Remove portfolio (#3236)
[cvc5.git] / src / main / driver_unified.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file driver_unified.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Tim King, Liana Hadarean
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Driver for CVC4 executable (cvc4)
13 **/
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <unistd.h>
18 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include <cstring>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <new>
25 #include "cvc4autoconfig.h"
27 #include "api/cvc4cpp.h"
28 #include "base/configuration.h"
29 #include "base/output.h"
30 #include "expr/expr_iomanip.h"
31 #include "expr/expr_manager.h"
32 #include "main/command_executor.h"
33 #include "main/interactive_shell.h"
34 #include "main/main.h"
35 #include "options/options.h"
36 #include "options/set_language.h"
37 #include "parser/parser.h"
38 #include "parser/parser_builder.h"
39 #include "parser/parser_exception.h"
40 #include "smt/command.h"
41 #include "util/result.h"
42 #include "util/statistics_registry.h"
44 using namespace std;
45 using namespace CVC4;
46 using namespace CVC4::parser;
47 using namespace CVC4::main;
49 namespace CVC4 {
50 namespace main {
51 /** Global options variable */
52 thread_local Options* pOptions;
54 /** Full argv[0] */
55 const char *progPath;
57 /** Just the basename component of argv[0] */
58 const std::string *progName;
60 /** A pointer to the CommandExecutor (the signal handlers need it) */
61 CVC4::main::CommandExecutor* pExecutor = NULL;
63 /** A pointer to the totalTime driver stat (the signal handlers need it) */
64 CVC4::TimerStat* pTotalTime = NULL;
66 }/* CVC4::main namespace */
67 }/* CVC4 namespace */
70 void printUsage(Options& opts, bool full) {
71 stringstream ss;
72 ss << "usage: " << opts.getBinaryName() << " [options] [input-file]"
73 << endl << endl
74 << "Without an input file, or with `-', CVC4 reads from standard input."
75 << endl << endl
76 << "CVC4 options:" << endl;
77 if(full) {
78 Options::printUsage( ss.str(), *(opts.getOut()) );
79 } else {
80 Options::printShortUsage( ss.str(), *(opts.getOut()) );
81 }
82 }
84 int runCvc4(int argc, char* argv[], Options& opts) {
86 // Timer statistic
87 pTotalTime = new TimerStat("totalTime");
88 pTotalTime->start();
90 // For the signal handlers' benefit
91 pOptions = &opts;
93 // Initialize the signal handlers
94 cvc4_init();
96 progPath = argv[0];
98 // Parse the options
99 vector<string> filenames = Options::parseOptions(&opts, argc, argv);
101 string progNameStr = opts.getBinaryName();
102 progName = &progNameStr;
104 if( opts.getHelp() ) {
105 printUsage(opts, true);
106 exit(1);
107 } else if( opts.getLanguageHelp() ) {
108 Options::printLanguageHelp(*(opts.getOut()));
109 exit(1);
110 } else if( opts.getVersion() ) {
111 *(opts.getOut()) << Configuration::about().c_str() << flush;
112 exit(0);
113 }
115 segvSpin = opts.getSegvSpin();
117 // If in competition mode, set output stream option to flush immediately
119 *(opts.getOut()) << unitbuf;
120 #endif /* CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */
122 // We only accept one input file
123 if(filenames.size() > 1) {
124 throw Exception("Too many input files specified.");
125 }
127 // If no file supplied we will read from standard input
128 const bool inputFromStdin = filenames.empty() || filenames[0] == "-";
130 // if we're reading from stdin on a TTY, default to interactive mode
131 if(!opts.wasSetByUserInteractive()) {
132 opts.setInteractive(inputFromStdin && isatty(fileno(stdin)));
133 }
135 // Auto-detect input language by filename extension
136 std::string filenameStr("<stdin>");
137 if (!inputFromStdin) {
138 // Use swap to avoid copying the string
139 // TODO: use std::move() when switching to c++11
140 filenameStr.swap(filenames[0]);
141 }
142 const char* filename = filenameStr.c_str();
144 if(opts.getInputLanguage() == language::input::LANG_AUTO) {
145 if( inputFromStdin ) {
146 // We can't do any fancy detection on stdin
147 opts.setInputLanguage(language::input::LANG_CVC4);
148 } else {
149 unsigned len = filenameStr.size();
150 if(len >= 5 && !strcmp(".smt2", filename + len - 5)) {
151 opts.setInputLanguage(language::input::LANG_SMTLIB_V2_6);
152 } else if((len >= 2 && !strcmp(".p", filename + len - 2))
