Adding listeners to Options.
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / node_manager.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file node_manager.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Dejan Jovanovic
5 ** Major contributors: Christopher L. Conway, Morgan Deters
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): ACSYS, Tianyi Liang, Kshitij Bansal, Tim King
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2014 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief A manager for Nodes
13 **
14 ** A manager for Nodes.
15 **
16 ** Reviewed by Chris Conway, Apr 5 2010 (bug #65).
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 /* circular dependency; force node.h first */
22 //#include "expr/attribute.h"
23 #include "expr/node.h"
24 #include "expr/type_node.h"
25 #include "expr/expr.h"
26 #include "expr/expr_manager.h"
28 #ifndef __CVC4__NODE_MANAGER_H
29 #define __CVC4__NODE_MANAGER_H
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <ext/hash_set>
35 #include "base/tls.h"
36 #include "expr/kind.h"
37 #include "expr/metakind.h"
38 #include "expr/node_value.h"
39 #include "util/subrange_bound.h"
40 #include "options/options.h"
42 namespace CVC4 {
44 class StatisticsRegistry;
45 class ResourceManager;
47 namespace expr {
48 namespace attr {
49 class AttributeUniqueId;
50 class AttributeManager;
51 }/* CVC4::expr::attr namespace */
53 class TypeChecker;
54 }/* CVC4::expr namespace */
56 /**
57 * An interface that an interested party can implement and then subscribe
58 * to NodeManager events via NodeManager::subscribeEvents(this).
59 */
60 class NodeManagerListener {
61 public:
62 virtual ~NodeManagerListener() { }
63 virtual void nmNotifyNewSort(TypeNode tn, uint32_t flags) { }
64 virtual void nmNotifyNewSortConstructor(TypeNode tn) { }
65 virtual void nmNotifyInstantiateSortConstructor(TypeNode ctor, TypeNode sort, uint32_t flags) { }
66 virtual void nmNotifyNewDatatypes(const std::vector<DatatypeType>& datatypes) { }
67 virtual void nmNotifyNewVar(TNode n, uint32_t flags) { }
68 virtual void nmNotifyNewSkolem(TNode n, const std::string& comment, uint32_t flags) { }
69 /**
70 * Notify a listener of a Node that's being GCed. If this function stores a reference
71 * to the Node somewhere, very bad things will happen.
72 */
73 virtual void nmNotifyDeleteNode(TNode n) { }
74 };/* class NodeManagerListener */
76 class NodeManager {
77 template <unsigned nchild_thresh> friend class CVC4::NodeBuilder;
78 friend class NodeManagerScope;
79 friend class expr::NodeValue;
80 friend class expr::TypeChecker;
82 // friends so they can access mkVar() here, which is private
83 friend Expr ExprManager::mkVar(const std::string&, Type, uint32_t flags);
84 friend Expr ExprManager::mkVar(Type, uint32_t flags);
86 // friend so it can access NodeManager's d_listeners and notify clients
87 friend std::vector<DatatypeType> ExprManager::mkMutualDatatypeTypes(const std::vector<Datatype>&, const std::set<Type>&);
89 /** Predicate for use with STL algorithms */
90 struct NodeValueReferenceCountNonZero {
91 bool operator()(expr::NodeValue* nv) { return nv->d_rc > 0; }
92 };
94 typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_set<expr::NodeValue*,
95 expr::NodeValuePoolHashFunction,
96 expr::NodeValuePoolEq> NodeValuePool;
97 typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_set<expr::NodeValue*,
98 expr::NodeValueIDHashFunction,
99 expr::NodeValueEq> ZombieSet;
101 static CVC4_THREADLOCAL(NodeManager*) s_current;
103 Options* d_options;
104 StatisticsRegistry* d_statisticsRegistry;
106 ResourceManager* d_resourceManager;
108 /**
109 * A list of registrations on d_options to that call into d_resourceManager.
110 * These must be garbage collected before d_options and d_resourceManager.
111 */
112 ListenerRegistrationList* d_registrations;
114 NodeValuePool d_nodeValuePool;
116 size_t next_id;
118 expr::attr::AttributeManager* d_attrManager;
120 /** The associated ExprManager */
121 ExprManager* d_exprManager;
123 /**
124 * The node value we're currently freeing. This unique node value
125 * is permitted to have outstanding TNodes to it (in "soft"
126 * contexts, like as a key in attribute tables), even though
127 * normally it's an error to have a TNode to a node value with a
128 * reference count of 0. Being "under deletion" also enables
129 * assertions that inc() is not called on it. (A poorly-behaving
130 * attribute cleanup function could otherwise create a "Node" that
131 * points to the node value that is in the process of being deleted,
132 * springing it back to life.)
133 */
134 expr::NodeValue* d_nodeUnderDeletion;
136 /**
137 * True iff we are in reclaimZombies(). This avoids unnecessary
138 * recursion; a NodeValue being deleted might zombify other
139 * NodeValues, but these shouldn't trigger a (recursive) call to
140 * reclaimZombies().
141 */
142 bool d_inReclaimZombies;
144 /**
145 * The set of zombie nodes. We may want to revisit this design, as
146 * we might like to delete nodes in least-recently-used order. But
147 * we also need to avoid processing a zombie twice.
148 */
149 ZombieSet d_zombies;
151 /**
152 * A set of operator singletons (w.r.t. to this NodeManager
153 * instance) for operators. Conceptually, Nodes with kind, say,
154 * PLUS, are APPLYs of a PLUS operator to arguments. This array
155 * holds the set of operators for these things. A PLUS operator is
156 * a Node with kind "BUILTIN", and if you call
157 * plusOperator->getConst<CVC4::Kind>(), you get kind::PLUS back.
158 */
159 Node d_operators[kind::LAST_KIND];
161 /**
162 * A list of subscribers for NodeManager events.
163 */
164 std::vector<NodeManagerListener*> d_listeners;
166 /**
167 * A map of tuple and record types to their corresponding datatype.
168 */
169 std::hash_map<TypeNode, TypeNode, TypeNodeHashFunction> d_tupleAndRecordTypes;
171 /**
172 * Keep a count of all abstract values produced by this NodeManager.
173 * Abstract values have a type attribute, so if multiple SmtEngines
174 * are attached to this NodeManager, we don't want their abstract
175 * values to overlap.
176 */
177 unsigned d_abstractValueCount;
179 /**
180 * A counter used to produce unique skolem names.
