Make a unary expression of a given kind (NOT, BVNOT, ...).
112 * @param kind the kind of expression
113 * @param child1 kind the kind of expression
114 * @return the expression
115 */
116 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1);
118 /**
119 * Make a binary expression of a given kind (AND, PLUS, ...).
120 * @param kind the kind of expression
121 * @param child1 the first child of the new expression
122 * @param child2 the second child of the new expression
123 * @return the expression
124 */
125 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1, Expr child2);
127 /**
128 * Make a 3-ary expression of a given kind (AND, PLUS, ...).
129 * @param kind the kind of expression
130 * @param child1 the first child of the new expression
131 * @param child2 the second child of the new expression
132 * @param child3 the third child of the new expression
133 * @return the expression
134 */
135 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3);
137 /**
138 * Make a 4-ary expression of a given kind (AND, PLUS, ...).
139 * @param kind the kind of expression
140 * @param child1 the first child of the new expression
141 * @param child2 the second child of the new expression
142 * @param child3 the third child of the new expression
143 * @param child4 the fourth child of the new expression
144 * @return the expression
145 */
146 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3, Expr child4);
148 /**
149 * Make a 5-ary expression of a given kind (AND, PLUS, ...).
150 * @param kind the kind of expression
151 * @param child1 the first child of the new expression
152 * @param child2 the second child of the new expression
153 * @param child3 the third child of the new expression
154 * @param child4 the fourth child of the new expression
155 * @param child5 the fifth child of the new expression
156 * @return the expression
157 */
158 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3, Expr child4,
159 Expr child5);
161 /**
162 * Make an n-ary expression of given kind given a vector of its
163 * children
164 *
165 * @param kind the kind of expression to build
166 * @param children the subexpressions
167 * @return the n-ary expression
168 */
169 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
171 /**
172 * Make an n-ary expression of given kind given a first arg and
173 * a vector of its remaining children (this can be useful where the
174 * kind is parameterized operator, so the first arg is really an
175 * arg to the kind to construct an operator)
176 *
177 * @param kind the kind of expression to build
178 * @param child1 the first subexpression
179 * @param otherChildren the remaining subexpressions
180 * @return the n-ary expression
181 */
182 Expr mkExpr(Kind kind, Expr child1, const std::vector<Expr>& otherChildren);
184 /**
185 * Make a nullary parameterized expression with the given operator.
186 *
187 * @param opExpr the operator expression
188 * @return the nullary expression
189 */
190 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr);
192 /**
193 * Make a unary parameterized expression with the given operator.
194 *
195 * @param opExpr the operator expression
196 * @param child1 the subexpression
197 * @return the unary expression
198 */
199 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, Expr child1);
201 /**
202 * Make a binary parameterized expression with the given operator.
203 *
204 * @param opExpr the operator expression
205 * @param child1 the first subexpression
206 * @param child2 the second subexpression
207 * @return the binary expression
208 */
209 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, Expr child1, Expr child2);
211 /**
212 * Make a ternary parameterized expression with the given operator.
213 *
214 * @param opExpr the operator expression
215 * @param child1 the first subexpression
216 * @param child2 the second subexpression
217 * @param child3 the third subexpression
218 * @return the ternary expression
219 */
220 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3);
222 /**
223 * Make a quaternary parameterized expression with the given operator.
224 *
225 * @param opExpr the operator expression
226 * @param child1 the first subexpression
227 * @param child2 the second subexpression
228 * @param child3 the third subexpression
229 * @param child4 the fourth subexpression
230 * @return the quaternary expression
231 */
232 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3, Expr child4);
234 /**
235 * Make a quinary parameterized expression with the given operator.
236 *
237 * @param opExpr the operator expression
238 * @param child1 the first subexpression
239 * @param child2 the second subexpression
240 * @param child3 the third subexpression
241 * @param child4 the fourth subexpression
242 * @param child5 the fifth subexpression
243 * @return the quinary expression
244 */
245 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, Expr child1, Expr child2, Expr child3, Expr child4,
246 Expr child5);
248 /**
249 * Make an n-ary expression of given operator to apply and a vector
250 * of its children
251 *
252 * @param opExpr the operator expression
253 * @param children the subexpressions
254 * @return the n-ary expression
255 */
256 Expr mkExpr(Expr opExpr, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
258 /** Create a constant of type T */
259 template <class T>
260 Expr mkConst(const T&);
262 /**
263 * Create an Expr by applying an associative operator to the children.
