Updates not related to creation for eliminating Expr-level datatype (#4838)
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / type.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file type.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Dejan Jovanovic, Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Interface for expression types.
13 **
14 ** Interface for expression types
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_public.h"
19 #ifndef CVC4__TYPE_H
20 #define CVC4__TYPE_H
22 #include <climits>
23 #include <cstdint>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include "util/cardinality.h"
29 namespace CVC4 {
31 class NodeManager;
32 class CVC4_PUBLIC ExprManager;
33 class CVC4_PUBLIC Expr;
34 class TypeNode;
35 struct CVC4_PUBLIC ExprManagerMapCollection;
37 class CVC4_PUBLIC SmtEngine;
39 class CVC4_PUBLIC Datatype;
40 class Record;
42 template <bool ref_count>
43 class NodeTemplate;
45 class BooleanType;
46 class IntegerType;
47 class RealType;
48 class StringType;
49 class RegExpType;
50 class RoundingModeType;
51 class BitVectorType;
52 class ArrayType;
53 class SetType;
54 class DatatypeType;
55 class ConstructorType;
56 class SelectorType;
57 class TesterType;
58 class FunctionType;
59 class SExprType;
60 class SortType;
61 class SortConstructorType;
62 class Type;
64 /** Hash function for Types */
65 struct CVC4_PUBLIC TypeHashFunction {
66 /** Return a hash code for type t */
67 size_t operator()(const CVC4::Type& t) const;
68 };/* struct TypeHashFunction */
70 /**
71 * Output operator for types
72 * @param out the stream to output to
73 * @param t the type to output
74 * @return the stream
75 */
76 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Type& t) CVC4_PUBLIC;
78 namespace expr {
79 TypeNode exportTypeInternal(TypeNode n, NodeManager* from, NodeManager* nm, ExprManagerMapCollection& vmap);
80 }/* CVC4::expr namespace */
82 /**
83 * Class encapsulating CVC4 expression types.
84 */
85 class CVC4_PUBLIC Type {
87 friend class SmtEngine;
88 friend class ExprManager;
89 friend class NodeManager;
90 friend class TypeNode;
91 friend std::ostream& CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Type& t);
92 friend TypeNode expr::exportTypeInternal(TypeNode n, NodeManager* from, NodeManager* nm, ExprManagerMapCollection& vmap);
94 protected:
96 /** The internal expression representation */
97 TypeNode* d_typeNode;
99 /** The responsible expression manager */
100 NodeManager* d_nodeManager;
102 /**
103 * Construct a new type given the typeNode, for internal use only.
104 * @param typeNode the TypeNode to use
105 * @return the Type corresponding to the TypeNode
106 */
107 Type makeType(const TypeNode& typeNode) const;
109 /**
110 * Constructor for internal purposes.
111 * @param em the expression manager that handles this expression
112 * @param typeNode the actual TypeNode pointer for this type
113 */
114 Type(NodeManager* em, TypeNode* typeNode);
116 /** Accessor for derived classes */
117 static TypeNode* getTypeNode(const Type& t) { return t.d_typeNode; }
118 public:
119 /** Force a virtual destructor for safety. */
120 virtual ~Type();
122 /** Default constructor */
123 Type();
125 /**
126 * Copy constructor.
127 * @param t the type to make a copy of
128 */
129 Type(const Type& t);
131 /**
132 * Check whether this is a null type
133 * @return true if type is null
134 */
135 bool isNull() const;
137 /**
138 * Return the cardinality of this type.
139 */
140 Cardinality getCardinality() const;
142 /**
143 * Is this type finite? This assumes uninterpreted sorts have infinite
144 * cardinality.
145 */
146 bool isFinite() const;
148 /**
149 * Is this type interpreted as being finite.
150 * If finite model finding is enabled, this assumes all uninterpreted sorts
151 * are interpreted as finite.
152 */
153 bool isInterpretedFinite() const;
155 /**
156 * Is this a well-founded type?
157 */
158 bool isWellFounded() const;
160 /**
161 * Is this a first-class type?
162 *
163 * First-class types are types for which:
164 * (1) we handle equalities between terms of that type, and
165 * (2) they are allowed to be parameters of parametric types (e.g. index or
166 * element types of arrays).
167 *
168 * Examples of types that are not first-class include constructor types,
169 * selector types, tester types, regular expressions and SExprs.
170 */
171 bool isFirstClass() const;
173 /**
174 * Is this a function-LIKE type?
175 *
176 * Anything function-like except arrays (e.g., datatype selectors) is
177 * considered a function here. Function-like terms can not be the argument
178 * or return value for any term that is function-like.
179 * This is mainly to avoid higher order.