181 *
182 * Note that it is NOT incremented when skolems are created using
183 * SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME, so it is NOT a count of the skolems produced
184 * by this node manager.
185 */
186 unsigned d_skolemCounter;
188 /**
189 * Look up a NodeValue in the pool associated to this NodeManager.
190 * The NodeValue argument need not be a "completely-constructed"
191 * NodeValue. In particular, "non-inlined" constants are permitted
192 * (see below).
193 *
194 * For non-CONSTANT metakinds, nv's d_kind and d_nchildren should be
195 * correctly set, and d_children[0..n-1] should be valid (extant)
196 * NodeValues for lookup.
197 *
198 * For CONSTANT metakinds, nv's d_kind should be set correctly.
199 * Normally a CONSTANT would have d_nchildren == 0 and the constant
200 * value inlined in the d_children space. However, here we permit
201 * "non-inlined" NodeValues to avoid unnecessary copying. For
202 * these, d_nchildren == 1, and d_nchildren is a pointer to the
203 * constant value.
204 *
205 * The point of this complex design is to permit efficient lookups
206 * (without fully constructing a NodeValue). In the case that the
207 * argument is not fully constructed, and this function returns
208 * NULL, the caller should fully construct an equivalent one before
209 * calling poolInsert(). NON-FULLY-CONSTRUCTED NODEVALUES are not
210 * permitted in the pool!
211 */
212 inline expr::NodeValue* poolLookup(expr::NodeValue* nv) const;
214 /**
215 * Insert a NodeValue into the NodeManager's pool.
216 *
217 * It is an error to insert a NodeValue already in the pool.
218 * Enquire first with poolLookup().
219 */
220 inline void poolInsert(expr::NodeValue* nv);
222 /**
223 * Remove a NodeValue from the NodeManager's pool.
224 *
225 * It is an error to request the removal of a NodeValue from the
226 * pool that is not in the pool.
227 */
228 inline void poolRemove(expr::NodeValue* nv);
230 /**
231 * Determine if nv is currently being deleted by the NodeManager.
232 */
233 inline bool isCurrentlyDeleting(const expr::NodeValue* nv) const {
234 return d_nodeUnderDeletion == nv;
235 }
237 /**
238 * Register a NodeValue as a zombie.
239 */
240 inline void markForDeletion(expr::NodeValue* nv) {
241 Assert(nv->d_rc == 0);
243 // if d_reclaiming is set, make sure we don't call
244 // reclaimZombies(), because it's already running.
245 if(Debug.isOn("gc")) {
246 Debug("gc") << "zombifying node value " << nv
247 << " [" << nv->d_id << "]: ";
248 nv->printAst(Debug("gc"));
249 Debug("gc") << (d_inReclaimZombies ? " [CURRENTLY-RECLAIMING]" : "")
250 << std::endl;
251 }
252 d_zombies.insert(nv);// FIXME multithreading
254 if(safeToReclaimZombies()) {
255 if(d_zombies.size() > 5000) {
256 reclaimZombies();
257 }
258 }
259 }
261 /**
262 * Reclaim all zombies.
263 */
264 void reclaimZombies();
266 /**
267 * It is safe to collect zombies.
268 */
269 bool safeToReclaimZombies() const;
271 /**
272 * This template gives a mechanism to stack-allocate a NodeValue
273 * with enough space for N children (where N is a compile-time
274 * constant). You use it like this:
275 *
276 * NVStorage<4> nvStorage;
277 * NodeValue& nvStack = reinterpret_cast<NodeValue&>(nvStorage);
278 *
279 * ...and then you can use nvStack as a NodeValue that you know has
280 * room for 4 children.
281 */
282 template <size_t N>
283 struct NVStorage {
284 expr::NodeValue nv;
285 expr::NodeValue* child[N];
286 };/* struct NodeManager::NVStorage<N> */
288 /* A note on isAtomic() and isAtomicFormula() (in CVC3 parlance)..
289 *
290 * It has been decided for now to hold off on implementations of
291 * these functions, as they may only be needed in CNF conversion,
292 * where it's pointless to do a lazy isAtomic determination by
293 * searching through the DAG, and storing it, since the result will
294 * only be used once. For more details see the 4/27/2010 CVC4
295 * developer's meeting notes at:
296 *
297 *,_2010#isAtomic.28.29_and_isAtomicFormula.28.29
298 */
299 // bool containsDecision(TNode); // is "atomic"
300 // bool properlyContainsDecision(TNode); // all children are atomic
302 // undefined private copy constructor (disallow copy)
303 NodeManager(const NodeManager&) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
305 NodeManager& operator=(const NodeManager&) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
307 void init();
309 /**
310 * Create a variable with the given name and type. NOTE that no
311 * lookup is done on the name. If you mkVar("a", type) and then
312 * mkVar("a", type) again, you have two variables. The NodeManager
313 * version of this is private to avoid internal uses of mkVar() from
314 * within CVC4. Such uses should employ mkSkolem() instead.
