Switching to types-as-attributes in parser
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / node.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /** node.cpp
3 ** Original author: mdeters
4 ** Major contributors: dejan
5 ** Minor contributors (to current version): taking
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
8 ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
9 ** New York University
10 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
11 ** information.
12 **
13 ** Reference-counted encapsulation of a pointer to an expression.
14 **/
16 #include "expr/node.h"
17 #include "expr/node_value.h"
18 #include "expr/node_builder.h"
19 #include "util/Assert.h"
21 #include <sstream>
23 using namespace CVC4::expr;
24 using namespace std;
26 namespace CVC4 {
28 NodeValue NodeValue::s_null;
30 Node Node::s_null(&NodeValue::s_null);
32 Node Node::null() {
33 return s_null;
34 }
36 bool Node::isNull() const {
37 return d_ev == &NodeValue::s_null;
38 }
40 ////FIXME: This function is a major hack! Should be changed ASAP
41 ////TODO: Should use positive definition, i.e. what kinds are atomic.
42 bool Node::isAtomic() const {
43 switch(getKind()) {
44 case NOT:
45 case XOR:
46 case ITE:
47 case IFF:
48 case IMPLIES:
49 case OR:
50 case AND:
51 return false;
52 default:
53 return true;
54 }
55 }
57 Node::Node() :
58 d_ev(&NodeValue::s_null) {
59 // No refcount needed
60 }
62 // FIXME: escape from type system convenient but is there a better
63 // way? Nodes conceptually don't change their expr values but of
64 // course they do modify the refcount. But it's nice to be able to
65 // support node_iterators over const NodeValue*. So.... hm.
66 Node::Node(const NodeValue* ev)
67 : d_ev(const_cast<NodeValue*>(ev)) {
68 Assert(d_ev != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
69 d_ev->inc();
70 }
72 Node::Node(const Node& e) {
73 Assert(e.d_ev != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
74 d_ev = e.d_ev;
75 d_ev->inc();
76 }
78 Node::~Node() {
79 Assert(d_ev != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
80 d_ev->dec();
81 }
83 void Node::assignNodeValue(NodeValue* ev) {
84 d_ev = ev;
85 d_ev->inc();
86 }
88 Node& Node::operator=(const Node& e) {
89 Assert(d_ev != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
90 Assert(e.d_ev != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value on RHS!");
91 if(EXPECT_TRUE( d_ev != e.d_ev )) {
92 d_ev->dec();
93 d_ev = e.d_ev;
94 d_ev->inc();
95 }
96 return *this;
97 }
99 Node Node::eqExpr(const Node& right) const {
100 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
101 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
102 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
104 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(EQUAL, *this, right);
105 }
107 Node Node::notExpr() const {
108 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
109 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
110 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
112 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(NOT, *this);
113 }
115 Node Node::andExpr(const Node& right) const {
116 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
117 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
118 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
120 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, *this, right);
121 }
123 Node Node::orExpr(const Node& right) const {
124 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
125 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
126 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
128 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(OR, *this, right);
129 }
131 Node Node::iteExpr(const Node& thenpart, const Node& elsepart) const {
132 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
133 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
134 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
136 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(ITE, *this, thenpart, elsepart);
137 }
139 Node Node::iffExpr(const Node& right) const {
140 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
141 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
142 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
144 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(IFF, *this, right);
145 }
147 Node Node::impExpr(const Node& right) const {
148 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
149 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
150 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
152 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(IMPLIES, *this, right);
153 }
155 Node Node::xorExpr(const Node& right) const {
156 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
157 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
158 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
160 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(XOR, *this, right);
161 }
163 const Type* Node::getType() const {
164 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
165 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
166 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
167 return NodeManager::currentNM()->getType(*this);
168 }
170 static void indent(ostream & o, int indent) {
171 for(int i=0; i < indent; i++) {
172 o << ' ';
173 }
174 }
176 void Node::printAst(ostream & o, int ind) const {
177 indent(o, ind);
178 o << '(';
179 o << getKind();
180 if(getKind() == VARIABLE) {
181 o << ' ' << getId();
182 } else if(getNumChildren() >= 1) {
183 for(Node::iterator child = begin(); child != end(); ++child) {
184 o << endl;
185 (*child).printAst(o, ind + 1);
186 }
187 o << endl;
188 indent(o, ind);
189 }
190 o << ')';
191 }
193 void Node::debugPrint() {
194 #ifndef CVC4_MUZZLE
195 printAst(Warning(), 0);
196 Warning().flush();
197 #endif /* ! CVC4_MUZZLE */
198 }
200 }/* CVC4 namespace */