180 *
181 * Note that arrays are explicitly not considered function-like here.
182 *
183 * @return true if this is a function-like type
184 */
185 bool isFunctionLike() const;
187 /**
188 * Construct and return a ground term for this Type. Throws an
189 * exception if this type is not well-founded.
190 */
191 Expr mkGroundTerm() const;
193 /**
194 * Construct and return a ground value for this Type. Throws an
195 * exception if this type is not well-founded.
196 *
197 * This is the same as mkGroundTerm, but constructs a constant value instead
198 * of a canonical ground term. These two notions typically coincide. However,
199 * for uninterpreted sorts, they do not: mkGroundTerm returns a fresh variable
200 * whereas mkValue returns an uninterpreted constant. The motivation for
201 * mkGroundTerm is that unintepreted constants should never appear in lemmas.
202 * The motivation for mkGroundValue is for e.g. type enumeration and model
203 * construction.
204 */
205 Expr mkGroundValue() const;
207 /**
208 * Is this type a subtype of the given type?
209 */
210 bool isSubtypeOf(Type t) const;
212 /**
213 * Is this type comparable to the given type (i.e., do they share
214 * a common ancestor in the subtype tree)?
215 */
216 bool isComparableTo(Type t) const;
218 /**
219 * Get the most general base type of this type.
220 */
221 Type getBaseType() const;
223 /**
224 * Substitution of Types.
225 */
226 Type substitute(const Type& type, const Type& replacement) const;
228 /**
229 * Simultaneous substitution of Types.
230 */
231 Type substitute(const std::vector<Type>& types,
232 const std::vector<Type>& replacements) const;
234 /**
235 * Get this type's ExprManager.
236 */
237 ExprManager* getExprManager() const;
239 /**
240 * Exports this type into a different ExprManager.
241 */
242 Type exportTo(ExprManager* exprManager, ExprManagerMapCollection& vmap) const;
244 /**
245 * Assignment operator.
246 * @param t the type to assign to this type
247 * @return this type after assignment.
248 */
249 Type& operator=(const Type& t);
251 /**
252 * Comparison for structural equality.
253 * @param t the type to compare to
254 * @returns true if the types are equal
255 */
256 bool operator==(const Type& t) const;
258 /**
259 * Comparison for structural disequality.
260 * @param t the type to compare to
261 * @returns true if the types are not equal
262 */
263 bool operator!=(const Type& t) const;
265 /**
266 * An ordering on Types so they can be stored in maps, etc.
267 */
268 bool operator<(const Type& t) const;
270 /**
271 * An ordering on Types so they can be stored in maps, etc.
272 */
273 bool operator<=(const Type& t) const;
275 /**
276 * An ordering on Types so they can be stored in maps, etc.
277 */
278 bool operator>(const Type& t) const;
280 /**
281 * An ordering on Types so they can be stored in maps, etc.
282 */
283 bool operator>=(const Type& t) const;
285 /**
286 * Is this the Boolean type?
287 * @return true if the type is a Boolean type
288 */
289 bool isBoolean() const;
291 /**
292 * Is this the integer type?
293 * @return true if the type is a integer type
294 */
295 bool isInteger() const;
297 /**
298 * Is this the real type?
299 * @return true if the type is a real type
300 */
301 bool isReal() const;
303 /**
304 * Is this the string type?
305 * @return true if the type is the string type
306 */
307 bool isString() const;
309 /**
310 * Is this the regexp type?
311 * @return true if the type is the regexp type
312 */
313 bool isRegExp() const;
315 /**
316 * Is this the rounding mode type?
317 * @return true if the type is the rounding mode type
318 */
319 bool isRoundingMode() const;
321 /**
322 * Is this the bit-vector type?
323 * @return true if the type is a bit-vector type
324 */
325 bool isBitVector() const;
327 /**
328 * Is this the floating-point type?
329 * @return true if the type is a floating-point type
330 */
331 bool isFloatingPoint() const;
333 /**
334 * Is this a function type?
335 * @return true if the type is a function type
336 */
337 bool isFunction() const;
339 /**
340 * Is this a predicate type, i.e. if it's a function type mapping to Boolean.
341 * All predicate types are also function types.
342 * @return true if the type is a predicate type
343 */
344 bool isPredicate() const;
346 /**
347 * Is this a tuple type?
348 * @return true if the type is a tuple type
349 */
350 bool isTuple() const;
352 /**
353 * Is this a record type?
354 * @return true if the type is a record type
355 */
356 bool isRecord() const;
358 /**
359 * Is this a symbolic expression type?
360 * @return true if the type is a symbolic expression type
361 */
362 bool isSExpr() const;
364 /**
365 * Is this an array type?