315 */
316 Node mkVar(const std::string& name, const TypeNode& type, uint32_t flags = ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_NONE);
317 Node* mkVarPtr(const std::string& name, const TypeNode& type, uint32_t flags = ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_NONE);
319 /** Create a variable with the given type. */
320 Node mkVar(const TypeNode& type, uint32_t flags = ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_NONE);
321 Node* mkVarPtr(const TypeNode& type, uint32_t flags = ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_NONE);
323 public:
325 explicit NodeManager(ExprManager* exprManager);
326 explicit NodeManager(ExprManager* exprManager, const Options& options);
327 ~NodeManager();
329 /** The node manager in the current public-facing CVC4 library context */
330 static NodeManager* currentNM() { return s_current; }
331 /** The resource manager associated with the current node manager */
332 static ResourceManager* currentResourceManager() { return s_current->d_resourceManager; }
334 /** Get this node manager's options (const version) */
335 const Options& getOptions() const {
336 return *d_options;
337 }
339 /** Get this node manager's options (non-const version) */
340 Options& getOptions() {
341 return *d_options;
342 }
344 /** Get this node manager's resource manager */
345 ResourceManager* getResourceManager() throw() { return d_resourceManager; }
347 /** Get this node manager's statistics registry */
348 StatisticsRegistry* getStatisticsRegistry() const throw() {
349 return d_statisticsRegistry;
350 }
352 /** Subscribe to NodeManager events */
353 void subscribeEvents(NodeManagerListener* listener) {
354 Assert(std::find(d_listeners.begin(), d_listeners.end(), listener) == d_listeners.end(), "listener already subscribed");
355 d_listeners.push_back(listener);
356 }
358 /** Unsubscribe from NodeManager events */
359 void unsubscribeEvents(NodeManagerListener* listener) {
360 std::vector<NodeManagerListener*>::iterator elt = std::find(d_listeners.begin(), d_listeners.end(), listener);
361 Assert(elt != d_listeners.end(), "listener not subscribed");
362 d_listeners.erase(elt);
363 }
365 /** Get a Kind from an operator expression */
366 static inline Kind operatorToKind(TNode n);
368 // general expression-builders
370 /** Create a node with one child. */
371 Node mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1);
372 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1);
374 /** Create a node with two children. */
375 Node mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2);
376 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2);
378 /** Create a node with three children. */
379 Node mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3);
380 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3);
382 /** Create a node with four children. */
383 Node mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
384 TNode child4);
385 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
386 TNode child4);
388 /** Create a node with five children. */
389 Node mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
390 TNode child4, TNode child5);
391 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
392 TNode child4, TNode child5);
394 /** Create a node with an arbitrary number of children. */
395 template <bool ref_count>
396 Node mkNode(Kind kind, const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >& children);
397 template <bool ref_count>
398 Node* mkNodePtr(Kind kind, const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >& children);
400 /** Create a node (with no children) by operator. */
401 Node mkNode(TNode opNode);
402 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode);
404 /** Create a node with one child by operator. */
405 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1);
406 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1);
408 /** Create a node with two children by operator. */
409 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2);
410 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2);
412 /** Create a node with three children by operator. */
413 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3);
414 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3);
416 /** Create a node with four children by operator. */
417 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
418 TNode child4);
419 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
420 TNode child4);
422 /** Create a node with five children by operator. */
423 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
424 TNode child4, TNode child5);
425 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2, TNode child3,
426 TNode child4, TNode child5);
428 /** Create a node by applying an operator to the children. */
429 template <bool ref_count>
430 Node mkNode(TNode opNode, const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >& children);
431 template <bool ref_count>
432 Node* mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >& children);
434 Node mkBoundVar(const std::string& name, const TypeNode& type);
435 Node* mkBoundVarPtr(const std::string& name, const TypeNode& type);
437 Node mkBoundVar(const TypeNode& type);
438 Node* mkBoundVarPtr(const TypeNode& type);
440 /**
441 * Optional flags used to control behavior of NodeManager::mkSkolem().
442 * They should be composed with a bitwise OR (e.g.,
444 * cannot be composed in such a manner.
445 */
446 enum SkolemFlags {
447 SKOLEM_DEFAULT = 0, /**< default behavior */
448 SKOLEM_NO_NOTIFY = 1, /**< do not notify subscribers */
449 SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME = 2,/**< do not make the name unique by adding the id */
450 SKOLEM_IS_GLOBAL = 4 /**< global vars appear in models even after a pop */
451 };/* enum SkolemFlags */
453 /**
454 * Create a skolem constant with the given name, type, and comment.
455 *
456 * @param prefix the name of the new skolem variable is the prefix
457 * appended with a unique ID. This way a family of skolem variables
458 * can be made with unique identifiers, used in dump, tracing, and
459 * debugging output. Use SKOLEM_EXECT_NAME flag if you don't want
460 * a unique ID appended and use prefix as the name.
461 *
462 * @param type the type of the skolem variable to create
463 *
464 * @param comment a comment for dumping output; if declarations are
465 * being dumped, this is included in a comment before the declaration
466 * and can be quite useful for debugging
467 *
468 * @param flags an optional mask of bits from SkolemFlags to control
469 * mkSkolem() behavior
470 */
471 Node mkSkolem(const std::string& prefix, const TypeNode& type,
472 const std::string& comment = "", int flags = SKOLEM_DEFAULT);
474 /** Create a instantiation constant with the given type. */
475 Node mkInstConstant(const TypeNode& type);
477 /** Make a new abstract value with the given type. */
478 Node mkAbstractValue(const TypeNode& type);
480 /**
481 * Create a constant of type T. It will have the appropriate
482 * CONST_* kind defined for T.
483 */
484 template <class T>
485 Node mkConst(const T&);
487 template <class T>
488 TypeNode mkTypeConst(const T&);
490 template <class NodeClass, class T>
491 NodeClass mkConstInternal(const T&);
493 /** Create a node with children. */
494 TypeNode mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1);
495 TypeNode mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1, TypeNode child2);
496 TypeNode mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1, TypeNode child2,
497 TypeNode child3);
498 TypeNode mkTypeNode(Kind kind, const std::vector<TypeNode>& children);
500 /**
501 * Determine whether Nodes of a particular Kind have operators.
502 * @returns true if Nodes of Kind k have operators.
503 */
504 static inline bool hasOperator(Kind k);
506 /**
507 * Get the (singleton) operator of an OPERATOR-kinded kind. The
508 * returned node n will have kind BUILTIN, and calling
509 * n.getConst<CVC4::Kind>() will yield k.
510 */
511 inline TNode operatorOf(Kind k) {
512 AssertArgument( kind::metaKindOf(k) == kind::metakind::OPERATOR, k,
513 "Kind is not an OPERATOR-kinded kind "
514 "in NodeManager::operatorOf()" );
515 return d_operators[k];
516 }
518 /**
519 * Retrieve an attribute for a node.
520 *
521 * @param nv the node value
522 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to retrieve.
523 * @returns the attribute, if set, or a default-constructed
524 * <code>AttrKind::value_type</code> if not.
525 */
526 template <class AttrKind>
527 inline typename AttrKind::value_type getAttribute(expr::NodeValue* nv,
528 const AttrKind& attr) const;
530 /**
531 * Check whether an attribute is set for a node.
532 *
533 * @param nv the node value
534 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
535 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for
536 * <code>nv</code>.
537 */
538 template <class AttrKind>
539 inline bool hasAttribute(expr::NodeValue* nv,
540 const AttrKind& attr) const;
542 /**
543 * Check whether an attribute is set for a node, and, if so,
544 * retrieve it.
545 *
546 * @param nv the node value
547 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
548 * @param value a reference to an object of the attribute's value type.