153 || (len >= 5 && !strcmp(".tptp", filename + len - 5))) {
154 opts.setInputLanguage(language::input::LANG_TPTP);
155 } else if(( len >= 4 && !strcmp(".cvc", filename + len - 4) )
156 || ( len >= 5 && !strcmp(".cvc4", filename + len - 5) )) {
157 opts.setInputLanguage(language::input::LANG_CVC4);
158 } else if((len >= 3 && !strcmp(".sy", filename + len - 3))
159 || (len >= 3 && !strcmp(".sl", filename + len - 3))) {
160 opts.setInputLanguage(language::input::LANG_SYGUS);
161 //since there is no sygus output language, set this to SMT lib 2
162 //opts.setOutputLanguage(language::output::LANG_SMTLIB_V2_0);
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 if(opts.getOutputLanguage() == language::output::LANG_AUTO) {
168 opts.setOutputLanguage(language::toOutputLanguage(opts.getInputLanguage()));
169 }
171 // Determine which messages to show based on smtcomp_mode and verbosity
172 if(Configuration::isMuzzledBuild()) {
173 DebugChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
174 TraceChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
175 NoticeChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
176 ChatChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
177 MessageChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
178 WarningChannel.setStream(&CVC4::null_os);
179 }
181 // important even for muzzled builds (to get result output right)
182 (*(opts.getOut())) << language::SetLanguage(opts.getOutputLanguage());
184 // Create the expression manager using appropriate options
185 std::unique_ptr<api::Solver> solver;
186 solver.reset(new api::Solver(&opts));
187 pExecutor = new CommandExecutor(solver.get(), opts);
189 std::unique_ptr<Parser> replayParser;
190 if (opts.getReplayInputFilename() != "")
191 {
192 std::string replayFilename = opts.getReplayInputFilename();
193 ParserBuilder replayParserBuilder(solver.get(), replayFilename, opts);
195 if( replayFilename == "-") {
196 if( inputFromStdin ) {
197 throw OptionException("Replay file and input file can't both be stdin.");
198 }
199 replayParserBuilder.withStreamInput(cin);
200 }
201 replayParser.reset(;
202 pExecutor->setReplayStream(new Parser::ExprStream(replayParser.get()));
203 }
205 int returnValue = 0;
206 {
207 // Timer statistic
208 RegisterStatistic statTotalTime(&pExecutor->getStatisticsRegistry(),
209 pTotalTime);
211 // Filename statistics
212 ReferenceStat<std::string> s_statFilename("filename", filenameStr);
213 RegisterStatistic statFilenameReg(&pExecutor->getStatisticsRegistry(),
214 &s_statFilename);
215 // set filename in smt engine
216 pExecutor->getSmtEngine()->setFilename(filenameStr);
218 // Parse and execute commands until we are done
219 Command* cmd;
220 bool status = true;
221 if(opts.getInteractive() && inputFromStdin) {
222 if(opts.getTearDownIncremental() > 0) {
223 throw OptionException(
224 "--tear-down-incremental doesn't work in interactive mode");
225 }
226 if(!opts.wasSetByUserIncrementalSolving()) {
227 cmd = new SetOptionCommand("incremental", SExpr(true));
228 cmd->setMuted(true);
229 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
230 delete cmd;
231 }
232 InteractiveShell shell(solver.get());
233 if(opts.getInteractivePrompt()) {
234 Message() << Configuration::getPackageName()
235 << " " << Configuration::getVersionString();
236 if(Configuration::isGitBuild()) {
237 Message() << " [" << Configuration::getGitId() << "]";
238 }
239 Message() << (Configuration::isDebugBuild() ? " DEBUG" : "")
240 << " assertions:"
241 << (Configuration::isAssertionBuild() ? "on" : "off")
242 << endl << endl;
243 Message() << Configuration::copyright() << endl;
244 }
245 if(replayParser) {
246 // have the replay parser use the declarations input interactively
247 replayParser->useDeclarationsFrom(shell.getParser());
248 }
250 while(true) {
251 try {
252 cmd = shell.readCommand();
253 } catch(UnsafeInterruptException& e) {
254 (*opts.getOut()) << CommandInterrupted();
255 break;
256 }
257 if (cmd == NULL)
258 break;
259 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd) && status;
260 if (cmd->interrupted()) {
261 delete cmd;
262 break;
263 }
264 delete cmd;
265 }
266 } else if( opts.getTearDownIncremental() > 0) {
267 if(!opts.getIncrementalSolving() && opts.getTearDownIncremental() > 1) {
268 // For tear-down-incremental values greater than 1, need incremental
269 // on too.