366 * @return true if the type is a array type
367 */
368 bool isArray() const;
370 /**
371 * Is this a Set type?
372 * @return true if the type is a Set type
373 */
374 bool isSet() const;
376 /**
377 * Is this a Sequence type?
378 * @return true if the type is a Sequence type
379 */
380 bool isSequence() const;
382 /**
383 * Is this a datatype type?
384 * @return true if the type is a datatype type
385 */
386 bool isDatatype() const;
388 /**
389 * Is this a constructor type?
390 * @return true if the type is a constructor type
391 */
392 bool isConstructor() const;
394 /**
395 * Is this a selector type?
396 * @return true if the type is a selector type
397 */
398 bool isSelector() const;
400 /**
401 * Is this a tester type?
402 * @return true if the type is a tester type
403 */
404 bool isTester() const;
406 /**
407 * Is this a sort kind?
408 * @return true if this is a sort kind
409 */
410 bool isSort() const;
412 /**
413 * Is this a sort constructor kind?
414 * @return true if this is a sort constructor kind
415 */
416 bool isSortConstructor() const;
418 /**
419 * Is this a predicate subtype?
420 * @return true if this is a predicate subtype
421 */
422 // not in release 1.0
423 //bool isPredicateSubtype() const;
425 /**
426 * Is this an integer subrange type?
427 * @return true if this is an integer subrange type
428 */
429 //bool isSubrange() const;
431 /**
432 * Outputs a string representation of this type to the stream.
433 * @param out the stream to output to
434 */
435 void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
437 /**
438 * Constructs a string representation of this type.
439 */
440 std::string toString() const;
441 };/* class Type */
443 /** Singleton class encapsulating the Boolean type. */
444 class CVC4_PUBLIC BooleanType : public Type {
445 public:
446 /** Construct from the base type */
447 BooleanType(const Type& type = Type());
448 };/* class BooleanType */
450 /** Singleton class encapsulating the integer type. */
451 class CVC4_PUBLIC IntegerType : public Type {
452 public:
453 /** Construct from the base type */
454 IntegerType(const Type& type = Type());
455 };/* class IntegerType */
457 /** Singleton class encapsulating the real type. */
458 class CVC4_PUBLIC RealType : public Type {
459 public:
460 /** Construct from the base type */
461 RealType(const Type& type = Type());
462 };/* class RealType */
464 /** Singleton class encapsulating the string type. */
465 class CVC4_PUBLIC StringType : public Type {
466 public:
467 /** Construct from the base type */
468 StringType(const Type& type);
469 };/* class StringType */
471 /** Singleton class encapsulating the string type. */
472 class CVC4_PUBLIC RegExpType : public Type {
473 public:
474 /** Construct from the base type */
475 RegExpType(const Type& type);
476 };/* class RegExpType */
478 /** Singleton class encapsulating the rounding mode type. */
479 class CVC4_PUBLIC RoundingModeType : public Type {
480 public:
481 /** Construct from the base type */
482 RoundingModeType(const Type& type = Type());
483 };/* class RoundingModeType */
485 /** Class encapsulating a function type. */
486 class CVC4_PUBLIC FunctionType : public Type {
487 public:
488 /** Construct from the base type */
489 FunctionType(const Type& type = Type());
491 /** Get the arity of the function type */
492 size_t getArity() const;
494 /** Get the argument types */
495 std::vector<Type> getArgTypes() const;
497 /** Get the range type (i.e., the type of the result). */
498 Type getRangeType() const;
499 };/* class FunctionType */
501 /** Class encapsulating a sexpr type. */
502 class CVC4_PUBLIC SExprType : public Type {
503 public:
504 /** Construct from the base type */
505 SExprType(const Type& type = Type());
507 /** Get the constituent types */
508 std::vector<Type> getTypes() const;
509 };/* class SExprType */
511 /** Class encapsulating an array type. */
512 class CVC4_PUBLIC ArrayType : public Type {
513 public:
514 /** Construct from the base type */
515 ArrayType(const Type& type = Type());
517 /** Get the index type */
518 Type getIndexType() const;
520 /** Get the constituent type */
521 Type getConstituentType() const;
522 };/* class ArrayType */
524 /** Class encapsulating a set type. */
525 class CVC4_PUBLIC SetType : public Type {
526 public:
527 /** Construct from the base type */
528 SetType(const Type& type = Type());
530 /** Get the element type */
531 Type getElementType() const;
532 }; /* class SetType */
534 /** Class encapsulating a sequence type. */
535 class CVC4_PUBLIC SequenceType : public Type
536 {
537 public:
538 /** Construct from the base type */
539 SequenceType(const Type& type = Type());
541 /** Get the element type */
542 Type getElementType() const;
543 }; /* class SetType */
545 /** Class encapsulating a user-defined sort. */
546 class CVC4_PUBLIC SortType : public Type {
547 public:
548 /** Construct from the base type */
549 SortType(const Type& type = Type());
551 /** Get the name of the sort */
552 std::string getName() const;
554 /** Is this type parameterized? */
555 bool isParameterized() const;
557 /** Get the parameter types */
558 std::vector<Type> getParamTypes() const;
560 };/* class SortType */
562 /** Class encapsulating a user-defined sort constructor. */
563 class CVC4_PUBLIC SortConstructorType : public Type {
564 public:
565 /** Construct from the base type */
566 SortConstructorType(const Type& type = Type());
568 /** Get the name of the sort constructor */
569 std::string getName() const;
571 /** Get the arity of the sort constructor */
572 size_t getArity() const;
574 /** Instantiate a sort using this sort constructor */
575 SortType instantiate(const std::vector<Type>& params) const;
577 };/* class SortConstructorType */
579 /** Class encapsulating the bit-vector type. */
580 class CVC4_PUBLIC BitVectorType : public Type {
581 public:
582 /** Construct from the base type */
583 BitVectorType(const Type& type = Type());
585 /**
586 * Returns the size of the bit-vector type.