549 * <code>value</code> will be set to the value of the attribute, if it is
550 * set for <code>nv</code>; otherwise, it will be set to the default
551 * value of the attribute.
552 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for
553 * <code>nv</code>.
554 */
555 template <class AttrKind>
556 inline bool getAttribute(expr::NodeValue* nv,
557 const AttrKind& attr,
558 typename AttrKind::value_type& value) const;
560 /**
561 * Set an attribute for a node. If the node doesn't have the
562 * attribute, this function assigns one. If the node has one, this
563 * overwrites it.
564 *
565 * @param nv the node value
566 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to set
567 * @param value the value of <code>attr</code> for <code>nv</code>
568 */
569 template <class AttrKind>
570 inline void setAttribute(expr::NodeValue* nv,
571 const AttrKind& attr,
572 const typename AttrKind::value_type& value);
574 /**
575 * Retrieve an attribute for a TNode.
576 *
577 * @param n the node
578 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to retrieve.
579 * @returns the attribute, if set, or a default-constructed
580 * <code>AttrKind::value_type</code> if not.
581 */
582 template <class AttrKind>
583 inline typename AttrKind::value_type
584 getAttribute(TNode n, const AttrKind& attr) const;
586 /**
587 * Check whether an attribute is set for a TNode.
588 *
589 * @param n the node
590 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
591 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for <code>n</code>.
592 */
593 template <class AttrKind>
594 inline bool hasAttribute(TNode n,
595 const AttrKind& attr) const;
597 /**
598 * Check whether an attribute is set for a TNode and, if so, retieve
599 * it.
600 *
601 * @param n the node
602 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
603 * @param value a reference to an object of the attribute's value type.
604 * <code>value</code> will be set to the value of the attribute, if it is
605 * set for <code>nv</code>; otherwise, it will be set to the default value of
606 * the attribute.
607 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for <code>n</code>.
608 */
609 template <class AttrKind>
610 inline bool getAttribute(TNode n,
611 const AttrKind& attr,
612 typename AttrKind::value_type& value) const;
614 /**
615 * Set an attribute for a node. If the node doesn't have the
616 * attribute, this function assigns one. If the node has one, this
617 * overwrites it.
618 *
619 * @param n the node
620 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to set
621 * @param value the value of <code>attr</code> for <code>n</code>
622 */
623 template <class AttrKind>
624 inline void setAttribute(TNode n,
625 const AttrKind& attr,
626 const typename AttrKind::value_type& value);
628 /**
629 * Retrieve an attribute for a TypeNode.
630 *
631 * @param n the type node
632 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to retrieve.
633 * @returns the attribute, if set, or a default-constructed
634 * <code>AttrKind::value_type</code> if not.
635 */
636 template <class AttrKind>
637 inline typename AttrKind::value_type
638 getAttribute(TypeNode n, const AttrKind& attr) const;
640 /**
641 * Check whether an attribute is set for a TypeNode.
642 *
643 * @param n the type node
644 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
645 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for <code>n</code>.
646 */
647 template <class AttrKind>
648 inline bool hasAttribute(TypeNode n,
649 const AttrKind& attr) const;
651 /**
652 * Check whether an attribute is set for a TypeNode and, if so, retieve
653 * it.
654 *
655 * @param n the type node
656 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to check
657 * @param value a reference to an object of the attribute's value type.
658 * <code>value</code> will be set to the value of the attribute, if it is
659 * set for <code>nv</code>; otherwise, it will be set to the default value of
660 * the attribute.
661 * @returns <code>true</code> iff <code>attr</code> is set for <code>n</code>.
662 */
663 template <class AttrKind>
664 inline bool getAttribute(TypeNode n,
665 const AttrKind& attr,
666 typename AttrKind::value_type& value) const;
668 /**
669 * Set an attribute for a type node. If the node doesn't have the
670 * attribute, this function assigns one. If the type node has one,
671 * this overwrites it.
672 *
673 * @param n the type node
674 * @param attr an instance of the attribute kind to set
675 * @param value the value of <code>attr</code> for <code>n</code>
676 */
677 template <class AttrKind>
678 inline void setAttribute(TypeNode n,
679 const AttrKind& attr,
680 const typename AttrKind::value_type& value);
682 /** Get the (singleton) type for Booleans. */
683 inline TypeNode booleanType();
685 /** Get the (singleton) type for integers. */
686 inline TypeNode integerType();
688 /** Get the (singleton) type for reals. */
689 inline TypeNode realType();
691 /** Get the (singleton) type for strings. */
692 inline TypeNode stringType();
694 /** Get the (singleton) type for RegExp. */
695 inline TypeNode regexpType();
697 /** Get the (singleton) type for rounding modes. */
698 inline TypeNode roundingModeType();
700 /** Get the bound var list type. */
701 inline TypeNode boundVarListType();
703 /** Get the instantiation pattern type. */
704 inline TypeNode instPatternType();
706 /** Get the instantiation pattern type. */
707 inline TypeNode instPatternListType();
709 /**
710 * Get the (singleton) type for builtin operators (that is, the type
711 * of the Node returned from Node::getOperator() when the operator
712 * is built-in, like EQUAL). */
713 inline TypeNode builtinOperatorType();
715 /**
716 * Make a function type from domain to range.
717 *
718 * @param domain the domain type
719 * @param range the range type
720 * @returns the functional type domain -> range
721 */
722 inline TypeNode mkFunctionType(const TypeNode& domain, const TypeNode& range);
724 /**
725 * Make a function type with input types from
726 * argTypes. <code>argTypes</code> must have at least one element.
727 *
728 * @param argTypes the domain is a tuple (argTypes[0], ..., argTypes[n])
729 * @param range the range type
730 * @returns the functional type (argTypes[0], ..., argTypes[n]) -> range
731 */
732 inline TypeNode mkFunctionType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& argTypes,
733 const TypeNode& range);
735 /**
736 * Make a function type with input types from
737 * <code>sorts[0..sorts.size()-2]</code> and result type
738 * <code>sorts[sorts.size()-1]</code>. <code>sorts</code> must have
739 * at least 2 elements.
740 */
741 inline TypeNode mkFunctionType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& sorts);
743 /**
744 * Make a predicate type with input types from
745 * <code>sorts</code>. The result with be a function type with range
746 * <code>BOOLEAN</code>. <code>sorts</code> must have at least one
747 * element.