270 cmd = new SetOptionCommand("incremental", SExpr(true));
271 cmd->setMuted(true);
272 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
273 delete cmd;
274 // if(opts.wasSetByUserIncrementalSolving()) {
275 // throw OptionException(
276 // "--tear-down-incremental incompatible with --incremental");
277 // }
279 // cmd = new SetOptionCommand("incremental", SExpr(false));
280 // cmd->setMuted(true);
281 // pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
282 // delete cmd;
283 }
285 ParserBuilder parserBuilder(solver.get(), filename, opts);
287 if( inputFromStdin ) {
289 parserBuilder.withStreamInput(cin);
291 parserBuilder.withLineBufferedStreamInput(cin);
293 }
295 vector< vector<Command*> > allCommands;
296 allCommands.push_back(vector<Command*>());
297 std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser(;
298 if(replayParser) {
299 // have the replay parser use the file's declarations
300 replayParser->useDeclarationsFrom(parser.get());
301 }
302 int needReset = 0;
303 // true if one of the commands was interrupted
304 bool interrupted = false;
305 while (status)
306 {
307 if (interrupted) {
308 (*opts.getOut()) << CommandInterrupted();
309 break;
310 }
312 try {
313 cmd = parser->nextCommand();
314 if (cmd == NULL) break;
315 } catch (UnsafeInterruptException& e) {
316 interrupted = true;
317 continue;
318 }
320 if(dynamic_cast<PushCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
321 if(needReset >= opts.getTearDownIncremental()) {
322 pExecutor->reset();
323 for(size_t i = 0; i < allCommands.size() && !interrupted; ++i) {
324 if (interrupted) break;
325 for(size_t j = 0; j < allCommands[i].size() && !interrupted; ++j)
326 {
327 Command* cmd = allCommands[i][j]->clone();
328 cmd->setMuted(true);
329 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
330 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
331 interrupted = true;
332 }
333 delete cmd;
334 }
335 }
336 needReset = 0;
337 }
338 allCommands.push_back(vector<Command*>());
339 Command* copy = cmd->clone();
340 allCommands.back().push_back(copy);
341 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
342 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
343 interrupted = true;
344 continue;
345 }
346 } else if(dynamic_cast<PopCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
347 allCommands.pop_back(); // fixme leaks cmds here
348 if (needReset >= opts.getTearDownIncremental()) {
349 pExecutor->reset();
350 for(size_t i = 0; i < allCommands.size() && !interrupted; ++i) {
351 for(size_t j = 0; j < allCommands[i].size() && !interrupted; ++j)
352 {
353 Command* cmd = allCommands[i][j]->clone();
354 cmd->setMuted(true);
355 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
356 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
357 interrupted = true;
358 }
359 delete cmd;
360 }
361 }
362 if (interrupted) continue;
363 (*opts.getOut()) << CommandSuccess();
364 needReset = 0;
365 } else {
366 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
367 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
368 interrupted = true;
369 continue;
370 }
371 }
372 } else if(dynamic_cast<CheckSatCommand*>(cmd) != NULL ||
373 dynamic_cast<QueryCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
374 if(needReset >= opts.getTearDownIncremental()) {
375 pExecutor->reset();
376 for(size_t i = 0; i < allCommands.size() && !interrupted; ++i) {
377 for(size_t j = 0; j < allCommands[i].size() && !interrupted; ++j)
378 {
379 Command* cmd = allCommands[i][j]->clone();
380 cmd->setMuted(true);
381 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
382 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
383 interrupted = true;
384 }
385 delete cmd;
386 }
387 }
388 needReset = 0;
389 } else {
390 ++needReset;
391 }
392 if (interrupted) {
393 continue;
394 }
396 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
397 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
398 interrupted = true;
399 continue;
400 }
401 } else if(dynamic_cast<ResetCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
402 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
403 allCommands.clear();
404 allCommands.push_back(vector<Command*>());
405 } else {
406 // We shouldn't copy certain commands, because they can cause
407 // an error on replay since there's no associated sat/unsat check
408 // preceding them.