587 * @return the width of the bit-vector type (> 0)
588 */
589 unsigned getSize() const;
591 };/* class BitVectorType */
593 /** Class encapsulating the floating point type. */
594 class CVC4_PUBLIC FloatingPointType : public Type {
595 public:
596 /** Construct from the base type */
597 FloatingPointType(const Type& type = Type());
599 /**
600 * Returns the size of the floating-point exponent type.
601 * @return the width of the floating-point exponent type (> 0)
602 */
603 unsigned getExponentSize() const;
605 /**
606 * Returns the size of the floating-point significand type.
607 * @return the width of the floating-point significand type (> 0)
608 */
609 unsigned getSignificandSize() const;
611 };/* class FloatingPointType */
613 /** Class encapsulating the datatype type */
614 class CVC4_PUBLIC DatatypeType : public Type {
615 public:
616 /** Construct from the base type */
617 DatatypeType(const Type& type = Type());
619 /** Get the underlying datatype */
620 const Datatype& getDatatype() const;
622 /** Is this datatype parametric? */
623 bool isParametric() const;
624 /**
625 * Has this datatype been fully instantiated ?
626 *
627 * @return true if this datatype is not parametric or, if it is, it
628 * has been fully instantiated
629 */
630 bool isInstantiated() const;
632 /** Has this datatype been instantiated for parameter `n` ? */
633 bool isParameterInstantiated(unsigned n) const;
635 /** Get the parameter types */
636 std::vector<Type> getParamTypes() const;
638 /** Get the arity of the datatype constructor */
639 size_t getArity() const;
641 /** Instantiate a datatype using this datatype constructor */
642 DatatypeType instantiate(const std::vector<Type>& params) const;
644 /** Get the length of a tuple type */
645 size_t getTupleLength() const;
647 /** Get the constituent types of a tuple type */
648 std::vector<Type> getTupleTypes() const;
650 };/* class DatatypeType */
652 /** Class encapsulating the constructor type. */
653 class CVC4_PUBLIC ConstructorType : public Type {
654 public:
655 /** Construct from the base type */
656 ConstructorType(const Type& type = Type());
658 /** Get the range type */
659 DatatypeType getRangeType() const;
661 /** Get the argument types */
662 std::vector<Type> getArgTypes() const;
664 /** Get the number of constructor arguments */
665 size_t getArity() const;
667 };/* class ConstructorType */
669 /** Class encapsulating the Selector type. */
670 class CVC4_PUBLIC SelectorType : public Type {
671 public:
672 /** Construct from the base type */
673 SelectorType(const Type& type = Type());
675 /** Get the domain type for this selector (the datatype type) */
676 DatatypeType getDomain() const;
678 /** Get the range type for this selector (the field type) */
679 Type getRangeType() const;
681 };/* class SelectorType */
683 /** Class encapsulating the Tester type. */
684 class CVC4_PUBLIC TesterType : public Type {
685 public:
686 /** Construct from the base type */
687 TesterType(const Type& type = Type());
689 /** Get the type that this tester tests (the datatype type) */
690 DatatypeType getDomain() const;
692 /**
693 * Get the range type for this tester (included for sake of
694 * interface completeness), but doesn't give useful information).
695 */
696 BooleanType getRangeType() const;
698 };/* class TesterType */
700 }/* CVC4 namespace */
702 #endif /* CVC4__TYPE_H */