748 */
749 inline TypeNode mkPredicateType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& sorts);
751 /**
752 * Make a tuple type with types from
753 * <code>types</code>. <code>types</code> must have at least one
754 * element.
755 *
756 * @param types a vector of types
757 * @returns the tuple type (types[0], ..., types[n])
758 */
759 inline TypeNode mkTupleType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& types);
761 /**
762 * Make a record type with the description from rec.
763 *
764 * @param rec a description of the record
765 * @returns the record type
766 */
767 inline TypeNode mkRecordType(const Record& rec);
769 /**
770 * Make a symbolic expression type with types from
771 * <code>types</code>. <code>types</code> may have any number of
772 * elements.
773 *
774 * @param types a vector of types
775 * @returns the symbolic expression type (types[0], ..., types[n])
776 */
777 inline TypeNode mkSExprType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& types);
779 /** Make the type of floating-point with <code>exp</code> bit exponent and
780 <code>sig</code> bit significand */
781 inline TypeNode mkFloatingPointType(unsigned exp, unsigned sig);
782 inline TypeNode mkFloatingPointType(FloatingPointSize fs);
784 /** Make the type of bitvectors of size <code>size</code> */
785 inline TypeNode mkBitVectorType(unsigned size);
787 /** Make the type of arrays with the given parameterization */
788 inline TypeNode mkArrayType(TypeNode indexType, TypeNode constituentType);
790 /** Make the type of arrays with the given parameterization */
791 inline TypeNode mkSetType(TypeNode elementType);
793 /** Make a type representing a constructor with the given parameterization */
794 TypeNode mkConstructorType(const DatatypeConstructor& constructor, TypeNode range);
796 /** Make a type representing a selector with the given parameterization */
797 inline TypeNode mkSelectorType(TypeNode domain, TypeNode range);
799 /** Make a type representing a tester with given parameterization */
800 inline TypeNode mkTesterType(TypeNode domain);
802 /** Make a new (anonymous) sort of arity 0. */
803 TypeNode mkSort(uint32_t flags = ExprManager::SORT_FLAG_NONE);
805 /** Make a new sort with the given name of arity 0. */
806 TypeNode mkSort(const std::string& name, uint32_t flags = ExprManager::SORT_FLAG_NONE);
808 /** Make a new sort by parameterizing the given sort constructor. */
809 TypeNode mkSort(TypeNode constructor,
810 const std::vector<TypeNode>& children,
811 uint32_t flags = ExprManager::SORT_FLAG_NONE);
813 /** Make a new sort with the given name and arity. */
814 TypeNode mkSortConstructor(const std::string& name, size_t arity);
816 /**
817 * Make a predicate subtype type defined by the given LAMBDA
818 * expression. A TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate can be thrown if
819 * lambda is not a LAMBDA, or is ill-typed, or if CVC4 fails at
820 * proving that the resulting predicate subtype is inhabited.
821 */
822 TypeNode mkPredicateSubtype(Expr lambda)
823 throw(TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate);
825 /**
826 * Make a predicate subtype type defined by the given LAMBDA
827 * expression and whose non-emptiness is witnessed by the given
828 * witness. A TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate can be thrown if lambda
829 * is not a LAMBDA, or is ill-typed, or if the witness is not a
830 * witness or ill-typed.
831 */
832 TypeNode mkPredicateSubtype(Expr lambda, Expr witness)
833 throw(TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate);
835 /**
836 * Make an integer subrange type as defined by the argument.
837 */
838 TypeNode mkSubrangeType(const SubrangeBounds& bounds)
839 throw(TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate);
841 /**
842 * Given a tuple or record type, get the internal datatype used for
843 * it. Makes the DatatypeType if necessary.
844 */
845 TypeNode getDatatypeForTupleRecord(TypeNode tupleRecordType);
847 /**
848 * Get the type for the given node and optionally do type checking.
849 *
850 * Initial type computation will be near-constant time if
851 * type checking is not requested. Results are memoized, so that
852 * subsequent calls to getType() without type checking will be
853 * constant time.
854 *
855 * Initial type checking is linear in the size of the expression.
856 * Again, the results are memoized, so that subsequent calls to
857 * getType(), with or without type checking, will be constant
858 * time.
859 *
860 * NOTE: A TypeCheckingException can be thrown even when type
861 * checking is not requested. getType() will always return a
862 * valid and correct type and, thus, an exception will be thrown
863 * when no valid or correct type can be computed (e.g., if the
864 * arguments to a bit-vector operation aren't bit-vectors). When
865 * type checking is not requested, getType() will do the minimum
866 * amount of checking required to return a valid result.
867 *
868 * @param n the Node for which we want a type
869 * @param check whether we should check the type as we compute it
870 * (default: false)
871 */
872 TypeNode getType(TNode n, bool check = false)
873 throw(TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate, AssertionException);
875 /**
876 * Convert a node to an expression. Uses the ExprManager
877 * associated to this NodeManager.
878 */
879 inline Expr toExpr(TNode n);
881 /**
882 * Convert an expression to a node.
883 */
884 static inline Node fromExpr(const Expr& e);
886 /**
887 * Convert a node manager to an expression manager.
888 */
889 inline ExprManager* toExprManager();
891 /**
892 * Convert an expression manager to a node manager.
893 */
894 static inline NodeManager* fromExprManager(ExprManager* exprManager);
896 /**
897 * Convert a type node to a type.
898 */
899 inline Type toType(TypeNode tn);
901 /**
902 * Convert a type to a type node.
903 */
904 static inline TypeNode fromType(Type t);
906 /** Reclaim zombies while there are more than k nodes in the pool (if possible).*/
907 void reclaimZombiesUntil(uint32_t k);
909 /** Reclaims all zombies (if possible).*/
910 void reclaimAllZombies();
912 /** Size of the node pool. */
913 size_t poolSize() const;
915 /** Deletes a list of attributes from the NM's AttributeManager.*/
916 void deleteAttributes(const std::vector< const expr::attr::AttributeUniqueId* >& ids);
918 /**
919 * This function gives developers a hook into the NodeManager.
920 * This can be changed in node_manager.cpp without recompiling most of cvc4.
921 *
922 * debugHook is a debugging only function, and should not be present in
923 * any published code!
