Consolidating the opaque pointers in SymbolTable. (#204)
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / symbol_table.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file symbol_table.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Christopher L. Conway, Francois Bobot
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2017 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Convenience class for scoping variable and type
13 ** declarations (implementation)
14 **
15 ** Convenience class for scoping variable and type declarations
16 ** (implementation).
17 **/
19 #include "expr/symbol_table.h"
21 #include <ostream>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <utility>
25 #include "context/cdhashmap.h"
26 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
27 #include "context/context.h"
28 #include "expr/expr.h"
29 #include "expr/expr_manager_scope.h"
30 #include "expr/type.h"
32 namespace CVC4 {
34 using ::CVC4::context::CDHashMap;
35 using ::CVC4::context::CDHashSet;
36 using ::CVC4::context::Context;
37 using ::std::copy;
38 using ::std::endl;
39 using ::std::ostream_iterator;
40 using ::std::pair;
41 using ::std::string;
42 using ::std::vector;
44 class SymbolTable::Implementation {
45 public:
46 Implementation()
47 : d_context(),
48 d_exprMap(new (true) CDHashMap<string, Expr>(&d_context)),
49 d_typeMap(new (true) TypeMap(&d_context)),
50 d_functions(new (true) CDHashSet<Expr, ExprHashFunction>(&d_context)) {}
52 void bind(const string& name, Expr obj, bool levelZero) throw();
53 void bindDefinedFunction(const string& name, Expr obj,
54 bool levelZero) throw();
55 void bindType(const string& name, Type t, bool levelZero = false) throw();
56 void bindType(const string& name, const vector<Type>& params, Type t,
57 bool levelZero = false) throw();
58 bool isBound(const string& name) const throw();
59 bool isBoundDefinedFunction(const string& name) const throw();
60 bool isBoundDefinedFunction(Expr func) const throw();
61 bool isBoundType(const string& name) const throw();
62 Expr lookup(const string& name) const throw();
63 Type lookupType(const string& name) const throw();
64 Type lookupType(const string& name, const vector<Type>& params) const throw();
65 size_t lookupArity(const string& name);
66 void popScope() throw(ScopeException);
67 void pushScope() throw();
68 size_t getLevel() const throw();
69 void reset();
71 private:
72 /** The context manager for the scope maps. */
73 Context d_context;
75 /** A map for expressions. */
76 CDHashMap<string, Expr>* d_exprMap;
78 /** A map for types. */
79 using TypeMap = CDHashMap<string, std::pair<vector<Type>, Type>>;
80 TypeMap* d_typeMap;
82 /** A set of defined functions. */
83 CDHashSet<Expr, ExprHashFunction>* d_functions;
84 }; /* SymbolTable::Implementation */
86 void SymbolTable::Implementation::bind(const string& name, Expr obj,
87 bool levelZero) throw() {
88 PrettyCheckArgument(!obj.isNull(), obj, "cannot bind to a null Expr");
89 ExprManagerScope ems(obj);
90 if (levelZero) {
91 d_exprMap->insertAtContextLevelZero(name, obj);
92 } else {
93 d_exprMap->insert(name, obj);
94 }
95 }
97 void SymbolTable::Implementation::bindDefinedFunction(const string& name,
98 Expr obj,
99 bool levelZero) throw() {
100 PrettyCheckArgument(!obj.isNull(), obj, "cannot bind to a null Expr");
101 ExprManagerScope ems(obj);
102 if (levelZero) {
103 d_exprMap->insertAtContextLevelZero(name, obj);
104 d_functions->insertAtContextLevelZero(obj);
105 } else {
106 d_exprMap->insert(name, obj);
107 d_functions->insert(obj);
108 }
109 }
111 bool SymbolTable::Implementation::isBound(const string& name) const throw() {
112 return d_exprMap->find(name) != d_exprMap->end();
113 }
115 bool SymbolTable::Implementation::isBoundDefinedFunction(
116 const string& name) const throw() {
117 CDHashMap<string, Expr>::iterator found = d_exprMap->find(name);
118 return found != d_exprMap->end() && d_functions->contains((*found).second);
119 }
121 bool SymbolTable::Implementation::isBoundDefinedFunction(Expr func) const
122 throw() {
123 return d_functions->contains(func);
124 }
126 Expr SymbolTable::Implementation::lookup(const string& name) const throw() {
127 return (*d_exprMap->find(name)).second;
128 }
130 void SymbolTable::Implementation::bindType(const string& name, Type t,
131 bool levelZero) throw() {
132 if (levelZero) {
133 d_typeMap->insertAtContextLevelZero(name, make_pair(vector<Type>(), t));
134 } else {
135 d_typeMap->insert(name, make_pair(vector<Type>(), t));
136 }
137 }
139 void SymbolTable::Implementation::bindType(const string& name,
140 const vector<Type>& params, Type t,
141 bool levelZero) throw() {
142 if (Debug.isOn("sort")) {
143 Debug("sort") << "bindType(" << name << ", [";
144 if (params.size() > 0) {
145 copy(params.begin(), params.end() - 1,
146 ostream_iterator<Type>(Debug("sort"), ", "));
147 Debug("sort") << params.back();
148 }
149 Debug("sort") << "], " << t << ")" << endl;
150 }
151 if (levelZero) {
152 d_typeMap->insertAtContextLevelZero(name, make_pair(params, t));
153 } else {
154 d_typeMap->insert(name, make_pair(params, t));
155 }
156 }
158 bool SymbolTable::Implementation::isBoundType(const string& name) const
159 throw() {
160 return d_typeMap->find(name) != d_typeMap->end();
161 }
