api: Rename BOUND_VAR_LIST to VARIABLE_LIST. (#7632)
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / node_converter.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Node converter utility
14 */
16 #include "cvc5_private.h"
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <map>
24 #include "expr/node.h"
25 #include "expr/type_node.h"
27 namespace cvc5 {
29 /**
30 * A node converter for terms and types. Implements term/type traversals,
31 * calling the provided implementations of conversion methods (pre/postConvert
32 * and pre/postConvertType) at pre-traversal and post-traversal.
33 *
34 * This class can be used as a generic method for converting terms/types, which
35 * is orthogonal to methods for traversing nodes.
36 */
37 class NodeConverter
38 {
39 public:
40 /**
41 * @param forceIdem If true, this assumes that terms returned by postConvert
42 * and postConvertType should not be converted again.
43 */
44 NodeConverter(bool forceIdem = true);
45 virtual ~NodeConverter() {}
46 /**
47 * This converts node n based on the preConvert/postConvert methods that can
48 * be overriden by instances of this class.
49 *
50 * If n is null, this always returns the null node.
51 */
52 Node convert(Node n);
54 /**
55 * This converts type node n based on the preConvertType/postConvertType
56 * methods that can be overriden by instances of this class.
57 */
58 TypeNode convertType(TypeNode tn);
60 protected:
61 //------------------------- virtual interface
62 /** Should we traverse n? */
63 virtual bool shouldTraverse(Node n);
64 /**
65 * Run the conversion for n during pre-order traversal.
66 * Returning null is equivalent to saying the node should not be changed.
67 */
68 virtual Node preConvert(Node n);
69 /**
70 * Run the conversion for post-order traversal, where notice n is a term
71 * of the form:
72 * (f i_1 ... i_m)
73 * where i_1, ..., i_m are terms that have been returned by previous calls
74 * to postConvert.
75 *
76 * Returning null is equivalent to saying the node should not be changed.
77 */
78 virtual Node postConvert(Node n);
79 /**
80 * Run the conversion, same as `preConvert`, but for type nodes, which notice
81 * can be built from children similar to Node.
82 */
83 virtual TypeNode preConvertType(TypeNode n);
84 /**
85 * Run the conversion, same as `postConvert`, but for type nodes, which notice
86 * can be built from children similar to Node.
87 */
88 virtual TypeNode postConvertType(TypeNode n);
89 //------------------------- end virtual interface
90 private:
91 /** Add to cache */
92 void addToCache(TNode cur, TNode ret);
93 /** Add to type cache */
94 void addToTypeCache(TypeNode cur, TypeNode ret);
95 /** Node cache for preConvert */
96 std::unordered_map<Node, Node> d_preCache;
97 /** Node cache for postConvert */
98 std::unordered_map<Node, Node> d_cache;
99 /** TypeNode cache for preConvert */
100 std::unordered_map<TypeNode, TypeNode> d_preTCache;
101 /** TypeNode cache for postConvert */
102 std::unordered_map<TypeNode, TypeNode> d_tcache;
103 /** Whether this node converter is idempotent. */
104 bool d_forceIdem;
105 };
107 } // namespace cvc5
109 #endif