** Don't fear the files-changed list, almost all changes are in the **
[cvc5.git] / src / expr / type_node.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file type_node.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: dejan
5 ** Major contributors: none
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): taking
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
9 ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
10 ** New York University
11 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
12 ** information.\endverbatim
13 **
14 ** \brief Reference-counted encapsulation of a pointer to node information.
15 **
16 ** Reference-counted encapsulation of a pointer to node information.
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 // circular dependency
22 #include "expr/node_value.h"
24 #ifndef __CVC4__TYPE_NODE_H
25 #define __CVC4__TYPE_NODE_H
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <iostream>
30 #include <stdint.h>
32 #include "expr/kind.h"
33 #include "expr/metakind.h"
34 #include "util/Assert.h"
35 #include "util/output.h"
37 namespace CVC4 {
39 class NodeManager;
41 namespace expr {
42 class NodeValue;
43 }/* CVC4::expr namespace */
45 /**
46 * Encapsulation of an NodeValue pointer for Types. The reference count is
47 * maintained in the NodeValue.
48 */
49 class TypeNode {
51 /**
52 * The NodeValue has access to the private constructors, so that the
53 * iterators can can create new types.
54 */
55 friend class expr::NodeValue;
57 /** A convenient null-valued encapsulated pointer */
58 static TypeNode s_null;
60 /** The referenced NodeValue */
61 expr::NodeValue* d_nv;
63 /**
64 * This constructor is reserved for use by the TypeNode package.
65 */
66 explicit TypeNode(const expr::NodeValue*);
68 friend class NodeManager;
70 template <unsigned nchild_thresh>
71 friend class NodeBuilder;
73 /**
74 * Assigns the expression value and does reference counting. No assumptions
75 * are made on the expression, and should only be used if we know what we
76 * are doing.
77 *
78 * @param ev the expression value to assign
79 */
80 void assignNodeValue(expr::NodeValue* ev);
82 public:
84 /** Default constructor, makes a null expression. */
85 TypeNode() : d_nv(&expr::NodeValue::s_null) { }
87 /** Copy constructor */
88 TypeNode(const TypeNode& node);
90 /**
91 * Assignment operator for nodes, copies the relevant information from node
92 * to this node.
93 * @param node the node to copy
94 * @return reference to this node
95 */
96 TypeNode& operator=(const TypeNode& typeNode);
98 /**
99 * Destructor. If ref_count is true it will decrement the reference count
100 * and, if zero, collect the NodeValue.
101 */
102 ~TypeNode() throw(AssertionException);
104 /**
105 * Return the null node.
106 * @return the null node
107 */
108 static TypeNode null() {
109 return s_null;
110 }
112 /**
113 * Structural comparison operator for expressions.
114 * @param typeNode the type node to compare to
115 * @return true if expressions are equal, false otherwise
116 */
117 bool operator==(const TypeNode& typeNode) const {
118 return d_nv == typeNode.d_nv || (typeNode.isReal() && this->isReal());
119 }
121 /**
122 * Structural comparison operator for expressions.
123 * @param typeNode the type node to compare to
124 * @return true if expressions are equal, false otherwise
125 */
126 bool operator!=(const TypeNode& typeNode) const {
127 return !(*this == typeNode);
128 }
130 /**
131 * We compare by expression ids so, keeping things deterministic and having
132 * that subexpressions have to be smaller than the enclosing expressions.
133 * @param node the node to compare to
134 * @return true if this expression is smaller
135 */
136 inline bool operator<(const TypeNode& typeNode) const {
137 return d_nv->d_id < typeNode.d_nv->d_id;
138 }
140 /**
141 * Returns the i-th child of this node.
142 * @param i the index of the child
143 * @return the node representing the i-th child
144 */
145 TypeNode operator[](int i) const {
146 return TypeNode(d_nv->getChild(i));
147 }
149 /**
150 * Returns the unique id of this node
151 * @return the id
152 */
153 unsigned getId() const {
154 return d_nv->getId();
155 }
157 /**
158 * Returns the kind of this type node.
159 * @return the kind
160 */
161 inline Kind getKind() const {
162 return Kind(d_nv->d_kind);
163 }
165 /**
166 * Returns the metakind of this type node.