163 Type SymbolTable::Implementation::lookupType(const string& name) const throw() {
164 pair<vector<Type>, Type> p = (*d_typeMap->find(name)).second;
165 PrettyCheckArgument(p.first.size() == 0, name,
166 "type constructor arity is wrong: "
167 "`%s' requires %u parameters but was provided 0",
168 name.c_str(), p.first.size());
169 return p.second;
170 }
172 Type SymbolTable::Implementation::lookupType(const string& name,
173 const vector<Type>& params) const
174 throw() {
175 pair<vector<Type>, Type> p = (*d_typeMap->find(name)).second;
176 PrettyCheckArgument(p.first.size() == params.size(), params,
177 "type constructor arity is wrong: "
178 "`%s' requires %u parameters but was provided %u",
179 name.c_str(), p.first.size(), params.size());
180 if (p.first.size() == 0) {
181 PrettyCheckArgument(p.second.isSort(), name.c_str());
182 return p.second;
183 }
184 if (p.second.isSortConstructor()) {
185 if (Debug.isOn("sort")) {
186 Debug("sort") << "instantiating using a sort constructor" << endl;
187 Debug("sort") << "have formals [";
188 copy(p.first.begin(), p.first.end() - 1,
189 ostream_iterator<Type>(Debug("sort"), ", "));
190 Debug("sort") << p.first.back() << "]" << endl << "parameters [";
191 copy(params.begin(), params.end() - 1,
192 ostream_iterator<Type>(Debug("sort"), ", "));
193 Debug("sort") << params.back() << "]" << endl
194 << "type ctor " << name << endl
195 << "type is " << p.second << endl;
196 }
198 Type instantiation = SortConstructorType(p.second).instantiate(params);
200 Debug("sort") << "instance is " << instantiation << endl;
202 return instantiation;
203 } else if (p.second.isDatatype()) {
204 PrettyCheckArgument(DatatypeType(p.second).isParametric(), name,
205 "expected parametric datatype");
206 return DatatypeType(p.second).instantiate(params);
207 } else {
208 if (Debug.isOn("sort")) {
209 Debug("sort") << "instantiating using a sort substitution" << endl;
210 Debug("sort") << "have formals [";
211 copy(p.first.begin(), p.first.end() - 1,
212 ostream_iterator<Type>(Debug("sort"), ", "));
213 Debug("sort") << p.first.back() << "]" << endl << "parameters [";
214 copy(params.begin(), params.end() - 1,
215 ostream_iterator<Type>(Debug("sort"), ", "));
216 Debug("sort") << params.back() << "]" << endl
217 << "type ctor " << name << endl
218 << "type is " << p.second << endl;
219 }
221 Type instantiation = p.second.substitute(p.first, params);
223 Debug("sort") << "instance is " << instantiation << endl;
225 return instantiation;
226 }
227 }
229 size_t SymbolTable::Implementation::lookupArity(const string& name) {
230 pair<vector<Type>, Type> p = (*d_typeMap->find(name)).second;
231 return p.first.size();
232 }
234 void SymbolTable::Implementation::popScope() throw(ScopeException) {
235 if (d_context.getLevel() == 0) {
236 throw ScopeException();
237 }
238 d_context.pop();
239 }
241 void SymbolTable::Implementation::pushScope() throw() { d_context.push(); }
243 size_t SymbolTable::Implementation::getLevel() const throw() {
244 return d_context.getLevel();
245 }
247 void SymbolTable::Implementation::reset() {
248 this->SymbolTable::Implementation::~Implementation();
249 new (this) SymbolTable::Implementation();
250 }
252 SymbolTable::SymbolTable()
253 : d_implementation(new SymbolTable::Implementation()) {}
255 SymbolTable::~SymbolTable() {}
257 void SymbolTable::bind(const string& name, Expr obj, bool levelZero) throw() {
258 d_implementation->bind(name, obj, levelZero);
259 }
261 void SymbolTable::bindDefinedFunction(const string& name, Expr obj,
262 bool levelZero) throw() {
263 d_implementation->bindDefinedFunction(name, obj, levelZero);
264 }
266 void SymbolTable::bindType(const string& name, Type t, bool levelZero) throw() {
267 d_implementation->bindType(name, t, levelZero);
268 }
270 void SymbolTable::bindType(const string& name, const vector<Type>& params,
271 Type t, bool levelZero) throw() {
272 d_implementation->bindType(name, params, t, levelZero);
273 }
275 bool SymbolTable::isBound(const string& name) const throw() {
276 return d_implementation->isBound(name);
277 }
279 bool SymbolTable::isBoundDefinedFunction(const string& name) const throw() {
280 return d_implementation->isBoundDefinedFunction(name);
281 }
283 bool SymbolTable::isBoundDefinedFunction(Expr func) const throw() {
284 return d_implementation->isBoundDefinedFunction(func);
285 }
286 bool SymbolTable::isBoundType(const string& name) const throw() {
287 return d_implementation->isBoundType(name);
288 }
289 Expr SymbolTable::lookup(const string& name) const throw() {
290 return d_implementation->lookup(name);
291 }
292 Type SymbolTable::lookupType(const string& name) const throw() {
293 return d_implementation->lookupType(name);
294 }
296 Type SymbolTable::lookupType(const string& name,
297 const vector<Type>& params) const throw() {
298 return d_implementation->lookupType(name, params);
299 }
300 size_t SymbolTable::lookupArity(const string& name) {
301 return d_implementation->lookupArity(name);
302 }
303 void SymbolTable::popScope() throw(ScopeException) {
304 d_implementation->popScope();
305 }
307 void SymbolTable::pushScope() throw() { d_implementation->pushScope(); }
308 size_t SymbolTable::getLevel() const throw() {
309 return d_implementation->getLevel();
310 }
311 void SymbolTable::reset() { d_implementation->reset(); }
313 } // namespace CVC4