Merge branch 'mesa_7_5_branch'
[mesa.git] / src / glut / glx / glut_ext.c
2 /* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1997. */
4 /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees
5 and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or
6 implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <string.h>
11 #include "glutint.h"
13 /* CENTRY */
15 glutExtensionSupported(const char *extension)
16 {
17 static const GLubyte *extensions = NULL;
18 const GLubyte *start;
19 GLubyte *where, *terminator;
21 /* Extension names should not have spaces. */
22 where = (GLubyte *) strchr(extension, ' ');
23 if (where || *extension == '\0')
24 return 0;
26 if (!extensions) {
27 extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
28 }
29 /* It takes a bit of care to be fool-proof about parsing the
30 OpenGL extensions string. Don't be fooled by sub-strings,
31 etc. */
32 start = extensions;
33 for (;;) {
34 /* If your application crashes in the strstr routine below,
35 you are probably calling glutExtensionSupported without
36 having a current window. Calling glGetString without
37 a current OpenGL context has unpredictable results.
38 Please fix your program. */
39 where = (GLubyte *) strstr((const char *) start, extension);
40 if (!where)
41 break;
42 terminator = where + strlen(extension);
43 if (where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') {
44 if (*terminator == ' ' || *terminator == '\0') {
45 return 1;
46 }
47 }
48 start = terminator;
49 }
50 return 0;
51 }
54 struct name_address_pair {
55 const char *name;
56 const GLUTproc address;
57 };
59 static struct name_address_pair glut_functions[] = {
60 { "glutInit", (const GLUTproc) glutInit },
61 { "glutInitDisplayMode", (const GLUTproc) glutInitDisplayMode },
62 { "glutInitDisplayString", (const GLUTproc) glutInitDisplayString },
63 { "glutInitWindowPosition", (const GLUTproc) glutInitWindowPosition },
64 { "glutInitWindowSize", (const GLUTproc) glutInitWindowSize },
65 { "glutMainLoop", (const GLUTproc) glutMainLoop },
66 { "glutCreateWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutCreateWindow },
67 { "glutCreateSubWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutCreateSubWindow },
68 { "glutDestroyWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutDestroyWindow },
69 { "glutPostRedisplay", (const GLUTproc) glutPostRedisplay },
70 { "glutPostWindowRedisplay", (const GLUTproc) glutPostWindowRedisplay },
71 { "glutSwapBuffers", (const GLUTproc) glutSwapBuffers },
72 { "glutGetWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutGetWindow },
73 { "glutSetWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutSetWindow },
74 { "glutSetWindowTitle", (const GLUTproc) glutSetWindowTitle },
75 { "glutSetIconTitle", (const GLUTproc) glutSetIconTitle },
76 { "glutPositionWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutPositionWindow },
77 { "glutReshapeWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutReshapeWindow },
78 { "glutPopWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutPopWindow },
79 { "glutPushWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutPushWindow },
80 { "glutIconifyWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutIconifyWindow },
81 { "glutShowWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutShowWindow },
82 { "glutHideWindow", (const GLUTproc) glutHideWindow },
83 { "glutFullScreen", (const GLUTproc) glutFullScreen },
84 { "glutSetCursor", (const GLUTproc) glutSetCursor },
85 { "glutWarpPointer", (const GLUTproc) glutWarpPointer },
86 { "glutEstablishOverlay", (const GLUTproc) glutEstablishOverlay },
87 { "glutRemoveOverlay", (const GLUTproc) glutRemoveOverlay },
88 { "glutUseLayer", (const GLUTproc) glutUseLayer },
89 { "glutPostOverlayRedisplay", (const GLUTproc) glutPostOverlayRedisplay },
90 { "glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay", (const GLUTproc) glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay },
91 { "glutShowOverlay", (const GLUTproc) glutShowOverlay },
92 { "glutHideOverlay", (const GLUTproc) glutHideOverlay },
93 { "glutCreateMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutCreateMenu },
94 { "glutDestroyMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutDestroyMenu },
95 { "glutGetMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutGetMenu },
96 { "glutSetMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutSetMenu },
97 { "glutAddMenuEntry", (const GLUTproc) glutAddMenuEntry },
98 { "glutAddSubMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutAddSubMenu },
99 { "glutChangeToMenuEntry", (const GLUTproc) glutChangeToMenuEntry },
100 { "glutChangeToSubMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutChangeToSubMenu },
101 { "glutRemoveMenuItem", (const GLUTproc) glutRemoveMenuItem },
102 { "glutAttachMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutAttachMenu },
103 { "glutDetachMenu", (const GLUTproc) glutDetachMenu },
104 { "glutDisplayFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutDisplayFunc },
105 { "glutReshapeFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutReshapeFunc },
106 { "glutKeyboardFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutKeyboardFunc },
107 { "glutMouseFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutMouseFunc },
108 { "glutMotionFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutMotionFunc },
109 { "glutPassiveMotionFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutPassiveMotionFunc },
110 { "glutEntryFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutEntryFunc },
111 { "glutVisibilityFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutVisibilityFunc },
112 { "glutIdleFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutIdleFunc },
113 { "glutTimerFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutTimerFunc },
114 { "glutMenuStateFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutMenuStateFunc },
115 { "glutSpecialFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutSpecialFunc },
116 { "glutSpaceballMotionFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutSpaceballMotionFunc },
117 { "glutSpaceballRotateFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutSpaceballRotateFunc },
118 { "glutSpaceballButtonFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutSpaceballButtonFunc },
119 { "glutButtonBoxFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutButtonBoxFunc },
120 { "glutDialsFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutDialsFunc },
121 { "glutTabletMotionFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutTabletMotionFunc },
122 { "glutTabletButtonFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutTabletButtonFunc },
123 { "glutMenuStatusFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutMenuStatusFunc },
124 { "glutOverlayDisplayFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutOverlayDisplayFunc },
125 { "glutWindowStatusFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutWindowStatusFunc },
126 { "glutKeyboardUpFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutKeyboardUpFunc },
127 { "glutSpecialUpFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutSpecialUpFunc },
128 { "glutJoystickFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutJoystickFunc },
129 { "glutSetColor", (const GLUTproc) glutSetColor },
130 { "glutGetColor", (const GLUTproc) glutGetColor },
131 { "glutCopyColormap", (const GLUTproc) glutCopyColormap },
132 { "glutGet", (const GLUTproc) glutGet },
133 { "glutDeviceGet", (const GLUTproc) glutDeviceGet },
134 { "glutExtensionSupported", (const GLUTproc) glutExtensionSupported },
135 { "glutGetModifiers", (const GLUTproc) glutGetModifiers },
136 { "glutLayerGet", (const GLUTproc) glutLayerGet },
137 { "glutGetProcAddress", (const GLUTproc) glutGetProcAddress },
138 { "glutBitmapCharacter", (const GLUTproc) glutBitmapCharacter },
139 { "glutBitmapWidth", (const GLUTproc) glutBitmapWidth },
140 { "glutStrokeCharacter", (const GLUTproc) glutStrokeCharacter },
141 { "glutStrokeWidth", (const GLUTproc) glutStrokeWidth },
142 { "glutBitmapLength", (const GLUTproc) glutBitmapLength },
143 { "glutStrokeLength", (const GLUTproc) glutStrokeLength },
144 { "glutWireSphere", (const GLUTproc) glutWireSphere },
145 { "glutSolidSphere", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidSphere },
146 { "glutWireCone", (const GLUTproc) glutWireCone },
147 { "glutSolidCone", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidCone },
148 { "glutWireCube", (const GLUTproc) glutWireCube },
149 { "glutSolidCube", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidCube },
150 { "glutWireTorus", (const GLUTproc) glutWireTorus },
151 { "glutSolidTorus", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidTorus },
152 { "glutWireDodecahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutWireDodecahedron },
153 { "glutSolidDodecahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidDodecahedron },
154 { "glutWireTeapot", (const GLUTproc) glutWireTeapot },
155 { "glutSolidTeapot", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidTeapot },
156 { "glutWireOctahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutWireOctahedron },
157 { "glutSolidOctahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidOctahedron },
158 { "glutWireTetrahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutWireTetrahedron },
159 { "glutSolidTetrahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidTetrahedron },
160 { "glutWireIcosahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutWireIcosahedron },
161 { "glutSolidIcosahedron", (const GLUTproc) glutSolidIcosahedron },
162 { "glutVideoResizeGet", (const GLUTproc) glutVideoResizeGet },
163 { "glutSetupVideoResizing", (const GLUTproc) glutSetupVideoResizing },
164 { "glutStopVideoResizing", (const GLUTproc) glutStopVideoResizing },
165 { "glutVideoResize", (const GLUTproc) glutVideoResize },
166 { "glutVideoPan", (const GLUTproc) glutVideoPan },
167 { "glutReportErrors", (const GLUTproc) glutReportErrors },
168 { "glutIgnoreKeyRepeat", (const GLUTproc) glutIgnoreKeyRepeat },
169 { "glutSetKeyRepeat", (const GLUTproc) glutSetKeyRepeat },
170 { "glutForceJoystickFunc", (const GLUTproc) glutForceJoystickFunc },
171 { "glutGameModeString", (const GLUTproc) glutGameModeString },
172 { "glutEnterGameMode", (const GLUTproc) glutEnterGameMode },
173 { "glutLeaveGameMode", (const GLUTproc) glutLeaveGameMode },
174 { "glutGameModeGet", (const GLUTproc) glutGameModeGet },
175 { NULL, NULL }
176 };
179 /* XXX This isn't an official GLUT function, yet */
181 glutGetProcAddress(const char *procName)
182 {
183 /* Try GLUT functions first */
184 int i;
185 for (i = 0; glut_functions[i].name; i++) {
186 if (strcmp(glut_functions[i].name, procName) == 0)
187 return glut_functions[i].address;
188 }
190 /* Try core GL functions */
191 #if defined(_WIN32)
192 return (GLUTproc) wglGetProcAddress((LPCSTR) procName);
193 #elif defined(GLX_ARB_get_proc_address)
194 return (GLUTproc) glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte *) procName);
195 #else
196 return NULL;
197 #endif
198 }
201 /* ENDCENTRY */