167 * @return the metakind
168 */
169 inline kind::MetaKind getMetaKind() const {
170 return kind::metaKindOf(getKind());
171 }
173 /**
174 * Returns the number of children this node has.
175 * @return the number of children
176 */
177 inline size_t getNumChildren() const;
179 /**
180 * If this is a CONST_* TypeNode, extract the constant from it.
181 */
182 template <class T>
183 inline const T& getConst() const;
185 /**
186 * Returns the value of the given attribute that this has been attached.
187 * @param attKind the kind of the attribute
188 * @return the value of the attribute
189 */
190 template <class AttrKind>
191 inline typename AttrKind::value_type getAttribute(const AttrKind& attKind) const;
193 // Note that there are two, distinct hasAttribute() declarations for
194 // a reason (rather than using a pointer-valued argument with a
195 // default value): they permit more optimized code in the underlying
196 // hasAttribute() implementations.
198 /**
199 * Returns true if this node has been associated an attribute of given kind.
200 * Additionaly, if a pointer to the value_kind is give, and the attribute
201 * value has been set for this node, it will be returned.
202 * @param attKind the kind of the attribute
203 * @return true if this node has the requested attribute
204 */
205 template <class AttrKind>
206 inline bool hasAttribute(const AttrKind& attKind) const;
208 /**
209 * Returns true if this node has been associated an attribute of given kind.
210 * Additionaly, if a pointer to the value_kind is give, and the attribute
211 * value has been set for this node, it will be returned.
212 * @param attKind the kind of the attribute
213 * @param value where to store the value if it exists
214 * @return true if this node has the requested attribute
215 */
216 template <class AttrKind>
217 inline bool getAttribute(const AttrKind& attKind,
218 typename AttrKind::value_type& value) const;
220 /**
221 * Sets the given attribute of this node to the given value.
222 * @param attKind the kind of the atribute
223 * @param value the value to set the attribute to
224 */
225 template <class AttrKind>
226 inline void setAttribute(const AttrKind& attKind,
227 const typename AttrKind::value_type& value);
229 /** Iterator allowing for scanning through the children. */
230 typedef expr::NodeValue::iterator<TypeNode> iterator;
231 /** Constant iterator allowing for scanning through the children. */
232 typedef expr::NodeValue::iterator<TypeNode> const_iterator;
234 /**
235 * Returns the iterator pointing to the first child.
236 * @return the iterator
237 */
238 inline iterator begin() {
239 return d_nv->begin<TypeNode>();
240 }
242 /**
243 * Returns the iterator pointing to the end of the children (one beyond the
244 * last one.
245 * @return the end of the children iterator.
246 */
247 inline iterator end() {
248 return d_nv->end<TypeNode>();
249 }
251 /**
252 * Returns the const_iterator pointing to the first child.
253 * @return the const_iterator
254 */
255 inline const_iterator begin() const {
256 return d_nv->begin<TypeNode>();
257 }
259 /**
260 * Returns the const_iterator pointing to the end of the children (one
261 * beyond the last one.
262 * @return the end of the children const_iterator.
263 */
264 inline const_iterator end() const {
265 return d_nv->end<TypeNode>();
266 }
268 /**
269 * Converts this node into a string representation.
270 * @return the string representation of this node.
271 */
272 inline std::string toString() const {
273 return d_nv->toString();
274 }
276 /**
277 * Converst this node into a string representation and sends it to the
278 * given stream
279 * @param out the sream to serialise this node to
280 */
281 inline void toStream(std::ostream& out, int toDepth = -1) const {
282 d_nv->toStream(out, toDepth);
283 }
285 /**
286 * Very basic pretty printer for Node.
287 * @param o output stream to print to.
288 * @param indent number of spaces to indent the formula by.
289 */
290 void printAst(std::ostream & o, int indent = 0) const;
292 /**
293 * Returns true if this type is a null type.