409 if(dynamic_cast<GetUnsatCoreCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
410 dynamic_cast<GetProofCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
411 dynamic_cast<GetValueCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
412 dynamic_cast<GetModelCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
413 dynamic_cast<GetAssignmentCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
414 dynamic_cast<GetInstantiationsCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
415 dynamic_cast<GetAssertionsCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
416 dynamic_cast<GetInfoCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
417 dynamic_cast<GetOptionCommand*>(cmd) == NULL &&
418 dynamic_cast<EchoCommand*>(cmd) == NULL) {
419 Command* copy = cmd->clone();
420 allCommands.back().push_back(copy);
421 }
422 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
423 if(cmd->interrupted()) {
424 interrupted = true;
425 continue;
426 }
428 if(dynamic_cast<QuitCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
429 delete cmd;
430 break;
431 }
432 }
433 delete cmd;
434 }
435 } else {
436 if(!opts.wasSetByUserIncrementalSolving()) {
437 cmd = new SetOptionCommand("incremental", SExpr(false));
438 cmd->setMuted(true);
439 pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
440 delete cmd;
441 }
443 ParserBuilder parserBuilder(solver.get(), filename, opts);
445 if( inputFromStdin ) {
447 parserBuilder.withStreamInput(cin);
449 parserBuilder.withLineBufferedStreamInput(cin);
451 }
453 std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser(;
454 if(replayParser) {
455 // have the replay parser use the file's declarations
456 replayParser->useDeclarationsFrom(parser.get());
457 }
458 bool interrupted = false;
459 while (status)
460 {
461 if (interrupted) {
462 (*opts.getOut()) << CommandInterrupted();
463 pExecutor->reset();
464 break;
465 }
466 try {
467 cmd = parser->nextCommand();
468 if (cmd == NULL) break;
469 } catch (UnsafeInterruptException& e) {
470 interrupted = true;
471 continue;
472 }
474 status = pExecutor->doCommand(cmd);
475 if (cmd->interrupted() && status == 0) {
476 interrupted = true;
477 break;
478 }
480 if(dynamic_cast<QuitCommand*>(cmd) != NULL) {
481 delete cmd;
482 break;
483 }
484 delete cmd;
485 }
486 }
488 Result result;
489 if(status) {
490 result = pExecutor->getResult();
491 returnValue = 0;
492 } else {
493 // there was some kind of error
494 returnValue = 1;
495 }
498 opts.flushOut();
499 // exit, don't return (don't want destructors to run)
500 // _exit() from unistd.h doesn't run global destructors
501 // or other on_exit/atexit stuff.
502 _exit(returnValue);
503 #endif /* CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */
505 ReferenceStat< Result > s_statSatResult("sat/unsat", result);
506 RegisterStatistic statSatResultReg(&pExecutor->getStatisticsRegistry(),
507 &s_statSatResult);
509 pTotalTime->stop();
511 // Tim: I think that following comment is out of date?
512 // Set the global executor pointer to NULL first. If we get a
513 // signal while dumping statistics, we don't want to try again.
514 pExecutor->flushOutputStreams();
516 #ifdef CVC4_DEBUG
517 if(opts.getEarlyExit() && opts.wasSetByUserEarlyExit()) {
518 _exit(returnValue);
519 }
520 #else /* CVC4_DEBUG */
521 if(opts.getEarlyExit()) {
522 _exit(returnValue);
523 }
524 #endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */
525 }
527 // On exceptional exit, these are leaked, but that's okay... they
528 // need to be around in that case for main() to print statistics.
529 delete pTotalTime;
530 delete pExecutor;
532 pTotalTime = NULL;
533 pExecutor = NULL;
535 cvc4_shutdown();
537 return returnValue;
538 }