264 * If <code>children.size()</code> is greater than the max arity for
265 * <code>kind</code>, then the expression will be broken up into
266 * suitably-sized chunks, taking advantage of the associativity of
267 * <code>kind</code>. For example, if kind <code>FOO</code> has max arity
268 * 2, then calling <code>mkAssociative(FOO,a,b,c)</code> will return
269 * <code>(FOO (FOO a b) c)</code> or <code>(FOO a (FOO b c))</code>.
270 * The order of the arguments will be preserved in a left-to-right
271 * traversal of the resulting tree.
272 */
273 Expr mkAssociative(Kind kind, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
275 /**
276 * Create an Expr by applying an binary left-associative operator to the
277 * children. For example, mkLeftAssociative( f, { a, b, c } ) returns
278 * f( f( a, b ), c ).
279 */
280 Expr mkLeftAssociative(Kind kind, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
281 /**
282 * Create an Expr by applying an binary right-associative operator to the
283 * children. For example, mkRightAssociative( f, { a, b, c } ) returns
284 * f( a, f( b, c ) ).
285 */
286 Expr mkRightAssociative(Kind kind, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
288 /** make chain
289 *
290 * Given a kind k and arguments t_1, ..., t_n, this returns the
291 * conjunction of:
292 * (k t_1 t_2) .... (k t_{n-1} t_n)
293 * It is expected that k is a kind denoting a predicate, and args is a list
294 * of terms of size >= 2 such that the terms above are well-typed.
295 */
296 Expr mkChain(Kind kind, const std::vector<Expr>& children);
298 /**
299 * Determine whether Exprs of a particular Kind have operators.
300 * @returns true if Exprs of Kind k have operators.
301 */
302 static bool hasOperator(Kind k);
304 /**
305 * Get the (singleton) operator of an OPERATOR-kinded kind. The
306 * returned Expr e will have kind BUILTIN, and calling
307 * e.getConst<CVC4::Kind>() will yield k.
308 */
309 Expr operatorOf(Kind k);
311 /** Get a Kind from an operator expression */
312 Kind operatorToKind(Expr e);
314 /** Make a function type from domain to range. */
315 FunctionType mkFunctionType(Type domain, Type range);
317 /**
318 * Make a function type with input types from argTypes.
319 * <code>argTypes</code> must have at least one element.
320 */
321 FunctionType mkFunctionType(const std::vector<Type>& argTypes, Type range);
323 /**
324 * Make a function type with input types from
325 * <code>sorts[0..sorts.size()-2]</code> and result type
326 * <code>sorts[sorts.size()-1]</code>. <code>sorts</code> must have
327 * at least 2 elements.
328 */
329 FunctionType mkFunctionType(const std::vector<Type>& sorts);
331 /**
332 * Make a predicate type with input types from
333 * <code>sorts</code>. The result with be a function type with range
334 * <code>BOOLEAN</code>. <code>sorts</code> must have at least one
335 * element.
336 */
337 FunctionType mkPredicateType(const std::vector<Type>& sorts);
339 /**
340 * Make a symbolic expressiontype with types from
341 * <code>types[0..types.size()-1]</code>. <code>types</code> may
342 * have any number of elements.
343 */
344 SExprType mkSExprType(const std::vector<Type>& types);
346 /** Make a type representing a floating-point type with the given parameters. */
347 FloatingPointType mkFloatingPointType(unsigned exp, unsigned sig) const;
349 /** Make a type representing a bit-vector of the given size. */
350 BitVectorType mkBitVectorType(unsigned size) const;
352 /** Make the type of arrays with the given parameterization. */
353 ArrayType mkArrayType(Type indexType, Type constituentType) const;
355 /** Make the type of set with the given parameterization. */
356 SetType mkSetType(Type elementType) const;
358 /** Make the type of sequence with the given parameterization. */
359 SequenceType mkSequenceType(Type elementType) const;
361 /** Bits for use in mkSort() flags. */
362 enum {
365 };/* enum */
367 /** Make a new sort with the given name. */
368 SortType mkSort(const std::string& name, uint32_t flags = SORT_FLAG_NONE) const;
370 /** Make a sort constructor from a name and arity. */
371 SortConstructorType mkSortConstructor(const std::string& name,
372 size_t arity,
373 uint32_t flags = SORT_FLAG_NONE) const;
375 /**
376 * Get the type of an expression.
377 *
378 * Throws a TypeCheckingException on failures or if a Type cannot be
379 * computed.
380 */
381 Type getType(Expr e, bool check = false);
383 /** Bits for use in mkVar() flags. */
384 enum {
385 VAR_FLAG_NONE = 0,
388 };/* enum */
390 /**
391 * Create a new, fresh variable. This variable is guaranteed to be
392 * distinct from every variable thus far in the ExprManager, even
393 * if it shares a name with another; this is to support any kind of
394 * scoping policy on top of ExprManager. The SymbolTable class
395 * can be used to store and lookup symbols by name, if desired.