294 * @return true if null
295 */
296 bool isNull() const {
297 return d_nv == &expr::NodeValue::s_null;
298 }
300 /** Is this the Boolean type? */
301 bool isBoolean() const;
303 /** Is this the Integer type? */
304 bool isInteger() const;
306 /** Is this the Real type? */
307 bool isReal() const;
309 /** Is this a function type? */
310 bool isFunction() const;
312 /** Get the argument types */
313 std::vector<TypeNode> getArgTypes() const;
315 /** Get the range type (i.e., the type of the result). */
316 TypeNode getRangeType() const;
318 /** Is this a predicate type? NOTE: all predicate types are also
319 function types. */
320 bool isPredicate() const;
322 /** Is this a bit-vector type */
323 bool isBitVector() const;
325 /** Is this a bit-vector type of size <code>size</code> */
326 bool isBitVector(unsigned size) const;
328 /** Get the size of this bit-vector type */
329 unsigned getBitVectorSize() const;
331 /** Is this a sort kind */
332 bool isSort() const;
334 /** Is this a kind type (i.e., the type of a type)? */
335 bool isKind() const;
337 private:
339 /**
340 * Indents the given stream a given amount of spaces.
341 * @param out the stream to indent
342 * @param indent the numer of spaces
343 */
344 static void indent(std::ostream& out, int indent) {
345 for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
346 out << ' ';
347 }
348 }
350 };/* class TypeNode */
352 /**
353 * Serializes a given node to the given stream.
354 * @param out the output stream to use
355 * @param node the node to output to the stream
356 * @return the changed stream.
357 */
358 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TypeNode& n) {
359 n.toStream(out, Node::setdepth::getDepth(out));
360 return out;
361 }
363 }/* CVC4 namespace */
365 #include <ext/hash_map>
367 #include "expr/node_manager.h"
369 namespace CVC4 {
371 // for hash_maps, hash_sets..
372 struct TypeNodeHashFunction {
373 size_t operator()(const CVC4::TypeNode& node) const {
374 return (size_t) node.getId();
375 }
376 };
378 inline size_t TypeNode::getNumChildren() const {
379 return d_nv->getNumChildren();
380 }
382 template <class T>
383 inline const T& TypeNode::getConst() const {
384 return d_nv->getConst<T>();
385 }
387 inline TypeNode::TypeNode(const expr::NodeValue* ev) :
388 d_nv(const_cast<expr::NodeValue*> (ev)) {
389 Assert(d_nv != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
390 d_nv->inc();
391 }
393 inline TypeNode::TypeNode(const TypeNode& typeNode) {
394 Assert(typeNode.d_nv != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
395 d_nv = typeNode.d_nv;
396 d_nv->inc();
397 }
399 inline TypeNode::~TypeNode() throw(AssertionException) {
400 Assert(d_nv != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
401 d_nv->dec();
402 }
404 inline void TypeNode::assignNodeValue(expr::NodeValue* ev) {
405 d_nv = ev;
406 d_nv->inc();
407 }
409 inline TypeNode& TypeNode::operator=(const TypeNode& typeNode) {
410 Assert(d_nv != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value!");
411 Assert(typeNode.d_nv != NULL, "Expecting a non-NULL expression value on RHS!");
412 if(EXPECT_TRUE( d_nv != typeNode.d_nv )) {
413 d_nv->dec();
414 d_nv = typeNode.d_nv;
415 d_nv->inc();
416 }
417 return *this;
418 }
420 template <class AttrKind>
421 inline typename AttrKind::value_type TypeNode::
422 getAttribute(const AttrKind&) const {
423 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
424 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
425 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
426 return NodeManager::currentNM()->getAttribute(d_nv, AttrKind());
427 }
429 template <class AttrKind>
430 inline bool TypeNode::
431 hasAttribute(const AttrKind&) const {
432 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
433 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
434 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
435 return NodeManager::currentNM()->hasAttribute(d_nv, AttrKind());
436 }
438 template <class AttrKind>
439 inline bool TypeNode::getAttribute(const AttrKind&, typename AttrKind::value_type& ret) const {
440 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
441 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
442 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
443 return NodeManager::currentNM()->getAttribute(d_nv, AttrKind(), ret);
444 }
446 template <class AttrKind>
447 inline void TypeNode::
448 setAttribute(const AttrKind&, const typename AttrKind::value_type& value) {
449 Assert( NodeManager::currentNM() != NULL,
450 "There is no current CVC4::NodeManager associated to this thread.\n"
451 "Perhaps a public-facing function is missing a NodeManagerScope ?" );
452 NodeManager::currentNM()->setAttribute(d_nv, AttrKind(), value);
453 }
455 }/* CVC4 namespace */
457 #endif /* __CVC4__NODE_H */