924 */
925 void debugHook(int debugFlag);
926 };/* class NodeManager */
928 /**
929 * This class changes the "current" thread-global
930 * <code>NodeManager</code> when it is created and reinstates the
931 * previous thread-global <code>NodeManager</code> when it is
932 * destroyed, effectively maintaining a set of nested
933 * <code>NodeManager</code> scopes. This is especially useful on
934 * public-interface calls into the CVC4 library, where CVC4's notion
935 * of the "current" <code>NodeManager</code> should be set to match
936 * the calling context. See, for example, the implementations of
937 * public calls in the <code>ExprManager</code> and
938 * <code>SmtEngine</code> classes.
939 *
940 * The client must be careful to create and destroy
941 * <code>NodeManagerScope</code> objects in a well-nested manner (such
942 * as on the stack). You may create a <code>NodeManagerScope</code>
943 * with <code>new</code> and destroy it with <code>delete</code>, or
944 * place it as a data member of an object that is, but if the scope of
945 * these <code>new</code>/<code>delete</code> pairs isn't properly
946 * maintained, the incorrect "current" <code>NodeManager</code>
947 * pointer may be restored after a delete.
948 */
949 class NodeManagerScope {
950 /** The old NodeManager, to be restored on destruction. */
951 NodeManager* d_oldNodeManager;
952 Options::OptionsScope d_optionsScope;
953 public:
955 NodeManagerScope(NodeManager* nm)
956 : d_oldNodeManager(NodeManager::s_current)
957 , d_optionsScope(nm ? nm->d_options : NULL) {
958 // There are corner cases where nm can be NULL and it's ok.
959 // For example, if you write { Expr e; }, then when the null
960 // Expr is destructed, there's no active node manager.
961 //Assert(nm != NULL);
962 NodeManager::s_current = nm;
963 //Options::s_current = nm ? nm->d_options : NULL;
964 Debug("current") << "node manager scope: "
965 << NodeManager::s_current << "\n";
966 }
968 ~NodeManagerScope() {
969 NodeManager::s_current = d_oldNodeManager;
970 //Options::s_current = d_oldNodeManager ? d_oldNodeManager->d_options : NULL;
971 Debug("current") << "node manager scope: "
972 << "returning to " << NodeManager::s_current << "\n";
973 }
974 };/* class NodeManagerScope */
976 /** Get the (singleton) type for booleans. */
977 inline TypeNode NodeManager::booleanType() {
978 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(BOOLEAN_TYPE));
979 }
981 /** Get the (singleton) type for integers. */
982 inline TypeNode NodeManager::integerType() {
983 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(INTEGER_TYPE));
984 }
986 /** Get the (singleton) type for reals. */
987 inline TypeNode NodeManager::realType() {
988 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(REAL_TYPE));
989 }
991 /** Get the (singleton) type for strings. */
992 inline TypeNode NodeManager::stringType() {
993 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(STRING_TYPE));
994 }
996 /** Get the (singleton) type for regexps. */
997 inline TypeNode NodeManager::regexpType() {
998 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(REGEXP_TYPE));
999 }
1001 /** Get the (singleton) type for rounding modes. */
1002 inline TypeNode NodeManager::roundingModeType() {
1003 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(ROUNDINGMODE_TYPE));
1004 }
1006 /** Get the bound var list type. */
1007 inline TypeNode NodeManager::boundVarListType() {
1008 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(BOUND_VAR_LIST_TYPE));
1009 }
1011 /** Get the instantiation pattern type. */
1012 inline TypeNode NodeManager::instPatternType() {
1013 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(INST_PATTERN_TYPE));
1014 }
1016 /** Get the instantiation pattern type. */
1017 inline TypeNode NodeManager::instPatternListType() {
1018 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(INST_PATTERN_LIST_TYPE));
1019 }
1021 /** Get the (singleton) type for builtin operators. */
1022 inline TypeNode NodeManager::builtinOperatorType() {
1023 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<TypeConstant>(BUILTIN_OPERATOR_TYPE));
1024 }
1026 /** Make a function type from domain to range. */
1027 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkFunctionType(const TypeNode& domain, const TypeNode& range) {
1028 std::vector<TypeNode> sorts;
1029 sorts.push_back(domain);
1030 sorts.push_back(range);
1031 return mkFunctionType(sorts);
1032 }
1034 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkFunctionType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& argTypes, const TypeNode& range) {
1035 Assert(argTypes.size() >= 1);
1036 std::vector<TypeNode> sorts(argTypes);
1037 sorts.push_back(range);
1038 return mkFunctionType(sorts);
1039 }
1041 inline TypeNode
1042 NodeManager::mkFunctionType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& sorts) {
1043 Assert(sorts.size() >= 2);
1044 std::vector<TypeNode> sortNodes;
1045 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++ i) {
1046 CheckArgument(!sorts[i].isFunctionLike(), sorts,
1047 "cannot create higher-order function types");
1048 sortNodes.push_back(sorts[i]);
1049 }
1050 return mkTypeNode(kind::FUNCTION_TYPE, sortNodes);
1051 }
1053 inline TypeNode
1054 NodeManager::mkPredicateType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& sorts) {
1055 Assert(sorts.size() >= 1);
1056 std::vector<TypeNode> sortNodes;
1057 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++ i) {
1058 CheckArgument(!sorts[i].isFunctionLike(), sorts,
1059 "cannot create higher-order function types");
1060 sortNodes.push_back(sorts[i]);
1061 }
1062 sortNodes.push_back(booleanType());
1063 return mkTypeNode(kind::FUNCTION_TYPE, sortNodes);
1064 }
1066 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTupleType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& types) {
1067 std::vector<TypeNode> typeNodes;
1068 for (unsigned i = 0; i < types.size(); ++ i) {
1069 CheckArgument(!types[i].isFunctionLike(), types,
1070 "cannot put function-like types in tuples");
1071 typeNodes.push_back(types[i]);
1072 }
1073 return mkTypeNode(kind::TUPLE_TYPE, typeNodes);
1074 }
1076 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkRecordType(const Record& rec) {
1077 return mkTypeConst(rec);
1078 }
1080 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkSExprType(const std::vector<TypeNode>& types) {
1081 std::vector<TypeNode> typeNodes;
1082 for (unsigned i = 0; i < types.size(); ++ i) {
1083 typeNodes.push_back(types[i]);
1084 }
1085 return mkTypeNode(kind::SEXPR_TYPE, typeNodes);
1086 }
1088 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkBitVectorType(unsigned size) {
1089 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<BitVectorSize>(BitVectorSize(size)));
1090 }
1092 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkFloatingPointType(unsigned exp, unsigned sig) {
1093 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<FloatingPointSize>(FloatingPointSize(exp,sig)));
1094 }