396 *
397 * @param name a name to associate to the fresh new variable
398 * @param type the type for the new variable
399 * @param flags - VAR_FLAG_NONE - no flags;
400 * VAR_FLAG_GLOBAL - whether this variable is to be
401 * considered "global" or not. Note that this information isn't
402 * used by the ExprManager, but is passed on to the ExprManager's
403 * event subscribers like the model-building service; if isGlobal
404 * is true, this newly-created variable will still available in
405 * models generated after an intervening pop.
406 * VAR_FLAG_DEFINED - if this is to be a "defined" symbol, e.g., for
407 * use with SmtEngine::defineFunction(). This keeps a declaration
408 * from being emitted in API dumps (since a subsequent definition is
409 * expected to be dumped instead).
410 */
411 Expr mkVar(const std::string& name, Type type, uint32_t flags = VAR_FLAG_NONE);
413 /**
414 * Create a (nameless) new, fresh variable. This variable is guaranteed
415 * to be distinct from every variable thus far in the ExprManager.
416 *
417 * @param type the type for the new variable
418 * @param flags - VAR_FLAG_GLOBAL - whether this variable is to be considered "global"
419 * or not. Note that this information isn't used by the ExprManager,
420 * but is passed on to the ExprManager's event subscribers like the
421 * model-building service; if isGlobal is true, this newly-created
422 * variable will still available in models generated after an
423 * intervening pop.
424 */
425 Expr mkVar(Type type, uint32_t flags = VAR_FLAG_NONE);
427 /**
428 * Create a new, fresh variable for use in a binder expression
430 * an error for this bound variable to exist outside of a binder,
431 * and it should also only be used in a single binder expression.
432 * That is, two distinct FORALL expressions should use entirely
433 * disjoint sets of bound variables (however, a single FORALL
434 * expression can be used in multiple places in a formula without
435 * a problem). This newly-created bound variable is guaranteed to
436 * be distinct from every variable thus far in the ExprManager, even
437 * if it shares a name with another; this is to support any kind of
438 * scoping policy on top of ExprManager. The SymbolTable class
439 * can be used to store and lookup symbols by name, if desired.
440 *
441 * @param name a name to associate to the fresh new bound variable
442 * @param type the type for the new bound variable
443 */
444 Expr mkBoundVar(const std::string& name, Type type);
446 /**
447 * Create a (nameless) new, fresh variable for use in a binder
448 * expression (the BOUND_VAR_LIST of a FORALL, EXISTS, LAMBDA, or WITNESS).
449 * It is an error for this bound variable to exist outside of a
450 * binder, and it should also only be used in a single binder
451 * expression. That is, two distinct FORALL expressions should use
452 * entirely disjoint sets of bound variables (however, a single FORALL
453 * expression can be used in multiple places in a formula without
454 * a problem). This newly-created bound variable is guaranteed to
455 * be distinct from every variable thus far in the ExprManager.
456 *
457 * @param type the type for the new bound variable
458 */
459 Expr mkBoundVar(Type type);
461 /**
462 * Create unique variable of type
463 */
464 Expr mkNullaryOperator( Type type, Kind k);
466 /** Get a reference to the statistics registry for this ExprManager */
467 Statistics getStatistics() const;
469 /** Get a reference to the statistics registry for this ExprManager */
470 SExpr getStatistic(const std::string& name) const;
472 /**
473 * Flushes statistics for this ExprManager to a file descriptor. Safe to use
474 * in a signal handler.
475 */
476 void safeFlushStatistics(int fd) const;
478 /** Export an expr to a different ExprManager */
479 //static Expr exportExpr(const Expr& e, ExprManager* em);
480 /** Export a type to a different ExprManager */
481 static Type exportType(const Type& t, ExprManager* em, ExprManagerMapCollection& vmap);
483 /** Returns the minimum arity of the given kind. */
484 static unsigned minArity(Kind kind);
486 /** Returns the maximum arity of the given kind. */
487 static unsigned maxArity(Kind kind);
489 /** Whether a kind is n-ary. The test is based on n-ary kinds having their
490 * maximal arity as the maximal possible number of children of a node.
491 **/
492 static bool isNAryKind(Kind fun);
493 };/* class ExprManager */
495 ${mkConst_instantiations}
497 }/* CVC4 namespace */
499 #endif /* CVC4__EXPR_MANAGER_H */