1096 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkFloatingPointType(FloatingPointSize fs) {
1097 return TypeNode(mkTypeConst<FloatingPointSize>(fs));
1098 }
1100 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkArrayType(TypeNode indexType,
1101 TypeNode constituentType) {
1102 CheckArgument(!indexType.isNull(), indexType,
1103 "unexpected NULL index type");
1104 CheckArgument(!constituentType.isNull(), constituentType,
1105 "unexpected NULL constituent type");
1106 CheckArgument(!indexType.isFunctionLike(), indexType,
1107 "cannot index arrays by a function-like type");
1108 CheckArgument(!constituentType.isFunctionLike(), constituentType,
1109 "cannot store function-like types in arrays");
1110 Debug("arrays") << "making array type " << indexType << " "
1111 << constituentType << std::endl;
1112 return mkTypeNode(kind::ARRAY_TYPE, indexType, constituentType);
1113 }
1115 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkSetType(TypeNode elementType) {
1116 CheckArgument(!elementType.isNull(), elementType,
1117 "unexpected NULL element type");
1118 // TODO: Confirm meaning of isFunctionLike(). --K
1119 CheckArgument(!elementType.isFunctionLike(), elementType,
1120 "cannot store function-like types in sets");
1121 Debug("sets") << "making sets type " << elementType << std::endl;
1122 return mkTypeNode(kind::SET_TYPE, elementType);
1123 }
1125 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkSelectorType(TypeNode domain, TypeNode range) {
1126 CheckArgument(!domain.isFunctionLike(), domain,
1127 "cannot create higher-order function types");
1128 CheckArgument(!range.isFunctionLike(), range,
1129 "cannot create higher-order function types");
1130 return mkTypeNode(kind::SELECTOR_TYPE, domain, range);
1131 }
1133 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTesterType(TypeNode domain) {
1134 CheckArgument(!domain.isFunctionLike(), domain,
1135 "cannot create higher-order function types");
1136 return mkTypeNode(kind::TESTER_TYPE, domain );
1137 }
1139 inline expr::NodeValue* NodeManager::poolLookup(expr::NodeValue* nv) const {
1140 NodeValuePool::const_iterator find = d_nodeValuePool.find(nv);
1141 if(find == d_nodeValuePool.end()) {
1142 return NULL;
1143 } else {
1144 return *find;
1145 }
1146 }
1148 inline void NodeManager::poolInsert(expr::NodeValue* nv) {
1149 Assert(d_nodeValuePool.find(nv) == d_nodeValuePool.end(),
1150 "NodeValue already in the pool!");
1151 d_nodeValuePool.insert(nv);// FIXME multithreading
1152 }
1154 inline void NodeManager::poolRemove(expr::NodeValue* nv) {
1155 Assert(d_nodeValuePool.find(nv) != d_nodeValuePool.end(),
1156 "NodeValue is not in the pool!");
1158 d_nodeValuePool.erase(nv);// FIXME multithreading
1159 }
1161 inline Expr NodeManager::toExpr(TNode n) {
1162 return Expr(d_exprManager, new Node(n));
1163 }
1165 inline Node NodeManager::fromExpr(const Expr& e) {
1166 return e.getNode();
1167 }
1169 inline ExprManager* NodeManager::toExprManager() {
1170 return d_exprManager;
1171 }
1173 inline NodeManager* NodeManager::fromExprManager(ExprManager* exprManager) {
1174 return exprManager->getNodeManager();
1175 }
1177 inline Type NodeManager::toType(TypeNode tn) {
1178 return Type(this, new TypeNode(tn));
1179 }
1181 inline TypeNode NodeManager::fromType(Type t) {
1182 return *Type::getTypeNode(t);
1183 }
1185 }/* CVC4 namespace */
1188 #include "expr/metakind.h"
1191 #include "expr/node_builder.h"
1193 namespace CVC4 {
1195 // general expression-builders
1197 inline bool NodeManager::hasOperator(Kind k) {
1198 switch(kind::MetaKind mk = kind::metaKindOf(k)) {
1200 case kind::metakind::INVALID:
1201 case kind::metakind::VARIABLE:
1202 return false;
1204 case kind::metakind::OPERATOR:
1205 case kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED:
1206 return true;
1208 case kind::metakind::CONSTANT:
1209 return false;
1211 default:
1212 Unhandled(mk);
1213 }
1214 }
1216 inline Kind NodeManager::operatorToKind(TNode n) {
1217 return kind::operatorToKind(n.d_nv);
1218 }
1220 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1) {
1221 NodeBuilder<1> nb(this, kind);
1222 nb << child1;
1223 return nb.constructNode();
1224 }
1226 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1) {
1227 NodeBuilder<1> nb(this, kind);
1228 nb << child1;
1229 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1230 }
1232 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2) {
1233 NodeBuilder<2> nb(this, kind);
1234 nb << child1 << child2;
1235 return nb.constructNode();
1236 }
1238 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2) {
1239 NodeBuilder<2> nb(this, kind);
1240 nb << child1 << child2;
1241 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1242 }
1244 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1245 TNode child3) {
1246 NodeBuilder<3> nb(this, kind);
1247 nb << child1 << child2 << child3;
1248 return nb.constructNode();
1249 }
1251 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1252 TNode child3) {
1253 NodeBuilder<3> nb(this, kind);
1254 nb << child1 << child2 << child3;
1255 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1256 }
1258 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1259 TNode child3, TNode child4) {
1260 NodeBuilder<4> nb(this, kind);
1261 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4;
1262 return nb.constructNode();
1263 }
1265 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1266 TNode child3, TNode child4) {
1267 NodeBuilder<4> nb(this, kind);
1268 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4;
1269 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1270 }
1272 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1273 TNode child3, TNode child4, TNode child5) {
1274 NodeBuilder<5> nb(this, kind);
1275 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4 << child5;
1276 return nb.constructNode();
1277 }
1279 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1280 TNode child3, TNode child4, TNode child5) {
1281 NodeBuilder<5> nb(this, kind);
1282 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4 << child5;
1283 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1284 }
1286 // N-ary version
1287 template <bool ref_count>
1288 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(Kind kind,
1289 const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >&
1290 children) {
1291 NodeBuilder<> nb(this, kind);
1292 nb.append(children);
1293 return nb.constructNode();
1294 }
1296 template <bool ref_count>
1297 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(Kind kind,
1298 const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >&
1299 children) {
1300 NodeBuilder<> nb(this, kind);
1301 nb.append(children);
1302 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1303 }
1305 // for operators
1306 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode) {
1307 NodeBuilder<1> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1308 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1309 nb << opNode;
1310 }
1311 return nb.constructNode();
1312 }
1314 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode) {
1315 NodeBuilder<1> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1316 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1317 nb << opNode;
1318 }
1319 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1320 }
1322 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1) {
1323 NodeBuilder<2> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1324 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1325 nb << opNode;
1326 }
1327 nb << child1;
1328 return nb.constructNode();
1329 }
1331 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1) {
1332 NodeBuilder<2> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1333 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1334 nb << opNode;
1335 }
1336 nb << child1;
1337 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1338 }
1340 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2) {
1341 NodeBuilder<3> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1342 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1343 nb << opNode;
1344 }
1345 nb << child1 << child2;
1346 return nb.constructNode();
1347 }
1349 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2) {
1350 NodeBuilder<3> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1351 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1352 nb << opNode;
1353 }
1354 nb << child1 << child2;
1355 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1356 }
1358 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1359 TNode child3) {
1360 NodeBuilder<4> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1361 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1362 nb << opNode;
1363 }
1364 nb << child1 << child2 << child3;
1365 return nb.constructNode();
1366 }
1368 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1369 TNode child3) {
1370 NodeBuilder<4> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1371 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1372 nb << opNode;
1373 }
1374 nb << child1 << child2 << child3;
1375 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1376 }
1378 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1379 TNode child3, TNode child4) {
1380 NodeBuilder<5> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1381 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1382 nb << opNode;
1383 }
1384 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4;
1385 return nb.constructNode();
1386 }
1388 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1389 TNode child3, TNode child4) {
1390 NodeBuilder<5> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1391 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1392 nb << opNode;
1393 }
1394 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4;
1395 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1396 }
1398 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1399 TNode child3, TNode child4, TNode child5) {
1400 NodeBuilder<6> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1401 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1402 nb << opNode;
1403 }
1404 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4 << child5;
1405 return nb.constructNode();
1406 }
1408 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode, TNode child1, TNode child2,
1409 TNode child3, TNode child4, TNode child5) {
1410 NodeBuilder<6> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1411 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1412 nb << opNode;
1413 }
1414 nb << child1 << child2 << child3 << child4 << child5;
1415 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1416 }
1418 // N-ary version for operators
1419 template <bool ref_count>
1420 inline Node NodeManager::mkNode(TNode opNode,
1421 const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >&
1422 children) {
1423 NodeBuilder<> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1424 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1425 nb << opNode;
1426 }
1427 nb.append(children);
1428 return nb.constructNode();
1429 }
1431 template <bool ref_count>
1432 inline Node* NodeManager::mkNodePtr(TNode opNode,
1433 const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count> >&
1434 children) {
1435 NodeBuilder<> nb(this, operatorToKind(opNode));
1436 if(opNode.getKind() != kind::BUILTIN) {
1437 nb << opNode;
1438 }
1439 nb.append(children);
1440 return nb.constructNodePtr();
1441 }
1444 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1) {
1445 return (NodeBuilder<1>(this, kind) << child1).constructTypeNode();
1446 }
1448 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1,
1449 TypeNode child2) {
1450 return (NodeBuilder<2>(this, kind) << child1 << child2).constructTypeNode();
1451 }
1453 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTypeNode(Kind kind, TypeNode child1,
1454 TypeNode child2, TypeNode child3) {
1455 return (NodeBuilder<3>(this, kind) << child1 << child2 << child3).constructTypeNode();
1456 }
1458 // N-ary version for types
1459 inline TypeNode NodeManager::mkTypeNode(Kind kind,
1460 const std::vector<TypeNode>& children) {
1461 return NodeBuilder<>(this, kind).append(children).constructTypeNode();
1462 }
1464 template <class T>
1465 Node NodeManager::mkConst(const T& val) {
1466 return mkConstInternal<Node, T>(val);
1467 }
1469 template <class T>
1470 TypeNode NodeManager::mkTypeConst(const T& val) {
1471 return mkConstInternal<TypeNode, T>(val);
1472 }
1474 template <class NodeClass, class T>
1475 NodeClass NodeManager::mkConstInternal(const T& val) {
1477 // typedef typename kind::metakind::constantMap<T>::OwningTheory theory_t;
1478 NVStorage<1> nvStorage;
1479 expr::NodeValue& nvStack = reinterpret_cast<expr::NodeValue&>(nvStorage);
1481 nvStack.d_id = 0;
1482 nvStack.d_kind = kind::metakind::ConstantMap<T>::kind;
1483 nvStack.d_rc = 0;
1484 nvStack.d_nchildren = 1;
1486 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))
1487 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
1488 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
1489 #endif
1491 nvStack.d_children[0] =
1492 const_cast<expr::NodeValue*>(reinterpret_cast<const expr::NodeValue*>(&val));
1493 expr::NodeValue* nv = poolLookup(&nvStack);
1495 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))
1496 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
1497 #endif
1499 if(nv != NULL) {
1500 return NodeClass(nv);
1501 }
1503 nv = (expr::NodeValue*)
1504 std::malloc(sizeof(expr::NodeValue) + sizeof(T));
1505 if(nv == NULL) {
1506 throw std::bad_alloc();
1507 }
1509 nv->d_nchildren = 0;
1510 nv->d_kind = kind::metakind::ConstantMap<T>::kind;
1511 nv->d_id = next_id++;// FIXME multithreading
1512 nv->d_rc = 0;
1514 //OwningTheory::mkConst(val);
1515 new (&nv->d_children) T(val);
1517 poolInsert(nv);
1518 if(Debug.isOn("gc")) {
1519 Debug("gc") << "creating node value " << nv
1520 << " [" << nv->d_id << "]: ";
1521 nv->printAst(Debug("gc"));
1522 Debug("gc") << std::endl;
1523 }
1525 return NodeClass(nv);
1526 }
1528 }/* CVC4 namespace */
1530 #endif /* __CVC4__NODE_MANAGER_H */